Mothers and Fathers By Tigereyes320 Chapter 1 of 23

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Mutant X. Tribute Entertainment owns the rights to these characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N This story came to me in a dream. Don't ask. I was thinking that if the actress who plays Shalimar became pregnant, how could they cover an entire season with her being pregnant. She could hardly beat up GSA agents in her 6th month. They would also want to keep the baby a secret from the GSA as long as possible. The baby of course would be born in June, just in time for the end of the season. But if everyone knew who the father was (Brennan) it wouldn't be that interesting of a season, but what if it wasn't clear. . . Brennan/Shalimar pairing constructive criticism only to [email protected] Just to let everyone know this is going to be a long story. And I don't update every week or even month, but I do finish all fics I start. So, be patient it will be finished. Also Emma is not dead, it will be explained in the second chapter how she came to still be alive. Lexa is around but not an active part of Mutant X. Adam is also no longer believed to be dead, that will also be explained in a later chapter. Oh I did keep Eckhart dead. I thought a rogue GSA would be more interesting to write about.


My parents would often tell me the story of how I came to be, it wasn't always pretty, but they loved me enough to always tell me the truth. This is that story. . .

In The Beginning

All was quiet in Sanctuary. Mutant X was having a day to themselves. Adam was puttering around in the lab. Emma was doing some meditating in her room. Jesse was on the computer chatting with his latest girlfriend. Brennan and Shalimar were outside enjoying the fresh air. Brennan had his back against a tree, reading aloud from a book. Shalimar lay there with her head on his lap, and her eyes closed, as he played with her hair.

Adam, who had decided to take a break, observed them for a moment or two. They'd gotten closer over the last few months. Especially since the explosion at Naxcon Adam admitted to himself that he'd seen this coming from a long way off. He wasn't worried, not really. They seemed to bring out the best in one another. Shalimar being so self-sufficient for so long, gave the impression that she didn't need anyone. Brennan who's own life hadn't been easy, had been able to slip under her radar, and be there for her. Adam decided to make his way toward the kitchen.

Shalimar eyes stayed closed as she concentrated on Brennan's voice as he read the poetry. She was never that interested in it, but she loved it when he read to her. His voice always sounded so good especially when reading poetry.

"You going to sleep on me?" Brennan teased as he broke off from reading, his hand still in her hair.

"No, not really. Your voice is just, very soothing. I like listening to it," confessed Shalimar.

Brennan put down his book and lifted Shalimar until she was sitting on his lap. "Since Adam has given us the night off do you want to go out and do something? Or would you rather stay in and do something?"

"My choice?" Shalimar asked with a sneaky smile, as she felt Brennan nuzzling her neck.

"Yes, your choice. Have you got something in mind?" Brennan whispered suggestively in her ear, as he kissed the sensitive part located right beneath it. "Well . . .that feels really good when you do that. I was thinking Emma is going to go to a movie with Jesse, and his newest flavor of the month. What's her name? Lissy? Melly? Kelly?" Shalimar said playing dumb.

"Her name is Clarissa." said Brennan.

"Right, Clarissa! Jesse and Emma will be with Clarissa. Adam is going to go to some genetic conference for a few days. We would have Sanctuary all to ourselves tonight."

"Why Ms. Fox, I do believe you are trying to seduce me. I like it, the seduction and the idea. How about I go get some Italian takeout. You get yourself gorgeous, not that you aren't already, and we'll have our date when I get back and get cleaned up." Brennan smiled as he turned Shalimar's face toward his in a long sweet kiss.

"You really like the idea? I mean we could go out to a club, or to a movie, or do something else." Shalimar said once they broke the kiss off.

"I want to spend time with you. With everything that we have to do, it can be very hard sometimes to find time for us. I know we spend most of our nights together, but it's not the same as going out to dinner with you. Shal I need to tell you something, and I need you no to freak out. Okay? I know this is a very un-male thing to confess to you. I really need you to understand that, what I feel for you, when we're together it is more than just sex. Don't get me wrong, every time we're together, it's incredible. Shal, I want more from you than just sex. I know me the street kid, the good time guy wants more. I understand if that isn't how you feel right now. I just want you to know that I want this, us, to be permanent." Brennan confessed in a hurried tone. He didn't want to scare her, but he wanted her to understand this was no fling, at least not on his end. He also knew the risk he was taking telling her how he really felt. Shalimar was known to flee when she gets spooked.

"Permanent? Are you talking about us living happily ever after, white picket fence, kids, tv sitcom forever?" Shalimar asked him, not sure if this revelation made her happy or terrified her.

"I was thinking more along the lines of you, making a life with me, as my wife. Raising a few kids, showing them how to kick some GSA butt. Growing old with you. Showing everyone that a family doesn't have to be perfect to be happy." Brennan explained, as he cuddled her closer

"You want all of that, a life and a family, with me?" Shalimar asked looking him in the eye."You do realize life with a feral is not going to be a piece of cake?"

"Absolutely. I love a challenge." said Brennan as he touched her nose with his.

"So does this mean I get you with takeout, and some quality time together in bed tonight. Then a ring on my finger in the near future?" Shalimar asked as she kissed his cheek, then his jaw, then his lips.

"Yes," replied Brennan after they broke off the kiss. "If that is what you want too."

"I think I'd like creating a life with you. Having a couple of kids. Giving them a home where they'd never have to worry about being accepted. Well if dinner and me is what you want , then I guess you'd better get going. The sooner you get back the sooner we can start our night together." Shalimar said as she got up off his lap and stood up.

Brennan slowly got up and stretched his arms above his head. "So I'll meet you downstairs in an hour or so?"

Shalimar put her arms around his waist and hugged him. "How about we eat in my room? Instead of the kitchen." She asked as she looked up at him.

"Any particular reason why?" Brennan asked.

"It'll save time, after we're done eating. Do I really need to draw you a picture of how this night is going to end?"

"What exactly are you planning on doing to me?" Brennan asked, his face showing just a bit of the apprehension, that he didn't feel.

"I won't do a thing to you that you aren't going to love." Shalimar promised as she pulled his head down for a passionate kiss.

When they finally parted. Brennan shook his head, as if dazed by the intensity of the kiss. "If that's a prelude to tonight I can't wait."

"Good I'll see you in my room, with the food in about an hour."

"I'll be there."

*** About an hour later ***

Brennan walked into Sanctuary with the bags of food. He ran into Jesse who was putting on his black leather jacket, over a satiny bright blue shirt. "Hey Bren, that smells great. Are you sure you and Shalimar don't want to join the three of us at the club?"

"Yeah we're sure. We want some alone time, if you know what I mean, but thanks for asking ."

"EMMA! Let's get the lead out. We were supposed to be at Clarissa's five minutes ago!" Jesse hollered up the stairs.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Emma said as she threw a red sweater duster over her black mini-dress. "Bye Brennan, have fun." She said kissing his cheek as she chased after Jesse before he left without her.

"Brennan try not to break anything around here. I hope you and Shalimar have fun. You can reach me on my comlink if you need to. I also left the number of the hotel I'll be at by the computer. " Adam said as he left Sanctuary carrying his briefcase and his garment bag.

As soon as Brennan saw the door close to the garage, he raced around the corridor to his bedroom. In less than fifteen minutes he had showered, shaved, and was standing in front of his closet, in his briefs, deciding what to wear. 'I don't think a band t-shirt is going to cut it tonight.' He decided on a pair of black dress slacks and a burgundy button down shirt that had a slight sheen to it. Shalimar had pointed it out to him one time when they passed a store. Brennan had gone back a few days later and bought the shirt. He decided to forego the socks and shoes this time. Five minutes later he was in front of Shalimar's room with the food. He raised his hand and was about to knock when the door opened.

Brennan nearly swallowed his tongue as he got a look at Shalimar. She had chosen a snug knit halter dress, in a deep burgundy, it fell to the mid- calf and had slits on both sides up to mid-thigh. Shalimar had also decided not to wear shoes. Brennan leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Hi. You look beautiful." Brennan said as he gave her another once over.

"Thanks. You look great too. Set the food down here. It smells great." Shalimar gestured to the table that was set in the middle of her room.

Brennan turned to place the food on the table and saw that Shalimar had been busy. There were white candles of all sizes lit around her room. Shalimar hated fire, but she liked candlelight on the rare occasion. She had set the stereo to some soft jazz, which he knew wasn't really her style of music.

"Everything looks great."


"Yes. Come over here for a moment." Brennan said as he crooked his finger at her and gestured her to move closer to her.

"Why?" Shalimar asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because I'm asking you to. Maybe I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise for me? What do I have to do to get it?" Shalimar asked, barely containing her excitement. She loved to get gifts.

"I want you to stand directly in front of me. You have to close your eyes. No peeking or powers allowed."

"You aren't going to bite me are you?"

"Not without an invitation."

Shalimar grinned despite of herself. She went and stood in front of Brennan and closed her eyes. Her feral instincts automatically jumped into gear, but she calmed herself, due to her absolute trust in Brennan. Shalimar knew Brennan would never harm her. She felt something soft, and not completely smooth, make its way up her left arm, across her back and down her other arm. Shalimar felt Brennan lift her hair off her back, and trace another lazy pattern on it. The light tracing over her skin was driving her crazy, but in a good way. It was now moving up her neck and to her cheek, she then caught a whiff of something sweet and innocent. "It's a rose," said Shalimar as she opened her eyes to catch Brennan's.

Brennan stood in front of her with a single long stem rose in a creamy white shade.

Shalimar took the rose from him with one hand and wrapped the other arm around his neck to pull him down into a kiss that left them both breathless. "Thank you, it's beautiful." Shalimar said when they finally came up for air.

"You're welcome. Are you hungry yet?"

"No. I want to stand here and just dance with you."

"Any preference to the type of dancing you want to do?"

"Yeah! Something slow so that I can wrap myself around you."

Brennan went over to the stereo and pulled out a CD, that he had left in her bedroom the other day, and put it in the stereo. When he pushed the play button. The sound of Eric Clapton's Layla came through the speakers. They wrapped their arms around each other, and slowly moved around the room to the music. As their bodies moved to the music Brennan caught Shalimar's mouth in another kiss. They continued kissing as they finished dancing to the song.

Brennan took the rose from the bed, where Shalimar had placed it. He snapped most of the stem off, and then tucked the rose behind her left ear. "Come on let's eat, before the food gets cold."

They sat down and unpacked the takeout. They started with prosciutto with figs, they then moved on to a penne pasta with marinara sauce. The entree that Brennan had chosen was roast lamb with herbs. For one dessert was a fruit salad with an Italian custard on the side and the other was a huge piece of tiramisu

Brennan and Shalimar took their time savoring their meal. They ate companionably for close to an hour.

Then Brennan asked, while they started on the fruit salad, "How are you and your Dad doing?"

"We're okay. Not great, but not bad. We've been trying to meet for dinner every couple of weeks. We're talking, trying to get to know each other again."

"I'm glad it's working out. I know you were nervous about giving him a second chance. Has he told you anything about your mom?"

"He says, No. But, I think he's waiting to see how she reacts to the news about me and everything."

"He's protecting his little girl. I know if I had a daughter, I would do everything in my power to protect her from getting hurt."

"You would wouldn't you?"

"Yep, especially if she had her mother's mischievous streak, and her sweet smile." Brennan said with a wink at Shalimar.

"I think you'd make a great dad."


"Yes I do I think you'd spoil any little girl you have rotten. Speaking of Dads mine wants you to come to our next diner."

"Me?" Brennan gulped. "Why?"

"Well, he knows about you, I told him we were dating. He figures he never got the chance to interrogate any of my boyfriends when I was younger, so he's starting now. He told me he has quite a list of questions for you." Shalimar teased.

"He does?" Brennan said his voice cracking a bit. "He knows we're that serious?"

"Brennan, when he woke up, one of the first things he asked me was if my boyfriend was all right. He knew before we did."

"I think everyone knew before we did." Brennan said shaking his head.

"We knew Brennan. We've known for over a year. We were just scared. Scared that the other didn't feel the same, or didn't want to take the risk. Scared we would be hurt. If it didn't work out would we lose our friendship?" Shalimar said as she took his hand in her and gave it a squeeze.

"When we thought Emma was dead, I didn't want to waste any more time. I was going to risk telling you how I felt. Because, if I'd lost you before I could tell you how I felt, I couldn't have kept going."

"I know. I felt, and still feel the same way. Then when Jesse ran into our Emma a few months later he thought he was seeing a ghost."

"I still can't believe that Eckhart did that to her and to us. What am I saying? Of course I believe it. It was just like him to do something like this" Brennan said frowning. "Brennan he's gone. You did what you had to do."

"I know. It's just not easy knowing that I on purpose committed murder. Not in self defense. I'm just so happy that we got her back."

"Me too. I didn't care for Lexa that much." Shalimar said with a grimace.

"That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that she kissed me would it?"

Shalimar shot him her best 'you wish' glares.

Brennan took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. "Shalimar?"

"I don't know, she had no reason to do it. I mean I know you knew she was an attractive woman, but you weren't attracted to her. I also don't like what happened between Jesse and Lexa." Shalimar said as the unasked question stayed out there.

"No I wasn't. I only had eyes for you then, and now. Jesse is also a big boy that can take care of himself and his relationships all by himself. You don't need to fight his battles for him. Come here." Brennan tugged on her hand until Shalimar got up and went over to him. Brennan pulled her onto his lap. Shalimar put her face in the crook of his neck. They sat there for a long time just holding each other. Brennan knew his feral, as confident as she was, got scared when her heart was on the line. He knew he had the power to hurt her, with just a careless word. He hoped Shalimar knew he was just as vulnerable to her and what she said. Laying your heart on the line was not always fun, but the rewards always outweighed the risk. "I have something for you."

"I have all that I want right here. I don't need anything else."

Brennan took Shalimar's chin in his hand and gave her a quick kiss.

Shalimar felt a small velvet covered box be slipped into her hands. For a moment her heart was in her throat. 'He wouldn't!' She thought to herself.

"Open it. Please," requested Brennan.

Shalimar closed her eyes and blew out a long breath. She opened the box when she opened her eyes and saw that it was not a ring. She wasn't sure if she was disappointed or not. Inside the small box was flat donut-shaped circle made of a greenish and white marble stone. It hung off a leather cord to be worn like a necklace. "It's beautiful, Bren. What stone is it made of?"

"It's called malachite. It has special meaning. It's supposed to be favorable for travelers and adventurers. It stimulates clear vision and insight, it's also supposed to protect the wearer from danger. The stone is also supposed to be equal in negative and positive forces, so it's supposed to help you stay balanced. Do you really like it?"

"Yes." Shalimar said as she gave him a kiss to thank him.

"Did you think it was an engagement ring?" Brennan teased as he touched his forehead to hers.

"Kinda." Shalimar confessed.

"I do have one picked out for you. I just had a feeling you might freak if I gave it to you right now. I've had that necklace for months now, and it seemed like the right time to give it to you."

"Put it on me please."

Brennan untied the cord and after slipping it around Shalimar's throat, he retied it, as Shalimar held up her long wavy hair.

Shalimar kissed his cheek and got off his lap and went to her bureau and opened the top drawer. She got something from it and then shut it again. Shal walked back toward Brennan and sat back down on his lap. She presented him with a square jewelers box.

Brennan's eyebrows raised, "For me?"

Shalimar nodded, "I found this a few weeks ago and I thought you'd like it. Now that you have given me this necklace it makes even more sense."

Brennan opened the box and saw a necklace identical to the one he had just given Shalimar. Except his was a shade larger and the stone was a silvery gray shade.

Shalimar smiled as she explained, "It's hematite, and it has special meaning too. It supposed to be a very strong stone, that absorbs negativity. It supposed to be calming to the emotions. It's also considered a grounding stone. It helps maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit. What really sold me on it was that it is known as the worry stone. I thought it was appropriate as you always worry about me. Especially when Adam sends me out on a mission. Do you like it?"

Brennan slipped the leather cord over his head and let the necklace fall into place. He gave her a kiss to thank her for the gift. When they broke the kiss off he asked, "So does this mean we're going steady now?"

"Steady? I don't know about that, but I know you're mine. We ferals can get very nasty when someone comes after our mate."

Brennan wrapped is arms around her. "There are worse things then being a ferals mate. Especially my feral."

"There are huh?"

"You bet, You do realize, of course, we are completely sappy." Brennan said laughing. "Shades of Vic and Claudia."

"I agree. So, what do you want to do now? I'm not really in the mood, just this moment, to make love. I just want to hold you close to me and snuggle with you."

"Well, why don't you pick out a movie. We can just relax and snuggle together on your bed. I'll even let you pick out the movie." Brennan said generously.

"Okay, Let me see what I can find." Shalimar said as she got off Brennan's lap and went out to the living room area to pick out a movie.

"If it's going to be a chick flick, make sure it has lots of kissing and making out." Brennan hollered after her.

Shalimar's voice wafted back through the door. "You'd better behave or I'm going to pick out The Sound of Music."

"You wouldn't dare. Wait a minute, on the other hand, yes you would." Brennan said as he watched Shalimar come through her door, from his position on her bed. "So what are we watching?"

"It's a movie from the nineties called Only You. It's set in Italy."

"Italy? Have you ever been there?"

"No. I do think it would be fun to go. Rome, Florence, Venice, and Milan. It would just be fun to have two weeks and just go driving around another country. Plus the shopping would be incredible." Shalimar said as she hit the play button on the DVD player. She then came over to her bed and slid over to snuggle next to Brennan.

"Maybe we'll go sometime?" Brennan said as Shalimar put her head on his shoulder.

"Are you serious? It doesn't seem like your thing to do." Shalimar said as she looked at him skeptically.

"I know. But it seems like it could be something interesting to do. It could be fun. A nice compromise of city and the outside. Tell you what, next time Adam gives us some real vacation time, we'll go. We'll be a normal couple just stealing away together. We could have the Helix drop us of and we could go from there." Brennan said as he held Shalimar close and caressed her back with a slow hand.

They started watching the movie. It didn't take long for the movie to be forgotten and their complete attention was wrapped up in each other. They first began to kiss, and then moved on to caressing each other.

Before the movie was even half over they were both tangled beneath Shalimar's sheets. Their clothes were scattered here and there around the room. Things were about to get really serious when Brennan stopped what he was doing all of a sudden.

"Shalimar we have to stop this. I don't have anything with me. I left them in my room."

Shalimar reached up her arms and grabbed his face in her hands. "Brennan, I don't care . I want you now. I don't care about the consequences. I'm never letting us go."

Brennan looked Shalimar in the eye and threw a small tesla coil toward her outlet and turned off the lights and the television. The room was now dark except for the flickering candlelight. "I love you Shal."

"I love you too Bren."

Nothing else was said, at least not with words, for awhile. After making love they both dosed off.


A few hours later when they woke up they were hungry again. So they dug into the second dessert Brennan had brought, while lounging on Shalimar's bed. Brennan had changed into a pair of sweatpants he had left in Shalimar's room. Shalimar was wearing one of his black band t-shirts. "Shalimar we need to talk." Brennan said as he took a big bite of tiramisu.

"What do we need to talk about?" Shalimar asked licking her spoon.

"Shalimar we made love without using protection. What if there are consequences?" Brennan tried to be serious.

"You planning on giving me something?" Shalimar said jokingly as she took another big bite of the rich creamy dessert.

"I was thinking about you becoming pregnant actually. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a family with you, but after we're married. I don't know if now is such a good time." Brennan hoped Shalimar wouldn't take his concern as fear of commitment

Shalimar paused and mentally did some calculations. "I think we're ok."

"If we aren't you'll tell me?" Brennan said not really asking her to do this.

"Yes." Shalimar said as she finished the last of the tiramisu. She got up and went to her bathroom so she could brush her teeth, Brennan joined her. They fell back onto her bed, spooning with each other quickly fell back asleep.


When Shalimar woke up again several hours later, Brennan was stilled spooned behind her with his arms around her. She grabbed one of his hands and entwined her hand with his, she used the other to rub the malachite necklace she still wore.

Brennan stirred slightly and looked at the digital clock beside her bed. He leaned forward and kissed the bare shoulder that his t-shirt had slipped off of. "Shal it's only five o'clock. Go back to sleep," he said as he drew ther joined hands closer around her, and snuggled closer to her.

"Okay," said Shalimar as she closed her eyes again. She let Brennan's deep, even breathing lull her back to sleep.