It took me a while to update because I was being particularly lazy. Gomen nasai. This

chapter is short, as usual. As I've said before, any couplings are rather vague and you

may read into them if you like. Although, don't hesitate to inform you on your favorites,

because some might get set in stone later on.



Chapter 3- Courage.

            "Ohayou minna-chan!" Horokeu, better know as the ainu Horo-Horo, stormed in,

grinning. Anna glanced at him, a disapproving look in her eyes, Manta smiled lightly and

Yoh ignored him. "Yoh! Yo~oh." The stony, faraway look in the brunette's eyes did not

Change. He turned to the now taller-and-relatively-handsome ex-football. "Dude, what's

up with him?"

            The 4' 3" (that's more than 3' growth, minna. O_o) blonde shrugged, eyes wide

as usual. A long silence passed between them and Manta returned to reading his Manjien.

The blue-haired shaman sighed and dropped on the couch next to Yoh. "What's it gonna



            "He's a poor soul with no memory. What the worst that could happen?" Yoh's

eyes widened and he stared mutely at his lively friend. "Well? What's it gonna take?"

            The chocolate-eyed boy sighed and returned to his original position. "Courage."

            The snowboarder shook his head sadly and stood; slowly, carefully, methodically

spreading his grin across his face once more. "Well. Anna, Pilika's waiting for you at the

mall. Manta, you promised you'd go to the movies with me, Ren and Jun, remember?

Yoh. give yourself a break, ok? Ciao."

            The Shaman King waited until all three had filed out the door before dropping his

head on his knees. "Lots of courage..."



            He stood at the door, eyes squeezed shut, listening to the quiet, unconfident voice



            He was sick with fear and anticipation, but what could go wrong?


            But that didn't mean everything would go right either. It wasn't his twin's lack of

memories that troubled him, but rather the abundance of his own. He took a deep breath and reached for the door.

            "23...24...25...twentysi- Do I know you?"

