Demonic Angel
Son of the Devil and Grandson of Heaven


Corel: Please excuse TDAY for taking so long to update since she's spent most of her time either typing essays or playing Dynasty Warriors 4 and admiring certain men in Wu, Wei and Shu *winks*.

Cid: WHO THE *beep, beep, etc* ARE YOU?

TDAY: *hits Cid* Corel is my own character for this fanfic and plays an important role. This chapter sends most time flashing in and out of flashback with more talk about rape.

Vincent: the usual disclaimers apply *stares at TDAY* TDAY?

TDAY: *stares back* yes?

Vincent: the story!

TDAY: I knew that. Note= All a flashback


"Neo, Damien I see you two have returned again" Alexander king of the angel said as the two figures appeared in the throne room. Neo was a tall brunette man, who outside of heaven was really the devil and since his sign was 666 the name Neo by an old name to number system fitted him perfect, with it working out to be 666 (A.N. I am pretty sure that's the right name). Damien was Neo's younger brother who also severed as a bodyguard; he had short black hair and a faintly tanned skin. His true name was Chaos.

"King Alexander I'll ask you again for daughter's hand." Neo asked as he eyed the angel standing by her father.

"And I once again say that you can't take Corel." Alexander replied as he held his daughter closer. "You demons have already been told she is to wed Gabriel." The archangel knight stepped forward.

"You're making a terrible mistake Alexander!" Neo yelled as he and his brother disappeared.


"On a sleepless evening I stand alone. Tomorrow I'll sing with you on the wings of a dream." Corel sang the song as she plaited her long ebony hair before going to bed. *Knock, knock* Corel looked up. "Come in." The princess said as she opened the door. "Neo?!"

"Hello milady." Neo smirked as the angel tried to close the door. "No don't worry I just want to talk then I'll leave you."

"Promise?" The lord of Hell nodded and Corel opened her door. "So" the teen flopped onto her bed. "What do you want?" Neo smiled as he leaned forward. Corel crawled back until she was trap between the wall and Neo. "Neo . . . What are you up to?"

Neo Smiled as he revealed a materia. "This . . .silence." As the angel tried to scream no sound came out. Neo grabbed her forcefully "Your father is a fool I know your eyes are on the gate keeper . . .Peter I think it was, anyway through you your father will suffer." Neo said before Corel's world went blank.


Nine months later Corel gave birth to her son that Neo was the father of since to remove the child would kill both of them. It also meant she couldn't have any more children. Gabriel ignored the boy but Peter, Corel's childhood friend helped take care of him. "What are you going to call it?" Peter asked as the younger angel sang the baby to sleep.

"Vincent but I don't know what saint name though." Corel admitted

"How about a gospel after all it is traditional amongst the royal family." Peter said as he took the baby.

"St Matthew, Vincent St Matthew." Corel said happily as Peter nodded.

"It's got demon blood in it Corel you shouldn't give it a saints name." The two teens looked up to see Gabriel standing there with a look of disgust on his features. "It's the son of the Devil." Vincent woke up as this was said and began to cry almost as he knew whom the Archangel was talking about.

Corel took the baby and soothe him before glaring at her fiancée. "He maybe the Son of the devil but he's also the grandson of Heaven"


"Milord the half demon must be removed." Gabriel stated as Alexander paced the room. "He's nearly a year old."

"I know that but =how=, if the demons learn they take the child for sure."

"Lie to her." The king looked at his trusted friend in a confused way. "If she is told about the threat the child is then she'll have no choice in the matter."

"Very well" Alexander said as he watch the angel leave.

~*~ Corel looked around the silent Village as she head to the mansion at the top of the hill. Vincent babbled all the way until he was put down on the doorstep "mummy?" Corel looked down at her son tears swelling in her eyes.

'His first word . . .' "Mummy got to go for a minute she'll be back." Corel quickly knocked the door before disappearing.

"MUMMY!" Vincent cried as the large door opened.

"Andrew come here quickly there's a baby out here!" a Couple in there mid- twenties looked down at the child. The woman picked up a note. "Dear owner of this home I am sorry but could you please take care of Vincent St Matthew since his life is in danger at home. Give him the love and care as you would a child of your own. Yours sincerely Corel."

"Lauren do you think we should?" Andrew asked as his wife picked the baby up.

"Of course, the mother has entrusted her son to us so we should." Lauren said smiling at the boy. "Welcome to your new home Vincent St Matthew Valentine."


Corel: I was the first person to hear him speak burst into tears

TDAY: Ooooooooooooooook. Sorry if the chapter suck. Flame if you must reviews welcomed.