YumeTakato: Yesh, sorry u.u t'is over. But hey, look on the bright side. You get a pretty prize (See thanks section)

Akala:**Blushes** thank you.

Mimiheart: yay ^_^ someone cares. Lol. Hmm... I'm hoping it's because it was good, but more likely it was because you were hungry ^_^;;

Red Roses2-chan: Lol ^_^ Alrighty than, I'll watch the episodes... maybe **hasn't gotten around to watching much of the dub lately**

WolfKeeper989: Yay ^^ Good ending. Damn . I got my account frozen once, but I know damn well why (I posted up a rant to a flamer as it's own separate story **Nervous chuckle** You might not have done anything wrong though. I have the strangest feeling doesn't read over the stories they take down after someone reports them...

Opal Shadow: ^_^ I'm glad you liked it. Lol, yeah ^_^;; I don't really care what kind of ending it is, as long as it's good ^_^

Shibby-One: I'm glad you liked it ^_^;;

Dagger5: Lol ^_^;; Sorry for making you sad, but look on the bright side, you get a prize (See thanks section)

I luv Kai: ^-^ I'm glad

Mittens no Hikari: lol XD I tend to love it when Yami drives people insane but **Shrugs** to all his or her own I suppose ^_^

DarkChao1663: *Blinks and tilts head** didn't you like it?? O~O... *Shrugs* ah well ^_^;;

Jill: What happens next is up to your imagination. Sorry I couldn't write more, but I did say at the beginning of the fic that it would be a 4-shot. I hope I can make up to you with your prize ((see thanks section)).

Misura: Yes ^_^ Yugi did make the right decision ^_^ **Grins** Yay ^_^ Yami's in a favorable light.

Takuya: I'm glad you like it. I kinda completely forgot what my neopets account and password is (not being there in over a few years will do that) so I'm not sure if it's possible for me to friend you... *Shrugs*

Sylvia Viridian: Yami's my favorite too *Grins stupidly*. Yeah, I've wondered that myself. I think it might be something that will go unanswered. ((Though, if I were Yugi's friends, and he said "There's another being living inside me," I'd freak out and call an institute...))


I was inspired for this fic by two things:

1. How Jeshi-chan (And a few other of my friends) say how I overwork myself (which I do not thank-you-very-much.)

2. How Jeshi-chan (Yami Bakura's Wife) is really the one who overworks herself.


I'd like to dedicate this to Jeshi-chan (Yami Bakura's Wife) because... she inspired it XP. Even though she didn't read the fic because she doesn't like angstly Yu-Gi-Oh fics, I'd like to dedicate it to her ^^


A special thanks go out to:

Jeshi-chan (Yami Bakura's Wife)

Ishtar-chan (Violet Wolf)

and Kura-chan (Sad Eyed Tenshi)

They were the ones who helped me choose between having Yugi raising money to bail his dad out, and having Yugi raising money to pay for the medical bill for his sick Grandpa. Thank's guys **Glompage**

Another special thanks go out to:


Red Roses2

Mittens no Hikari


I luv Kai






The reason they get the fics, I'll name reasonless, because then everyone would be doing it. Though, there is a reason, so don't just think that I chose them at random ('cause, if I did, Takuya would definatly get one). As a show of my thanks, I will write you each a fic dedicated to you. Please send the following info on the fic you want:

Main Character(s)

Pairing(s) ((if any))

Genre ((optional))

A phrase or brief outline of what it's about. (Outline only has to be like, one sentence such as 'Yugi over works himself to bail his dad out of jail')

Length ((Only if you want it to be 100-word-drabble, one-shot, two-shot or three-shot. No longer requests please. And you don't have to put this if you don't want)).

And I believe that's all.

The fics will be written in the order I receive the requests in (E-mail me or review this chapter to tell me the info)

A general thanks goes out to:


Aurora DeNeil



Goth Child of Zyon


deranged black kitten of doom






I luv Kai



Mittens no Hikari

Red Roses2




Violet Wolf

Opal Shadow





A Watcher

Aika Hanyou

Katya Motou






Sylvia Viridian

For taking time out of your precious day/s to review me ^_^