
Ginny lay in bed silently, staring at the gold diamond ring on her left ring finger. She still couldn't believe how well her life had fallen into place. It was just like a fairy tale, she thought to herself, and smiled. She shifted and heard a small moan from behind her as a strong, solid arm slid gently around her waist. He drew her against his chest.

"Morning," He whispered in her ear. "How're you?" His hand settled on the small bulge on her torso, just beneath her cotton nightgown.

"Mmm, we're fine. No nausea this morning. It's great."

Harry pressed his lips to the curve of her shoulder, and Ginny sighed. She placed her hand on his, and tried to preserve this moment in her mind. It was so perfect.

Suddenly the door burst open, and a little girl rushed into the room, black hair flying behind her, and she jumped on the bed.

"Mommy, James is crying again!"

Ginny sat up, and pulled her little girl onto her lap. She smiled at the young child, whose bright green eyes, so much like her father's, shinned up at her.

"Is he now? Well, I'll just have to go check on him then."

Young Emily Potter wrapped her arms around her mother's neck and hugged. "Dad?" She scrambled off Ginny's lap and around her to see her father.


"Will you teach me to fly today daddy? Please? Uncle Ron already showed Josh how to fly. I want to race him."

Josh, Ginny mused, Hermione and Ron's one and only son who born the same year as Emily.

"I don't know." Said Harry, playfully skeptical.

"Come on Daddy! Please!" the child whined.


Emily gave a cry off happiness and hugged Harry. Ginny rose and watched as Harry tickled his daughter as she shrieked with laugher and giggles. Her heart filled, and she smiled at the pretty picture. Leaving the room, she walked down a familiar hallway in the burrow and into her old room, where a crying one-year-old James was in his crib.

"Morning to you too little one." Ginny said as she picked the baby up, and held him in her arms, rocking gently. James settled into his mother's arms, sucking his thumb innocently. His big green eyes stared up at Ginny. Both her children looked like remarkably like Harry, and she secretly hoped the next one would have the Weasley red hair, but either way she'd be happy. They were her children, but not just hers. They were Harry's as well, she thought to herself. She couldn't believe she was able to give him a family, something he never really had. She sat in the rocking chair, brushing at the wisps of black hair on the baby's head. She continued to rock and watch her baby drift back into sleep, as she heard Harry enter.

"How his he?" Harry whispered.

"Fine, just needed a little attention is all." She looked up at Harry, who kneeled before her, watching his son. "He looks just like you." She whispered.

"I noticed," He said gently, resting a hand on the sleeping baby's head, and kissing it. Ginny smiled and the love in her heart grew. Ginny rose and watched his little chest rise and fall. Harry stood by her.

"Thank you Ginny." He said, making her turn to him.

"For what?"

"For giving me such a beautiful family." He placed a hand on her stomach, and rubbed gently. She smiled again as tears stung her eyes.

"Couldn't have done it without you." She said, as he put an arm around her shoulders to watch their sleeping son.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Emily poked her head in. Her parents turn to see her. "Grandma says breakfast will be ready soon." She wandered toward them and her parents watched her lovingly. "He's sleeping." She whispered, gazing up at the sleeping bundle in her mother's arms.

"Yes. He is."

Harry reached over and picked Emily up and rested her on his hip so she could peer down onto her little brother.

"He's so pretty."

"Yes he is." Harry answered. "So are you."

The young child looked at her father with wide eyes, and then rested her head against his while the continued to watch James. Harry snaked his other arm around Ginny.

As he stood there with his family he thought the moment was just perfect. Harry had the woman loved, and she had willingly given him two beautiful children, and one more on the way. Everything was just as it was supposed to be, and he was happier than he'd ever been. He kissed his daughters cheek, and his wife's. Yes, everything was just as it was supposed to be. It was great, he thought. Maybe even better than a fairy tale.