JK: This one wasn't written for English class. In fact, it wasn't written with Yu-Gi-Oh! in mind. However, I think we can just say that this one's another Ryou, also set before Ryou got the Ring, this time talking about his dead sister. I don't really know her name.
The first verse is referring to the fact that, even when somebody is no longer there, they still are. The rest makes sense as is.
Anyway, on with the poem. I haven't given it a title, and I don't feel that it needs one.
Disclaimer: Kmlo2 and I own nothing to do with Yu-Gi-Oh! I, however, do own this poems, and Winter would get very upset if anyone tried to take them away from me.
Dedication: For Dave. I miss you, Grandfather. Thank you for the dreams.
You're always there within my mind,
You're sharing in my soul.
You're always there to comfort me,
When I feel like I'm not whole.
If I could spend one day with you,
If I could see you now.
If you hadn't left existence,
I'd hold you tight - but how?
And when it's time for me to go,
I know I'll see you then.
I still see you here forever,
And I'll see you in the end.
And now you know just how I feel,
I've told you how it is.
And I promise I won't cry no more,
If I got a goodbye kiss.
'Death is that point in time and space where you only exist in the memory of others. And, therefore, you are not truly gone'.
Lieutenant Tasha Yar, Chief of Security, Enterprise (deceased).