Disclaimer: Inu Yasha isn't mine...*cough* There. I said it.

Author's Note: Yes, this is my first, real Inu Yasha fanfiction. I can't guarantee that it will be a big hit like so many other stories out there, but I'm willing to give it my best shot and see what happens. I have goals and aspirations for this story, but I'm not hoping for an astounding collection of reviews (though that would be nice). All I really hope for is influence. Most people read something, and aren't moved or touched by it in any way. They momentarily fantasize in the article or tale they might have read and soon forget it altogether. If there's one thing I would like to gain out of writing this story, it would have to be that what I wrote helped someone in some way.

Well, now that my intentions are clarified, I think we can get the show on the road now, eh?


Chapter One


The life of a Tokyo citizen is fast, demanding, and always on the go. Works hours are defined as the usual nine to five, and are rewarded with average paychecks. In a world where time never stops, Tokyo is a city where the lights never turn off, and the sun never seems to go down.

A city of vibrant wildlife.

Most people prefer it's ways to the more composed and serene nature of the countryside. They believe it gives them a rush, a high that they can't seem to come down from. A place where anything is possible, and everything is imaginable--a city of dreams.

It holds to the legends of the ancient day, and thrives on the publicity that runs though it's age-old veins. Tokyo is a city of mystery, of life, desire, and wonder. It is home to those who love it's atmosphere, and legendary to those who seek to roam it.

Those that walk it's sidewalks, and breath it's fresh, crisp air live a life based on fantasy. They work, live, play, and earn their keep by busying themselves in the offices and cubicles of the present day.

Time is money, and money is needed in order to live the life of a Tokyo citizen.

* * * * * * * * *

Kagome huffed angrily as she squashed her way through a crowd of restless people. With a cup of hot cofee in her hand, she pushed through a line of business men in order to catch the subway.

Early morning traffic.

Men and women clad in sharp-looking business suits crowded the seats and passageways with their enormous briefcases, bums sat smashed in the corner with cardboard signs and money cups, students in their uniforms all chattered wildly while the subway train bucked and jolted in the rythmic tone of the early morning.

Kagome sighed and eyed a metallic pole that wasn't too overcrowded with pedestrians. She shrugged and latched onto it before the force of the moving train could throw her off balance.

Papers rattled, briefcases snapped and unsnapped, as the train itself groaned and slowed to one of it's many destinations. A rustle of feet and fabric sounded as the large metal doors sluggishly opened, allowing both entrance and exit to those who awaited.

Marching feet entered, and stilled in search of seats.

With furrowed brows, Kagome dashed to an empty place, and sat down. Twiddling her thumbs, and occasionally sipping on her cofee, she glanced at her watch and cursed.

Late again.

Her boss would surely have her head this time.

* * * * * * * * *

"HIGURASHI!!!" A loud masculine voice boomed angrily from down the hall of a very expensive, corporate office.

Workers shook their head dissaprovingly as the sound of stomping and snorting emitted from the hallway.

Shortly after, the elevator opened with a chime, and Kagome dashed towards the office with one thought in her mind.

He's gonna kill me.

In a mad rush, she threw her empty cofee cup in a nearyby wastebasket and sprinted wildly towards the office of her superior. Down the hallway, and turning right, she ran at top speed before slamming head on into a hard object.

Her boss.

"Glad to see you could make it, Higurashi." The man said quite calmly, though a vein popped out of his neck. "Your only..forty-five minutes late." Then he gave a thundering cry and demanded that she enter his office.

With a hiss of pain, Kagome picked herself up off the floor and rubbed her backside. The bastard hadn't even offered to help her up! A wry smile crossed her lips as an all too familiar female appeared at her side.

"Good God, Kagome!" Sango cried as she clutched a bundle of papers. "How many times are you going to keep showing up like this!? I've tried to talk you of out unemployment far too many times, but this is ridiculous!" She finished with a huff before settling down, and regaining her composure.

"It's alright, Sango, really." Kagome said, still rubbing the throbbing pain in her rump.

But it wasn't alright.

Kagome had a history of showing up late for work, and her reputation had earned her several trips to the boss's office. A place where few wished to enter, and prayed that if they did it was only to receive a raise, and nothing more.

"We'll see." Sango grinned at her friend, who smiled back." Just don't get fired, alright?"

"I don't think I have much say in the matter, but I'll try!" Kagome smirked, and took a breath before waltzing to the head office with great determination.

* * * * * * * * *

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Kagome feigned innocence as she shut the thick, mahogany door behind her.

A non-too-amused man swivelled around in a black leather chair with a look of annoyment on his features.

"Yes, Miss Higurashi, I did." He leaned forward and folded his hands together on his desk. "Please, sit."

She did as told, and seated herself in a squishy leathery red chair, while awaiting further command.

"It appears, Miss Higurashi, that you've had some trouble respecting the rules." He fiddled with a pen, rolling it around between the fingers of his right hand.

Kagome suppressed a snort.

She would admit that her lack of timing had been causing far too many screw ups this past week, but there was no need for this guy to be so dramatic. So, she was late every now and then, big deal.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Naraku, really! I'm just having a hard time is all." Kagome defended while staring hard at the floor below her. It looked rather appealing at the moment.

"Well, we can't have that now, can we?" Naraku said icely, his previous tone of composure gone.

Gripping the arms of the chair tightly, Kagome prepared herself for what she thought was expulsion.

"No." came the tight reply.

Naraku eyed her lowered head lazily, and stood, his full back turned to her as he stared out at window, eyeing the city below.

"Your a good writer, Miss Higurashi, which is why I hate to dismiss you-"

"Your firing me?!" Kagome suddenly found herself up from the chair, admittedly pissed at his lax attitude toward the situation.

Naraku raised a hand to silence her before he continued.

"-but I'm willing to make a deal if you value this..job of yours." He picked at a microscopic spec of dust on his shoulder, and turned to her.

So, she wasn't fired...yet.

With a small frown, Kagome eyed her boss suspiciously before allowing a sarcastic remark to spew from her mouth.

"And what would that be, hmm?"

The man before her found it rather bold, though idiotic, to say in the least, when her job-albeit her life-hung it balance. At a time like this, sarcastic remarks and sharp wit would not win her a prize.

He held onto his slowly dimishing patience. "Yes, Miss Higurashi, I'm willing to forget that you lack the ability to tell time, and call it even, if, of course, your willing to accept my proposition."

"What proposition?" Kagome almost spat, though thought better of it after she allowed her temper to subside.

"You are a writer. You write for me, this town, and even this company. Everday, you sit in front of your computer and type the stories that appear on the front cover of the Tokyo Times. It is the job you have come to love and live by, yet I know you wish for something more."

Naraku said all this very smoothly as he gazed ominously at the woman seated in front of him.

Kagome sat, filled with an emotion she didn't quite recognize. Was it longing? Yes, she would admit that her daily attempts at describing the life around her in vivid detail left her a bit..dissatisfied. After all, fires, earthquakes, and flash floods did get quite old after a while, and the conventional robbery wasn't much of an eye opener, either, but what could Naraku possibly offer that held more excitement then that?

He eyed her for a moment, before continuing with the proposition he had already began to reveal.

"Have you ever seen this man, Miss Higurashi?" Naraku questioned as he pulled back a drawer, grasped paper, and held up a photograph of a dark haired, male individual.

Kagome stared at it, taking in the features of the person in the picture.

Tall. Slightly tanned. And those eyes? Kagome had never seen such a color. A dark violety purple, with mysteriousness lurking in their depths. With long ebony hair to match, Kagome thought he was, actually, quite handsome.

"No, can't say I have." She managed to get out, after tearing her eyes away from the photo Naraku held.

He produced an uncharateristic snort.

"Of course, you, haven't." He said snappishly, and Kagome grit her teeth to hold back her temper. "This man is a goldmine. He's the president of our rivaling company, Shikon Weekly, and is on the verge of bringing our corporation to the ground. Yet, we still have a chance. Other than the fact that he supervizes such an important newspaper, nothing is known about him." Naraku informed as he took refuge in his black chair once again. "This is where you come in."

Kagome awaited her orders, hoping that this wasn't as dangerous or disturbing as it sounded.

"I want you to track this man down. Do whatever it takes to find out what you can about him, be it good or bad. Mostly, bad, because I wish to use this information to my advantage."

Alright, Kagome wasn't too bright when it came to corporate squabbles but she knew this conversation had scandal written all over it.

"You want me to track down, and investigate this man just because our Newspaper is suffering from the sucess of another company?" She could barely stand the idea. " I won't! Why would you even think of such a thing?!"

"If your opposed to the idea, then you can pack up your belongings, and considered yourself fired."

Fist clenched, and a forehead once smooth, settled into deep creases as Kagome felt the wheels turn in her brain.

So, she had two choices. Accept his stupid proposition, and keep her job. Or, forget about it, and lose the one thing she had worked had to become.

Suddenly, the idea of making someone else's life miserable didn't seem so bad as long as she could have her job back. After all, Kagome had no idea who this person was, nor did she intend to find out. Well, not anymore than she had to, anyway..

"What happens if I accept?" Kagome challenged, wanting the know the full extent of this 'proposition' he had been ranting about.

"If you accept, you keep your job." Naraku said flatly, with an air of impatience in his voice.

"But what else?" Kagome had to admit that keeping her job wasn't quite enough to secure this deal of his. "Shouldn't I receive some sort of bonus, a..a raise of some kind?" She shot back with a force of confidence.

"Don't press your luck, Higurashi." Naraku spat, though quickly recovered with a smug smile. "I intend to reward you as I see fit, if you accept and fulfill my wishes accordingly."

Somehow, Naraku's wishes seemed rather malicious at the moment, but Kagome chose to overlook that. She had just been presented with a grand opportunity, possibly even a once-in-a-lifetime chance. So, why was her stomach twisting in knots?

Her mission: bring down Shikon Weekly with the best scandal she could find.

Her objective: to keep her job.

Her answer?

"Do we have a deal, Miss Higurashi?" Naraku purred while outstrecting a stong, right hand.

Kagome grasped it tightly, and they shook. "We do, indeed."

* * * * * * * * *

Author's Note: So, it was a little short, but not to worry! This was just the opening chapter, and I exspect the chapters to be longer in the future. *cough* How was it? Not too bad I hope.. ^_^; Please review if you can so I'll know whether or not there are those that wish for me to continue. Oh, and just in case your wondering, Kagome is much older in this story (if you couldn't tell..). Give or take, she's about 22, and is a writer for a local newspaper called Tokyo Times. -.-; I know, I know, the newpaper names are totally cheesy, but my mind was fried at the moment, so we'll all just have to grin and bear it. Hopefully, I'll have the next chapter up soon, depending on how people respond to the first chapter. See ya soon~!
