DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lilo & Stitch in any way. I only own Experiment 000. Any other OCs in this story belongs to their respective creators.



"Whoa…" I whisper as I look around the place…It's cold…Hot…And dark…I look at the ground I'm standing on…Damp…The smell of blood strong and thick…And this eerie cry ringing through my ears! So strong that I'm forced to press my paws against my ears to try to keep them out! This reminds me of that nightmare! Ugh!

I open my eyes and walk to the edge of the ground, only to see a sea moving unnaturally…A sea of flesh…I'm in…In…

"The Abyss…" A voice finishes my thought from behind me…I turn around and face…

"552…Kolobos…" I whispered as I look at the mutilated experiment…Ugh, a change of scenery still doesn't make him look any better…In fact; he looks more malicious in this setting…

"Welcome to the Abyss, child…" Kolobos greets me with his toothless grin. "Where you shall live for all eternity!"

"Sorry, but I'm not planning on staying." I reply as I lift up my hand into a fist and charge right at him. "Haaa!" I cry as I lunge back my fist and throw it to him. But…Kolobos just blocked the punch like if it was nothing…The bastard…

"You still try to defy me, even though you have lost the game?" Kolobos whispers to me…That son of a…

"Oof!" I grunt as Kolobos throws a punch to my stomach, a punch to my face…And a kick to the side of my head, and I go toppling to the ground, coughing from the severe punch to my stomach and rubbing my head from the kick…Man! He has an advantage here…I think…

"Can you hear them, 000?" Kolobos asks me as I struggle to get back on my feet, before he's on me, ready to deliver the final blow. "The cries of those who have tried to win my game, only to fail and become part of the Abyss. It is their cry of anguish and pain, which you shall join their ranks soon enough."

I stand up. "Ha…Ha…You wish…"

I eye Kolobos…He takes one step forward…I react and morph my arm into a sword and charge at him, swinging the sword vertically to slice him in half. Kolobos jumps back and avoids my attack, but the tip of the sword grabs him and cuts his chest a bit…If that's what it still is…

Still, it's not enough to take this experiment down! No matter what I try, everything seems to fail…Last time I got him with a direct hit, fully charged plasma shot from my buster, and that still didn't even put a dent on him…At least not that I have noticed…

And this isn't good; I can't beat him if I can't kill him or hurt him!

Before I could even react, Kolobos just charges and knees me under my jaw! Throwing me back and my head reared back, I could already feel the blood pouring out of my mouth from that powerful knee.

"Aaah!" I cry out as I go flying back and landing on the ground with a thud. That attack wasn't so light either, I'm going to feel this for weeks!

If I get out of here alive…

I jump back on my feet and wipe the blood away with the palm of my hand, eyeing Kolobos and readying myself to counter anything he does. Kolobos springs again, this time I jump to the right, my sword arm ready…He throws a punch and misses me by inches! But the hook on his hand cuts my left cheek slightly, but I'll be giving the bigger damage now! I turn and swing my sword arm, aiming for his neck…What the! He…Caught it!

"Your attempts and resistance are futile, child…" Kolobos tells me as he holds my arm grip and firm, I have no choice but to morph my arm back to normal, but his grip is pretty tight! I'm lucky that he hasn't decided in thrusting his hook into my arm!

"Hmhmhmhm…" He chuckles. "Interesting you are. You are special in so many ways…" I just keep eyeing the experiment, I know now what he's capable of…And I can't take any chances when against this guy…Not now…

But Kolobos just grins. "You just fail to realize it…"

Suddenly, Kolobos twists my arm so hard that he brought me to my knees. I cry out as my arm is painfully twisted, and then I feel an immense amount of pain as Kolobos knees my twisted arm, suddenly striking it in a bad position, cracking the bone out of its socket and thrust deep against my muscle and scraping it.

"AAAGGHH!" I cry out in total agony as that blow critically dislocates my arm and totally wound the muscle. "Aaahhh!" I continue crying out as I clutch my dislocated arm, gritting my teeth in total agony as the pain continues to swell up. This…Isn't going to work…I need distance between him…And…Me…

I open my eyes and…

"Gaaah!" I cry out as Kolobos's hook and claws scrape my cheek, cutting it deep and sending me to the ground with its powerful blow. I quickly get back up and turn to face Kolobos, quickly jump aside to avoid a lunge of his and jump up into the sky. Luckily my dreams are as real as this place, hooks are hanging from the sky, and I use them to stand on one of them and keeping me away from him…

"Ha…Ha…Ha…" I breathe loudly. "I hope I...Can get distance from him now..."

As I look down, I can see the blood from my wounded cheek dripping to the ground, Kolobos just stands there, looking up at me.

"Flee from me if you can, but it will not spare your life. Run to the very corners of the world, you cannot hide from me or your fate. It is sealed from the moment you have agreed the deal with me."

I growl at this experiment as I massage my dislocated arm, the stinging pain still there…The pain swelling as the time passes… "You talk too much, Kolobos…"

"Mock me all you want, Zero. You'll soon be under my mercy, and I will show none to you…"

I look away from Kolobos, looking around for anything that could give me an advantage…

"Maybe she should go first…"

"She!" That bought me; I look down at Kolobos with fire in my eyes. "624! You…You better not harm her!" I jump down and lunge at Kolobos.

But that was a mistake!

Kolobos simply raised his hand, grab me by the neck and slam me to the ground, practically thrusting my body deep into the ground and crushing me. I choke and gag as Kolobos's grip on my neck tightens and he lifts me up into the air, and against all the pain I've accumulated I kick Kolobos's face three times to get myself free. But my efforts were in vain, Kolobos throws a punch to my stomach with his other arm, then throws me against a wall, the impact was so powerful I'm surprised my back hasn't broken or anything!

"Aaaargh!" I cry out in pain as hooks are impaled on my arms and legs, pinning me to the wall! "Uuuuugh…"

This isn't right, back then I could've easily avoided his attacks but now…It's like I can't even see him…I groan and grunt in pain, feeling one of Kolobos's hooks passing against my face, a little sting surfacing from the path Kolobos's hooks scratches.

"Do you see now? The fate that you chose. Your life is in my paws, and I have the choice of wether to keep you alive or not. But, perhaps that is my flaw, my joy to toy with my prey."

"You're insane…" I manage to reply, blood dripping from my face and from the wounds the hooks imbedded on my arms and legs.

"No, I'm homicidal…"

Son of a…

"Now, are you ready to face your fate, Zero?"

I glare at him. "You can take your fate…And shove it!"

Next thing I knew, Kolobos lunged at slammed his fist on the right side of my chest.

"Goough!" I gurgle out in pain as Kolobos's fist is pressed firmly against my chest, applying pressure and simply not allowing me to breath. But as Kolobos retracts his fist I can clearly see the damage…His fist is stained with blood, the damn fist actually broke skin and thrusted into my chest…The pain surging through there has left me dazed and light headed…I think this is it for me…All I feel is pain…And I close my eyes and I pass out, succumbing to the pain and wounds…

"Awake child…Awake…"

Uuugh…Where…Where am I?

I slowly open my eyes, only to be blurred by pain itself! I…I can't move with such pain…But…I know I'm lying on the ground, I can't feel the hooks in my arms and legs, but I'm sure I'm on the ground…

I look around where I am…Ugh, I'm still in the Abyss…I slowly manage to stand up, pain swelling all over my body as I look at my wounds…Man, I'm a total mess! Blood smeared in almost every part of my body, wounds galore…I've never felt so weak and hydrated, Kolobos…Must've…Layed a number on me…My back is aching, probably slash marks all over on it…Arms all bloody and aching…I got a huge headache too…I'm feeling odd too…I look at my chest…Strange, there's no fur on my chest where the mark used to be, it's now nothing but black skin…Oooyy…This isn't good, with this extent of wounds and bleeding, added the amount of time I've been out cold and bleeding, I'm gonna run dry of blood and die…

"You have awakened…"

I slowly turn around…Facing him… "Kolobos…" I say between breathes, trying to resists the pain. "You…You…"

"Hmhmhmhmhm…" He just chuckled…

"You…Son of a bitch!" I cry out as I get berserk and charge right at him, below average speed, in my book, due to the wounds. As of right now, I don't even care about my wounds or how much I'm bleeding; I just want to take that demon down!

But this isn't just my day. Kolobos just moves aside and…I can see 624! Tied up in chains and suspended over the sea of flesh! This view just forces me to stop charging right there and then. Knowing Kolobos, he's either blackmailing me or luring me deeper into his game…

"Look at her, Zero…"

She's…Unconscious…I can still sense her life signs, she's not dead…

"Ko…lobos…" I say between breathes, already losing my energy and cool due to the wounds… "Let…Her…Go…"

But Kolobos just chuckled, grinned at me and said 5 simple words which could lead to worse things. "Will you die for her?"

Sure, I'll die for her, if it means killing you for good…Wait a minute, what am I thinking? There's a life at stake here, and I'm thinking like that! This is serious…I…I gotta save her…But charging at Kolobos would be in vain as in he can release her anytime he wants…I…I got no choice…

"I…I…" I drop to my knees, in defeat and in pain… "I will…Yes…"

After this, as anyone says, all hell broke loose. Kolobos grinned and release 624 from the chains unto the ground, away from the sea of flesh. But with me is a different story, Kolobos charges right at me and knocks the wind out of me with a punch to my stomach, making me throw up blood in the process. Kolobos then grabs my dislocated arm, forcing me to cry out in total pain as he clutches and twists the arm. He throws me over his shoulder and impales one of his hooks on my arm, lifts me up with just that and throws me to the end of the ground, at the edge of it, below the sea of flesh. Safe to say I'm finished, this is the end for me…But…Can I blame Kolobos? On some levels…Yeah, but…This is his purpose…Or so I theorize…

I try to stand back up, but Kolobos just picks me up by the neck, holding me in mid-air and chocking me…Ugh…I…Can't breathe…I can feel my blood flowing down my body and finally dripping to the ground…


"Can you see, child?"


"This is my purpose. The path that I chose."


"And what of you? You chose the path of what? Tell me."


"No words? An experiment of little words. Hmhmhm. Let the pain set you free."

This is it…Kolobos raises his arm, hook ready…And…

What the? Kolobos flinches, lets me go and fumbles forward? Who the?

As I try to get up, I see something thrusted deep into Kolobos's back, like some sort of stalagmite piece or something…I look behind me and see 624 standing there, looking terrified…Oooh, she did that to save me…Hm…

"Are you OK?" She asks me, fear in her voice.

"I've…Been better…" I reply.

I look forward and see Kolobos turning slowly at us…Ugh, I may not be able to survive this, but maybe I can save 624's life…I stand up, with every will in my body, charge and throw a punch, throwing Kolobos off his feet, hopefully he'll fall off into the sea of flesh. But bad luck is on my side, I cry out as Kolobos's hook is imbedded in my arm and drags me along with him. But a little luck is with me, I'm lying flat on my belly on solid ground while Kolobos is dangling on my arm from his hook…From my dislocated arm!

"Aaaaagaaaah!" I cry out as Kolobos's weight is on my dislocated arm and totally wrenching it in pain! I glare at Kolobos, as he does the same to me with his usual grin…That grin…

"I'll…See you in hell…" I tell him.

But Kolobos just chuckles, and says to me. "Hell is like parodies compared to my fate."

And with that, Kolobos unhooks himself from my arm and falls down to the sea of flesh…I crawl away from the edge of the cliff and lie on my back…I can hear the corpses down there moving, wet sounds and noises…They got him…They got that sumbag…Heh…Heh…Ugh, light headed…So weak…

"000!" I hear 624 calling to me, and I can hear her running closer to me.

"624…" I whisper, my strength giving out on me. "I'm…Sorry I got you involved in this…It's all my fault, the death of all the experiments…Jumba's suffering…I should've stayed out of that jail cell system where 621 was being held…It's all my fault…"

"Don't talk," 624 tells me. "You're wounded…"

"Too…Wounded…" I reply as my vision is blurred…This is it…I'm slipping…

"000? Stay awake!" Ugh…I can barely hear her… "Please, we're getting out of here and I'll get Jumba to help you! Hang on!" Uugh…Last thing I heard was the name Jumba…My hearing is lost…Ugh…Goodbye……


----------Third person----------

It's been three days since Zero found himself in the Abyss and fought with Kolobos. After Kolobos plunged himself into the sea of flesh, Zero and 624 mysteriously were thrown out of the Abyss and into the outside world. Unfortunately, Zero has succumbed to his mortal wounds, saddening 624 and 627. Jumba however, wasn't faced by much by the loss, in fact, it actually got him afraid and nervous when he checked the condition Zero's body is. Not by the wounds, but something else…

At the beach, 555, Rycon, stands by the shore, his arms crossed tapping his metallic arm with his claws, staring at the beautiful view from the seashore.

"555?" Rycon looks over his shoulder, spotting 627. "You OK?"

Rycon closes his eyes and looks forward at the ocean view again, not replying at 627's question.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" 627 continues as he walks forward and stands besides Rycon.

But Rycon just scoffs. "Why should I? I never liked him anyway."

627 chuckles. "I bet you were, weren't you?"

Rycon glares at 627. "Again, why should I! It was his fault that released 552 and he's responsible for everything!"

"Yeah, I know." 627 nods. "Still, I'm positive that you're grateful with him about something. 624 is grateful with him for reminding him of 626, giving her hope that he's out there somewhere. Jumba is grateful with him for assuring him that aging isn't affecting his 'genius' as he usually brags." 627 chuckles. "I'm sure you feel the same way."

Rycon remains quiet as he continues staring at the view, then sheds a small grin and chuckles lightly. "There's one thing…He was a very formidable opponent…" But suddenly, Rycon receives a whack on the back of his head. "Gaah!" He cries out, turns around suddenly and sees a grinning 627. "What was THAT for!" Rycon angrily shouts at 627.

"Hahahahah!" 627 laughs. "Who says 000 was the only formidable opponent for ya." 627 runs away from Rycon and looks at him. "C'mon scaly face! Give it your best shot!"

Rycon can easily look over the name calling, but that strike to the back of his head? Now THAT Rycon can't permit without getting back. "You bastard! Get your furry ass over here!" He screams at him as he runs after 627.

----------?'s POV----------

Hmm…Wha…What happened? Where…Where am I?

"Are you sure about this?"

That voice…624?

"I'm not so sure, 624. But, his readings appear normal; everything seems to be in order."

Ugh…I recognize that voice…Jumba…Wait, if I'm here, that means I'm in the lab? I can't feel my body, anything, but I can hear and think…

"But when will you let him out?"

Let me out? I'm inside one of Jumba's hydrogenic tube capsules? Ugh, back into this thing…

"I'll be performing some tests on him tomorrow, but he'll probably be able to come out of the capsule the day after tomorrow. But no promises."

Meh, I can wait…

"Please do…You know, I really want to thank him for saving me from 552…And for reminding me of 626…I'm…Sure he's alive now…I can tell…"

"Well 624, maybe I could help you in finding him, someday we'll locate 626."

Be sure about that chubby…

"It's getting late, let's go 624. I'll be shutting down his mental and hearing drive for the night. I'll be sure to run the tests tomorrow, and if everything goes well, he'll be out soon."

Shut my hearing and mental drive? Hm…Alright, I could use the little unconscious session, just don't shut down what's keeping me alive here…Hm…What's this feeling in my chest…?

----------Third person----------

Jumba is making the preparations to turn in for the night, checking every valve and records of his computers and machines. Finally, he shuts down any hazardous machines if left on at night, he walks over to the levers and buttons for the hydrogenic tube capsule housing the experiment, making the arrangements for the shutting down of its mental and hearing drives, rendering the experiment into its unconscious sleep. Before pressing the button to put the experiment to sleep for tomorrow, Jumba looks at the hydrogenic tube capsule, studying his renewed creation.

"Tomorrow, tests. And if all comes out well…The day after tomorrow, you'll be free once again…Zero…"

With that, Jumba presses the button and turns off the laboratory lights…




000, a.k.a. Zero, and 621

Copyright of me, Sora W.T.K

555, a.k.a. Rycon, 552, a.k.a. Kolobos, 182, and 321

Copyright of Void99

624, a.k.a. Angel, 619, 520, 601, 613, 523

Copyright of Disney

Some scenes in this fanfic inspired by the videogame Kingdom Hearts

And special thanks to the readers and reviewers of this fanfic!


Any other credits I've missed? Please say so and I shall add them.