Silently Deciding

I appreciate the more detailed reviews. I know I probably sounded like a pain but I love the feedback. Call me selfish but it's wonderful. I fixed up the chapters with italics and bold lettering. That might help the reading run along smoother. Now I realize that this part is Kairi and Sora action but this is a RikuxSora fiction. But if you read the summary you would know now that Kairi is Sora's light of whom he thinks he's destined for.

::thoughts:: -inner voice'-

Chapter Nine: The First Official Outing

Second Day- Monday Afternoon

"Crap! I'm late!" Speeding through his actions, Sora hastily pulled on his blue swimming trunks and tugged on a plain white t-shirt. He ended up putting socks on his hands without realizing it and he left his shoes in his room. He raced out the door and he was half-way to the docks before he noticed the socks on his hands. This left Sora running back to his house, storing the socks in his underwear drawer and racing out the door to the beach again.

Today was his first official date with Kairi. It more like the same old with a trip to the beach again but he felt like his hormones were on overdrive and his heart was racing in his chest. Every so often it would jump into his throat, making him gulp nervously. He tried to ignore the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach chaotically, swatting them away with his mental fly-swatter but they kept regenerating back, leaving him in a mess.

He sprinted down to his boat at the docks and untied it quickly, eager to get to their play island before he delayed Kairi and his date even longer. Stepping into the boat, which roughly with the sudden addition of his weight, he sat down and picked up the oars, rowing with short rapid strokes on the outside of the boat. Usually the trip took around 10 minutes traveling across the ocean with even long strokes but with Sora's rushing, it took about 3 minutes and his arms were shaking and aching from all the movement and strain they had to endure.

He quickly throwing the ropes out, hoping they would wrap around the wooden post so he wouldn't have to waste his time tying it to the dock. Unfortunately they didn't, so he growled and kicked the post which caused him to jump around holding his foot from the pain that rang in his abused toe, wasting more precious minutes. He picked up the rope and glared at the post as he tied his Highwind to the post. He didn't even notice the red spot on the docks from his previous injury on his calf from the rusted nail (the wound was still wrapped in gauze and was recently cleaned). He just sprinted past without looking down at the mark on the wood.

Sora saw the group of people standing on the beach waving at him. The tiny figure was running towards him and he slowed to a light walk, not too eager to meet her, knowing full well that she would be slightly irritated that he was late. ::Oh great, I knew this day would have a downfall:: He kept his eyes ahead and placed an ear-to-ear grin that somewhat faltered as he got a glimpse at her face.

Kairi wasn't too happy with Sora's late appearance. Her hands were on her hips as she came to a stop in front of him. Her eyebrows were narrowed and her violet eyes were squinted. Her lips weren't set in a scowl but in a frown, or rather a pout. Her red hair was in a high ponytail and she was clad in a light purple swimsuit. It was a two piece, showing the fair skin on her flat stomach. Her feet were bare.

"You're late Sora," she said, stating the obvious with a despaired tone.

The boy rubbed the back of his nervously and shifted his feet. "Well Kairi... you see, I kind of forgot to set my alarm clock and well, since it wasn't set, it didn't go off. And since we met a little earlier this morning I didn't get as much sleep as I needed. Sorry," he mumbled the last of his apology with a small grin. "Can you forgive me?"

She gave him the eye for a second and crossed her arms across her chest, tapping the fingers on her right hand on her left elbow thoughtfully. She rolled her eyes upward and then lowered her eyes to his face, giving him a puzzled look as if trying to figure him out. Suddenly she uncrossed her arms and laced her fingers behind her back, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

"How can I possible stay mad at you? Now come on," Kairi said, unlacing her hands and grabbed hold of his. She pulled him forward with an unexpected jolt of strength causing him to stumble. "They're waiting for us down at the shore." She turned out and hurriedly tugged him along to the beach.

Along the way Sora wanted to ask her something that abruptly popped into his mind. "Say Kairi, do you know where Riku is? I haven't seen since yesterday afternoon and I was wondering if you maybe have seen him around here."

All he could hear was their group laughing at the ocean's shore and groans of disappointment and then he noticed they had stopped at the ocean's beginning with Kairi staring at him thoughtfully.

"Actually he came down here earlier to fight with Tidus. He seemed very frustrated and I guess he decided to vent it all off using Tidus as his sparing dummy. Do you think he was angry at me for saying all that stuff?" she spoke regretfully with the hints of apologies in her words and her tone. She turned her face down, not daring to look Sora in the eyes and he didn't force her too. He felt ashamed along with her. He knew how she felt.

"I don't blame him for being hurt because I said some awful things to him too, but he had no right to do what he did to you!" he answered fiercely, his cerulean eyes blazing with disgust, but hating himself for feeling that. He felt like he was betraying his best friend. But how would you react if you were in this situation? He couldn't just shrug this off. Something needed to be done.

"Sora..." Kairi said questioningly, having the guts to face him. Her eyes inquired many things from him. "You don't get it, do you?" she spoke softly and slowly, wondering if Sora knew the truth of Riku's actions. "What do you think Riku was trying to do to me?"

He stared her in disbelief, dumbfounded at her sudden question. "How can you ask that? You know what he was doing himself! He was trying to murder you, that's what!"

The loud laughing and excited voices still didn't dim down so they couldn't be overheard, even though Sora was shouting, but Kairi still felt some apprehension. She shushed him and darted her eyes around suspiciously, hoping no on had heard her boyfriend's hasty words.

"Keep your voice down," she said scolding, cupping her hand over his lips. Kairi studied him for a moment and then released her lips from the solitude of her hands. "You really don't get it, do you?" she asked sadly, not expecting another verbal response from him. He resembled a fish at the moment with his jaw working up and down, confused and discombobulated. "Well... let's go see what the others are up to," she said in a final tone.

Kairi latched onto his hand again and pulled him towards their group. Sora had a pout and a puzzled look on his face because of their conversation. He thought he knew perfectly well what was going on but he didn't say that aloud. His pride was still injured for some unknown reason to Sora. Did he really feel that responsible of how he had treated his best friend? Did he really feel something other than friendship for him and even though he would be disgusted at his actions of treating him wrong, he'd still feel something uncontrollable for him? If did, he didn't deserve Riku.

They stopped in front of Selphie who was holding out two necklaces with a magnificent red flowers strung on the strings efficiently. A grin was spread happily across her lips. They held out their free hands and waited for the leis to be given to them but Selphie took one and tossed it over Kairi's head and onto her shoulders successfully. She adjusted it gently on her shoulders so part of the lei was hanging down the front and the back almost equally. Kairi lifted the flowers up to her nose and inhaled the perfume smell of the plant.

"Aren't they just gorgeous?" Selphie asked as she tried to toss the other lei over Sora's head but it didn't quite work out. The lei got stuck in the spikes of his gravity-defying hair. She continued to talk about the gifts as she undid the necklace from his hair. "These are called plumeria leis and they're a tradition in Hawaii. And since they're an island and we're an island, I thought we could indulge ourselves in their customs!" She got the string undone from Sora's locks and adjusted the lei on his shoulders like she had done with Kairi's. "There!" she exclaimed proudly with a grin brightly intact on her lips.

"Thanks Selphie," Kairi and Sora said in unison.

The couple looked at each other and blinked right before they burst into helpless giggles at their unusual and coincidental remarks at the same time. Kairi removed her hand from Sora's and wound her slim arms around Sora's. She leaned against him as her frame shook with her laughter. Sora leaned back onto her as if to stable himself from falling over from his own laughs and Kairi's extra added weight.

"You know, you two are really adorable together. It's a shame you're not together," Selphie said with one arm across her chest and the elbow of her right arm on her left hand. A finger was at her lips and a thoughtful look crossed her face. It was like she was examining them, trying to decipher their true intentions like a scientist with a microscope or a detective with her magnifying glass.

Selphie's comments only caused the pair to burst into even more laughs. And that only made Selphie confused about their relationship even more. She still didn't know about them getting together. She had her suspicions about them ever since she saw Kairi run off to meet Sora. Now as she noticed Kairi standing super close to Sora and clinging to him, she had no doubts about her earlier uncertainty and she came to a believable revelation, a new discovery.

"So you two hooked up?!" she exclaimed happily. She smiled brightly and she seemed to glow with energy.

Selphie zoomed over to Tidus (who was currently sparing with Wakka) and started whispering in his ear. His eyes bulged out for a second and he turned to Selphie, whispering back into her ear. She just laughed and walked back over to the couple. Tidus jumped in front of Wakka and told him something in a hushed voice. Wakka didn't look surprised. He just nodded his head knowingly as if he expected something like that to happen. Kairi and Sora exchanged looks and shook their heads in unison.

The next thing they knew, Kairi was thrown onto the sand from a powerful pouncing maneuver from the hyper girl. Selphie grinned as she sat on top of Kairi's stomach. She looked up at Sora with bright anxious eyes.

"So when are you two tying the knot?" she asked.

The couple blushed and Sora squirmed under Selphie's gaze, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He clasped his hands behind his back and his eyes looked over to Kairi. Her face was as bright as a Christmas tree. Selphie's grin only broadened and she crossed her arms over her chest, nodding her head. Her eyes gleamed with a sparkle that Sora felt foreboding of.

"I knew you two would end up together. You two make the most perfect couple. Can I plan the wedding? I can get even more flowers like on the leis and I'll design your gown Kairi! You'll look so good in white and the bridesmaids will have to be wearing either pink or blue. Or maybe you want a flashier look with glitter and shells. I can get Tidus to-"

"Get me to do what?" Tidus said with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes held a doubtful look.

Selphie scrambled off of Kairi, giving her some well-needed oxygen. She jumped into the air and landed in front of Tidus. She leaned forward in Tidus face with a large grin on her face. She grabbed hold of his arm and started bouncing. You had to start to fear her when she started bouncing. Tidus' arms fell down and he was dragged into her hopping pace.

"You're going to help make the wedding cake of course! It'll be gigantic with seventeen layers and roses made out of white frosting. The groom and bride figures standing on top will have to look just like our happy couple! It's going to have pink little lace trimmings around it and-"

That whole speech of hers only took around five seconds to blurt out. She probably would have continued with her little ranting had not Wakka interrupted her.

"Slow down, ya? Who say anyone's getting married to anyone?" he announced, hoping this would stop Selphie's romantic mind for scheming the future wedding on the island. Unfortunately, it only seemed to encourage her.

"I did and it's going to be spectacular and huge! There will have to white doves and rows of seats for all those guests. It's all going to be outside, including the reception. There'll be cute white umbrellas over tables and chairs with ribbons. Romantic piano concertos will play and their love will be felt by all the guests."

As Selphie's eyes got dreamy and Tidus and Wakka stood there perplexed by all her rambling words, Sora and Kairi sneaked off towards the waterfall near the 'secret' place. They ran as fast as they could, their hands still joined. They saved their talking until they reached their goal destination.

They gulped for air as they sat on the rocks near the waterfall. Their breathing was ragged and they were huffing and puffing. Sora let go off her hand to slip his fingers into the water. He brought the refreshing substance up to face, hoping it would cool of his heated cheeks and forehead. She proceeded to follow his lead and do the same. Only after their breathing had calmed and their faces were less hot did they exchange glances. Sora started chuckling which led to Kairi giggling. The next thing they knew they were leaning against each other, their stomachs hurting from laughing so hard and long.

"Could you imagine us married?" Sora mumbled, staring at his girlfriend in embarrassment.

"As much as I like you Sora, I have to say that's not going to happen for a while," Kairi spoke, pushing playfully at Sora. She gave him a loving smile and leaned forward to give him a kiss only to have them ripped apart forcefully by an intruder.

Kairi fell into the waterfall and Sora reached out to grab her. He only ended up falling into the water with a splash. Sora looked up at their interrupter and met aquamarine eyes flaming with anger and denial.

"And I have to say that it's never going to happen," Riku said.

{----{End of Chapter Nine}----} TBC

Author's Ending Notes: This was short and pointless. I just needed to update so everyone didn't think I died. Anyway, Riku's reaction is next chapter. Obviously he isn't too happy about their arrangement. Is it only going to get worse or will he welcome them with open arms? Don't count on it.