Silently Deciding

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Kingdom Heart characters.

WARNING: This fiction is a SHONEN-AI and in case the pairing didn't give it away, it means male/male relationships but not explicit, which is yaoi. It might be yaoi in the later chapters if I decide it to be. Don't count on it though. If you don't like this, don't read! Really quite simple. SEQUEL TO ANGEL EYES

::thoughts:: -'inner voice'-

Chapter One: Mistakes

Such a gorgeous sight the beginnings of dawn were. The fresh new crisp colors in the morning sky invite the sun to come out and stir everyone out from their deep slumbers and dreams. Some seagulls were making their rounds around the islands, circling them and watching the sea along with its lovers below. On a certain Destiny Island, leaning against the Paopu tree on the Paopu island, two teenage boys, a slightly older silver haired boy and a cinnamon haired boy, slept peacefully in each other's arms, unaware of the world and its events around them.

It had been roughly three years ago. Three years since Sora had fought against the Heartless. Three years since Sora had locked Riku inside Kingdom Hearts. Three years since Riku had told him to take care of Kairi. When Sora had gotten back to Destiny Islands, Kairi was there, waiting for him. Remarkably, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie had survived somehow. They didn't remember anything that happened to them in those three years that had past, so it remained a mystery to them all and it left an unfulfilled void in their souls. Almost everyone had lost their parents that night the Heartless had come or sometime afterwards, except for Kairi and Selphie. Tidus and Wakka had taken the news of their parents very hard when they found out. They couldn't even remember a thing about the Heartless and the destruction of the worlds and the next thing they know they find out they don't have parents anymore. It's really sad and Sora really felt bad for them.

Sora lost his parents and he was weeping inside. He wouldn't show it to anyone, placing on happy-go-lucky mask that everything was perfectly fine and he was strong, but Riku and Kairi could see he was hurting. They knew he was taking it hard but he was just barely accepting it. Even if he was accepting it, that didn't mean he had to like the fact one bit that he lost both his parents. He had hoped deep in his heart that maybe there was a chance they had survived. Sora guessed that maybe more than hope was needed for that chance; it would take a miracle.

It had been about three and half weeks ago that Riku came back from the inside of Kingdom Hearts. Sora had waited close to a year for him to come back and he finally did. Kairi and the others didn't really believe that Riku would come back but they didn't mention their opinions in front of Sora. So it came to a surprise for them to see Riku again. Riku wasn't in good shape when Sora found him lying almost dead on the beach one evening. He was bleeding heavily from many different wounds all over his body. Deep gashes like claw marks were slashed across his face, which were healed easily with curaga. It took a couple of weeks to get Riku back to his normal self on the outside.

Whatever was in Kingdom Hearts had torn him up, both physically and mentally. Riku had barely said anything about the events that happened in Kingdom Hearts when he was locked in there for such a long amount of time. Sora thought maybe it was too difficult for him to talk about right now. The wounds inside of him, contained in his heart and carved into his soul, were still open and fresh. Making him talk would be like pouring salt into those new wounds he carried with him. Sora would wait until Riku felt that he could open up to him, trust him like he could before. It would almost be like starting over their friendship, making them awkward and clumsy around the other.

A wind blew lightly against the two boys. The cinnamon haired boy stirred in his sleep and nuzzled into the warmth that was holding him because the wind was brushing against his neck and ears, tickling him. He was VERY ticklish. That was his weakness. TICKLING! Only VERY few people knew about this weakness of his. Riku was one of the few. Sora was so irritated that Riku knew his one of his few weaknesses but he didn't know any of his. That is, if Riku even had any.

They were only little kids at the time when Riku found out, probably around the age of six or seven. Kairi hadn't come to the islands yet and it was only Riku and Sora, just the two of them together forever. It was morning outside like today and they were walking along the calm ocean waves, side by side.

Riku had spent the night over at Sora's house and they decided to get up early that morning so they could have some of the chocolate ice cream that was stored inside the freezer. It took a while to get the ice cream because they were both too short to reach the handle to the freezer door. So they came up with an ingenious plan. Sora stood on top of Riku's shoulders while Riku stood still and held him in place as safely as he could. They failed miserably a few times with Sora falling down and getting little bruises here and there, but they ended up escaping with the ice cream in hand without making too much disturbing noise to wake up Sora's parents.

They were walking along the beach's waves that tried to lap at their shoeless feet, licking their frozen delights. The wind was playing with their hair, twirling it about in its possession. Riku looked over at Sora, who was busy walking and digging into his tasty treat. Sora had some of the chocolate mess on the front of his blue shirt. It was dripping down the fabric, leaving its messy trail behind. Not to mention, he had some around his mouth and on the tip of his nose. Riku had to stop walking and burst out into a fit of laughter. Sora just looked so messy, but it was so... cute.

At the sound of Riku's laughter, Sora stopped eating his chocolaty treasure and halted in the middle of his walking. He frowned and looked over at Riku with his big innocent blue eyes.

"What's so funny?" he asked clueless. Sora had no idea what/who he was laughing at.

Riku kept laughing, trying to tell Sora the reason for his laughing fit but he couldn't make out a single syllable. That made Sora annoyed so he decided to take action instead. Sora took some of the chocolate ice cream off his cone and into his hands. He smeared the mess all over Riku's cheeks.

Riku immediately stopped laughing when he felt the icy cold substance touch his warm cheeks. He stared wide-eyed in surprise at Sora, whose eyes were sparkling with mischief and happiness. This time, it was Sora holding his stomach as he burst into a helpless bundle on the ground. He was victim to his own fit of giggles.

Riku smirked and got some of his own chocolaty ice cream in his hands and smeared it over Sora's cheeks. Sora withdrew back and stared at Riku with a shocked grin on his face. He grabbed some more ice cream out of his cone and threw it at Riku. It landed on top of his head and dripped down his hair, swirling with the silver locks.

In return, Riku took some of the chocolate ice cream out of his hair and threw it back at Sora. It landed in his mess of cinnamon-colored hair, some of the ice cream dripping down his forehead to the bridge of his nose.

Before Sora had a chance to react, Riku charged at him, knocking them both in the salt water of the ocean. They started rolling around wrestling, both of them trying to get the advantage and get on top of the other. Both of them were laughing and they were surrounded by the gentle sound of their happy laughter combining. The water had little swirls of the chocolate ice cream that had fallen or dripped off of them when they had been wrestling around.

After a while, they stopped with Sora's limbs draping over Riku and trying to calm his racing heart. Their laughter turned into little chuckles and soon, into silence. When they calmed down enough, Sora rolled off of young Riku.

"So what were you laughing at?" Sora asked

Riku turned towards him and told him it was a secret. Sora couldn't accept that for a reasonable answer though.

"Come on Riku! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Sora pleaded with him, tugging on his baggy shirt. "Please Riku." Sora gave him the big blue puppy dog eyes and his famous little pout to match.

"It's nothing. You just have some ice cream right here." Riku tapped him on the tip of his nose. He chuckled a bit as Sora started to furiously wipe away the mess on his nose. "Oh and some right here too." He poked Sora's tummy and Sora pulled back quickly. Riku stared at him mischievously. "Are you ticklish Sora?"

"No! Of course not!" Sora shook his head and scooted back away from Riku.

"I bet you are!" Riku challenged. He reached out and started tickling Sora, who was indeed ticklish. Sora couldn't stop the laughter that came pouring out of his mouth. He continued to laugh and tried to push Riku's hands away from his stomach, but he failed horribly.

"No! Riku! Don't! Stop!" Sora breathed out between giggles.

"Don't stop? Okay. If you say so." Riku continued to tickle Sora around the ribcage and stomach until he was crying from all the laughter he produced. Riku had to chuckle a little seeing that Sora was so happy. Sora's smile was very contagious. He always seemed to grow on you. He was just so... adorable in his own little Sora way.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon and teenage Sora lightly stirred in his sleep as he felt the heat of the new sun's rays. Usually he was always a heavy sleeper and out cold but lately he hadn't been able to get to sleep. Something just didn't feel right anymore. He somewhat felt a sense of foreboding in a way.

Sora barely opened his eyes and couldn't quite make out where he was. ::Where am I?:: His vision was a bit fuzzy and he turned to look out into the ocean and the sunrise of this morning. ::Why am I outside?:: He blew some of his cinnamon hair out of his face. Sora felt something holding him around the waist, almost possessively and very protectively too. A cool breeze swept over him and a few thin strands of silver fell in front of his eyesight. Sora's eyes widened considerably. ::It's not...?::

He looked up reluctantly, hoping that maybe he was seeing things and those thin strands of silver wasn't even there at all. It was only his imagination. His mind was only playing tricks on him, right? Low and behold, Sora peered up into the pale flawless face of his best friend and rival. He lightly gasped and stared at the sleeping boy who was holding onto him tightly, not to mention he was holding him back.

Suddenly, everything came back in a flood of memories; that blasted question, Riku's eyes, Riku's lips on his, Riku's hands on his flaming body, Riku's tender care, and just Riku himself.

::Oh no! What have I done?:: Slowly, Sora lowered his arms from around Riku's slim neck and pushed against his chest, all the while hoping he would stay sleeping.

He looked down at the silver haired boy's gloved hands that were around him. A pinkish tint colored his cheeks and he could feel his face burning. Sora struggled to get out of his best friend's hold but when he tried, the grip of the silver haired boy just tightened around him. Sora just relaxed, closing his eyes for a moment and leaned into the other's cool body. ::At least no one's up right now to see us like this. Well not yet anyway. Might as well enjoy this and go back to sleep::

Riku nuzzled the boy in his lap. Sora's eyes shot open and he could feel his body tense up. His face heated up and he knew it wasn't a sunburn. ::He just had to do that:: Sora tried to pull away but grip tightened once again around his waist.

"Damn it Riku," he hissed out under his breath. Sora tried to struggle some more but was halted by a low murmur of a voice.

"Mmm... Sora," said the sleeping silver haired boy.

Sora stopped midway in his antics and blushed. ::Is he dreaming about me?! Okay, I'm getting freaked. More than I was anyway:: The silver haired boy stirred in his sleep at the younger teen's tense body against him. ::Oh no! Riku don't wake up! Please don't wake up:: That was no use because fate had another agenda.

Riku's content aqua green eyes met with Sora's wide and stunned cerulean blue orbs. Riku stared down at him hoping this was NOT a dream and that it was real. Sora gazed back into his aqua green eyes hoping that Riku would just fall back to sleep or something to get rid of Riku's stare.

Riku reached out a free hand, keeping one arm loosely around Sora's waist and touched Sora's face, making sure he was real and not something he was just imagining, a side-effect from his dream (and what a dream it was). When Riku found out the wonderful truth concerning the angel in his arms, he smiled softly and peered down at the dumbfounded cinnamon haired boy. Sora stared at Riku and noted his smile. ::Whoa. That's a change from his normal smirk. But then again, nothing seems 'normal' anymore. It's... different and everything has... changed::

"Good morning Sora," Riku spoke just as gently as his smile which surprised Sora.

Before Sora had a chance to reply, Riku embraced him lovingly around the waist, bringing his gloved hands up to toy with Sora's cinnamon locks. He wondered what the strands would feel like without his leather gloves. Riku was very content and thought this would be a great way to wake up every morning. Sora froze and simply just let Riku hug him. He didn't embrace him back though and Riku noticed that as he frowned into Sora's gravitational defying spiky hair.

Riku pulled back and regained a small smile on his features, although he was inwardly disappointed that Sora didn't hug him back. ::Maybe he's confused or maybe he doesn't like--:: His thoughts were cut off by Sora's voice.

"Morning Riku," Sora spoke coolly and indifferently as if nothing had really happened. He was thinking that maybe if he made light of the situation then Riku would too, even though Riku wasn't known to be a follower. Then eventually they would forget everything that happened yesterday. Even though the chances were very slim, he thought it was at least worth a shot.

"How'd you sleep?" Sora questioned him. Of course he remembered straight after saying that catching Riku saying his name in his sleep. Sora blushed at the remembrance and Riku noticed but didn't say anything about it.

"Just fine," he said with a knowing smile on his features. "How about you?" he asked just as casually as Sora. He was inwardly disappointed again because Sora failed to acknowledge what happened between them last night.

"Fine," Sora said. "Nothing really out of the ordinary and definitely not anything special." Sora could have chocked on those words when he saw a look of hurt pass over Riku's face. Riku recovered quickly though and placed on his aloof mask of indifference.

-'Of course something special happened last night that was definitely out of the ordinary. You kissed him and you liked it!'-

::I did not. Nothing happened::

-'You can't just pretend nothing ever happened. Something did happen and you know it. What? Are you trying to lead Riku on? Are you trying to hurt him on purpose?'-

Sora glanced at Riku before he lowered his head as if defeated. He didn't want to hurt Riku but he just didn't know what to do. ::Maybe I should leave him alone::

"I think I should go," Sora managed to whisper out.

Riku looked down at the boy in his lap for a few seconds, noticing that he seemed ashamed, before speaking up. "I think you should too so go," Riku regarded him coldly as removed his arms from his waist. "No one's stopping you," he whispered harshly that sent chills down Sora's spine. ::If he wants this not to happen and pretend it did, then it won't and it didn't. I knew it was too good to be true::

Sora scrambled off of Riku's lap quickly and started walking to the bridge that lead back to shore. He turned around and was facing Riku's back. "Riku, I..." he whispered out.

"Just get out of here Sora. I don't want to see you, talk to you, or anything. Leave me alone," he spoke out loud enough for Sora to hear him. He sounded as if he was under a lot of strain. Sora noted that Riku's hands were clenched tightly. ::Better not mess with him right now. I'll come back later when he's vented out all his anger::

Without another word said, Sora quickly walked away from Riku as he had asked, his shoes causing the wood to creak beneath him. He was so confused right now. ::I need to talk to someone about this. Who though? Selphie? No, she'd try to play matchmaker. Tidus? Nope. He'd probably want a duel. Wakka? He wouldn't understand. One person left:: With that last thought, he ran across the beach and over to his boat at the dock to untie it loose. Sora jumped into his boat 'The Highwind' and started rowing to the main island as fast as he could. He had some things to sort out. ::I hope Kairi's up this early::

{----{End of Chapter}----} TBC

Next chapter: (I think) Misunderstandings

Riku thinks over what's going on with Sora and his own feelings. Sora has a chat with Kairi. Will it lead to something more? Selphie the hyper bouncy girl comes into play soon! STAY TUNED!

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