Hey every one! Thanks for the reviews. I'll try to make this a good one. I hope you like it.

Chapter 9

I do!

                Serena looked at him not knowing what to say. She has been waiting for him to say this for a long time. But her mind got into a defend mood. 'No! He's saying that because of Damien.' Serena looked at Darien uncertainly. She didn't know if she should trust him or not.  She looked at him searchingly, almost begging him to tell her the truth.

                "You don't love me." She said flatly, almost sounding as if she didn't care. Almost. "You don't love me." She repeated. "You said that because of Damien, because you want him to be part of you life. But…but, do you want me as part of your life as he is yours?" she asked as she looked at him. Asking him, no, begging him to say yes. She wanted to be part of his life. She wanted to be with him in every waking moment. She wanted to feel his arms around her like she did that fateful night. The night, they had created Damien. "I don't know." She went on; "I don't think I can handle being hurt by you." she looked at him with apologetic eyes. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw the hurt in his eyes. She looked away and walked to Damien, pushing his stroller, she went to the direction on her house.

                Had she done the right thing? 'Yes! You did. He would have left you once he falls in love with another woman. He probably said that because of Damien.' Her mind said sternly. She felt tears coming to her eyes at the thought. Would he do that to her? Was he really saying that because she had Damien?

                Darien stood there not moving. He couldn't feel himself. He couldn't think. What happened? Why didn't he stop her? She thought he was saying it because of Damien. For the first time since his parents' death, he felt tears come to his eyes as he sank to the ground. What is he suppose to do? He can't live without her! He needs her! She was his light from the moment he met her. Her eyes. Her beautiful smile that can light the whole room! Her tempting lips that he want to feel against his. He yearned for her warmth, for her touch. He stood up limply and started to walk. His eyes were blank and there was no light or any emotion in them. Plain blank.

                He walked to his apartment. He entered the building and took the elevator to go to his room. He walked down the hall emotionless. He opened his door and walked to the couch and sat on the couch. Slowly he laid down, his eyes on the ceiling looking blankly at it.

                Was he not good enough for her? He knew he didn't deserve her, but he wanted some light in his life and the only person who had that light was she. He needed some happiness in his so-called life. He had always told himself that he didn't need anyone. That love was nothing to him and he wouldn't fall in love. But he didn't know what was coming his way. He didn't know when Serena walked in to his life and changed it permanently. She made him only his and no one else's. He felt empty without her presence. Like there is no place for him to be. Like he didn't belong in this world. A tear spilled form his eyes and went to the side of his face.

                Serena walked home and entered into her room without saying a word to her parents. She flopped on her bed and let the tears run down her check as she curled in a ball. She let all her bitter emotions out as she lay on her bed.

                After what seem to be an eternity, Serena stood up and looked in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her checks were flashing from the cry she had. Her clothes were wrinkled due to the position she was. She felt like she was dieing. She looked over the other side of the room and saw that Damien was awake and seems to be playing with an unknown substance. She smiled lovingly at him and walked over to where he was lying. Damien was the only thing she had of Darien. Turning around, she walked across the hallway to the bathroom. She opened the tap and let the cold water run over her face.

                She went back to her room and picked Damien up and went down the stairs. Her family was sitting around the table getting ready for dinner. Serena smiled as much as she could. "Hi." She greeted weakly.

                She didn't feel like talking to anyone. She felt frustrated.

                As she sat on one of the chairs, her mother looked at her questioningly. She could see that something was bothering her, and she didn't like it. She wanted to talk to her, but knew that Serena didn't want to talk right now, so she let it go, but she didn't stop the concern that came over her. Ilene looked over at her husband. He looked focused, like he was in a deep thought. She wondered what he could be thinking about.

                "Serena?" Kenji asked all of a sudden.

                Serena looked at her father questioningly, "Yes dad?" she said as she eyed him. Is it her or does her father looked concerned about something.

                "What did he say when you told him?" he asked as if reading her mind. He saw as her eyes widened with shock. Her face turned white.

                "How…how did you know I talked with him?" she asked not meeting her father's eyes. All of a sudden she felt like he could read her, every single thing she thought about it. When her father didn't answer she looked at him. He wall looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer. She sighed and looked at the table. "He…he said he loved me." She whispered. "But, I have a feeling that he was saying it because of Damien." She said as tears threatened to fall from her down caste eyes.

                "Why would he say that and not mean it?" he asked. Serena didn't like his calm and soft words. He never talks about boys like this. He always screamed bloody murder. She wondered what was with her father.

                "I don't dad." She answered. She didn't want to talk about this anymore. She felt like crying. "May I be excused?" without waiting for explanation, she got up and walked up the stairs to her room.

                Darien hasn't seen her for almost 2 weeks. She was avoiding him and that made him feel hurt. Why does his life always be like hell? Why must he suffer?

                He was walking down the sidewalk to the arcade. He wasn't sure if she would be there, but he hoped so. He had missed her and Damien. He didn't even get to know Damien properly. He blinked back a tear as he walked to the arcade. As he entered, he thought he would never see that hairstyle. His heart started to beat fast as he walked to where she was sitting.

                "Hi," he said softly, not to startled her. He sat next to her and looked at Damien. He had more hairs now, and he looked more like him now.

                Serena looked around to see Darien sitting next to her. She looked away and looked at Damien. "Hi," she said nonchalantly. She had missed him a lot. She missed looking into his eyes and getting lost in them. She missed his warmth.

                He cleared his throat feeling nervously. "Um…can…can I talk to you?" he asked as brushed his sweaty palm over his pants. He looked around and, "Privately?" he added, not wanting to people to listen to their conversation.

                Serena thought for a while and decided to talk to him. What harm can it make? She nodded her head softly and looked at him searching his face.

                He stood up, "Maybe we can go to the back room." He said suggestively. She nodded and stood up, taking Damien with her.

                They walked to the back room and stood awkwardly for a couple of minutes. Not being able to take any more of the silence, Serena, took a deep breath and asked, "So, what did you want to talk about?" she asked as she brushed Damien's hair.

                Darien took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "How are you?" he asked looking at her from the corner of his eyes.

                Serena blinked surprised, "Well, I'm fine thank you." she said a little taken aback by his question.

                "Serena," he trailed off as she looked at him. How could he talk with her looking at him like that? She was just too beautiful. He took a deep breath and tried again. "Serena, why did you leave me when I told you that I love you?" he asked as his eyes filled with pain remembering how she had turned away from him.

                Serena looked away as he asked her that, "Because you didn't mean what you said." Was her soft replay.

                "What do you mean I didn't man it? I meant it when I said I love you." he said desperately. How could she think that he didn't love her? Who wouldn't?

                She turned sharply and looked at him dead in the eye as she walked closer to him. "Don't you dare say something you don't mean. Don't you dear!" she said, her voice dangerously quite.

                "God, I mean it. I love you so much that it hurt! Why can't you just believe me?" he begged as he felt tears come to his eyes. Why can't she believe me?

                Serena's eyes were starting to water, "Please don't!" she whimpered as she feel to the ground. "Please don't." she begged shaking her head in disbelief.

                "Please listen to me." He said, as he too sat on the floor with her. "I do love you. With all my heart." He begged as a tear made it's way down his check. "Just give me a chance. Please? I know you're thinking that I'm doing this for Damien, but it's not. Damien is something that we made. Please?"

                She looked into his eyes, looking at the honesty in his eyes. "Can I trust you?" she asked softly.

                "Yes! Oh, God yes. I would never hurt you. I would never." He said as he took her into his warm embrace, closing his eyes, he rested his head on her head liking her scent.

                Looking up from where she was, Serena looked at Darien in his eyes. She saw all the pain and loneliness, all the sadness and desire he had for someone to love him, but most of all, she saw love, the love he held for her. She let herself be pulled closer to his warm body loving the way she fitted in his arm.

                Darien looked down and saw her look at him. He knew she could se everything that he was feeling and he didn't mind. He would show and tell her anything that he had never told anyone before. She looked beautiful. Not being able to resist her insisting lips that wanted to be kissed, he leaned down and claimed her lips with his own. He gently laid her on the floor, his arms around her small waist. He turned his head in an angle so that he had a better access to her mouth.

                Serena moaned in to his mouth loving the feeling. She let all her feeling consume her as she put her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her. She sighed with pure bliss as she stroked the hair near his neck.

                Darien let his tongue caress her lips for a better access to her mouth. It didn't take long for her to open her mouth and let him in. Their tongue started to play with each other, knowing each and ever detail of each other's mouth. She moved closer to his warm body,

                Unknown to them, Damien was clapping his hand, happy to see his mommy and daddy together.

                Out of breath, the two couple parted dazed. Serena rested her head on Darien's chest trying to regain her breath.

                "I love you, Serena." He whispered softly not wanting to disturb the quite feeling.

                "I… I love you," she whispered back. She knew she couldn't deny herself anymore than she can deny this. She looked up again and was surprise, when Darien's lips caught hers. She didn't protest. She just melted in his arms as he held her tightly, not wanting to let her go. They would have gotten a lot longer if they didn't hear an excited Laughter come from behind them.

                Serena giggled against Darien's lips remembering her neglected son. She turned around and looked at Damien. She stood up from where she was and walked to him. At the sight of her, Damien started to laugh excitedly. Clapping his small hands together.

                Darien walked behind her and looked as Serena picked Damien, nuzzling his neck, making him squeal with delight. "Um…May I hold him?" Darien asked as he looked at her nervously.

                She smiled her heart-melting smile that made his knees weak. "Sure, here you go." she said as she handed Damien to Darien. Darien looked at Damien lovingly as he brushed his hair out of his face. "You know," he said as he looked at Serena, "When he grows up, I have a feeling he is going to be a heartbreaker." He said, as a mischievous glint came in to his eyes. "Just like his father." He said as he lifted his chin up in a pride gesture. He looked at Serena from the corner of his eyes and saw as a smile tugged at the corner of her lip.

                "Don't hold you breath. Who said you are handsome? Who ever said it, must be blind to see that big ego of yours." She said teasingly.

                He pretended to be hurt, "What? Don't tell me that you don't think I'm handsome." "Oh, What has this generation has come to?" he said dramatically putting his hand on his head in mock defeat.

                Serena giggled good naturally. "Don' flatter yourself." She said as she brushed passed him. She turned around with a grin on her face as she said, "But I sure don't mind you being handsome." She winked and left the room and back to the arcade.

                Darien smiled to himself as he followed her, with Damien in his arm. Things are going well to them. He had Serena for his own and Damien as a bonus. He sighed. Can life get any better?

                "Daddy! Wake up daddy!" scream a boy at the age of 5.

                Darien groggily looked at his son and smiled. He looked to the side and saw his beautiful wife sleeping not even bothered by the screams she was hearing. His hand brushed the lock that was in her eyes gently. He felt her stir under his touch and open her beautiful blue eyes and looked at him. A small smile made it's way on her lips.

                "Hi," she whispered, her voice thick with sleepiness.

                "Hi," he said as he leaned down and gave her a small pack on the lip. Even in the morning she smelled good.

                "Daddy! Can we go to the park today?" he asked as he looked at his father pleadingly.

                "No, he's going to play tea party with me!" screamed a 7-year-old girl. Her pink hair was loose on her shoulder as she held a stuffed bear in her hand.

                Serena looked at her daughter with a smile. She used to be like her when she was small. Fighting for her father's attention.

                It took them almost a week to convince her father to agree that she was happy with Darien. He almost killed him! She giggled at the memory. She could still remember Darien horrified face when her father launch for his neck.

                "We're all going for a picnic today. Where is Damien?" she asked Johnny, her youngest son.

                "He's looking at girls on a magazine!" he said wrinkling his nose in disgust.

                Darien almost laughed as Serena's face turned red.

                He sighed with pure content. He was happy with what he got. He has a lovely wife, three beautiful children. 'I guess life can get better.'

THE END!!!!!

I know, I know! It was awful. I had a bad way of finishing things not just this! But I hope you like it! If you didn't I'm sorry. I'll try to make them better in other fics!

Love ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!