((Author's note: I'm terribly sorry this chapter sucks, I don't normally write so bad x.x; I 've been busy with school and stupid 'friend drama' (someone's dating someone who someone else likes and dear lord why do they interrogate me with their little problems and never listen to my advice x.x; ) Also, I've gotten QUITE a large case of writer's block. I'm sure after I get this chapter up though, I'll get back into my little realm of writing...don't abandon me! -sniff- please?))

Devi opened her eyes later the next morning only to feel heavy and very odd. The sun beamed down into her eyes, leaving a terrible, sickening haze.

" Ugh..." She thought. Not yet strong enough to sit up. " What the hell happened to me last night?"

" Umm...Mr. Scary neighbor man sir? Johnny?" A small voice squeaked next to her. " Are you okay?" She blinked sitting straight up from an adrenaline shock looking all around, though immediately getting light headed and nauseated.

"JOHNNY?! WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT PSYCHO?!" She screamed, though her voice was different, much deeper and raspier...almost masculine and oddly familiar. She blinked clutching her throat.

Suddenly her vision began to clear as she noticed, the scenery had changed from the previous night. She was no longer on her balcony, but a sidewalk looking at a small, frightened boy who jumped as she screamed.

" What...what are you talking about?" Squee asked backing away from her in fear. " You're not going to kill me are you? Schmee says you're a bad man..."

Squee's words began to dissipate into nothing as Devi's mind began to race, putting the situation she was in together piece by piece; where she was lying, the boy next to her...then the final words she had spoken the night before echoed through her head. " God I wish I was someone else!" She whimpered lightly as her stomach did a sickening flip, slowly looking down at her body. As she weakly cried out, feeling terribly sick to her stomach, she had turned into Nny.

" HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" She screamed, jumping very wobbly to her feet and swaying violently. Squee looked up at her, screamed, and ran away. She looked down at her hands, hoping to see her own paint stained ones but simply seeing Johnny's long slender fingers. Groaning nauseated like she turned around and ran towards the house she morbidly recognized as Johnny's. Though as 'her' hand touched the doorknob, a block of ice formed inside her outrageously hungry stomach.

" Oh fuck..." She groaned, turning around and looking city ward. " If I'm him...than...he-" though before she finished, her panic arose to a ball in her throat preventing her from swallowing; immediately she fled from the door, tripping over her feet not used to the steel toe of the boots he wore, and sprinted full tilt towards the city.

" Good God where am I?" Nny thought as he opened his eyes to see his surroundings too had changed from where had crashed the previous night. Sitting up he yawned, running his hand through his...surprisingly long hair. Confused he blinked and pushed his hair forwards, only to see long strands of magenta hair instead of his blackish blue spikes. He drew in a sharp breath and looked down at himself, clothed in those of Devi's he had seen on her the previous day.

" Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!" He screamed in a higher feminine voice, and jumping up to his feet and wobbling. " THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND YOU GOD DAMNED...err...WHAT EVER GRANTED THIS WISH!" He added, going inside of 'his' apartment and slamming the screen door. Sure enough, as he looked around the apartment, he was inside Devi's body. He put his arms across his chest and held onto his shoulders, feeling awkward and somewhat dirty he had any contact whatsoever, even being trapped in her body, with her breasts. Immediately, he dropped his hands to his sides and sighed, flopping down onto the couch and resting his head on his fist, elbow on the couch's arm.

" Of all the God damned wishes I have, why this one?" He muttered placing his boot heels on the coffee table in front of him. " Though I do have to admit, It's much more comfortable not hearing voices...well...except me talking to myself, err-roughly myself." He sighed then fell silent. Though suddenly a sharp, sickening thought raced through his mind causing his stomach to flip and twist inside.

" Wait a minute, if I'm-...Oh God...DEVI!" He screamed leaping to his feet and racing out of the apartment building towards his own house.

((Author's Note: Yes, yes I agree this is terribly slow, I can guarantee this is going somewhere though...-feels awful for writing something so boring.- ))