KK, lemme see....this is my first published Holes ficcy, so if it sux, im really sorry. Ummm, i don't own camp lakeway or ne of the characters yadda yadda yadda. I do own camp arden and all the characters you don't know about. Uhhhhh r&r please cuz i could totally use some cirticism!!! KK...um...thanx

Fidget sat cross-legged on her tiny, rickety cot, gnawing away on her fingernails. Since she couldn't sit still long enough to do anything with them, they were chipped and broken and jagged. She was wearing an ugly sleeveless lime green jumpsuit, and her light brown hair was pulled back in double French braids with two white ribbons.

"Don't chew on your nails." Link admonished softly. Everything she did was quiet and gentle. Link didn't look like she belonged at Camp Arden. She was short and pale, with huge watery blue eyes and masses of golden curls. She even looked innocent in the ugly jumpsuit and heavy workboots.

"Yeah, you're making them ugly." Jewel agreed with her best friend. Jewel was pretty tall and black. She had thick black hair almost always pulled back in a messy bun and big chocolate eyes. She had a great figure, and it looked awesome even in the green jumpsuit that was a required part of Camp Arden.

"I think we have more important things to worry about, Jewel." Rogue snapped. Though the youngest member of D Cabin, she was the most aggressive of them all. She was pretty short, but incredibly muscular. She had fanned, shoulder-length chestnut hair that was almost always in a ponytail and dark brown eyes that always looked angry.

Just then, Star walked into the cabin with her two best friends, Apple and Minx, on either side of her.

"What are you guys all waiting around for?" Star asked in surprise. She was the unofficial leader of the cabin, and even Rogue submitted to her authority. "Well, go ahead and take showers."

Fidget scampered out the door, waving her towel wildly around her head as she went. Link and Jewel followed, heads bent and deep in discussion. Rogue went last, walking briskly as though annoyed.

"Do you think they've heard?" Minx asked worriedly. She sank down onto her poor excuse for a bed, reveling in the shade that the cabin roof provided.

"If they haven't, they will have soon." Star sighed heavily. She had her jumpsuit unzipped to her bellybutton, and it hung down. She wore her black sports bra underneath it. She had her bellybutton pierced, but she was only allowed to wear a tiny silver stud in it.

"What do you think they'll do about it?" Apple asked eagerly. She, out of the three best friends, was the most carefree. She was stick thin, without many curves. She had perfectly straight auburn hair that went a little past her shoulders and wide blue eyes framed by blonde lashes.

"Who knows." Star shrugged. She was, by everyone's general opinion, the prettiest girl in D Cabin. She wasn't incredibly tall, but she was slender and had a relatively nice shape. Her hair was white blonde, and she wore it in cornrows halfway down her back. Her eyes were a dark smoky color, and her nose was tiny with a little silver stud in it.

"Who'd have thought it?" Minx said, flopping down onto her back. She was younger than Apple and Star, though only by a year. She was pretty petite, but her long, luscious black hair made up for it. She had a dainty heart- shaped mouth and laughing hazel eyes. "The warden just randomly dying of a heart attack?"

"It wasn't random." Apple said cheerfully, digging around in her locker for her towel so she could go and take a shower. "He's been sick for like, a year!"

"Has it really been that long?" Minx asked in surprise as they left the cabin for the showers.

By dinner, everyone knew about the unexpected death of Martin Lawrence, the warden of Camp Arden. Measures were being taken immediately to find a new warden.

"I hope it's a girl." Jewel said as they lay on their beds that night, trying to go to sleep. "Then she'll understand why we act so crabby one week out of every month."

"And she'll have tampons for us already, so we won't have to go and ask that the camp buys some." Minx agreed, smiling in the darkness.

"C'mon, let's get to sleep." Star said. "We've got another long day of work tomorrow."

But that wasn't true. The bugle didn't go off at five o'clock the next morning like normal. Everyone got to sleep in until eight, when the bugle finally sounded.

Aphrodite, one of the counselors, appeared in the doorway as they all got dressed in their jumpsuits. "Meet in the mess hall." She said shortly, and left.

The seven girls of Cabin D made their way to the mess hall, refreshed and wondering what on earth was going on.

Once all the girls from the camp were assembled at their respective tables in the mess hall, Aphrodite and another counselor, Boxer, got up at the front of the room.

"I'm sure you've all heard about the unfortunate death of the warden," Aphrodite began. She was a gorgeous girl in her mid-twenties; she hadn't liked the warden much so she smiled a little when everyone cheered. "As a result, we've been forced to find another warden. However," She paused. "We couldn't. Most of you probably don't know, but Camp Arden has a male counterpart: Camp Greenlake, in Texas. We've talked with their warden, and we've decided to make the camps co-ed. So hurry and change into street- clothes, pack up what you've got, and line up by cabins in front of the mess hall."

There was an immediate shrieking and talking and babbling as the girls hurried back to their own cabins.

"Co-ed?" Fidget leaped up and down on her cot, struggling to take her jumpsuit off. She nearly fell off on her bed.

"Be careful!" Link warned gently, changing quickly into her clothes and brushing through her hair.

"I can't wait!" Apple said excitedly, tying her worn Nikes on over her ankle socks.

"I can." Link mumbled.

"Me too." Rogue snapped.

"Why?" Minx was appalled.

"Boys are scum." Rogue said sharply. "I hate them all, and I never want to see one again. They're annoying, too."

"I just get so nervous around them." Link said quietly. Jewel gave her a quick hug.

"Hurry up." Star urged, putting her few belongings in her backpack. "Aphrodite will come looking for us in a minute."

"Yeah. Yeah." Fidget nodded quickly, then tripped over her untied shoelaces and landed flat on her face.

"You okay?" Apple asked, pulling her to her feet.

"Yeah. Yeah! I'm great!" Fidget grinned, then hopped impatiently from one foot to the other. "C'mon! C'mon! Let's go!"

They all got in line between Cabin C and Cabin E (the last cabin). Star was first, then it was Minx, Apple, Fidget, Rogue, Jewel, and Link.

"Are you all here?" Boxer asked, coming up with a clipboard in her hand. She quickly checked everyone off on her list. "Good. This is your bus. Get on." The girls climbed onto the bus.

"We get this whole bus to ourselves?" Minx asked Boxer in surprise.

"Of course. Now get on and stop asking stupid questions." Boxer said, holding up her fist. She had a habit of hitting girls when they annoyed her, which gave her her nickname. Minx didn't want to get hit, so she hurried up the steps onto the bus.

Star took one of the seats near the back, taking up a whole seat. Apple and Minx took two seats opposite her. Link and Jewel got up front, whispering to each other with their heads bent over. Rogue sat in the middle of the bus by herself, and immediately took out her CD player and began listening to music. Fidget couldn't sit still; she ran up and down the aisle before she finally sat down across from Rogue and pulled out a coloring book to color in with half-melted crayons that had been hidden under her bed since her arrival at Camp Arden.

The faster you review, the faster i'll put up new chapters!! lol!! does bribery actually work??? O, and luvs to KT who will totally luv this story when she reads it!!