Disclaimer: Most of the characters in the story belong to JK Rowling. Apart from me and Niki of course. Oh and I'm sorry for not updating sooner and for the shortness of this chapter. And for making Niki a little over the top. I can't help it; I get a little carried away when I'm writing.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!" I sang slightly off-key, (ok lets make that very off-key) as I hunted through my trunk for my school tie. A full nights sleep had made a considerable difference to my mood.

"Jess shut up!" was heard from the bathroom. I think it was Hannah. Or maybe Susan as I'd learned the other girls name was. But whoever it was it didn't stop me. "You make me happy, when skies are grrreeeeeyyyyyy!"

"Jess! If you don't shut it I'll come over there and make you!" that was Niki.

"You'll never know deeeaaarrrr, how mu-" at this point I was rudely cut off as a pillow smacked into the back of my head.

"I warned you." Said Niki smiling triumphantly, pillow in hand.

"You little git!"

Niki just laughed and took off out the door. I started after her then realised I needed my tie. And my bag. And Trevor. Neville would want him back. So I hastily found my tie and put it on, fetched Trevor from on top of Niki's wardrobe grabbed my school bag and ran out after her.

I pushed open the door to the common room and looked around for Niki. She was talking to Ernie Macmillan so I made my way over to them. "Hello Niki." I said.

"Hi." She said, edging away slightly.

"That wasn't very nice you know."

"What wasn't very nice?" Ernie asked. He was politely ignored.

"I'm Sorry?" was Niki's reply.

"Why?" asked Ernie. We ignored him.

"You are?"

"Yes. I'm very, very sorry." Niki said placing herself behind Ernie.

"Well that's not good enough."

"What's she sorry for?" asked Ernie, looking a little annoyed. I don't think he liked being ignored.

"None of your beeswax." I told him, waving a hand absently in his direction.

Then I dropped Trevor. Niki took this as her chance to run for it but instead of running out the door like any normal person would have done she ran behind one of the couches. I picked up Trevor and gave him to Ernie to hold. Then I picked up a cushion and walked over to Niki who had her hands covering her eyes. I whacked her over the head, dropped the cushion, grabbed Trevor and bolted through the common room door, Niki two steps behind.

So there we were running down the corridor. In hindsight running down the corridor wasn't the best idea, for two reasons. The first reason being we ran smack into Professor McGonagall who decided it was necessary to take points from Hufflepuff. The second reason being we hadn't been paying attention and we were totally lost. By the time we realised this McGonagall was long gone and there was no one to ask for directions.

"Great." I said to Niki. "We're lost."

"That's not good."

"No it's not. Here you take Trevor." I handed her the toad. "Bloody stupid bendy corridor things."

"Which way do we go then?" Niki asked, putting Trevor in her pocket.

"I don't know Niki. We're lost! L-O-S-T. Lost."

"I know how to spell lost Jess."


Niki shook her head. We stood there in silence for a minute.

"Hey Jess. Do you have a map?"

I glared at her. "Yes Niki I have a map. That's why we're standing here in the middle of the corridor."

"No need to be nasty."

"There's plenty reason to be nasty."

"No there's not."

"Yes there is."

"No there's not."

"Yes there is."

"No there's not."

"Yes there is."

"No there's not."

"Ok. There's not."

We stood there in silence for a minute then Niki asked, "Which way do we go then?"

"We've been over this Niki, I don't know."

"Let's go left." Said Niki.

"Why left?"

Niki shrugged and started walking. I followed. "Because lefts not right."

"But if left's not right then it's wrong."

"Then we'll go right then," said Niki stopping.

"No lets go left." I said.

"But I thought right was right."

"Well it is, but left is left."

"I'm confused." Said Niki.

"Me too." I said. "Let's just keep walking."

"Good idea."

After five minutes of walking we found ourselves somewhere in the dungeons and we were still lost. However this wasn't the case for long because we happened to run into Draco Malfoy. Staying lost would probably have been preferable, for Malfoy's sanity at least.

"Hey look it's Malfoy!" said Niki. At which point he noticed us.

"Look it's a pair of Mudbloods." Said Malfoy to one of the boys with him. From what I remembered Niki's mum was a witch but I didn't mention it.

"So it is." Said the boy. "What do you brainless little lunatics want?"

"We're lost." Said Niki, apparently not hearing the brainless little lunatics part.

"How did you manage that? Even I didn't think you were that stupid." said the boy.

"It was her fault." I said pointing at Niki.

Niki glared. "It wasn't my fault."

"You were the one chasing me down the corridor."

"You were the one that hit me with a cushion." She snapped.

"You hit me with a pillow." I said.

"Well you were deafening everyone with your singing, if you can call that singing." Said Niki, her voice rising in pitch.

"Well what about you?" I said getting progressively angrier. Although I have to say the argument was probably my fault.

"What about me?"

"Adopting a toad. Honestly Niki I never realised you were that deranged."

"Stop!" Yelled Malfoy. "We don't want to know."

Niki and I both wheeled round to look at him. "Who asked you anyway?" Snapped Niki.

"Yeah." I said, joining in. "Who asked for your opinion?"

Malfoy looked taken-aback. Then he pulled himself together. "You're both crazy. I'm not even going to bother."

Malfoy turned around and started walking away. I grabbed Niki's arm and dragged her along following Malfoy and his little friends. Zabini turned around and saw us. He stopped. "Why are you following us?" he said, Malfoy and the rest stopping as well.

"We're not." I said. "We're just going in the same direction."

"I thought you were lost." Said Malfoy suspiciously.

"Well we're not anymore." I said. "Where was it you said you were going? The Great Hall?"

"You don't know where you are do you?" said Malfoy. "You're following us because you're still lost."

"No we're not." I said.

"We're not lost at all." Said Niki.

"Not in the slightest." I added.

Malfoy pulled Zabini to the side. Frantic whispering was heard. Then they both turned around.

"We've decided that since you'll probably follow us no matter what you can walk with us to the Great Hall." Said Malfoy. "As long as you don't bother us and when we get there you have to leave us alone."

Niki gave a squeal of delight and launched herself at Malfoy, wrapping her arms around his neck. Malfoy pushed her off rather hurriedly. He looked ….. well …. disgusted. I couldn't help but laugh. Niki laughed too.

Malfoy settled on a glare then turned around and continued walking. I linked arms with Niki and we followed. Eventually we arrived the Great Hall and Malfoy and his friends made their way to the Slytherin table without even looking at us. Niki started to laugh again and I joined in. Then we made our way over to the Hufflepuff table and breakfast.