Summary: I know. It's been done 10 or possibly 20 million times before. But what would happen if my best friend and me attended Hogwarts? Ultimate chaos would probably be the best bet.

Disclaimer: The only things that don't belong to JK Rowling are me (Jess) my friend Niki and her mum, everything else does. Not fair.




"What would happen if we went to Hogwarts?"

That was the question my best friend Niki asked me on the last day of the summer holidays. Right before an extremely large bang and a scarily bright flash of light. Next thing we knew everything was back to normal. Everything apart from two large trunks by the living room door and the fact Niki's electric fire was gone, replaced by a proper fireplace.

"What just happened Niki?"

"I have no clue."

"You never have a clue."

"I do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

Now you see how intelligent we are.

"What are you two arguing about?" This was Niki's mum, she'd just appeared at the foot of the stairs.

"Nothing mum." And this was Niki, although most people should be able to work that out for themselves.

"Well it doesn't matter. Jess can you bring those trunks over here? And Niki I think the Floo Powder's in the back room. Can you go and get it for me doll?" At this I almost choked on my own tongue. Floo Powder? Niki's mum brought me back to my senses by clicking her fingers. "Niki. Floo Powder. Now. Chop chop. The Macmillans are expecting us."

Right this was definetly getting weird. Niki went through the back room and I went over and started dragging the trunks over to the fire, my head reeling. Floo Powder? Macmillans? I automatically came to the conclusion this was all Niki's fault. "What would happen if we went to Hogwarts?" She asked the question not me. Therefore it was all her fault. Yay for me and my amazing logic. At this point Niki came back into the room carrying a jar labelled "Floo Powder". I took the opportunity to shoot her a death glare, which she ignored completely. Stupid git.

"Niki, give it here sweetheart." This again was Niki's mum.

Niki handed the jar over and said "Where we going?"

"The Leaky Cauldron." Her mum answered unfazed, which is hardly surprising. Niki always has had a brain like a sieve. A sieve with very large holes. Shaking her head Niki's mum dragged over the trunk with my name on it ("yay" I thought. "No need to carry it myself") took a pinch of powder, threw it into the flames and said "The Leaky Cauldron."

"Go ahead." I said to Niki, and she promptly grabbed some powder and stepped into the fire, dropped the powder and said "The Leaky Cauldron."

I was just about to follow her lead when I noticed she'd left her trunk behind. Damn her. I dragged the trunk into the fire, cursing to myself as I did so (it was bloody heavy) and took a pinch of Floo Powder, dropped it into the fire, yelled "The Leaky Cauldron" and away I went.

Believe me, travelling by Floo is not as fun as it may sound; it's very hard on your elbows and is as scary as hell. Needless to say when I arrived (in a very elegant heap) at The Leaky Cauldron I was not in a good mood. I righted myself, scrambled out of the fireplace with the trunk and immediately smacked its owner on the head.

"Ow. Bleedin hell. What was that for?"

"You left your bloody trunk. I had to bring it you stupid fishstick. " (Don't ask. Fishstick is my new favourite word.)

"Language girls." I turned round and saw that this comment had come from a man in wizarding robes standing not too far away. Thankfully he didn't seem that angry, he was smiling.

"Sorry Mr. Macmillan." Said Niki.

Ah Mr. Macmillan. "It's alright. I should be used to it from you two." Oh he knows us. Poor man.

"Hi Jess." this came from a boy our own age, around 16, who looked remarkably like Mr. Macmillan. So they must be related. So his last name must be Macmillan. Macmillan... Ooooh I got it! Ernie Macmillan!

"Hi Ernie."

"It' s good to see you." So he was Ernie Macmillan. Yay once again for me and my amazing logic.

"You too."

"Can't wait to get back to school. Can you?" he sounded unhealthily excited by the prospect.

"Nope. My favourite place in the world school. Wish they'd do away with holidays permanently. "

Ernie grinned. So he was used to me then, he knew me pretty well. Very weird.

Niki's mum interrupted us just then by calling us over to where she was sitting with a very pretty witch who (with my amazing logic of course) I figured was Ernie's mum. "Girls I'm going now." She told us. "Niki behave for the Macmillans will you?"

"Yes mum."

"And Jess, remember to owl your parents when you get to school."

"Yes Mrs Harris."

Mrs Harris (Niki's mum for any thick people out there like me) got up, pecked Niki on the cheek, said goodbye and disappeared into the fireplace. Now it was just the Macmillans, my extremely dippy best friend and me. Great.

"Dad can we go into to Diagon Ally?" Ernie piped up once she'd left. Even better. Niki let loose in a place full of witches, wizards and magical paraphernalia. Woohoo. This sounded like fun. Not.

"Course you can son. But be back by six, we'll be having dinner."

"We will be," said Ernie and he started walking towards the door. I started after him, Niki following after me now humming the theme tune to The Teletubbies. I knew it was too much to hope she'd stay quiet, I was in for a rather bad headache, I could tell.

Once outside Ernie began tapping on the bricks with his wand. His wand! I looked on the inside of my coat for the pocket and right enough I had a wand. Which probably meant Niki had one too. "Niki?" I said so only she could hear.


"Look inside your coat, see if you have a wand."

"Ok." she rummaged around in her coat and sure enough she did. Niki with a wand? This couldn't be good. I was distracted from my thoughts of impending doom when the wall in front of me made a loud grinding noise. I looked up and saw the wall now had a gap large enough to walk through. Ernie went through, followed by me and then by Niki.

"Well we're here." He said.

"You don't say." I said looking around. Diagon Ally was amazing. It was bigger than I expected and very, very busy. It was just as well we had Ernie, I was thinking, there was no way we could have found our way around otherwise. At the same time though it seemed strangely familiar, like I'd been there before. I shrugged the feeling off. I couldn't have been there before could I? I was being ridiculous.

Ernie and Niki were already walking down the street; I had to hurry to catch them up. "Where are we going first?" asked Niki.

"I don't mind." Said Ernie. "What about Flourish and Blotts?"

"The book shop?" Niki asked Ernie.

"No Niki, the armadillo shop." I answered for him.


Ernie just shook his head. He looked as if he was trying not to laugh. He turned to the left and opened the door to a shop, which was apparently Flourish and Blotts. Once inside I was stunned for a second. The shop was huge. Much bigger than it looked from the outside. Niki was apparently just as stunned as I was, but, like the slightly thick person she is, she didn't have the sense to step away from the door, which flew open and sent her, the person who'd stepped through it, and myself flying towards the floor.

"Sorry." Said the person who'd stepped through the door, offering a hand to help me up. All I could make out from where I was, was it was a lad and he was wearing a black and orange baseball cap.

"It's ok." I said, scrambling to my feet. "It was all her fault." I pointed at Niki.

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Don't start that now." Said the boy in the cap, who I realised with a jolt had red hair and a whole lot of freckles and the cap he was wearing bore the words "Chudley Cannons".

"Look Jess. It's Ron Weasley."

"You don't say."

"But it's Ron Weasley Jess."

"Yes Niki, it's Ron." Said a voice behind me. I was momentarily startled until I realised it was Ernie. I'd forgotten he was there. "You worked with him in Herbology all last year."

"I did?"

"Yes you did." I said, stepping on her toes.

"Oh yeah."

"Is it my imagination Niki," said Ron "or are slightly weirder than I remember?"

"No. Always have been this weird and I always will be."

"Isn't it wonderful?" I added.

"Not really, no." Ron answered.

"I agree." Said Ernie. "I'd hardly call it wonderful. I'd call it downright frightening."

"Uh huh." I said. "If only there was a cure. But alas, we are stuck with Niki and her weirdness for all eternity."

"All eternity?" said Ron "Merlin help us."

"Are you planning on blocking the door all day Weasley," said a voice from behind Ron "or are you waiting until someone offers to pay you to get out of the way?"

Who was this? An extremely nasty person with pale hair and a drawl that could rival ... Um a person with a very pronounced drawl? Anyway hazard a guess.

"Hey. Look Jess it's Draco Malfoy." I'm sure Niki's the secret daughter of Captain Obvious.

"Really? And there I was thinking it was Santa Claus."

"Well it's not."

"I gathered that."

"But you said it you thought it was Santa."

"Shut up Niki." With this I hit her over the head.

"Oh. It's you two." Said Malfoy, still standing in the doorway. Such a nice boy seemed so happy to see us.

"Uh huh." I said. I'm so articulate.

"You know your hair's paler than I thought." Go Niki and her random comments.

"I'm sure he needed to know that Niki. Now move out of the way so Ron can get past to let Malfoy through."

"I'm not moving." Said Ron. Great. This was all I needed.

"Move Weasley or I'll hex you." Said Malfoy. Have you noticed how lovely he is? So polite.

"I'm shaking."

"So you should be."

"Yeah right. My granny's scarier than you are Malfoy."

I wasn't having this. My mood was rapidly deteriorating. "Ron just move." I said.

He turned round to look at me. "No. I'm not going to stand for him talking to me like that."

I sighed. "Move. Now. Or else."

"Or else what?"

"She'll set her pet alligator on you." Said Niki.

I seriously considered sitting on the floor and putting my head in my hands. Instead I said "Niki be quiet. I don't have a pet alligator. I have a fish but not an alligator." And turned back to Ron. "Now will you move please? I'm really not in the mood for listening to you two squabble."

"I'll have you know Malfoys don't squabble." Said (you guessed it) Malfoy. "They argue."

"Well that's good to know." I said. "Now Ron you're going to move and let Malfoy past. And you Malfoy, you're not going to say another nasty word to Ron you're going to walk past and get on with whatever you were here for in the first place. I won't have you standing there arguing like children."

"You sound like my mother Neilson." Yup. That's my last name.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now do it." I was in full on bossy mode by now.

"No." they said in unison.

"I'll scream." I threatened.

"I'd move." Said Ernie.

Niki said, "He's right. You don't want to hear her scream." And it's true. I have a scream that could rival a banshee's.

Ron looked sceptical but moved out of the way just the same. Malfoy did as he was told as well. Up to a point anyway. As he walked past he said "Granger and now Neilson. You have a thing for taking orders from Mudbloods don't you?" I told you he was a nice lad.

Anyway at this point Ron was fuming, but to his credit he left it at that. Thank the Lord for small miracles.

After that little incident we wandered around Flourish and Blotts for a bit. Niki amused herself by standing looking at the moving pictures in a children's picture book for a whole five minutes. Ron left saying he had to go and meet his sister. Ernie bought himself a book about magical something or other and he bought me a glittery quill because I kept pestering him. I'm good at pestering people. Then we went to Eeylops Owl Emporium because Niki wanted to see a real owl. Luckily Ernie didn't ask, he must be used to Niki's dippiness. Anyhow to cut a long story short it was fun in a weird sort of way. After all we weren't supposed to be there were we? And Niki didn't cause irreparable damage to anything, that's always a plus.

At 6 o'clock like we promised we went back to The Leaky Cauldron for dinner. Which was nice. Mrs Macmillan was really lovely; she was really nice to us. From what I could gather she'd known Niki and me for ages. There was an embarrassing moment when Niki said "You know my mum?" but I suppose they just accounted that for Niki being Niki. She forgets her own name sometimes. Apart from that it was fine. We had a proper Sunday dinner and then sat around talking for ages. Mr Macmillan asked why I was being so quiet and I told him I was just tired. I wasn't going to tell him it was because I didn't have a clue what they were talking about most of the time.

At around ten we went upstairs to our rooms. I shared a room with Niki and Ernie was next door. We said goodnight to him on the landing and went in to get changed for bed. I opened up the trunk and rummaged around for pyjamas, which I found. I pulled out the school robes as well and had a look at the badge. Niki came over and peered over my shoulder.

"Oooooooh pretty doggy."

"Niki it's a badger."


"Hufflepuff. Figures really, us knowing Ernie Macmillan."

"That means Hufflepuff?"

"Niki, where did you put your brain?"

"Not sure really. Might have left it at Jenny's."


See, we have a knack for intelligent conversation. So, as I was saying I grabbed my pyjamas, got changed and got into my bed. I was totally and utterly knackered. I was almost asleep when Niki said something very un- Niki like. Which means in intelligent in Jess speak.



"Do you think we'll ever get home?" see very un-Niki like. A spark of intelligence in there.

"I hope so."

"You do?"

"I'm not sure actually."

"Me neither. I like it here."

"Me too."

"Do you think our parents changed or are we in an alternate universe?" More intelligence from Niki, big words like "alternate" and "universe" in there.

"How should I know?"

"You're the smart one."

"I am?" this was news to me. I've always been told if I had a brain I'd be dangerous.

"Uh huh."

"Well I don't know. Maybe when we wake tomorrow we'll be in the hospital because that vase you got for your mum's birthday fell on our heads or something."


I must have fallen asleep some time after that because the next time I opened my eyes it was morning. And we were still in The Leaky Cauldron. And Niki was dancing around the room singing "Summer Nights" back to her usual not-right-in-the-head self. God help the wizarding world.


Please review? And be nice, I'm only writing this for fun.