Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, but I do own the story. If it resembles anyone else's in any way, it is unintentional.

Author's Note: Hey there everybody! While this is not my first fanfic, it is my first X-Men: Evo AND first angsty one! So wish me luck, and I hope you guys enjoy this.

The Code: It isn't too hard to figure out, really. Asterisks (*) indicate thoughts, and brackets ([ ]) indicate...well, you'll just have to find out ;) On with the story!

*I'm so tired.... It's two-thirty in the morning and I STILL haven't finished this.* Kurt sighed. He supposed this was what he got for waiting until the last minute. Everyone else in the Institute had gone to bed hours ago, and he was the only one still awake. He'd put off writing his English essay until the very last day, so now he had to pull an all-nighter to get it finished. Jean had stayed up for a little while to help him, but she couldn't make it and went to bed at midnight.

But now, a bag of chips, ten cookies, and three sodas later, he'd finally gotten it all done. Yawning heavily and extremely relieved, Kurt fell back onto the couch and stretched, hearing his shoulder bones crack. "Finally!" he breathed, putting his feet up on the coffee table. His foot accidentally hit a quarter-full soda can, tipping it over and spilling it all over the tabletop. Yelping, Kurt leapt up and grabbed his English paper before the soda could reach it.

"Whoa, that vas close," he said. "I'm not letting anything happen to you!" He placed the paper in the safety of his bookbag and headed for the kitchen to get some paper towels. After cleaning up the soda and the rest of his mess, Kurt glanced at the clock. He groaned. "3:00...I've got to be up in four hours! Guess I should get to bed then...." Without a second thought, he headed up the stairs towards his much-longed-for bed.

As he walked past the other X-Men's doors, he thought of each them inside, sleeping, only making him more and more tired as he trudged down the hallway. *Why does my room have to be at the very END of the hall?* he thought sleepily as his trudge turned to a plod, and then he stopped completely. Why hadn't he thought of teleporting before? Blaming it on his almost delirious fatigue, he prepared to 'port into his room when something stopped him.

"Yes?" Kurt asked, turning around. All he saw was the empty corridor he'd left behind him. *Strange...I thought I heard someone say my name.* He tried to teleport again, but there was a strange whisper....

"Hello?" he called as softly as he could. "Is anybody there?" No answer. Kurt looked all around, but found no one. Giving up, he yawned and said, "I'm hearing things. I need to get some sleep." He teleported right into bed, not even bothering to undress or get under the covers, he was so tired.

Kurt knew he must have dozed off, because when he reawoke it was 4:21. Groaning, he climbed under the covers in order to get more comfortable and hopefully fall back asleep quicker. As he pulled the blanket over himself, he stopped short. This time it was for certain; there was no mistaking it. Someone had just called his name. It was so strange though; it wasn't exactly like there was somebody standing in the hallway looking for him. It was more of a feeling, a sort of sensation that somebody was trying to summon him.

Determined to figure out what was going on, he opened his door and looked down the hallway. Desolate on both sides. Frustrated, Kurt said, "Forget this. I'm tired...I'm just making this up in my head." He tried to close his door. But he couldn't; his arm seemingly arrested itself and stayed rigid as if something had just startled him. It was like the strange feeling one got when they were half-asleep and suddenly had the impression they were falling.

Something was wrong; Kurt couldn't possibly guess what, but something was most definitely out of place. He couldn't see anyone else around, but suddenly he knew that somebody was there. A thing...an entity with no form to show for it...it was standing there at the end of the hallway. Kurt was more curious than anything else, truthfully, but that was only until the apparition charged at him at breakneck speed. He had barely registered what had happened when the thing "hit" him, and abruptly all he could see was fire.

The hallway and the mansion just seemed to disappear; in place of his vision all Kurt could see were endless, giant flames. "Vat...vat's happening!?" he said, starting to panic. He was deathly afraid of fire, a result of nearly being burned at the stake more times than he'd have preferred. He turned, only to be met with more flames. Even above him the inferno loomed ominously.

"Let me out of here!!" Kurt shouted desperately. "Make it stop!!" He was beginning to sweat; he couldn't tell if it was from fear or the fire itself. He kept turning around and around, seeing fire everywhere; it was starting to close in on him. He could feel it singeing his fur, practically torturing him with its maddening slowness. It was too much like the stake--he couldn't stand it. The fire soon crept so close that Kurt didn't dare move...and suddenly the flames were gone. The hallway, the mansion, his room...they all reappeared before his eyes.

For two long minutes, Kurt was too terrified to even move. He racked his brain searching for some logical explanation as to what had just happened; it had been too real to be a hallucination. He didn't have much time to think on it, however. He sensed the apparition again, now standing at the opposite end of the hallway...and it laughed at him. It sounded so loud to him...could the others hear it? Or was it just in his head? Kurt couldn't tell, and at the moment he didn't care: it was starting to come at him again, much slower than before, almost tauntingly, like the fire.

Overwhelmed entirely and barely able to think straight, Kurt slammed the door, not caring if the sound woke anyone else. In fact, he'd have rather had it do just that, so that somebody, anybody might come. Heart racing, Kurt leapt into his bed and buried himself under the covers. He knew it wouldn't do any good, but what else could he do? Where else could he go? It would follow him wherever he might teleport. He didn't want to have that vision again, and something told him that the apparition was capable of so much worse. It had been so mind-numbingly real...why was this thing following him?

*Please, please, don't let it find me. Don't let it near me, please go away....*

Kurt knew this thing from somewhere. Somehow, it was familiar, like a feeling of deja vu...or was he making that up?

It was in his room. It had slipped in under the door. Kurt's heart pounded faster and he began to sweat uncontrollably. He had no idea what was in his room. He couldn't fathom why it was looking for him, and he hadn't a clue why he could sense but not see it. All he knew at the moment was that he was going to die. This thing was going to kill him, he just knew it.

*Bitte, bitte, bitte make it go away...please...* Kurt clutched tightly onto his blanket, praying it would protect him but knowing it could not.

The blanket was suddenly ripped from his hands. Kurt screamed with a horror he'd never felt before. The shadows concealed what was before him, but the silhouette was bad enough. He remembered feeling something grab his face, then remembered no more.