Right...Well, I really didn't like how chapter 3 turned out (it was rushed, and just...bleh), so I rewrote it! Hopefully this chapter is better. I'd like to think so. The first part is pretty much the same, since I don't think that sucked too badly, but the end is a bit different. Have fun.
And Rallalon: I made it a church because a church is a place of worship…it's not a church to God, but to the gods…so there you go.
"AAAAH! Kay, I can't do this!" Jenna screamed, running in circles around the small room. Kay sighed and shook her head.
"Jen, why'd you AGREE to marry him then?"
Jenna stopped and looked at Kay. "Because I've loved him since the day I met him."
Kay smiled. "So you do want to marry him, correct?"
Jenna blinked. "Y-yeah...but in front of all those people!"
"Jen, you're marrying the prince of the Mars Clan. Of course there's a lot of people!"
Jenna gave Kay a sheepish grin and went into the other room to change into her wedding dress. Kay sighed and looked in a full-length mirror to her right. Jenna had chosen deep-red dresses for the bridesmaids, in honor of Mars and Megaera. The dress matched Kay's vibrant red hair, which was let down her back in waves.
Kay gave a start as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. She turned her head to see Alex's face.
"Oh...it's only you, Alex. You scared me," she said sheepishly, blood rising to her cheeks. Alex smiled and nuzzled her neck.
"I'm sorry. I just missed you."
Kay blushed even harder and turned towards the Mercury Adept. "This is going to be so cute...Garet and Jenna, they were made for each other."
Alex tipped her face up towards his and pulled Kay into a deep kiss.
"Kay, what d'you- ALEX? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRLS' ROOM?" Jenna screamed after emerging from the neighboring room. Kay giggled as Alex teleported out in a flash of blue.
Jenna growled. "That-"
"Oh, calm down Jenna. Here, let me see."
Jenna turned towards Kay. The girl held in a gasp as she looked at her brother's soon-to-be wife. Jenna's auburn hair was loosed from its usual ponytail and flowed down her back, shining with every move she made. Her dress was sleeveless, with shoulder-length gloves. It was a light red that complemented her hair and brown eyes. Jenna blushed. "So?"
"Wow, Jen. Garet's gonna faint when he sees you."
Jenna gave Kay a grin and continued to prepare herself.
Mia stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. Out of politeness, she had been selected as a 'bridesmaid', some odd Venus tradition that the Mars Clan had adopted. Mia sighed, and turned away from the mirror. Jenna was nice enough, but there was still the Mars versus Mercury separation.
"Hey there."
Mia turned and smiled as she saw Isaac slip into the room. After meeting the young prince at a political meeting between their two clans, the two royals had fallen deeply in love.
"Hi. Is everything almost ready?"
Isaac grinned. "Well...Garet is really nervous, but I don't blame him. I remember how we were."
Mia giggled at the memory. Isaac's smile widened and he offered her his arm. "Shall we be going, milady?"
Mia smiled and took his arm. "Yes, we shall."
Sheba shifted uncomfortably on the stairs leading to the altar. The church was beautiful, she had to admit. Perhaps even moreso than the Jupiter Church. Statues and paintings of the gods covered the tall walls, and over the altar itself was a carving of Sol and Luna staring into each others eyes.
Sheba looked down the aisle as the infamous song of the wedding of Sol and Luna was played. Dancers clad in red and gold spun down the aisle, allowing Jenna to walk slowly down, clutched on the arm of a nervous-looking Garet. Sheba's purple gaze followed them as they walked, a smile slowly spreading across her face. After the dancers dutifully went to the side, Garet and Jenna slowly walked down the aisle before coming to a stop in front of the Priestess of Mars. After a lot of talking and many rites, the two Mars Adepts shared a kiss.
Sheba looked away from the pair, embarrassed, and looked across to the men that stood across from her. Sheba's eyes widened slightly in surprise to see the prince of Venus again, Felix. He met her gaze and held it. The two continued to stare at each other even when Jenna and Garet left the Church.
"Sheba." Sheba snapped out of her trancelike state and looked up at Hama, who gave a small glare at Felix. "Come on. It's time for the party."
Hama turned and rejoined Picard, then left the Church. Sheba watched her sister leave before letting her eyes slide back to Felix. The two were alone in the great building, everyone else had left for the after-party. Felix still looked at her, his chocolate brown eyes unwavering from her purple ones. Sheba gulped, and walked up to him, putting her hand out.
"My name is Sheba of the Jupiter Clan. And you?"
Felix took her hand and kissed it, sending shivers through Sheba's body. "My name is Felix of the Venus Clan. Pleased to meet you."
The two stared at each other some more, standing in a comfortable silence. Sheba gave him a warm smile and then turned and left the Church. Felix watched her leave, his face growing redder with every step away from him she took. As soon as Sheba stepped outside, Felix started hitting himself.
"Agh! Idiot!" he whispered furiously. "Why didn't you say anything to her! Stupid Felix..."
"Hah! I knew it!" a voice rang out. Felix, startled, glared at his younger brother and his wife, both of whom were laughing.
"Shut up, Isaac. At least I talked to her."
Isaac reddened, recalling when he had first met Mia. The young Venusian prince had done nothing but stare. Mia, fortunately, had found it charming. "Well...uh..."
Felix grinned victoriously and left the church. Mia giggled at the two boys and followed, tugging Isaac along with her.
With a sigh Sheba collapsed onto the large bench, her fair face flushed from the excitement inside. She had been surprised at the lengths the Mars family had taken to make everyone happy. The Venus and Jupiter guests had been seated as far away from each other as possible so to keep the evening peaceful.
Sheba folded her arms on the ledge of the balcony and rested her chin upon them, gazing up at the stars. The Venusian prince's - Felix, Sheba reminded herself - face kept on popping into her head, and Sheba couldn't get it out...
"Luna's looking her best tonight, isn't she?"
Sheba started at the voice and looked up into the warm eyes of Felix. Her cheeks turned a light pink.
"Yeah...it's really pretty..." she said, looking away. "Y'know...I wish something could be done about our Clans...this has gone on for a long time."
"I know what you mean. My parents were furious after that last meeting...Mother looked like she wanted to throw a Ragnarok at everyone who spoke to her."
Sheba laughed. "My sister...I was afraid that she would Spark Plasma everything in sight..."
The two young Adepts giggled at the thought. Felix stopped and smiled down at Sheba warmly. The young girl still gazed at the moon, a soft smile playing across her lips. Felix felt his face heating up as her looked at her, taking everything in...
Sheba turned her head towards Felix, and he quickly looked away, blushing. "Tell me about you," the girl said, her smile growing.
Felix looked back at her. "Only if you tell me about you," he teased. Sheba laughed and agreed.
The two chatted for at least an hour before a silence finally lapsed between the two.
"Um…Jenna looked really pretty, didn't she?" Sheba finally said. "She and Garet seemed really happy, too."
Felix nodded in agreement and looked back down at the girl. "Sheba, I…well, what I mean to say is…would you, uh, be offended if I kissed you?" He immediately flushed and stared determinedly at the moon. The prince was surprised to hear Sheba's quiet voice reply.
"Of course not. I was wondering when you would ask."
Grinning, Felix turned his gaze to Sheba. She was slightly pink, but looked excited nonetheless. Felix wrapped his arms around her and pressed her body to his before lowering his head towards hers. He stopped when their noses were just barely touching.
"Last chance to back out," he whispered, a soft smile playing on his face. Sheba responded by meeting his lips with hers.
Sheba was in heaven. Absolute heaven. She had never known any kiss to be like this – to be so passionate, so full of feeling and love. A thought flashed past her, the fear that they could get caught, but slipped away in an instant. Sheba moaned softly against Felix's lips and he immediately pulled away, concern filling his features.
"I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry, it's my first-"
Sheba quickly shook her head. "No, you didn't hurt me…that was a moan of pleasure, not pain," she said, her eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Now kiss me again."
Felix immediately obliged, his lips warm and soft against hers. Sheba felt…safe, like nothing could harm them while they were together, wrapped in each other's embrace.
"Well, if you're going to continue snogging, I suggest you find a more private place," a familiar voice suggested dryly. Felix and Sheba immediately broke apart, and the blond girl gasped in horror at the owner of the voice.
Akachi: Well, I do think that was a bit better. The ending of the original one stunk. So uh…yeah, review if you want to…
Jenna: Ohh dear. A cliffhanger.
Karst: Oh no.
Hama: Whatever shall we do?
Agatio: Play Monopoly?
Jenna, Karst, and Hama: Okay!