Akachi: So here's my nice new story! ^_^

Hama: ...I don't like this pairing...

Akachi: *rolls eyes* You're too much of a Windshipper! Anyway, I got the idea of the warring clans from AmbieChan's War of Weyward (A very good read, by the way), but mine's different, so don't yell at me for copying her! .

Jenna: Akachi, don't you think you should just get started with the story...

Akachi: Uhhhh...okay! Karst, would you do the honors?

Karst: What honor?

Akachi: -_-;; The DISCLAIMER!

Karst: Ohhhh...no.

Akachi: Fine! I'll do it!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Golden Sun, if I did, the ValeSteam vs. MudFlame shipping war would be nonexistent.


The princess of Jupiter sat at her windowsill and stared out at the sky. The endless sky, filled with mystery. And war.

The Jupiter Clan had been at war with the Clan of Venus since before her birth. The clans of Mars and Mercury ended their feud not too long ago, when the Mercury Prince, Alex had wed the Mars Princess Kay (AN. Garet's sister...).

The Mercury Clan. They had ties with all three clans. Princess Mia of Mercury had married the Prince Isaac of Venus, and her cousin, Picard was soon to be wed to Sheba's older sister, Hama.

Sheba's head turned as her twin brother walked into the room.

"Sheba...Hama would like to speak with us."

Sheba's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Her twin shrugged. "Don't ask me. But I don't want to get her mad at us."

Sheba shuddered as she remembered the last time they had gotten their sister angry. "All right, I'm coming."

Reluctantly she got up from the windowsill and followed her brother out the door of her room, her dark purple dress trailing behind her. Ivan looked sideways at her.

"What were you doing?"

"Thinking about the war."

Ivan sighed. 'You've been doing that a lot, sister. Why?'

'It's been going on for over sixteen years, Ivan!' she frowned at him. She felt Ivan's mind go silent.

"The Mercury and Mars Clans warred for over twenty years."

"But they've stopped. They stopped when Alex proposed to marry the Mars Princess."

Ivan returned to their telepathic speak. 'Our war is different. Our war is more serious. We cannot solve it through marriage.'

Sheba fell silent as they arrived at Hama's door. Ivan raised a fist to knock, but the door opened in front of them. Their older sister glared at them, but allowed them in. The two twins exchanged a look.

'What did you do?' Ivan asked Sheba silently.

'Me? Nothing! What did YOU do?'

"Sheba. Ivan. I've been wanting to talk to you two."

The twins shared another look. Hama laughed, her purple hair falling into her eyes. "It's nothing that you did, don't worry! It's about the Venus Clan."

Sheba stared at her sister. Ivan felt Sheba's mind perk up at the subject.

"We of the Jupiter Clan have lived in the clouds for years, while the Venus Clan has stayed down on the floor of Weyward," Hama broke off with a sigh. "We are going to visit the royal family of Venus to try and make peace."

Ivan and Sheba's mouths dropped. "But...what if they try to kill us?!" Ivan asked, horrified.

"Ivan, do you think we would go unarmed? Don't be a fool!"

Ivan looked away. "Oh...right, I spoke without speaking." Sheba smiled.

"Besides, we're not going alone. We're bringing guards. And we're leaving tomorrow morning, so start packing."

"Uh...Hama...where's Picard? Wasn't he staying here this week?"

Hama suddenly blushed and looked away. "Go start packing, you two!"

Sheba and Ivan exchanged a mischievous look, but obliged and left the room. Hama made sure they had returned to their rooms, then whispered, "All right, they're gone."

Picard climbed out of the closet, a pouty look on his face. "Do I get to go?"

Hama laughed and circled her arms around his waist. "Maybe, if you're a good boy."

Picard smirked, and the two returned to what they were doing before the interruption.


Ivan sighed and shut the door of his room, bidding his sister farewell. He didn't want to leave the castle. He was different from Sheba, more cautious. Besides...that meant he would see Feizhi.

Feizhi. That girl had captured his heart. But love between a soldier and a prince was forbidden.


Sheba strode into her room, a look of delight on her face. She was going to a place she had longed to see- the surface! Sheba opened her large closet to pick out some clothing, but ended up just throwing random dresses into a case, along with her training suit: billowing white shorts and a white tunic, with a purple scarf. She also grabbed her prized weapon, the Meditation Rod, knowing Ivan would have packed his Tisiphone Edge.

With a happy sigh, Sheba returned to gazing out the tower of the Jupiter Clan's hovering castle.


"Ha ha ha! Four in a row, I beat you!" Hama laughed, folding her slender arms over her chest.

Picard growled. "Another game!" he exclaimed, letting the Connect Four pieces fall. Hama obliged with a smile.

(AN. Oh, come on! What did you think they were doing?)


"Sheba...we're here."

The blond Jupiter Adept was awoken by the gently shaking of her brother's hand. She stretched and looked at him through one sleepy eye.


He laughed, his green eyes twinkling. "Yes, already. Now, come on. We have to hurry, or we'll be late."

The Jupiter Royal family exited the luxurious flying Lemurian ship, courtesy of Picard, who had come with them.

Sheba and Ivan walked next to each other, gaping at the sights and the sounds of the surface.

"It's right up here," Picard said, pointing up to a large building. The two eighteen-year-olds gaped at the magnificent building, the building known as Sol Sanctum.

"Here we go. Everyone, be on your guard, in case this gets nasty." Hama warned. Picard intertwined her fingers with his, and the Jupiter Clan strode up to Sol Sanctum.


Akachi: That seemed like a good place to end ^_^

Hama: *blushing* Er...

Akachi: And I didn't think this chapter was that good...but it'll get better later on! I promise!

Jenna: A lot of beginnings are boring.

Akachi: True...

Karst: Yours more than anyone's.

Akachi: Shut up, you! Oh, and to clear up any confusion, Ivan, Sheba, and Hama's parents have died, leaving Hama, the oldest, as queen. And Ivan and Sheba are eighteen, and Hama is 23.

Agatio: *on sugar* REVIEW!!!!

Jenna: Flames with no point and/or horrible grammar and spelling will be made fun of.

Karst: *waves her scythe* So review NICELY, and Akachi will get the next chapter up soon!