Watch Your Back (The Return of Latimier) Chapter 5 - by Lorrie Ellis

Email: Disclaimer: The following story is based on the characters of the TV Series "Walker, Texas Ranger". The characters belong to CBS Productions, Top Kick Productions, Washo Brother's Entertainment, etc, but the story is ours. ALL DISCLAIMERS APPLY. (No copyright infringement is intended.)

All of Company B stood at attention by the graveside as 'Taps' was played and the twenty-one gun salute began. Julie stopped herself twice as she watched her brother struggle to keep his hand in place at his forehead. His body trembled and she could tell that he was crying.

The salute ended and Mr. and Mrs. Cooke were presented with the memorial flag and the crowd began to disperse.

"It was a beautiful service." Alex sobbed as she spoke to the Cooke's.

Mrs. Cooke nodded. "Yes. Yes it was. Thank you, Alex, for being her friend. She spoke of you often. She spoke of all of you often," She looked at the Trivette's and then looked back at the casket. " . . . especially Gage." She looked towards Gage who was still standing, unmoving, beside the casket.

Gage's head was cocked to one side as he stared at the silver-gray box. "I know you're not in there Syd. You're in my heart and you always will be." His voice cracked as he spoke. "I don't know what I'm going to do without you, but I know one thing for certain. I can't be a Texas Ranger without my partner."

Julie's hand caressed his back. "Francis, you OK?"

Gage shook his head. "No." He said quietly and pulled away from her grasp. "I need to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Cooke."

Jimmy and Erica, along with Walker and Alex were starting towards their cars when Gage approached. "I'll be with you guys in a minute."

Walker lightly patted his back. "Take your time Gage."

Gage then turned his attention to Sydney's parents. "I'm so sorry." His voice was filled with emotion as he spoke. "I promised you both several months ago that I would never let anything happen to her and now . . ." He looked away.

"Francis, honey, this wasn't your fault. We know the whole story. We know that this Latimier has some sort of vendetta against you and used Sydney as a pawn, but you have to understand that no one blames you for her death." Mrs. Cooke said quietly.

Gage turned to face her, his face reddened and tear-stained. "I appreciate that more than you know, but I blame myself for her death. It was my fault." He shook his head and walked towards Walker's RAM.

"Gage . . ." Walker started.

"Walker, I just want to go home now. My place, not the safehouse."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Alex asked.

"I'm sure. I want to go home."


Sydney felt a sharp sting in her arm as she was waking from a brief nap. "Sorry, my sweet, but I'm taking no chances with you at the airport. You'll be transported on a gurney to our new home."

"Our new what . . ." She muttered as she passed out.

When she came to again, she found herself in a large, King-sized bed. She looked around the room and as things began to come into focus, she realized that she was no longer on the plane.

Flinging the comforter back, she got out of bed and ran to the window, only to find them permanently closed. "Where in the hell am I?" She said aloud.

"Ah, I see you're awake." Latimier spoke as he entered the room.

"Where are we?"

"Do you like your surroundings?" He asked as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "For you." He produced a single white rose from behind his back.

Sydney closed her eyes, muster up her sweetest tone. "Thank you Travis." She looked up at him and smiled. "And yes, I do like the room. Where are we?"

"I'll show you around the island after we've had lunch." He said and opened the door for two young women pushing a cart with a complete setting for two.


Gage made a beeline for his bedroom once he and Julie were inside his apartment. As he was changing clothes, his eyes drifted to the picture of he and Sydney sitting on his nightstand. He loosened his tie and left it dangling around his neck and then reached for the picture. His fingers caressed her face and then he set the picture back on the nightstand.

"Are you ready for lunch?" Julie called out.

"I'm not hungry sis, but thanks." Gage replied as he hastily finished writing on a piece of stationary Sydney had given him last Christmas.

"You have to eat something." Julie persisted.

"Jules, I'm not hungry." He tucked the paper inside his jacket pocket and opened the door. "Besides, I have a few things I need to do." He kissed her cheek as he headed for the door.

"Francis Gage, where do you think you're going?" Julie asked.

Gage grabbed the keys to his Harley. "Out for a ride Jules. It's the only thing that's going to clear my head right now." He reached for his cell phone. "If it'll make you feel better, I'll carry my cell and you can call me later, OK?"

Julie nodded and watched Gage leave.


After sharing a meal with Latimier, Sydney wiped her mouth and finished her wine. "Thank you. That was a lovely meal."

"And there are plenty more where that came from once you agree to be mine, completely." Latimier was by her side in an instant, caressing her thigh and reaching for her breasts when she suddenly slapped him.

Her hands immediately when to her face as if in shock. "I . . . I'm so sorry Travis. It's just . . . I'm not ready for this. I . . . I can't be your lover."

Latimier stared at her, his face stern and his eyes cold. His hand flew in rage across her face. "You will be my lover Sydney and whatever else I tell you to be, but just to prove what a true gentleman I am, I will give you a month to come around on your own, but after that month, you will be mine one way or another! Understand!"

The words wouldn't come to her mouth, so she nodded fiercely and watched as Latimier left the room. Her hand went to her cheek and she began to cry, looking towards the ceiling. "How am I ever going to get out of this mess?"

Looking around the room, she noticed that Latimier had left his cell phone sitting beside of his plate. She quickly grabbed it and dialed Gage's number.


Gage had just pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank on the Harley when his phone rang. He pulled it out, half smiling. "Jules, I've only been gone ten minutes."

"Gage! Gage, it's me. It's Sydney. Oh God, Gage, you've got to get me out of here! Latimier has me and . . ."

Gage shook his head. "I don't know who this is, but this is a sick joke!" He yelled into the phone.

"Francis Gage, I don't have time for this. I know you think I'm dead, but I'm not. Latimier planted a dummy in the hanger and that's what you saw blown to bits, not me. I'm on an island somewhere and I have no idea where. He has me locked in a room and so far I can't find a way out!"

"Syd? Oh my God, it's really you." He said, relief evident in his voice.

"Yes! It's really me. Gage, I would love nothing more than to carry on a long conversation with you right now, but I have to go. He'll kill me if he realizes I got a call out. Find me!"

"I'll find you Syd. I'm not about to lose you twice in one week."

A smile came to Sydney's face. "Gage, I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too Syd. More than anything in the world." He replied. "I'll be with you soon. Hang in there, OK?"

"I will and Gage . . ."


"Be careful."

"Always." He replied. As he heard her hang up the phone he hopped on his bike and headed for Ranger headquarters, letting out a loud yell as he left the gas station.


Sydney carefully laid the phone back on the table where she had found it and quickly made her way to the bay window as she heard the key in the lock.

Latimier looked into the room and seeing Sydney sitting in the window seat, he picked up the phone and walked towards her. "I'm sorry I yelled at you Sydney, but you will be mine. That's why I brought you here. I want us to share all of the bounty this beautiful island has to offer.

Sydney didn't move.

"Why don't you get dressed and we'll take a walk, eh?" He said, taking a pretty sleeveless shift from the closet. "This will be nice."

"Thank you." Sydney replied.

"I'll be back for you in ten minutes." Latimier said, smiling, thinking that he may be winning her heart.

As soon as the door closed, Sydney reluctantly slipped on the dress and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hurry Gage." She whispered, still looking out the window, across the water. "Please hurry."


Gage took the steps of Ranger Headquarters two at a time. He knew he was taking a chance on finding Walker and Trivette there so soon after Sydney's funeral, but he also knew that they were starting a new case.

Flinging open the door to the office, he spotted both Walker and Trivette sitting at Trivette's desk. He slammed his hands down on the desk, causing both Rangers to jump. "She's alive!" He shouted.

"What? Gage, calm down and tell us what's going on." Walker said, pulling up a chair for the young Ranger.

"Sydney. She's alive! She called me not more than fifteen minutes ago on my cell. Latimier is holding her on an island somewhere, but she didn't have any details. We've got to find her Walker!" Gage said excitedly.

"Gage. Whoa! Are you sure you didn't just have a dream?" Trivette asked.

Gage stared at Walker and Trivette both in disbelief. "You don't believe me. I'm telling you. She's alive!"

"Have you had anymore calls on your cell since she called?" Trivette asked as Walker looked on.

Gage shook his head. "But you can't hit re-dial. She was using Latimier's cell phone without him knowing.

"Gage. Stop and listen to yourself for a minute." Walker suggested. "We just got back from Sydney's funeral. Her parents are on their way home now, in grief. You got a call from someone who said they were Sydney and now we can't even hit redial to find out who called?"

Gage took in a deep breath. "Look, I know it sounds odd. It sounds odd to me too, but I'm telling you, she's alive."

Trivette took Gage's cellphone. "I could call the service and find out who the last call came from." He suggested.

"Do it." Walker said, looking at Gage's eager face. "But Gage, don't get your hopes up."

Trivette came back to his desk, shaking his head. "The last number wasn't traceable."

Walker hung his head and Gage glared at him. "So, what now? Check Latimier's real estate records? Find out if he has access to an island? What?"

"Go home Gage." Walker said quietly. "Go home and get some sleep."

Gage's eyes grew wide. "Walker. I'm not going crazy and I didn't dream this. I was standing at the gas station filling my tank when my cell phone rang. When she said it was Sydney, I didn't believe her at first either, but Walker, she knew every detail of what had happened in that hanger and other things that only Sydney would know."

"Gage, go home." Walker repeated more forcefully.

Gage whipped out the letter from his jacket pocket. "Fine! Here." He flung the letter in Walker's direction.

"What's this?" Walker asked before opening it.

"My resignation." Gage said, turning and walking out.

Trivette stood with his mouth agape. "I never would have expected that."

"Um." Walker replied. "He's upset right now. I won't file it with Brisco for another week or so, that'll give him time to be sure that this is what he wants to do."

Gage bounded down the steps and hopped on his bike. He sped off without looking back. "I'll find you Syd. I promise. I will find you, somehow."

Hours had passed since Gage had left the apartment and Julie was beginning to worry. She hated to check up on him, but she needed to know that he was OK.

"Hello." Gage answered.

Julie could barely hear his voice over the roar of the Harley pipes. "Francis! Where are you?"

"I'm fine sis, but don't wait up for me. I'm not sure when I'll be back."

"What? Francis, what did you say?" She yelled into the phone and then heard the line go dead.

She held the phone out for a second, staring at it. "What did he say?" She asked herself. Thinking who else he may have contacted, she dialed the number to the Walker ranch.

"Hello." Alex answered.

"Alex, it's Julie Gage. Have you or Walker heard from my brother this afternoon?"

Alex turned to check on Angela for a moment and then focused on the call again. "I haven't seen him since the funeral and Walker had to go into the office after the funeral to take care of a few things. You may want to try him there."

"Thanks Alex. I will." She hung up with Alex and called Ranger Headquarters.

"Walker." Walker answered.

"Walker, it's Julie Gage. Have you heard from my brother this afternoon? He left here shortly after we returned from the funeral and I just got a strange call from him."

Walker sighed. "Julie, are you going to be at the apartment for the next little while?"

"Yes. I'm not going anywhere."

"If it's OK, Trivette and I will stop by in a few minutes then."

"OK." She paused. "Walker, is Francis OK?"

"We'll talk about it when we get there."

********* "Soon Sydney, once I am sure that you will not attempt to leave, I will allow you complete access to all of the island. We are alone here, with the exception of my staff, so don't think that anyone will be willing to help you escape. Everyone here belongs to me . . . including you." He reached for her hand and kissed it again.

"Travis, when will you allow me to roam this beautiful estate as I wish?"

Latimier smiled. "Once you have given yourself to me, completely, Sydney. Only then will I trust that you have forgotten all about Mr. Francis Gage and realize that I am the only man in your life."

Sydney pulled her hand away from Latimier's grasp at the mention of Gage's name. She watched as his demeanor changed from a smooth talking gentleman to a raging maniac.

She felt her body being thrown against the hard, brick wall and then felt Latimier's hand cross over her face. "Get out of my sight, you little bit- -! Get yourself back to your room now!" He stormed after her, forcing her to run up the steps. Once she was inside the bedroom, Latimier slammed the door shut from the outside and she again heard the key in the lock. She flung herself on the bed and cried until she fell asleep.

******* Julie quickly ran to open the door, hoping it was Gage, but knowing that it must be Walker and Trivette.

"Hi." She smiled. "Come on in."

"Thanks." Trivette said as he and Walker removed their hats.

"No word from him?" Walker asked.

Julie shook her head. "No and he's been gone for hours."

"Julie, he came to the office today. He was smiling and well, his mood wasn't what you would expect from someone who had just attended the funeral of their best friend. He told us that he had just received a phone call from Sydney. That she was alive and Latimier had kidnapped her and she was being held on an island somewhere."

Julie's heart skipped a beat. "Is that possible?" She studied Walker and Trivette's faces. "I know Francis wouldn't have made up something like that. As much as he would like to believe that she's alive, it would have taken some pretty hard convincing from whoever called him to make him believe that it was Sydney."

"Gage saw her from the back just before the bomb went off, right?" Walker asked.

Trivette's eyes lit up. "What if Latimier set all of this up to torment Gage?"

"He definitely hates him enough to do that."

"And if Gage only saw the body from the back, he only assumed it was Sydney."

Walker stood. "Trivette, let's get back to the office. I want to check with forensics and see if they found any human tissue within the bomb blast."

"What are you thinking?" Julie asked.

"That maybe Latimier used a dummy in the bombing." Both Rangers donned their hats as they started out the door. "I'll call you if we come up with anything."

"Thanks." Julie closed the door behind them and leaned heavy against it. "Little brother, I sure hope you're right."

****** Gage waited until he was certain that no one was left in the Company B office before he walked up to the security guard. "Evan. I need to get back in. Looks like we've got a lead on the people who killed Ranger Cooke.

"Dirty bastards. I hope you shoot first and ask questions later. I really liked Ranger Cooke. Sweet girl." He shook his head back and forth. "Hard to believe that she's really gone."

"Yeah, it is." Gage said quietly, waiting for Evan to buzz him in.

He took the steps two at a time and practically ran to the office. Making his way to Trivette's computer and entered a few keystrokes. "Real Estate holdings." He muttered. "There you are." He clicked a few more keys and smiled as the screen brought to life a list of Travis Latimier's Real Estate holdings. He hit the print key and waited for the printer to finish, then closed the files and turned off Trivette's computer.

His eyes came to rest on Sydney's desk. "It's going to be OK Syd. I'm coming, just as soon as I figure out where he's holding you."

Gage studied the printout until something caught his eye. "This has to be it." His finger kept his place on the printout while he dialed the number for the Ranger Transportation center. "Tom. It's Gage. I need a favor."

"I thought you got lost." Evan said as Gage rounded the corner.

"Nope, just took a little longer than I thought." He looked back at the security guard. "Thanks Evan."

"Any time Gage. Just make sure you guys put whoever did this away for a long time."

Gage got back on his bike, cranked up and sped away at the same time Walker's RAM was entering the parking lot.

"Evening Ranger Walker, Ranger Trivette." Evan greeted. "You just missed Ranger Gage. He told me that you guys have a lead on whoever killed Ranger Cooke . . ."

"Evan, did he go inside?" Walker asked.

"Well yeah. I let him in."

Walker and Trivette both broke into a run, heading for the office. Walker flipped on the light. "Anything?" He asked.

"Let me check my computer." Trivette ran a quick diagnostics check and nodded his head. "Someone logged in about ten minutes ago. Had to be him."

"Can you tell what he looked at?" Walker asked, looking over Trivette's shoulder.

"Sure." Trivette hit a few keys and the same file that Gage had viewed earlier came up. "Real Estate holdings in the name of Travis Latimier."

Walker studied the screen. "Didn't Gage say that Sydney was being held on an island?"

Trivette lifted his eyebrow. "You're buying into this now? You think Sydney's alive?"

"I don't know what to think, but I do know that Julie is right. It would have taken a lot of convincing to make Gage believe that she's alive."

"Look at this." Trivette said, his finger pointing to an address. "Check out the nautical coordinates. This is definitely an island."

"And I'll just bet that's where Gage is headed." Walker said, picking up the phone. "Tom. It's Walker. I need a plane."

"Walker? Gage just booked one and had me pull some gear. Are you all headed the same way?"

"Yes. Don't take off until Ranger Trivette and I get there, understand?"

"You've got it." Tom replied. "I'll radio the pilot."

"And Tom, pull two more sets of the same gear you pulled for Gage."

"No problem." Tom replied.

Trivette studied Walker impatiently. "Well?"

"He booked a plane. Print that out and let's go." Walker replied.


Walker grabbed the printout. "We're meeting Gage at the airport and whether he likes it or not, we're going with him."

******* Gage parked his bike outside of one of the hangers at Dallas/Ft. Worth airport. "Hey Tom!" He greeted the man with a hearty handshake. "Everything ready?"

"Yep. Walker and Trivette should be here any minute."

Gage looked puzzled. "Walker and Trivette?"

Tom nodded. "Ranger Walker called in a little while ago and asked about a plane. Looks like you guys are headed in the same direction."

A slight smile began to creep across Gage's face. "Wonder what changed their minds?" He said quietly.

"What's that?" Tom asked.

"Aww nothing." Gage replied as he took his gear from Tom. "Did you pull the same gear for Walker and Trivette?"

"You bet. It's right here." Tom patted the gear.

"Good. Let's go ahead and get it loaded into the plane, so we'll be ready to go when they get here."


Walker pulled the RAM near the hanger and parked beside of Gage's bike. He immediately noticed the young Ranger leaning against the plane. "Looks like he's raring and ready to go." Trivette said.

"Yeah. I just hope he finds what he's looking for."

Trivette lightly punched Walker's arm. "I'm beginning to get a good feeling about this and you must be too, or we wouldn't be out here."

"I'm not getting my hopes up and I don't want you or Gage to either. There's every possibility that Sydney is really dead and we need to be prepared for that."

Trivette nodded as they got out and joined Gage.

"So, change your mind?" Gage asked.

"You know you had no right going into the system. Especially since you're no longer a Ranger." Walker reprimanded.

Gage hung his head. "Sorry, but you know that I'll stop at nothing to find her."

Walker nodded. "Well, that's why we're here."

"You know something that you're not telling me." Gage said as they pulled on jumpsuits and boarded the plane.

After they began to taxi down the runway, Gage started in on Walker again. "What did you find out?"

"I checked with forensics. No human tissue was found at the bomb site."

Gage let the words sink in before speaking. "Then it couldn't have been Sydney. What did I see then, a dummy?"

Walker nodded. "Forensics found a plastic substance, along with foam rubber."

Gage smiled broadly. "I knew it! I knew she was alive!"

"Calm down. We still have to find her and get her out of Latimier's cluthes."

"Oh, you just leave Travis Latimier to me." Gage said with his jaw set and his crystal blue eyes glaring straight ahead. "You just leave him to me." He whispered.

Hours later, the plane was near the coordinates Gage had given the pilot. "It's a thin strip guys, but if you maneuver yourselves right, you should be able to hit it. Two minutes 'till drop."

"Roger that." Walker replied and then looked back at Gage and Trivette. "You guys ready?"

"As I'll ever be." Trivette said nervously. "You two have a former career with this sort of thing. I was never in the armed forces."

"You'll be fine. You've done this before." Gage reminded him.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I like it." Trivette confessed.

"You have a go, Rangers." The pilot radioed back.

"Roger that." Gage replied and watched as Walker jumped, followed by Trivette. He poised himself and launched out of the plane.

"What a rush!" He thought as he flew through the open air. "Sometimes I really miss this." He looked down at the island and gauged Walker and Trivette's positions. He watched as Walker's chute opened and then Trivette's. Then he pulled his own chute and carefully guided himself down to the island's outer edges.

The three Rangers quickly collected their chutes and hid them in some nearby brush. Gage motioned to Walker that he was heading in towards the house. Walker motioned back that he and Trivette would watch his back.


Sydney listened closely to the sound of an airplane above. "Wishful thinking." She whispered, but yet a part of her felt that her rescue might be near.

She got up and studied her bruised face in the mirror. "You just wait Latimier. You're gonna pay for this hell you're putting me through." Hearing a key in the lock, she quickly laid back across the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

Latimier laid across the bed beside her and caressed her back. "I am sorry Sydney, but you make me so angry sometimes. Let me see your face." He gently turned her to him and surveyed the damage. "You will heal, my sweet." He kissed her cheek and got up.

"Where are you going?" Sydney asked.

"I have business to attend to, but I'll be back to get you for dinner." He left the room, locking her in again.


Gage was at the side entrance of the house when he heard footsteps approaching. He flattened himself against the side of the building and waited until he saw Latimier and two other men come out. "Now where are they going?" He asked himself.

As soon as the men were out of earshot, Gage radioed Walker. "Latimier and two of his men are headed your way. I'm going in."

"Gage, wait for us! Gage!" Walker hissed into the radio to no avail.

Gage sidestepped through the double glass doors and found himself in and elaborately decorated living room. "Um. Wonder where ole Latimier got all of his money?" He said to himself.

One of the staff came out of an adjoining room and Gage found himself without a place to hide. A woman in a maid's uniform came through the door and stood silent for a moment and then began to scream to the top of her lungs.

Gage crossed the room in three steps, wrapped his hand around the woman's mouth and held it there. "I won't hurt you." He hissed. "Where is keeping Sydney?"

The woman shook her head.

"I'll move my hand if you promise you won't scream." Gage whispered.

The woman nodded her head and as Gage began to release her mouth, she clamped down on his hand. "Arggh!" He cried out, grabbing his bleeding hand. "Damn it!" He muttered as he watched the maid run back into the room she had came out of.

Laimier held his hand up as the maid screamed, signaling the two men with him to stop. "That sounded like Angelina."

"Do you want me to go back and check?" One of the men asked.

Latimier nodded. "Yes. We'll proceed to the boat. Join us there once you've found the problem and Dean, if there is a problem, take care of it."

"Yes sir."

Walker and Trivette had flanked the front door of the house and were about to enter when they heard someone coming up the steps. Walker nodded his head to the side and both Rangers took cover in the shrubs. They watched as Dean entered the house, weapon drawn. "Angelina!" He called out. "Angelina, are you OK?"

Gage positioned himself just inside the front door and when Dean made his entrance, Gage's fist greeted his cheek.

Dean was up in an instant and began to fight with Gage. The two men were pretty evenly matched. Dean threw two punches at Gage, one landing in his midsection and the other, square in the ribs. Gage retaliated with a punch to Dean's ribs.

Walker and Trivette quietly entered the room and watched as Gage delivered a powerful kick to Dean's chest, sending him through the glass window beside the door. Dean started to get up and then passed out.

"Thanks for the help guys." Gage said sarcastically.

"It didn't look like you needed any help." Walker replied as the three Rangers split up and began a door to door search for Sydney.

"He probably has her on the second floor." Gage said as the roar of a single engine aircraft boomed over the house.

"What was that?" Trivette asked.

Walker shook his head. "Trivette, we'll check it out. Gage, keep looking for Sydney."

Gage bounded up the stairs, two at a time and began a door to door search. Each door he tried was unlocked, but the rooms were empty. Finally, he reached the last door on the left and found it locked. He knocked gently.

"You know I don't have the key and I can't open it from in here." Sydney said flatly.

"Then I guess I'll have to break it down." Gage replied as he put his full strength into the door, breaking it open.

"Gage!" Sydney cried out, running into his arms. "Oh Gage, I can't imagine what you've been through. He told me that he was going to make you think I was dead and that . . ."

Gage held her close, wanting nothing more than to hold her in his arms, kiss her lips and tell her how much he loved her, but he pushed her back. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking her in the eye.

She nodded. "I'm fine, but you. What happened?" Her eyes fell on the thin bandage strips on his face as her hand touched his cheek.

"It's a long story honey. I'll tell you when we get home." He took his jacket off and wrapped it around her. "Come on."

"Where's Latimier?" Sydney asked.

"I'm not sure, but he was headed towards the dock when I came in the house."

"What about the plane that just flew over?" Sydney asked.

"Walker and Trivette have gone to check it out."


Walker crouched behind a barrel and motioned for Trivette to join him. "That's Carl DeMarco." Walker whispered as a heavy-set man got our of the plane.

"As in the DeMarco drug cartel?" Trivette whispered back.

Walker nodded. "What has our friend Latimier got himself into now?"

The two Rangers watched as Latimier shook hands with DeMarco and escorted him to a gazebo connected to the dock.

Walker looked back towards the house to see Gage and Sydney coming towards them. A smile crossed his face momentarily and then he motioned to Gage to stay back.

Gage crouched down, pulling Sydney with him. "What is it?" She asked.

"More like who is it?" Gage replied, pulling a pair of binoculars from his belt. "Carl DeMarco?" He whispered.

"Let me see." Sydney pulled the binoculars from Gage's hands. "That is DeMarco. What is Latimier doing with him?"

"I don't know, but that may explain Latimier's sudden riches."

Sydney nodded. "So what's your plan to get out of here?"

"Latimier's boat." Gage replied.

Sydney shook her head. "Bad plan. It's too well guarded."

"Well, we'll have to take care of that." He pulled her close again. "God Syd, it feels so good to know that you're alive. When I saw that bomb go off in the hanger, I can't tell you . . ." He could feel the tears coming to his eyes and he looked away, not finishing his sentence.

Sydney nodded, knowing if she spoke now, her voice would crack too. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

He kissed the top of her head and they watched as Walker and Trivette moved back towards their position.

"What's going on Walker?" Gage asked.

"Seems that DeMarco is mad at Latimier about a lost shipment of something. He's making a few threats." Walker looked at Sydney and smiled. "You look pretty good for a dead person."

"Thanks." Sydney replied with a smile. "Do either of you have an extra gun?"

"Here, take mine." Gage said, handing her his back-up. "What's the plan Walker?"

"I thought this was your show." Trivette said.

"Funny." Gage replied and looked at Walker again.

Walker and the others watched as DeMarco boarded the plane and it took off, spraying water over Latimier and his men. They crouched tightly in the bushes as the men passed by. "I don't who he thinks he is, but we're taking care of this right now. Tony, get the plane ready. I'm leaving for Miami tonight."

"What do you have in mind boss?" Tony asked.

"A little surprise for Mr. DeMarco when he arrives in Miami tomorrow."

Gage nodded towards Walker. "The boat. There's no one guarding it now and Latimier is going to discover that Sydney is missing pretty soon, not to mention the goon laying at his front door."

"Come on!" Walker said, taking charge and leading the way to the speedboat tied to the dock. "Get onboard!" He instructed Sydney and Trivette."

"Walker, take the helm. I'll push her off." Gage waited until Walker boarded the boat and then untied it and pushed it away from the dock.

Latimier was approaching the entrance to the house when he saw Dean just recovering from his stupor. "What happened here?" He asked, not stopping, but running to the room where Sydney had been held prisoner. "Sydney Cooke! Where are you?" He yelled to the top of his lungs.

"He knows I'm missing." Sydney shouted. "Come on Gage!"

Gage dived for the boat, barely making it inside before Latimier's men were firing wildly towards them.

Walker brought the vessel to full throttle and they sped away from the island.

"Any idea which way to go?" Trivette asked.

"Not really. Gage, get on the radio and get Tom back here."

"Where are we going to boad?" Gage called out.

"He's supposed to wait in Miami and come back with a chopper when I call."

Gage gave Walker a thumbs up and went below to radio for the Ranger helicopter.

"Walker!" Sydney pointed above them and Walker ducked as Latimier's men began to shoot from a helicopter.

Sydney spotted Latimier inside and fired two shots towards him before Gage wrestled her to the deck of the boat. "Syd, not that way." He said, pulling her close.

"You will not have her!" Latimier yelled and fired, his bullet searing Gage's upper arm.

"Arggh!" Gage yelled.

Sydney fired two more shots, causing the helicopter pilot to pull back. She then focused on Gage. "Be still. It's just a flesh wound." She pulled off a strip of her dress and wrapped it tightly around the wound. "There. You'll be as good as new now."

If there's a such thing as a sarcastic smile, Gage had one. "Thanks. Thanks a lot."

"Gage!' Walker called down. "How bad are you hit?"

"It's just a flesh wound. He'll be fine."

"Good. I need him below."

Sydney helped Gage to his feet and they joined Walker below. "What is it?" Gage asked.

"You tell me. Is it like the one you disarmed that was around Julie's neck?" Walker asked, looking down at a bomb.

Gage nodded, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. "It is and it isn't."

"What's different?" Walker asked.

Gage pointed to a wire and an antennae. "This wasn't on the other one. It looks like a remote device."

"You mean he can set it off from anywhere?" Trivette asked, fear rising in his voice.

They heard the helicopter in the distance. "Walker, get everybody out of here. I don't know if I can defuse it or not." Gage moved two switches on the bomb, unwittingly changing one from remote to timer.

Walker nodded. "Come on, there's no point in trying if he has a remote switch."

The four Rangers ran up top and found the ladder from the helicopter already swinging closely to the boat. Gage caught it and steadied it for Sydney to climb up first, followed by Trivette, then Walker grabbed the end of the ladder and turned to Gage. "Go on. You'll never be able to hold on with your arm like that."

Gage nodded and started up the ladder. When he was inside the helicopter, Walker secured himself to the end of the ladder and motioned for Tom to take her up.

Latimier had the remote to the bomb in his hand and when the Ranger helicopter was over the boat, he pushed the button. Nothing happened. He pushed it again. "Of all the incompetent half way jobs! Why do I have to do everything myself?" He screamed out.

Just as his helicopter neared the boat, the timer on the bomb clicked and the boat burst into flames, sending Latimier's helicopter out of control. As it plunged into the water, Sydney, Gage, Trivette and Walker looked on, hoping against all hope that this was really all over.


Tom sat the Ranger helicopter down in Miami where Sydney and Gage were both treated at a local hospital and released. As soon as she was permitted, Sydney quickly called her parents and she cried as she heard the relief in their voices when they found out that she was alive.

Walker put his arm around Gage. "I owe you an apology." He said.

Gage looked at the floor. "Don't worry about it." He paused, "But Walker, I, ah, I was wondering, well, about my resignation."

"I never filed it. It's still in my desk drawer." Walker smiled and patted Gage's back.

"Let's go home guys." Walker announced and the Rangers loaded into an airplane and returned to Dallas.


As the airplane touched down, Gage gently nudged Sydney who had fallen asleep against his arm. "We're home Syd." He whispered.

"Home?" She smiled as she sat up. "I like the sound of that."

Before Walker made his way back to their seats, Gage turned to her. "Would you like to come home with me tonight? I mean, Julie's there and . . ."

"I would love to come home with you tonight." She replied and allowed him to help her to her feet.

"Alright you two. I'll take you home and you can catch up with each other then, OK?"

"Walker, would you mind putting my bike in the back of your truck?" Gage asked.

"It should already be there. I called ahead and had one of the guys take care of it. We'll drop Sydney off first and then . . ."

"She's coming home with me Walker." Gage said, staring at his partner.

"Oh. OK, well, I'll drop you both off at your apartment then." He went ahead of the younger Rangers to make sure Gage's bike was secure in the back of the RAM and once they were all settled, he took them home.


Julie heard the RAM pull into the parking lot and ran outside to meet her brother and his partner. "Francis Gage don't you ever scare me like that again!" She scolded. "Oh Sydney! I can hardly believe it's really you." She embraced Sydney and then wrapped her arms around Gage.

"Ahh!" He stiffened as she squeezed his fresh gunshot wound.

The smiled immediately faded from Julie's face. "Francis, what is it? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing Jules, just a little scratch."

"Just a little scratch that took ten stitches." Sydney added. "Gunshot wound. He's lucky Latimier doesn't have better aim."

"Speaking of Latimier, do you think he survived that explosion?" Gage asked as Walker rounded the corner.

"They haven't found his body yet." Walker replied. "I'll catch up with you two in the morning."

"Thanks Walker." The two partners said in unison. "You too Trivette." Sydney added.

Trivette waved and Julie escorted Sydney and Gage inside. "Francis, why don't both of you just have a seat and I'll put on a pot of coffee."

"Thanks sis." Gage replied, sitting down on the couch and pulling Sydney down with him.

He held her in his arms, squeezing her close. "You know, when that explosion went off in the hanger and I saw you . . . well, I thought I saw you die. I felt like a part of me was dying too."

Sydney nodded. "Gage, I felt the same way when Latimier told me what he had done and that he wanted to torment you with my death. I had a feeling, well, I hoped. No! I didn't hope you'd feel that way, I . . ."

Gage put his finger to Sydney's lips. "Shh. I know. I love you too." He whispered.

A smile came to Sydney's face as she laid her head on his shoulder. When Julie came into the living room with the coffee, she found both of the young Rangers asleep, in each others arms. "Now this feels right little brother." She whispered and pulled a blanket over both of them.