The Starlit Path

Book One: The Gathering

Notes: Yes I know that there are a lot of Harry Potter and Sailor Moon crossover fics around but this one will be different. Why you ask? Well because I wrote it, and I have been known for writing off the wall stuff. Consider this AU in both worlds because the Sailors and the Dark Kingdom generals from the first season will be in the school from when they are eleven to their seventh year so needless to say this one will be a very long saga.

Summary: Instead of sending the reborn children of the Silver Millennium to Japan Queen Serenity sends them to England. As each of the children grow older they began to notice that they are not normal by any standards. Receiving Hogwarts letters at eleven each child goes to Hogwarts not knowing that they are attended classes with former friends, lovers, allies, and foes. New dangers await them as well as the resurfacing of old scars.


Part One: A Vision of the Moon: Serena

Two sapphire blue eyes peered over the countertop as a five year old girl carefully observed her mother preparing chocolate chip cookie dough. Glancing to the side Usagi watched as her mother mix the first batch of dough in a large silver bowl. Carefully Serena lifted her pudgy hands to grasp the first bowl of finished cookie dough; occasional glancing to the side to make sure that her mother was occupied. She reached for the bowl and gradually scooted it across the counter surface until it was close to teetering off of the edge; just about home free Serena licked her lips in attenticaption of the chocolate chip treat that she was about to receive.

"Serena!" the girl's mother said sharply.

The noise startled Serena so much that she dropped the bowl causing all the contents to descend upon the newly waxed floor.

Serena's mother was furious; after she made Serena clean up the mess she sent the five year old up to her room. In tears Serena collapsed on her daybed surrounded by an army of various stuffed bunnies. Looking up Serena stared at the black plastic eyes of her favorite bunny toy, Mr. Checkers, named so because of the checkerboard looking bow tie adorning his neck. "Why does mom have to be so mean?" she asked the rabbit. "All I was doing was getting a snack since dinner is too long to wait for something to eat."

For the remainder of the afternoon Serena tried to keep herself occupied until dinner time, which was when her mother had said she could come down stairs. By the time six came the sun was already setting and a full moon was rising up into the heights of the sky. For a moment Serena took no notice of the change between night and day. But the sudden darkness caused her to turn her head only to be captivated by the silvery light of the moon. It was strange to her, she had seen the moon several times through out her life, like any normal human had, but tonight for some reason the silver sheen and cold seemingly detached face was calling for her to allow her gaze to linger.

She was so engrossed in the image that Serena was unaware of the changes taking place in her own body. She was steadily growing taller until she stood around 5'1, her golden hair lengthened even more, spilling over the bed and onto the floor, and change colors from gold to a pure silver. Her tank top and shorts were replaced by a long flowing white dress. Her gaze still trapped within the moon's pull Serena didn't even notice that her mother had opened the door to her room.

What the girl's mother saw caused a gasp to be ripped from her throat as her hands began to tremble. The prophecy spoken at the girl's birth racing through her mind; realization of the horrors to come to her only daughter freezing the very blood in her veins while questions of the future plagued her relentlessly. Would she be able to embrace the fact that her daughter was fated for great peril and hardship in the near future? Would she allow the girl to know just what or rather who she was?

No, was her universal answer. She gently closed the door, shutting out the reality of her daughter's destiny out as well as the hauntingly beautiful image. As she walked away a voice in the back of her mind reminded her that while the child was naive and innocent now it wouldn't take long before she would question the sudden transformations and fascination with the moon.

In reply the mother said that yes her daughter was naïve and innocent about the prophecy and her destiny and as long as she had breathe in her body she intended to keep her child in ignorant bliss.

Part Two
A World of Ice: Amy

Glancing out of the window Amy tired her best to tune out the sounds of her parents arguing. They seemed to fight a lot lately. They fought about who said what, who did what, about the bills, about money, about the house. But today their topic of disagreement was the state of their six-year-old child's sanity.

"She's six years old for crying out loud! Children normally have a very active imagination," she could hear her father reason/yell from the driver's seat to her mother across from him.

"She is too terrified to go to sleep at night Cory! We have got to do something about this before it gets any worse," was her mother's cold reply.

"But sending her to a psychiatrist?! Come on Tanya be reasonable, all kids have nightmares."

Amy yawned, too tired to listen to her parents argue. Curling up in the backseat Amy felt her droopy eyes close of their own accord in sleep. But as soon as she was enveloped into darkness Amy recalled why she hadn't voluntarily slept for the past few days.

She was surrounded by ice, so cold that her teeth were chattering constantly. Her booted feet tramped across white snow; actually it wasn't purely white snow because there were dark patches that appeared in random splotches. Crimson blood stained the snow. The same blood that seemed to pour out from each inch of flesh of her body; buried and bloodied she tried to remain standing against foes that she could only see shadows of. She tried to get up and run but they doggedly followed her, like hunting hounds chasing down a wounded and weak fox. Weapons of steel gleamed in their hands, posed and ready to strike her down from every side that she turned to. The frigid wind forced itself into lungs as she screamed.

"I said stop the car damnit!" Amy's mother wailed at her husband as their daughter continued to scream in horror.

He pulled the car over to the side of the road but not without a lot of grumbling and curses. As soon as the car stopped Amy's mother got out of the passenger side and opened the door to the backseat. Taking her now crying child in her arms Amy's mother tried her best to clam the girls sobs and wipe away her tears but it never seemed to stop.

Amy felt so horrible for scaring her parents but she was just so terrified about the dreams that couldn't have helped screaming. Clutching to her mother's arms Amy cried until she fell back to sleep only this time it was a dreamless one.

Part Three: The Power of Thunder: Lita

It was raining again. For the past two weeks the sky seemed to be crying without end. Absently Lita wondered if all this rain might cause a flood. Maybe they would cancel school if it did flood, but she seriously doubted that. Walking away from the school building under the cover of an umbrella Lita causally watched as the other students passed her by. Above the tiny parade of children returning home from school were dancing bolts of lightning. A small smile graced her lips as she listened to several other girls shriek in fear at the sudden flashes of light.

Lita on the other hand didn't seem to fear anything let alone bolts of electricity; she actually found comfort in the force of nature that instilled fear in many of her peers. Suddenly shouts came from the corner of Privet Drive as one of the resident bullies decided to pick a fight with a smaller and weaker looking boy.

The kids abandoned the sidewalk to heckle the fighters, actually the bully on. Lita stared up at the sky and sighed heavily, having sworn earlier in her life to protect those weaker than herself was challenging but at least she couldn't honestly say that her life was boring. Calmly she crossed the street.

Pushing her way through the crowd of people Lita was relieved to find that she had made it just before the bully could actually throw a punch at the smaller boy.

"Hey!" she called out to the bully.

The large blonde turned his head to stare at the young girl, "What do you want?"

Lita mustered up her best smile, "Nothing."

"Than leave me alone! Can't you see that I am busy!" the blonde snapped.

"Busy are you? Pounding a kid half your size into oblivion?"

Turning his attention from the boy the bully, whom was half a foot taller than Lita, stood in front of the girl, sneering. "Who do you think you are sticking up for that little shrimp? His girlfriend?"

"Nope, I just don't like it when boorish and arrogant bastards pick on people younger and smaller than they are because it makes them feel better." Lita said calmly, although impatient was clearly coating her words.

There were murmurs and gasps of horror at her choice of words but Lita just shrugged it off, "It's not like any of us hasn't heard worse words fly around our own households anyway," she reasoned.

The boy slammed one of his fists into the other open palm, "Are you looking to pick a fight girl?!"

Lita shrugged, "Only if you are offering it. However," she raised her deep emerald eyes which held a menacing gleam, "I would like to state that it wouldn't be much of a "fight" since I know that one girl can beat half of an idiot."

"Why you." the bully growled as he dove at Lita but she smoothly slide to the side. Normally the bully's bulk was his advantage but pitied up against a fighter as swift as Lita the boy didn't have a prayer. Once he came around to strike her again Lita had a clenched fist ready to implant itself into his jawbone with a single powerful swing then quickly finishing him off with a hard blow to his gut.

Without a fanfare or even applause the bully toppled to the rain soaked ground. Lita turned to find the boy that the bully had been picking on but when she spotted him he cowered back as if she was some kind of monster. She offered her hand to help him off of the ground by the boy only stared at is sullenly before he arose to his feet. Very confused Lita stared at the boy as he walked away to his house. Lita moved to follow him just to make sure that he would be all right. Crunch. Lita winced as she lifted her shoe to find a pair of ruined glasses beneath her feet.

"Oh no," she whispered as she looked between the glasses and the boy. Without thinking Lita gathered up what little remained of the broken frame and raced after the boy.

"Hey, hey you!" Lita called out as she tried to catch up with him.

The boy finally stopped and turned to face her. Coming to stand beside him Lita sheepishly offered the broken glasses back to him.

"I am sorry, I stepped on them by accident." Lita confessed as the boy took the glasses from her open palm.

"No, it's alright. Dudley had already broken them before you came," the boy replied.

"Dudley? That huge blonde bully?" Lita asked.

"Yes, he's also my cousin."

"What?!" Lita exclaimed. "What did you do to him to make him want to fight you?"

"Nothing," the boy replied as a ironic grin crossed his face; "Apparently the mere reason of my existence is more than enough reason for Dudley to pick a fight with me."

Lita frowned, that didn't sound right to her, even though she wasn't an expert on family life, far from it, but it just seemed wrong that someone would have to suffer at the hands of a family member so often. "Does his parents know that he is bullying you?" Lita asked.

"My aunt doesn't seem to care and my uncle thinks that Dudley bullying me is hilarious."

"What about your parents, can't they do something about."

Lita's voice slowly faded as she saw the melancholy expression that spread across his face.

"Oh I am sorry I didn't realize that.." Not knowing what else to say Lita just stood across from the boy.

"It's alright, I never really knew them," was the short reply.

Lita nodded solemnly, "Same with me. But it still must hurt, so I am really sorry."

"You lost your parents too?"

"About two years ago in a plane crash. I live with my grandmother down the street. Speaking of home I should be going before my grandmother gets worried. I'll see you later I guess."

"Bye," the boy replied. And they both parted ways for the moment.

Part Four: The Guardian of Light: Mina

"But mom! I am serious! I saw them with my own two eyes," the nine-year-old girl earnestly insisted.

Mina's mother sighed in exasperation. She had to admit that she had expect as much, if not more, problems to occur with her daughter's over active imagination since she had taken their move from Japan rather harshly. But this was too much.

"Mina honey, it is three in the morning. Those shadows could have been anything, probably a dog or cat or even a tree."

The young blonde pouted as she once again stubbornly insisted; "Momma, I saw them. They were dressed in long black robes, they had long white faces and these long sticks in their hands that was spouting out this green sparkles and stuff."

Mina's mother looked at her daughter crossly, "That is quite enough Mina. I have to go to work tomorrow and you have to go to school so go back to bed."

With that she turned on her heel and stalked irritably out of the room, leaving Mina alone with the night and the images of those strange people. Sighing Mina collapsed backward into her bed; she turned to her side to look outside the window. The golden street lamped path was completely abandoned but she was so certain that she had seen somebody out there. Whispering something under her breath Mina opened her right palm to reveal a glowing ball of light. Carefully she set it on her nightstand next to the window. With her baby blue eyes narrowed in sheer determination Mina stared out at the street; "I'll find them. I'll prove to momma and everyone else that I am not a liar."

Sure enough they came back only this time with the light of the sphere she could clearly see their faces and could almost recognize one of them. One turned to face her house; seeing the light and the face of the young girl the figure panicked and murmured a spell to extinguish the light. The girl gasped as the light in her hands suddenly disappeared.

"I knew it!" Mina exclaimed excitedly as she bounded from her bed to tell her mother.

Part Five: The Path of Fire: Rei

For as long as she could remember fire had fascinated her. There was just something about the weaving and flicker of light that could hold her captive for hours. It began as an obsession, kind of like the one that the moth held for the flame. Then she literally began to play with fire. Strange and even ridiculous to most but she actually liked the feeling of warmth that the fire gave as her hand hovered over a candle. It wasn't that she loved pain for in fact the fire never burned her; her hand would return from the core of the flame just as good and burn free as it had before she had touched the flame. Over time she could manipulate the flames to come from their cocoon of light to dance on her fingertips.

By the time she was nine she could fire off flame like darts easily able to control one of the most destructive forces in nature. Now her power was growing stronger for not only could she control her chosen element but she could also see pictures. Blurry at first but over time they grew in both intensity and clarity. She could see many faces, some male, some female, some young and not yet born, some old, some her own age.

She could stare them in the eye as the flames flickered and wavered under her touch. She knew their name, their ages, their faces memorized and their lives etched on her heart.

Five girls she could see clearly, one of them being herself.

One was the bearer of light, another held the power of crackling thunder, one had the forces of ice and water at her command; and the seerer knew herself to be the wielder of fire. The last one was the one to either save or the one to kill. She was to be the sacrifice or savior that this world needed especially since the dark days were just beginning to dawn.

Two forces, white and black clashing to form gray as the world itself seemed divided on which side was the right of way. There would be many struggles, many hardships and heartbreaks. But although she was unsure about the other girl's whose destinies she herself seemed to be tied to; Rei did know that she for one was ready for just about anything.

Notes: Well what do you guys think? Good or bad I would still appreciate feedback so even if you want to rant to me about how bad it was than I'll accept it. Thanks for reading and be on the look out for chapter one: The Hogwarts letters come in!

Peace ^_^