What Is There To Live For?

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply, I own nothing.yet!!! On with the show!

Sarah Williams sighed as she looked out of her bedroom window, staring outside, but seeing nothing all the while.

In the Underground Jareth was staring intently into a crystal, as thought it were his very life line. "Oh Sarah," he sighed wistfully, "just say my name and I will be there for you."

With that said he threw the crystal at the wall and watched it shatter.

At that very moment one word passed Sarah's lips, "Jareth."

Sarah had nothing left. Her father, step-mother and dear little Toby had all been killed in a car accident 3 days earlier, the funeral was yesterday. So many people had come to say their farewells and give their condolences, but Sarah had still been in a state of shock and barely noticed anything that had been happening. She was now sitting in her bedroom as she had been ever since she got home last night.

It was then that she made her decision.

She got up and walked slowly, but resolutely, towards the bathroom. When she reached the door she shakily turned the handle and walked in, opening the medicine cabinet as soon as she had closed the door behind her.

She took out the bottle of asprin and downed the whole lot. Just as she began to lose consciousness, before the blackness completely surrounded her, she whispered one word.

"Jareth," and then she succumbed to the darkness.

As soon as Jareth had heard her utter his name, however faintly, he transported himself instantly to her side. The site that greeted him was not what he had been expecting.

Sarah lay slumped on the floor of the bathroom, an empty bottle of pills in her hand.

A/N: I know the subject's been done to death, but oh well. Only a short chap coz it's 1.15 in the morning and I wanna go to bed. Will only continue if I get reviews, otherwise I won't bother. G'nite RW .