Okay, I hope you like!


Sarah was walking home from school on a deserted street. Sarah is 15 and had dark, red hair and green, emerald eyes. She had pale skin and she is average height. She lived in New York City, and she has a great life. She was on her school basketball team, was easily the best player, had tons a friends, a loving family, a day job, a great house, and a hot boyfriend.

But it didn't last very long.

As she was walking home, that cold and gloomy day, she felt something on her shoulder. She saw a man there.

"Hey kid," He said. "You wanna come to the movies with me? We're gonna see Scary Movie 3 (A/N: I loved that movie!)."

She smiled politely. "No thanks. I gotta get home. But thanks for offering!" She tried to get away, but he just tightened her grip on her shoulder.

"Oh, come on. You know you wanna see it!"

"No. I know I hafta get home! Just let go!"

He took out a gun and pointed it at her head. "No. You are coming with me."

Sarah paused. Then she twisted from his grip and socked him in the face. He fell to the ground, clutching his nose and mouth, which was bleeding.

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that," He said fiercely. He pointed his at her head and shot. She dodged it by inches and then she started doing whatever she could to him. She punched, kicked, and scratched.

She slowly got up, his gun clutched in her hands. The man was badly hurt. He was bleeding on his face, arm, and both legs. She had even managed to break one of his arms.

She was breathing deeply. She pointed the gun at his head and said, "Now you know not to screw over Sarah Martin." And she shot him.

He yelled before he lost consciousness. But he wasn't dead yet. No. She wanted him to die NOW! Then she shot him in the chest, and she immediately saw his chest stop moving up and down.

She was still breathing deeply. She had a bloody nose and a scratch on her arm, but other than that, she wasn't hurt.

Then, an old woman came around the corner. She saw the man, and then Sarah, with a gun in her hand. She fumbled in her purse, got her cell phone, dialed 911 and said,

"Hello? I'd like to report a murder."


"18 months, Camp Green Lake missy,"

Sarah had been charged with murder for Connor Pietro. They wouldn't listen to her when she said it was self defense.

So, after one day, she was found guilty and sentenced to either two years in prison (They were going easy on her since she was a child) or eighteen months at Camp Green Lake. And you could guess what she chose.

Besides, what choice did she have?


Okay, this wasn't really a chapter, just sort of a background think of her life.

Now, please review!