Rin awoke and moved swiftly and quietly to her morning routine. Today like every other day, would mean be careful as much as you were yesterday. Ever since her father died and her brother had run away, life had gotten a lot harder to deal with. She was a new student, and today would be the first day of the new school. It seemed as if once she had gotten used to one school, her mother would be making arrangements to move to another school.

But this time they had been taken and auctioned to the Tao family. The Tao family, were very rich demons with a prestigious title, and this time Rin couldn't move unless her master freed her or she died. But as the law went, all humans, including slaves must attend to school.

She slowly sifted the sleep away from her eyes after washing her face with the usual Neutrogena acne wash. Her eyes were like fog, you couldn't tell what she was thinking, nor feeling. Her expression was blank and under those luminous eyes were shadows from the lack of sleep and much fear. Her dark chocolate brown hair was sleek and curled around her gentle face like curtains to a blank window.

Rin quickly slipped into her school uniform. Her body was slender, but she didn't have any curves. She resembled something more of an immature stick-like twig, then the mature curvy one. With her stick look, Rin's body looked fragile, and would crumble into a million pieces if not handled with caution. But aside from that, her beauty wouldn't make any difference from her reputation: quiet, unnoticed, and an apathetic loner. Nobody paid or would pay attention to her, not even the boys.

Her mother went out drinking every night, unable to accept her father's death, and dealing with the stress of Shippo running away. Many detectives came to investigate the crisis, but they eventually dropped the case because of the lack of interest.

There were a number of times when Rin was interrogated, but she always said she didn't know.

Everything she said to them, was a lie.

Only she knew where her brother was, only she knew when her brother would come, and only she knew why her brother had ran away. Because if she told, then she would be betraying her brother's trust.

Since Rin was a human slave, had a life with no self-confidence or motivation, she held pride in nearly nothing. There was one thing, and that was the only thing she really found beauty in.

Rin was proud of her eyes. One was blue and the other was emerald green. She liked the fact that they were bicolored. It made her feel unique and made a difference from regular people. I suppose you could say that she felt more then ordinary.

Quietly trotting down the stairs, Rin began making breakfast. Making eggs, bacon, an omelet and a pancake, it looked like a drop-dead buffet. But the food wasn't for Rin; it was for her mother.

She grabbed an apple, strapped on her backpack and left, bringing her lunch along with her. When she was half way across to school, Rin caught something out of the corner of her eye. Red hair in the tiniest ponytail imaginable, her eyes brightened with strong emotions of ecstasy.

"Shippo!" Rin cried and lunged at her brother.

The lanky teen turned, only to find himself in a strangling hug.

"Shippo! I missed you So much!" Rin cried out.

"Rin… If you don't let go, you're going to be convicted with murder…" Shippo stated horsely.

"Ooops…hehe, sorry." Rin said as she let go and scratched the back of her head.

"How's it with mom?" Shippo asked with his concern.

Rin's eyes darkened as she looked to the ground and shuffled her feet.

"You know, the usual. She hasn't stopped drinking and she was gone for three days and came back late. I'm scared of hang over might make her emotional again and she might.... You know," Rin said in a soft tone.

"Yeah I know. Don't worry, I'm trying to get a job, and then you can leave mom and come live with me. We only have a few months before I'm eighteen. Then you can come and live with me," Shippo said and gave his little sister a comforting hug.

"We can't." Rin stated.

"Why can't you?" Shippo asked.

"Because we've been captured and sold as slaves," Rin responded.

"Oh. I guess I shouldn't be surprised… Almost ever human is a slave." Shippo said.

There was an awkward silence for a minute.

"Aren't you hungry? I haven't brought you food for awhile," Rin stated suddenly.

"Yeah, I'm starving. Got any food?" Shippo asked anxiously, completely forgetting the issue beforehand (and suddenly motivated).

"Well you can have my lunch," Rin said and handed Shippo her lunch pail, Rin glanced at her watch and said, "I gotta go. I still got to get to school. Remember, you need to get to your collage classes to," Rin said and ran off and waved.

Rin made it just before the bell rang. The teacher came in and a little after, and then after that, a boy came in that captured all the girls attention.

He had white hair and golden eyes; his face held a cold expression. He was tall and looked as if he never laughed. His cold statures made you think he skipped childhood.

Rin noticed his elfish ears and realized that he was demon (with the urge to pull them). Of course, white hair and golden eyes weren't common to a human.

"You're late Sesshomaru," the teacher, Mr. Tsyou said.

"I have a note," the boy, now known as Sesshomaru replied a tossed the teacher a note.

The teacher skimmed through and nodded in approval. Sesshomaru took a seat behind Rin. Rin felt the cold atmosphere surrounding Sesshomaru and shivered.

"Class today we have a new student. Rin Lee. Reading from her report from her old school, Rin is a very bright student. Far to bright with the standards of our school." Rin felt glares from every side of her and felt helpless.

"Class, Rin has skipped three grades and has had a perfect score in all her classes." The glares seemed to get more malicious; Rin felt her confidence sinking to the bottom.

"Rin will you rise up to the front and tell everyone something about yourself," Mr. Tsyou made it sound like more of a command then an option.

Rin sank into her seat. First he deprived her of all confidence, and then call her up front. If this kept up, Rin felt she would die from the number of death glares.

Rin got up from her seat and walked rigidly from nerves to the front.

"Hi. I'm Rin Lee, as you already know. Um, I'm trying really hard for my first day, so I hope there won't be any negativity involving me," Rin said. Or find myself on the brink of death… Rin thought.

For the rest of the day it was basically the same thing. Nerve-racking introduction then class, painful introduction then class. Followed by the eerie feeling of death glares from nearly everyone from the class. Classes had been easy since she already knew most of what the students were presently studying.

Every time when Rin had been called on to answer a question and got it correct the class seemed to hiss at her. And English teacher looked at her with parched lips, continously asking even more challenging questions, which Rin answered correctly. When class ended, Rin left in a hurry, thinking the English teacher might jump her.

Finally it was lunchtime, Rin didn't have her lunch since she gave it away to her brother and buying wasn't an option since she had no money.

So what did she do? Like most goody girls, be a good sport. Rin decided to sit under a willow tree and study for her next classes (hardcore student).

After awhile two girls came and plopped down next to Rin. Rin remembered them as Kagome and Sango. They were the first to greet her with a smile (that didn't look fake or forced).

"Hi, I'm Kagome and this is my friend Sango. So how's your day been so far?" Kagome asked with a wide grin.

"Aside from the death glares, and the taunting jeers, perfect," Rin replied.

There was silence as a small breeze fell before them. Adding to Rin's sarcastic remark.

"It's okay, we're human and we will stand by your side when we can." Kagome said cheerfully.

Sango gave Rin a worried glance.

"I'm going to give you warning like I do to all the new girls. There's this boy named Miroku and he-" Sango finished her warning, but Rin didn't hear it.

Instead she felt fingers going down to her rear. Rin screamed and smacked the head of whoever was touching her. Before she knew it, a boy had a hand print on his face and cradled his cheek.

Sango was fuming. Rin and Kagome crawled away slightly, they could feel the fire burning in the background. Sango was repeatedly hitting and kicking the guy that had just groped her.

"Perverted stinking, lowlife bastard! How could you stoop so low as to hitch to a new girl! You disgusting pervert! You! Ah! I can't even think of what else to call you!" Sango screeched and Rin watched and a smile crept towards her face.

"I assume that that's Miroku?" Rin said.

"Correct. Don't they look like the sweetest couple?" Kagome said.

Rin glanced at the Miroku bashing, and then back to Kagome, giving her an odd look.

"Hey wench," said a boy that resembled Sesshomaru, except for the fact that his expression looked annoyed rather then cold. He pulled a lock of Kagome's hair and began playing with it with his clawed hands.

It was Kagome's turn to fume.

"It's Kagome! Ka-go-me! Get it?" Kagome said.

"Got it," Inuyasha replied absent-mindedly.

"Good," Kagome replied.

Sango plopped back down after beating up Miroku, who appeared aside hear with numerous bumps and bruises

They all chattered excitedly for a moment, Rin listened but didn't really say much, until a question popped through her head.

"Inuyasha right?" Rin asked.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Inuyasha replied.

"Is your brother by any chance Sesshomaru?" she asked.

"If you mean that good for nothing elf boy than yeah," Inuyasha answered grumpily.

Rin sweat-dropped and blinked before continuing.

"Ok... I've noticed there were demons at this school. How come we aren't at different schools?" Rin asked.

"The principals are under treaty." Kagome replied.

"And people don't seem to like the fact that I'm smart. How come?" Rin asked once more.

"The demon principal doesn't like it when humans are smarter then demons. In a way he thinks it's a way of mocking them." Sango responded.

Rin sighed and then the bell rang. They all greeted each other goodbye and diverted.

It was time for gym and Rin slipped into her gym uniform. Like all the other teachers, was the painstakingly, unnecessary introduction and then death glares.

"As we all know..." the teacher said, but all Rin heard was blah.

After warm-ups, the students began the activities.

In class they were playing soccer. Rin looked at the boys' side of the bench, and there was

Sesshomaru. His cold dark look made Rin shudder. Suddenly he realized that she was staring. Rin blushed and looked away, continuing to the game.

Yura put out a string that strangely looked like hair and formed a patter with it in her hand. Suddenly an ample of hair surrounded Rin and pushed her to the ground. Suspecting that the coach would say something, he didn't do anything. Instead he said that Rin had just scored a foul.

Sesshomaru sat to himself on the bench, not wanting to get involved in these foolish games. He watched the game silently. Once again the humans play pitifully. Wait that girl with brown hair.... Rin, I believe her name was. She seems decent she has the ball, and she scored. Suddenly Sesshomaru noticed that Rin was staring at him. She noticed also and quickly turned away. Tch. Foolish human.

Sesshomaru watched the game intently and walked to the locker room in spite of boredom. As he walked away, Yura's mass of hair had plunged at Rin.

For the last few classes after P.E., Rin felt her eyes getting droopy. She had stayed up all night to see when her mother would come in case she needed help. After class, Rin had stopped by to take a drink by the fountain, when a boy with long black hair tied back into a long single braid pushed her away.

"Can't you read you wretch?" the boy stated with a hint of cruelty.

Rin looked up and there were two signs. Over the fountain she was drinking the sign said DEMONS. On top of the other fountain it said HUMANS. Rin gasped when she noticed her grave mistake.

"That's damn right you fool! I want you to drink the water from your fountain now!" the boy said.

Rin obeyed. She drank the water and gagged. Her throat burned as she choked on the discolored water. The water tasted strongly like urine. She pressed the button that made the water come out. There was a putrid smell. It was urine.

"You foolish wench," the boy said.

"Hello brother Hiten," another boy who with no mistake was a demon.

"Hello Manten, just punishing this girl for drinking our water," Hiten said.

Manten took Rin's jaw forcefully and examined her face.

"This a fair one. I think she'd make a radiant hair potion," Manten said cruelly and pulled Rin by the hair. Rin screamed in pain. Manten was holding her in the air by her hair.

"Help! Help!" Rin cried.

But nobody came to help her. They all watched, and none of them took action.

"You Manten, don't kill her, take her home so I can have my share of fun." Hiten stated as he looked up and down Rin's body, "Although she is flat, and she doesn't have much of a butt."

Rin felt herself fuming as she struggled for Manten to release his grasp.

"Put the girl down Manten," said a familiar cold voice.

Manten was about to retort but shut his mouth when he looked up.

"I'm sorry milord Sesshomaru," Manten apologized.

"Do not apologize until you have done what I've asked you to do," Sesshomaru said.

Manten dropped Rin.

Rin groaned, not wanting to move from her sprawled position.

"Milord she be drinkin' out of our fountain," Hiten remarked.

"Do you think that I am not aware that she has drinkin' out of the demon fountain. I can smell the water on her face. Do you dare mock me?" Sesshomaru asked challengingly.

"No, no Milord. I apologize gravely," Hiten said and quickly pulled away along with his brother.

The people crowded around the action as Hiten and Manten walked away. The hallway was utterly silent. Sesshomaru walked up to Rin, who was sitting up and rubbing her sore head.

"Get up slave," Sesshomaru said.

Rin stood and stumbled, but forced her way up to stand.

"You are not to cause any trouble for me to finish. Understand?" Sesshomaru said.

Rin nodded in response. Sesshomaru walked away while Rin stood watching, still rubbing her head..

After the last class Rin stumbled on home. Alone, sleepy and starved, she knew she couldn't have a snack with all the homework she had. She could probably manage a little dinner and some sleep. But there would be no chance of that. From now on, she would be a worthless slave working under her master's wretched whip.

Hope mom doesn't have a hangover. She's going to have to stop drinking if she wants to live under the Tao's roof. Rin thought to herself silently. The moment was solitary and peaceful. Rin loved a moment like this. She had her mind all to herself.

Rin entered through the slave's quarter and the room smelled strongly of alcohol. Rin prayed that her mother was sleeping. But when Rin opened the door, she realized that her mother was smothered in fury and in the middle of a tantrum.

Her mother glared at her with a psychotic look.

"You bitsh! Your father was a worthless ass. He deserved to die with his lot!" Rin's mother said murderously with her words runnin into each other.

She walked towards Rin and smacked her hard in the face.

"You and your filthy half blood! You are filthy! Disgusting! Repulsive!" Rin's mother cried and kicked Rin into the couch.

"It's all your fault for the death of your father! You don't deserve to live! Be damned to hell!" Rin's mother cried.

Rin was prepared for the worst. Just let her mother do her stuff and then she could clean up the mess that her mother had made. Rin clamped her eyes shut as she felt the pain collide with her head.

After cleaning up the mess. Rin changed into her maid uniform. Like the uniforms you would see on TV, a dress that went below her knees, black shoes, white cotton stockings, and a white apron with a white collar. She would be Lord Sesshomaru's servant.

She waited outside his room and knocked. Nobody was there. Rin knocked once more just for caution. After nobody had answered, Rin entered to do her job.

She was surprised by how clean the room was. She dusted his drawers and took out a broom to sweep the smaller trashes. After that, she put fresh new towels in the pantry and cleaned the bathtub. After awhile Rin made the bed and folded his laundry, then put it up.

Rin was straightening the chairs and tables when she heard footsteps in the hallway. After finishing the final touches. Rin waited beside the door like a loyal dog.

Sesshomaru entered along with another boy. Noticing the tail, Rin knew the boy was a wolf


"Rin I would like you to know that this is Kouga. Kouga may be here often in order to fill out some paper work with me. I want you to show proper respect toward Kouga," Sesshomaru stated.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru," Rin bowed to Sesshomaru and then to Kouga, "It is an honor to serve you to please my master Lord Kouga,"

"You got yourself a pretty wench right here Sesh," Kouga said.

He grabbed Rin's chin observing Rin's face.

"Kouga I hope you know that seducing my slave will not be tolerated," Sesshomaru said, "Rin I would like you to wait outside and come in here to discuss some issues with me after Kouga leaves,"

Rin nodded and left the room, waiting in the hallway. After waiting in the hallway listening to the muffled whispers, Kouga finally left. Rin entered with her stomach feeling uneasy.

"I smell blood Rin. Where is it coming from," Sesshomaru asked.

"I've had a small accident," Rin replied.

"Then where did you get those bruises?" Sesshomaru asked once more.

"I told you milord, I've had received a small accident," Rin replied.

"Rin you know the law that a slave is to confess everything to their masters," Sesshomaru stated.

"Lord Sesshomaru it is not to be your concern with a slave's own problems. But if you would like to know, I shall tell you when the time is right," Rin answered hoping he would accept.

"Very well. I would like you to inform me when dinner's ready," Sesshomaru ordered.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru," Rin replied and exited his room.

End of the first chappy! I'm so proud! Go easy on me, this is my first fanfiction and I'm rather stuck from here. Well I hope you like! Remember! Review! Review! Much love from Mourning Fox! !