Chapter 1 What?!

The boys of Camp Green Lake were all hanging out after a long day of digging holes. After supper, the boys of D-tent were hanging out in the tent when they got some very surprising news.

"Zero. Your Mother is here to get you. You've served your time," Mom said.

"Mother? I don't have a mom."

"She was looking around for you, and apparently found out you got sent here. She's here right now."

"How could she have found me?"

"I don't know! You discuss it with her! You know, there is some very advanced technology nowdays. She could have easily went to a police station and found you."


"Ah. Here she is now," he said as a woman walked through the door. It most certainly was his mom. He resembled her more than anything.


"M - m - mom?" he stuttered. He couldn't believe it. He just stared at her.

"Yes. Come here, my child. I'm so sorry." He walked over to her and she embraced him in a big, warm hug. He looked a little startled.

"H- h- how did you f-find me?"

"Well, I sing and play guitar for a living. One night, I was playing in the street and heard an officer say something about a Hector Zeroni. I asked him about you and found out you were a ward of the state. I went to the shelter where you were staying and found out you got sent here. They told me when your release date was supposed to be, so I wanted to come get you. They told me how to find it, and here I am. Are you surprised?"

"W-well, yeah. I am. You really are my Mother? I really do have a mom?"

"Yes. You do." He grinned from ear to ear and they hugged again. Tears were rolling down Zero's cheek from happiness. He couldn't believe it. It was his Mom!

"I love you, Mom." Mom. That felt good saying. He loved saying it! Mom. Mother. Mommy. Well, not Mommy......

"C'mon, honey. Are you ready to go? You can say bye to your friends first, if you like," she said nodding towards the very heart-broken boys of D-tent.

In reply, he nodded his head. He walked up to Caveman, first. "Bye, Hector. I'll miss you, buddy." They hugged each other until Zero thought Caveman was going to break his ribs in half. He pulled away and said, "I'll write everyday, Stanley."

"Mm-hmm." You could hear sniffs and long, heavy gasps from the other boys trying to hold their tears in. Zero walked up to every boy, had a sad goodbye and a "I'll write ya," or a "I'll call ya when I get out of this hell-hole, man." After he said bye to all the guys, him and his mom were on their way to their home. Zero was going home!


The seven boys left in D-tent were heart-broken the next day, but none but Caveman showed it. About 9 o'clock, the bus came, bringing the boy who was going to fill Zero's spot.

Caveman was slacking way more than usual on his hole. He was devastated about Zero, and he was going to be digging during the hottest part of the day.

At lunch time, Caveman's hole was only 2 ft. deep, and ¾ ft. wide. He only ate ½ an apple, his appetite not being much. He started on his hole before anybody, but finished last.

At supper they met the new boy. He was very petite, had a tannish tint to his skin, and had a heavy mexican accent.

"Hey, dawg," Magnet said, "whatchu in here for, man?"

"I got high."


"I wasn't using my better judgement, and shot some girl. I found out later that it was my best friend's cousin. No one ratted on me. I told on myself. Instead of going to jail, they sent me here. The judge said that there was a vacancy and since I told on myself, he wouldn't make me do time with criminals 10x bigger than me."


"Since you didn't dig today, you wouldn't mind givin' ya bread to someone who did now would you?" X-ray said, reaching for the 'Neanderthal's' bread. The boy grabbed X-ray's hand and threw it away. "Yes, actually, I do."

"What the hell did you say to me, boy?!" X-ray asked, fury in his eyes. "Take that hat off so we can see yo' face, huh?!"

"I don't feel like it," the boy replied lazily.

"Stand up to me like a man! Punch me! You know you want to!"

"X, cool down, man. Why you gotta be so mean?" Squid asked, laughing.

"Man, it ain't funny," X-ray said, turning on Squid.

"I didn't say it was!"

"Cool it, X!" Armpit said.

"What'd you say to me?"


"That's what I thought."

"Whatever." The boy put his tray up, not even touching his bread, and walked to D-tent.

"What's his problem?" X-ray asked, anger still burning deep inside him.

"I don't know." Caveman looked a little uneasy, but still lonely.

"Man, he's gonna learn his lesson next time he messes wit me."

"Yeah, dawg, we know. Just cool it, the Warden will come down hard on all of us, and you know that," Zig-Zag said.

"Aight. Man, I'll try."


The boy walked into D-tent and laid on his bed. He rolled over on his stomach and fell into a deep sleep.

^-^ The boy's Dream^-^

He was walking downtown as usual, on the dark streets of his hometown. His step-mom was once again drinking, and his dad was, again, being abusive towards both him and his step-mom, Loraine. Loraine and Chuck (the boy's dad) cared nothing for the boy when they were under the influence of anything. And the only time they were sober was when they had to take the boy to his mom's house to visit.

She had a huge house and her boyfriend was the nicest man in the world. And they actually cared for him. But Chuck and Suzanne (his mom) had a custody battle. Chuck and Loraine made up some bullshit story about how they cared for what was best for him. They made Suzanne and Matt (Suzanne's boyfriend) look like total idiots, child abusers, and cared nothing for the boy. He hated Chuck and Loraine, but not his step-siblings. He had older and younger step-sisters and a younger step-brother.

His older sister said when she turned 17, she was leaving and taking the boy and his younger step-siblings with her. He got sent here a month before her 17th birthday.

Anyways, Chuck and Loraine were like they always were, and he hated them for it. He snuck into their room, stole some weed, and left. He sat in a dark alleyway and got high. He was now roaming the streets, looking dreamily at lights and cars and even broken glass on the sidewalk. He took a shortcut through the forest to get to his favorite place (aside from his mom's house), Joey's house. Joey (his best friend) always let him stay over. Always had a place for him if he felt like running away. Joey's mom always welcomed him just as his mom always does. His dad was just like Matt. He was so cool and outgoing. And never drunk, never abusive.

He was about to arrive when he heard something in the woods behind him. He got his gun out and pointed to where he heard the noise. He had enemies that were very dangerous. They had almost killed him on more than one occasion, so now he carried a gun and knife with him for safety. He heard a twig break from where he was pointing and shot.

He ran to Joey's house and told him all about it. They ran back to the spot and found that it was Joey's cousin, Fallon.

He felt so bad. He had to do something. The next thing he knew he was in the police station, telling them what happened, with a tear-stained face. He couldn't bear the guilt. He was talking to the police officer, when out of nowhere, the police officer wrapped his hands around his neck and shook him violently, saying, "Man! Dude! Wake up! WAKE UP!"

^-^ End of the Boy's Dream^-^

Twitch shook the boy as hard as he could. "Wake up, Man! C'MON! GET UP!"

The boy woke up, dripping in sweat. He was so cold, shivering, but had sweat pouring down him.

"You okay, man?" Caveman asked.

"Yeah. Fine."

"You sure? You were screamin' Bloody Mary, I swear."



"Amigo, can I talk to you outside? That's alright, isn't it?" Magnet asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

The walked outside and Magnet said, "You sure you don't want to talk about it? You looked pretty freaked out, homie."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay, but if you ever need anything, I'm here for you? Comprende?"


They walked back inside and everyone was staring at the boy.

"You okay?"

"That was some pretty messed up stuff."

"That was freaky."

"Yo," X-ray said to the boy. "What's yo' name?"


"I thought you were Mexican. That don't sound like a Mexican name," Zig-Zag said, confused.

"Only part. My mom is from Mexico, and my dad is from California. We moved here, though, after a couple of forest fires and earthquakes. They split up a couple of months after the move, though."

"Oh. That explains Jordan." Squid said.

"Or does it?" Zig-Zag said, his usual paranoid self.

"Man! Shut up, Ziggy!" Armpit yelled, annoyed of Zig's stupidity.

"Why you always wearin' that cap, dawg?" X-ray, once again, questioned Jordan.

"Maybe 'cuz I want to."

"Dammit! Don't get smart wit me!"

"Why do you think you're so tough?"

"I am! That's why I'm the leader of D-tent!" He said, pushing Jordan. Jordan punched him square in the jaw.

"I'm sick of you, man! Get a life."

"What'd you say to me?" X-ray said, getting up unsteadily.

"You heard me!"

"Dude! Don't you dare talk back to me!" And with that, X-ray threw himself on Jordan, and they were going at it. Mr. Pendanski heard the racket and walked into the tent to see what was going on. He pulled X-ray off of Jordan, both of them violently bleeding, but neither seriously hurt. They were both still fuming with anger after Mom (Mr. P) left, and X-ray spat at Jordan.

Jordan glared at X-ray and walked to his cot. "Man, what do you have to hide under that cap?" X-ray said.

"None of your damn business."

"Whatever you say." He walked over to Jordan, stole his hat, and threw it to Armpit before he could take it back. What D-tent saw shocked them.