RATING: R (for violence and swearing- eventually)

FEEDBACK: Right here on FF.com

DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters and institutions depicted in this story are property of mutant enemy and Joss Whedon. No infringement of rights is intended.

Time for the mini-rant: Season seven sucked. Period. End of the whole damn story. I'm sure that there are others like me out there who were just flat out disappointed. Personally, I've been disappointed since Season Five. Sure, there were some good parts after the beginning of the fifth season, but they were few and far between. The see-saw actions they had Willow going through and the dumbing down of Giles and Xander are the ones that make my teeth itch. Okay, hands up for anyone who really thinks that 'Soldier-guy' would go along with the insanity of the last season. Thought so. Xander has shown that he would do anything to save those he loved. Despite being 'normal'. Oh and the SiT's. 'Potentials' means just that. Potential. They weren't Slayers till Willow cast the spell. They were just as normal as Xander, then suddenly, they weren't. It just didn't make sense.

The following is just a little three parter that I had to write, just to get some of this out of my system. I might continue this, depending on the feedback

Speaking of feedback: Come on people! If you want people to keep writing then leave them feedback. Even a couple of "Hey, I read it." Comments are better than the writer sitting there asking herself/himself "Does anyone ever even read my stories?" It's the coin of the realm folks.

This one is an AU that splits about mid way thru 'Dirty Girls', but includes actual dialogue portions from the 'End of Days' script for reasons that should become obvious. Faith is back, but the raid on the vineyard hasn't occurred yet.


Xander had just finished with his tactics and hand to hand briefing with the SiTs and he shook his head wearily. Anya and Andrew had almost become 'demonstrators' a couple of times. It was all he could do to keep from bashing them both in an effort to shut them up. As he started up the stairs he couldn't help but overhear a hushed conference between Buffy, Faith, Giles and Willow.

"You know it's for the good." He could hear Buffy saying. "It'll get Dawn out to safety too."

"If you do this Buffy, that's it for him for this fight. It seems like you're putting him out to pasture." Willow seemed to be arguing with Buffy about someone.

"Of course I'm not putting him out to pasture. What does that even mean?

"Well, you know, it's like. when a cow gets old and loses its ability to be milked. The farmer takes it and puts it in a different pasture so it won't have to. fight. with the priests. Look, I don't know if you need to protect him.

"I'm not. Look, it's not just Xander, its Dawn too.

Giles interrupted her quietly. "I know he's just a normal person Buffy but he can still fight."

"I know. That's why I need him to do this. I need Xander, I need someone that I can count on no matter what happens."

Willow's voice became quieter and sadder "I just always thought that we would. that we would all be there, you know, for the end.


"Not that this is the end!" Willow said quickly while Faith grimaced.

"Thanks a lot. Glad I could come back here for the finish." Came the sardonic comment from Faith.

"No, no, no. by 'the end' I meant in a heroic, uplifting way. See I'm still optimistic." Willow spared a small smile for the Slayer

Faith smiled, glad that Willow had finally started to accept her "I know what you meant." Buffy leaned forward slightly "Xander, he's my strength, he's the reason I've made it this far. I trust him with my life. That's why I need him to do this for me." Her voice trailed off as she stared off at the wall for a moment. Faith was openly staring at her sister Slayer wondering for only the millionth time if there was more to Xander than she had been willing to let herself see.

"So" Giles said as he finished wiping his glasses. "We're agreed, we will have Xander take Dawn out of here in the morning."

"It's the only way to make sure that the normal people will survive." Buffy said quietly.

Xander quickly headed up the stairs as he heard them begin to stand up from the table. He had some thinking to do.

. *_____*_____*_____* .

He paced around the room, the other two occupants watching him warily. "They want me out of the way... After everything we've gone thru, everything I've done, and I'm still too normal to help. This is such bullshit!" He exclaimed, and then quieted down again. "I've brought Buffy back from the dead, faced down a Master Vampire to keep her alive, kept those dumb-ass zombies from blowing open the Hellmouth, Hell! I'm the one who came up with how to kill that stupid demon Angel brought out to kill everyone." He continued his pacing, getting more and more agitated as he went.

"This isn't just about being 'Mr. Normal' now is it?"

Xande stopped his pacing just long enough to glare at his questioner. Finally he sighed. "No, it's not, you know that." He laughed mirthlessly. "Not like I could lie to you about that."

"No, you can't. It's about 'Her' isn't it?" Xander's accuser sat back with a look on his face that almost dared Xander to deny it.

"Yes. No. It's... Damn. It is and it isn't ya know?" Xander gave a lopsided grin.

The third member of the little meeting chose that moment to growl a little and shake his head. "Mate." Was all he said, but Xander understood the whole meaning of that one word sentence.

"Look, I've always done what needed doing no matter how dangerous or embarrassing. Whatever was needed in order to get the job done."

"I know." Came the simple answer. "And I've been there thru most of it to help you. With a slight glance at their companion he added "We both have."

"Look, I know you both have. But it's not enough anymore. No matter how much you prop me up I'm still 'normal'.

"You're not normal. You haven't been normal for a long time."

"I know that, and you know that. They don't."

"They just won't see it, you mean."

"Same thing isn't it?"

"So, your proposal is?" Both of Xanders guests leaned forward in anticipation.

"We need some firepower to even the scales." At their grins he grinned himself. "Some serious firepower. He pulled a small computer disk out of his back pocket and tossed it into the air catching it as it fell.

His two companions gaped at him. "Are you sure about this?" The first asked quietly. The second only started grinning again and chuckling madly.

"Oh yes..." Xander said quietly. I've thought about it, and thought about it. There's no other choice, actually. I'm... We're" He amended "not strong enough on our own anymore. We need help."


"Road trip time boys...."

Xander had a grim smile on his face as his two companions got up from sitting on the bed and stepped towards him. The two other Xanders looked at him quietly and then started to fade away. Hyena-Xander disappeared first, his eyes glowing a dull golden color. The Xander in the fatigues lasted a moment or two longer giving the original Xander a look that was easily interpreted as a 'Hope you know what you're getting us into' look.

. *_____*_____*_____* .

Buffy stalked thru the house in a fairly high state of pissed off and worry. No one had seen or heard from Xander since last night. Damn it! Doesn't anyone here know anything?"

Andrew stuck his head in from the Kitchen and with a small 'eep" he half withdrew again.

"What? Damn it Andrew, if you know anything..." Buffy's voice trailed of in a whisper that promised much mayhem.

"Uhmm... well I just found this inside the Twinkie box I had stashed away.." He immediately started ducking away from the glares that Dawn and several of the SiTs gave him at the mention of hiding snacks, as he shuffled forward and handed Buffy a small envelope.

Willow looked up at the mention of Twinkies, and then looked back towards her computer. "The last one is gone and there's a note right? Xander. Definitely. He used to do that all the time when we were kids."

Buffy had already torn open the envelope and was busy reading the letter. Her face went ashen as she read.

"Buffy, what's wrong?"

"It's Xander, he says going to get some help and he'll be back in a day or two. He says that he was the only one expendable enough to spare right now."

"Well, did he say where he was going?" Giles asked from the stairway.

"Yes." Buffy replied absently. "Los Angeles."