This is my first Fan-fic so be gentle. I hope to catch your interest in this fic and I also hope to make it different from other Silver Millennium fics as well. Here goes nothing.

Chapter I: Hajime (Beginning)

Michiru sighed as she watched some of the local Neptunian children playing out in the courtyard, longing to be with them.

'Could they ever possibly know how lucky they are? To be able to run around so freely...'

All her life she was brought up to be the perfect lady, never allowed to play and always being forced to attend balls of parent-selected future suitors. She knew though, being at almost the age of 12, that she would soon be invited to the Moon, to start her training as a Sailor Senshi. It has been her most treasured thought. The thought of being able to get away from her nagging parents and finally being able to do something worth while, even if it was only for a few months. She had always dreamed of meeting the other Sailor Senshi, especially Uranus, her twin planet and future partner.

Unexpectedly being interrupted from her thoughts, her heart froze for a second when she heard her door being opened.

"Neptune-sama, your parents wish to speak with you."

To her relief it was only her bodyguard, Damasu, that had entered. "When do they wish to speak?" she replied some-what curious as to what her parents could want.

"They wish to speak with you after you've had your evening lunch, Neptune-sama." With that said he returned to his post just outside her bedroom door, saying through this action that there was no more to be discussed.

Although Michiru had nothing against her bodyguard, she hated the fact that he always walked in without knocking or of someway making himself acknowledged. Even if he had been her bodyguard ever since she could remember it was still no excuse.

Beginning to get slightly worried as to what her parents wished to speak about, she made her way across the room; stepping ever-so closer to the spot where her violin's case rested. For some reason she felt that something was just not right .

She set the case down on her bed. Wanting to forget her worries for a while she quietly picked up her violin from it's case, put it to her shoulder and then picked up the bow. Randomly selecting a song from memory she began to play a soft, sad tune.

Haruka watched herself in the mirror, anticipating her next action. Slowly lifting a dagger closer to her head, she began to cut away.

'It's for the better,' she thought to herself, cutting away a small strand of hair that fell just below her chin. She couldn't stand it anymore. All of the other boys refused to spar with her just because she was a girl.

'They're just jealous, they know I'm better than them,' she thought bitterly, cutting away even more.

Once she was satisfied that she cut it short enough and hadn't missed any stray pieces, she looked herself over considering what she should do next.

'This dress defiantly won't do. . .,' she thought already with it half way off.

Just as she was about to head to her desk for the clothes she had hidden away previous, she noticed something slightly upsetting.

'I've got breasts!' She hadn't really thought about it before. 'They shouldn't be there,' she exclaimed. 'I'm barely even twelve and they've already started to grow?' She sat down in a near-by chair and started to ponder. 'Even if they aren't that big yet they could still be noticeable with the wrong clothes or a mistaken movement.' She desperately began to think of someway to hide them.

'I've gone this far. There's no turning back now. I've got no choice but to bind theme down.'

With a quick gait she headed towards her closet and began to rummage around.

'I've got it,' she thought happily, holding up a role of a cloth-like tape. She personally hated the stuff, but now saw it in a different light.

She quickly started to wrap her small bust down; starting from the top and working her way down. When she finally finished she felt like she was going to suffocate. It was kind-of hard to breath. Speedily getting past her discomfort she began to stretch and move every-which-way testing on how well the sticky substance would stay put. She winced slightly as she twisted her mid section and felt the tape pull her skin.

Once she was satisfied that the tape would hold, she started up on her original plan and headed back towards her desk. Moving fast with anticipation she opened the top left-hand drawer and pulled out the clothes she had hidden away a few days before. Her desk had been the only place she could think to hide them when she had smuggled them from the servants' supply room. She already knew from past experiences that the maids could not be trusted if they were to find her precious cargo. They defiantly would have told her mom that she was stowing away boys' clothes and she would have to try and come up with an excuse that would never be believable to her strict mother's constitution.

After putting on her smuggled clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror again and was actually surprised.

"I really do look like a boy," she stated out loud just above a whisper.

She was quickly interrupted when she heard a knock at her door.

"Uranus-sa. . .ma. . ." The messenger had lost her tongue when she noticed Haruka's appearance.

"Yes?" She replied as if nothing was wrong.

The messenger blushed in embarrassment and continued. "The King and Queen, your parents, wish to speak with you Uranus-sama." And with that she turned around and left, shutting the elaborate door behind her.

'Shimatta. I didn't even get a chance to spar with the others. . .' she thought with dismay. Pausing for a second to look herself over once more, she began to head towards the door.

What do you think? This is my first Fan-fic and I wanted to make it about my favorite Anime couple ever, Haruka and Michiru. Please review and tell me what you think and if I should even consider continuing. You can flame if you like, it'll only help me to be better...I suppose.