Hello people I had to try another story. And I couldn't hold in the inspiration once the 3rd one came out. Let me tell you BUY IT! It is THE most awesome Play Station 2 game EVER! Anyway, some of you may not like my pairing but that's your problem, if you don't like it don't read it! Though I would like reviews (hint hint) because not many people read my "Siblings" story (hint hint). Now on with the story! haha original no?

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own title rights to any SSX game, though I did buy all 3! Does that count? I didn't think so...

19-year-old Kaori Nishidake gazed out over the newly brushed snow through her pink-tinted goggles. She smiled as the brisk breeze blew her high pigtails around lightly.

Kaori was very excited to be back for the new SSX tour. It had been two years since she had been with the tour last and she was grateful she had made the cut for the new year. Kaori would miss Brodi being part of the team and Eddie who had always made her laugh but was excited to meet her new teammates.

Kaori's thoughts turned to her best friend, Mac. He had grown up a little since the Tricky tour and some of the time acted his age of 18 years. Kaori laughed quietly to herself thinking of her friend's arrogance. Mac had been her snowboarding partner from the beginning of the first SSX tour 3 years previously. Although he was a year younger than her she had feelings for him beyond friendship, and she hoped that maybe this year she and Mac could become something more.

Kaori shook herself out of her thoughts and turned towards the hotel, ready to meet her new teammates.

"There you are Kaori, we thought you weren't gonna come." Elise said once Kaori entered the hotel lobby where the rest of the boarders were congregating.

"Sorry I'm late, I was just looking at the mountain." she apologized. Kaori looked around for the signature beanie that Mac always wore but couldn't find it. Elise noticed her friend's fallen look and realized that Mac wasn't there yet.

"Oh don't worry, he's always late right?" Elise said knowingly. Kaori glanced at her friend surprised at being read so easily. Elise chuckled.

"Hey, you guys seen Moby?" Zoe asked coming over wearing her puzzle pants and ripped G. I. shirt.

"You lookin for me love?" The Brit asked walking up behind Zoe and nuzzling her neck. Zoe twisted around in his arms and swatted his arm.

"Why would I be looking for your stupid arse?" she asked using British lingo to piss him off. Moby released Zoe from his hold with a mock hurt look on his face.

"Well if that's how your gonna be love just for'get it." Zoe laughed and hugged him. Elise rolled her eyes at Moby's smirk.

"Hey Zoe." Kaori said to her punky friend.

"How've you been Kaori?" Zoe asked her.

"Yeah love what have you been up to?" Moby asked Kaori who had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend from behind.

"I'm okay." she smiled.

Suddenly Kaori heard a loud exclamation of "Kitty!" and spun around to see Mac rush over and grab her around the waist and twirl her around a few times. Kaori laughed and hugged Mac tightly as he set her down but his arms remained around her waist.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Kaori said giggling from his antics. Mac grinned he was, of course, wearing a beanie-black today- and a long-sleeved black shirt under a short-sleeved one with three Japanese symbols on it and black pants.

"I got caught in traffic Kitty, otherwise I would have been here to see you earlier." Kaori gushed to herself that he was so sweet, and smiled that he was using her old nickname 'Kitty'. Only Mac called her that.

Moby snorted rudely.

"Sure you were grommet." Mac glared at the older man defiantly. He was just about to retort when their tour manager began speaking into the microphone and cut the confrontation short.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Attention please! I would like to introduce our new tour members: Allegra, Viggo, Nate and Griff!"

Everyone looked at the newcomers curiously, making their own assumptions of what they were like. Allegra dressed a lot like Zoe, she had light brown hair in braids under a beanie and freckles scattered over her nose. Viggo was Swedish, with blond hair and was giving all the girls once-overs.

"You think he's a ladies man?" Elise whispered in Kaori's ear making her giggle.

Nate was tall and looked to be from the back country, he was wearing a lasso and a cowboy hat. Everyone had to do a double-take on Griff. He was even shorter than Kaori! He looked only 12 with scruffy blond hair and a silly grin on his face.

"I guess you're not the youngest grommet anymore." Moby taunted Mac. Zoe elbowed her friend in his chest.

"Now, I know all of you will welcome our new recruits." Their manager interrupted again. To the four new members he said, "These are the SSX veterans, get to know them well." He turned off the microphone and the regular SSX members gathered around the new ones.

"Come on." Kaori whispered to Mac and led him over.

Griff was sticking to Nate's side like super-glue while Allegra was already chatting animatedly with Zoe and Moby. Viggo was trying to persuade Elise to give him her cell phone number and Elise looked irritated.

"I wonder where Psymon is?" Kaori asked no one in particular.

"Why? Did ya miss me?!" Said psychopath taunted in her ear. Kaori let out a surprised squeak and jumped about a foot in the air. Psymon cackled evilly and strode over to where Zoe and Moby were talking with Allegra.

"Oooooh, I wish he would not do that!" Kaori exclaimed annoyed. Mac nodded his agreement and glared at Psymon.

"So how old are you?" Zoe was asking Allegra as Psymon came over.


"Psy! There you are!" Zoe said exasperatedly and punched him on the arm.

"What's up mate? Where ya been?" Moby asked his friend while knocking his fist against Psymon's, their greeting for each other.

"Torturing the brats." Psymon chuckled manically. Zoe shook her head.

"You are so mean." Psymon just grinned crazily.

Allegra looked between the friend's and decided not to comment.

Mac and Kaori were off to the side talking with each other in their own world. They had told each other about what had happened in their lives since they last saw each other and were content to be in the other's presence. Kaori noticed that they were holding hands still and was glad Mac didn't realize.

"You want to go race?" he asked her after a few minutes. Kaori smiled at him.

"If you want to get beat." she said confidently.

"Hey! That's my line!" He exclaimed indignantly. Kaori just laughed and ran towards the elevator to get her board out of her hotel room. Mac caught up to her easily and they got on the elevator.

"We'll just see who's better on the slopes, but be prepared to lose Kitty." Mac challenged as they got off and Kaori slid her key card into the door. Kaori grinned to herself, it was hard to be intimidated when he used he cute nickname. Kaori grabbed her 'Daisy' board off the bed and followed Mac down the hall to his room.

Once they had collected their boards and were exiting out the lobby Zoe saw them and came over followed by a reluctant Moby.

"Hey you guys gonna race?" Zoe asked the teenagers.

"Yep, do you two want to join us?" Kaori asked her friend. Mac shook his head vigorously in objection.

"Come on Kitty, I wanted to race you. No offense Zo." He added hastily.

"It's just cause' he doesn't want to lose to me." Moby claimed arrogantly shaking his head, his long dreadlocks swishing.

"Mobes don't ruin their fun." Zoe told her boyfriend. Mac glared at the Brit.

"As if you're a challenge for me." he returned. Moby stepped up to the shorter snowboarder.

"Wanna bet mate?" Moby asked. Kaori frowned at the pair and looked to Zoe for help. Zoe just shook her head as if to say "What's the use?"

"Sure, I can whoop your ass any day." Mac assured. Kaori put her hand on Mac's arm.

"I thought we were gonna race Mac?" she asked in a sweet voice knowing that he would listen. Mac turned to her.

"Yeah, we are." Mac took Kaori's hand and led her out the door. Moby was at a loss. He turned to Zoe.

"Did the little grommet just back down from me?" he asked. Zoe chuckled.

"Kaori's got him wrapped around her pinky all right." she smiled and latched onto Moby. The Brit grinned and kissed her.

At the top of the peak Mac and Kaori were ready to take off.

"I'll see you at the bottom Kitty!" Mac shouted to her over the wind. Kaori smiled.

"What should I do while I'm waiting for you?" Kaori teased, and before Mac had time to answer she had pushed off down the slope.

"Hey! No fair!" Mac yelled and raced after her.

They were racing through the backcountry at the top of 'Happiness' and it was quite windy swerving through the trees. Kaori sped along through the powder in a tight tuck with Mac right behind her. She swerved onto a tree and did a misty off of it landing perfectly. She looked back and saw Mac to a 1080 flying squirrel. Kaori laughed at him, he always did that trick.

The wind whipped her face as she slid along a rail and over a high jump. As soon as she landed she saw Mac soaring over her head and landing a few yards in front of her. Kaori put all her weight into her tuck to gain speed and soon drew even with her friend.

"Come on Kitty! That the best you can do?" Mac yelled in a friendly challenge. Kaori smiled to herself and took a hard left into a short cut Elise had told her about and Mac was cut off from view. She jumped over a tree and did her Pirouette Grind off of the cliff and landed on a rail. She saw Mac to her right out of the corner of her eye a ways behind her.

Looking ahead Kaori saw the next lodge not far off. She did a back-flip mute over a low jump and pulled up at the finish line. A few seconds later Mac sped by and pulled up short a little in front of her.

"Wow, how did you know that short cut?" he sounded impressed. Kaori laughed, a bell-like chime.

"A friend told me." She smiled. Mac unhooked his board and tucked it under his arm.

"Hmph, can't believe you beat me. The Master!" but he was grinning. Kaori giggled and slapped his arm.

"Someone has to."

As they walked back to the lodge the sun was setting below the mountain peak; Kaori smiled to herself as she linked arms with Mac, today was a good day.


What do you think? Yes. No? Well please review, I accept constructive criticism but no flames please because I'll just ignore you anyway.