The Adventures in Babysitting

Starring Raven and April

It began with a call.

Bakura was happily sharpening all the knives in his and his hikari's home when the phone rang. For a moment more Bakura slowly drew the knife's edge against the sharpening stone before realizing Ryou wasn't going to answer the phone. He was out with the pharaoh and his stupid friends.

He slammed down both knife and stone stormed over to the phone in the living room and whipped it off the hook before shouting,

"What do you want!"

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Bakura calmed down and smiled ominously. It was Malik and Malik equaled fun…

"Just sharpening the kitchen knives." He replied happily. "What do I owe the honor of this call?"

"I need a favor." Malik said. "You see I met this really fascinating girl and we were planning on going out tonight but there's one problem."


"Her daughters' babysitter canceled."

Bakura began laughing, "You're dating a Mommy? Oh Gods, this is good! I bet your sister is loving this."

"Actually Isis likes Brooke. Her and my sister work together."

Bakura quirked an eye brow in Spock like fashion, "Just how old is this girl?"

"She's just nineteen."

"Malik, you're jail bait."

"No I'm not. I looked it up. When a child turns seventeen they are considered old enough to make their own decisions. So that means I can date a nineteen year old woman if I want to."

"Jail bait."

"Forget the age thing, do you want some money? I'll pay you to baby-sit Brooke's two girls."

At the sound of the word money and pay, Bakura perked up.

"How much for how long."

"Eighty dollars for four hours."

Hehe, cha-ching, Bakura thought with a smile with eyes like dollar signs. He shook himself out of it and asked,

"How old are these two girls, because if I'm changing diapers you can forget about it."

"No! Raven and April are potty trained, all you have to do is ask them if they have to go every now and again. Then just… take them."

"Take two little girls to the bathroom…for eighty dollars…." Bakura groaned, "Tell me why your sister isn't able to do this."

"Because she is working late at the museum."

Bakura groaned again, "Alright I'll baby-sit the little monsters."


Bakura laughed, "Yippee? You really must like this girl."

"You have no idea." Malik replied. "She has these green eyes that twinkle when she laughs and her body…"

"Is very nice, right?"

"Better than nice."

Bakura yawned, "So tell me more."

"I don't know this for sure but I think her brown hair hits her about the waist and it's like silk."

"Fascinating." He replied in monotone but Malik didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Bakura's voice.

"I know! Tonight she promised to wear it down instead of in the braid she wears to keep little April from yanking on it. Speaking of which, I better call Brooke and tell her I found her a babysitter."

"Okay you go do that." Bakura sneered. Again Malik didn't catch it.

"See you around seven!"

Bakura didn't dignify that with an answer and simply hung up. Just then Ryou came in.

"I got a job." The yami told his hikari.

Ryou stopped at the stairs and quirked an eyebrow then waited for his yami to continue.

"Malik has a date and needed someone to baby-sit his girlfriends rugrats." Bakura smirked, "He's paying me eighty dollars."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ryou asked. "I remember that time when my little cousins came over from England."

"They didn't get hurt…much."

"Bakura, they're in therapy because of that little trip to the Shadow Realm." Ryou sighed, "Promise me you won't do that to these kids. Please?"

His yami smiled, "I warned them there were monsters there. If the little girls tonight want to see what a Morphing Jar really does, I'm not going to deny them."

"Please Bakura!"

He scowled, "Fine, I won't send them to the Shadow Realm." Alone, Bakura added silently.

Ryou went up to his room as he shouted, "Thank you!"

Bakura went back into the kitchen where his work awaited him. Sharp, sharp knives…



"Hey Brooke, I found you a babysitter!"

"Malik, you did? Who are they?"

"Yeah my friend Bakura heard your plight and said he'd do it."

"Really? That's great. Did you tell him that April wasn't quite potty trained yet and that he'd have to change pull-ups?"

Malik winced, "Of course I did."

"Did you inform your friend that the girls tend to get into fights? Or that they'll want to watch Barney and Carebears the entire night?"

Malik shuddered, he didn't feel a bit sorry though, and squeaked "Yes."

Brooke laughed, "I can tell by your voice you didn't."

"I told him." He exclaimed in defense.

She laughed again, "Oh I bet you did. You just want to go out tonight, no matter what."

Malik nervously chuckled, "Okay you caught me."

"You know, Isis said she would get off work to baby-sit the girls. You know how much Raven and April loves your sister's shineys."

"And I would be the one she gripes to about how the girls fought over her jewelry. No, Bakura can handle the girls for four hours."

Brooke laughed, "They'll have him ready for a straitjacket before an hour."

"Maybe that's exactly what I want to happen. Bakura and I have a past."

"You are so mean."

"But you love me." Malik retorted.

Brooke laughed again, "No, I just can't resist those lavender eyes of yours."

Malik snorted, "Ri-ght, listen don't worry about anything, everything'll be fine."

"If you say so."

Malik sighed as he hung up the phone.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting."