First things first: to my readers, I am very, very sorry it's taken me so long to update this fanfic. I've had a severe case of writer's block, and every time I tried to write more, it felt very forced and was terrible. I'm having a lot of trouble with the middle part of this story. I already have the end worked out, but getting there is the problem! This newest chapter is not up to standard in my opinion, but it seems to be the best my brain will come up with right now. I apologize in advance. I promise it will get better later.

            Secondly, in response to a question from Albinofrog88, I put the genre as romance because it will be romance…eventually. Sorry if I confused anyone.

            As always, please review, and if you tell me of any problems or have any suggestions of how to make this story better, I'll take them into consideration as I continue to write this. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z. I only wish I did.

Chapter Seven – Bardock

            About a month after Taita had arrived at the palace, King Vegeta summoned her in the middle of the day. She found herself wondering why he wanted to see her right then while her maids dressed her and applied her makeup. Finally presentable, she rushed to the king's chambers.

            "You summoned me, my lord?" Taita said breathlessly, falling to her knees and bowing low.

            King Vegeta gestured for her to get up. "Ah, Taita, you grow more lovely every day. I'm not sure I'll be able to leave you."

            Taita frowned with confusion. "Leave me, sire?"

            "That is why I called you here. I must leave the city for a while. The soldiers are having more trouble with the rebels, and I'm needed to settle things." There was more than that, though, but he was not about to talk to her about battle or politics. She was just a concubine, and had no need for such knowledge, and besides, he would not want her or anyone else to know that he was actually worried.

            The reason for the king's concern was an alien seeking to conquer the galaxy, some upstart by the name of Frieza. He had already wreaked havoc on several planets, and although the Saiyans were very strong, King Vegeta's spies off-planet were bringing increasingly horrific tales of Frieza's slaughters and conquests of other powerful races. Vegeta had yet to see this creature who struck fear into all who met him, but he knew it wouldn't be long before he found himself face-to-face with the ruthless killer.

            Taita could tell something was really bothering Vegeta, but she knew that if he wanted her to know, he'd tell her. "How long will you be away, my lord?" she asked instead.

            "That depends on how long it takes to put down the rebels. It could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Will you miss me, Taita?" King Vegeta asked with a playful smile.

            She kept her eyes modestly lowered. "The days will pass like years, Your Majesty." It was not a lie; every day in the palace harem was interminably long. She still longed to escape and return to her village. Even though she had no family left, that little village was her home, and she'd rather live as a free peasant than as a wealthy slave.

            "Ah, but Taita, you haven't actually answered my question," Vegeta said. "Will you miss me?"

            "I will miss you very much, my lord," Taita said softly. "Hurry back to me." A part of her felt bad for pretending to be in love with him, but the rest of her kept reminding her of all the horrible things he'd done to her and her family. True, he'd been kind to her lately, but she couldn't forget those first days, and even if she had been able to forget, she still wanted to be free.

            "So you won't think I'm completely neglecting you, I will have one of my men check up on you, and Princess Khali too, every day while I am away. If you need or want anything, feel free to ask him. He is a good soldier and also a talented inventor, and I trust him completely." King Vegeta smiled. "If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't let him anywhere near you." Then he seemed serious again. "His name is Bardock. I have already sent for him so that you can meet him. He should be here any moment."

            Sure enough, within a minute or two there was a knock at the door. The king opened it, smiling. "Right on time, as usual, Bardock! If only you could get some of the other soldiers to be as punctual as you are!"

            Bardock bowed deeply. When he stood up straight again, he was grinning. "Well, my own team, at least, is always on time. They know if they're not, they'll have to face my wrath! So, Your Majesty, I take it this lovely young lady is the precious treasure I'm to guard, am I right?"

            "You are right, but don't go getting any ideas in that head of yours. Taita is my treasure, understand?" King Vegeta said mock-sternly. Taita realized he was joking with Bardock. He obviously knew his soldier wouldn't even think of touching her, or the princess for that matter.

            Bardock picked up the joke. "I understand, sire. I'll somehow manage to restrain myself. There are plenty of women around that I won't get killed for touching. I think I'll entertain myself with some of them."

            "You do get around, don't you? While we're on that subject, how's that son of yours?" Vegeta asked.

            "He's really growing. I saw him yesterday. He's walking now," Bardock said.

            "I'll bet that long hair of his gets in his way a lot." The king laughed. Then he realized Taita didn't know what they were talking about. "Taita, Bardock here has a fine, strong boy about a year old. He's going to be a good soldier like his father, isn't he, Bardock?"

            "Oh, yes. I'll make sure he is."

            "I know you will. Anyway, Taita, the child's name is Raditz. You really must see him sometime."

            "I'd like to," Taita said, smiling. "So, are you married, sir?"

            "Oh, thank the gods, no!" Bardock cried. "And I intend to stay a bachelor for the rest of my life! The last thing I need is a ball and chain weighing me down. No offense to you, of course, my lovely young charge, but I find that it's nicer to enjoy many women rather than just one. And I'm sure our king would agree, do you not, sire?"

            King Vegeta chuckled. "My harem would attest to that, I think. But enough of this small talk. I must finish preparing to go. You are dismissed for now, Bardock, but just remember that Taita and Khali are my most precious treasures. I expect them to be kept safe and happy. Show me I made the right choice in entrusting them to you."

            "I will not fail you, sire." Bardock bowed again. "I will guard them with my life, I promise. I'll be seeing you again, my lady," he added, nodding to Taita. "I wish you success in defeating our enemies, as always, Your Majesty," he said to Vegeta, and then he was gone.

            "So, Taita, how did you like Bardock?" King Vegeta asked her once they were alone.

            "He seems like a hardworking, loyal soldier, my lord," she answered diplomatically. In truth, she found him quite interesting, although it bothered her that he seemed to share his king's views on women, that they were essentially good for one thing. Taita still hated being thought of as nothing more than some sort of beautiful trinket.

            At least the king is treating me better now, she thought, but I still want to get away from here. Maybe I have family in a different village or city. I would miss Princess Khali, but I feel sure that if I can't be free I'll die in this place sooner or later. I just have to escape! But…how?

            Taita suddenly realized that Vegeta was speaking to her. "I am sorry, my lord, what were you saying?" she asked, embarrassed that she hadn't been paying attention.

            "I was saying that I know you will be safe now that Bardock is on the job. And you will be waiting for me, counting the days until I finally return to you, won't you, my little one?" Vegeta asked tenderly, holding her small hands in his large, strong ones.

            Taita looked down, unable to find her voice for several seconds. "Yes," she finally whispered. "I will miss you. Be safe, my lord, and I will be waiting for you when you return." But even as she said the words, Taita knew what she was going to do. She would escape from the palace while the king was away. And the person she would get to help her would be none other than the king's trusted servant, Bardock.