

It's a crisp, cool night. The air was still and quiet--with the exception of a few

chirping crickets. The moon is full and shines upon me as I sit on an old gnarly tree.

I sigh.

"The wedding's tomorrow...How should I feel? I know I should feel elated, but

I..." I couldn't even finish the sentence. Raindrops fall down my cheeks. The soft

pitter-patter of the raindrops are not heard. I touch my cheek as I realize that they

were my tears.

I haven't cried in such a long time. As a result, all the tears I held throughout

my life came spilling out from my eyes. Tears for the mother who grew distant from

me, tears for being my father's son, tears for my "uncle" who recently died...But

mostly, my tears were for her...


I can still recall the first time I laid eyes on her. Her eyes were what drew me

to her.

"Hi! Are you gonna live in that smelly ol' house?" I greeted. For as long as I

could remember, the house next door to mine was always vacant and gave a musty

odor when you walked in front of the house.

"Yes...It's not that smelly, is it?" she replied, smiling shyly.

"Well, you smell really good...Maybe the house won't be as smelly soon!" I

said. She just smiled again, with a blush appearing on her cheeks.

"What's your name?" I queried.

"Yunalesca." Now, I was only three or four at the time so Yunalesca was a big

name for me to pronounce. My mouth was moving as I tried to pronounce her name,

but no sound came out.

"...Yuna. You can call me Yuna."

"Yuna...Yuna!" I said, smiling with satisfaction that I could say her name.

"I'm Tidus!"

"Tidus." That was probably when I realized her eyes were...different.

"Your eyes-"

"Don't yell...Please don't yell..." said Yuna, walking away from me. I looked at

her confused.

"Your eyes are pretty," I whispered. Yuna seemed surprised. It was not until

later in my life I realized why she seemed so shocked.

"Yuna...Are we friends?" I asked. I thought the reason she had walked away

from me was because she hated me. She gave me a huge smile and nodded. I

grinned. She was my first real friend.

Yuna became my best friend. She could mend any toy I broke, she warn me

about unedible food, she played with me, and we would talk endlessly about

everything we could think of. I would protect her from any kids who dared tease her,

I shared everything I possessed with her, and I would help her climb up on the same

tree I am sitting on now.

When our mothers enrolled us into preschool, I became jealous. Yuna started

playing with kids who were a little older than us; Wakka and Lulu. Yuna began to

include them in our daily activities after preschool. I no longer had her all to myself.

So one day, I talked with Yuna at our archaic tree.

"Yuna, do you like Wakka and Lulu more than me?" I asked. Yuna shook her


"Yuna, wanna marry me?" Yuna's mismatched eyes widened. I had asked

Jecht the night before how to keep someone all to yourself.

'You marry 'em! That's what I did with your mother,' said Jecht, gesturing to

my mother.

"...Okay." I grinned at her.

"Okay! I promise I will marry you when we are grown-ups! Yuna, you're mine

now!" I declared. Yuna smiled shyly and blushed.

"But...We need a ring to get married, huh? I don't have one..." I said, rubbing

my chin--just like the guys on T.V.

"I know! You can have my necklace, Yuna!" I said excitedly as I took off my

necklace and place it over her head. The necklace held the symbol of my family.

Now, Yuna was a part of my family.


"Goddamit! Why did you leave Yuna!? We were supposed to have a life

together! I promised you...I promised you..."




So...what do you think? I know, it sucks .... I was kinda in a hurry because I didn't want to forget this inspiration. I have most of the story in my head, waiting to be typed...I just don't know how to put them in words ^^;;.... This is also my first FFX, so yea.Wellz, I hope you have enjoyed reading and it'll get more interesting in the future ^^ ~Tenshi