A/N: Oh hello there again, guys! I've been missing for the past months but here I am! Oh I sure am happy to write again, thanks to that anime Prétear I fell in love again and I feel that I can continue this story. I'm dying to write the end of it, because I do think it will be adorable .
For All Eternity
Sango looked pale and stressed-out due to the unexplainable incident at the Boutique only an hour ago. To relieve her of the exhaustion somehow, she prepares a cup of coffee on the breakfast table for herself and sighs as she settles herself on the stool by it.
"May I know of her condition at the moment, Sango-san?" An old male voice laced with worry knocked her out of her own thoughts. She turned around to look for the person she is about to talk to and heaved a sigh of contentment when she found out that talking to him was safe.
"Hao you scared me." Sango tried to pull out a smile. "You mean Kagome?"
"Yes." Hao bowed with an old, but still grateful smile in his face. "My Master Sesshomaru had been very pale and upset before he left to get you."
"Really?" Sango laughed a little. "I never thought he would worry that much for me…" When a new idea hit her, she rolled her eyes to the direction of the old helper. "…Or for Kagome?"
She left her last statement a question.
"I hope this would not make you angry, but My Master had been worrying about Kagome-san while he's furious at you for keeping her away from home for that long."
Although the old man's words sent cold chills down to her spine, she was able to smile. "I guess I'd get the silent-treatment for a week or two, until he forgives me."
"I doubt that it will easily take a week or two." The old man chuckled softly. "Anyways, I am off to the servant's quarters now, Sango-san. I wish you good evening."
"Yes. I wish the same to you too. Sleep tight."
He bowed slowly before turning around to leave the kitchen. Although the night is deep with the moon preparing to set, the two people felt happy despite everything.
"So the two are getting together finally."
Sango softly blew at her coffee before lifting the cup to her lips and taking a sip.
She was already asleep in her own bed, softly breathing, with her head still on her chest. She somehow had found her way back there after he had laid her to bed. And her face, although exhausted, were in a peaceful façade of slight happiness, like her mind was freed of the incident she had just gone through, but still, her fists were tight on the smooth sleeve of his shirt. Every time he would try to pry it from his sleeve, she'd slightly stir in her sleep. And mumble innocent words such as "Stay" or "Don't leave".
Sesshomaru sighed in exasperation. His eyes were worn out and so was his body. He needs rest or else, he'd definitely skip work tomorrow.
Besides, he's got less than six hours more to sleep.
He's sitting still on her large bed that he ordered to be arranged and redesigned just for her. He new women these days would feel happy knowing that she'll be sleeping in a room like this, with all the luxurious materials. Yes, women nowadays will do everything for luxury. (a/n: Now Sesshou, that's not a nice way to think about the opposite sex!)
His eyelids are getting heavier. He knew he couldn't control this need any longer. He needed to sleep.
"I wonder…" Sesshomaru whispers to herself. I wonder what I will do once the sun rises…
He had her by both her weak and tiny arms with just one large hand. She kicked at his large form but every thing she tries to do were fruitless. He was far stronger than she is.
'You are just a child. But this is one order I wouldn't refuse!'
'Please let me go…' She begged in tears now as she felt her small tattered dress become even smaller.
Every movement left her breathless. His every touch made her heart beat faster. Every where his hands touched burned and wounded her innocence.
The man would only laugh at her tears, while she tries to get away from the torture.
Her chest felt so tight, she needed more space to breathe. Every sound was blocked away from her tiny ears; she could not even hear her own voice crying out for help.
As she kept her eyes shut, her mind wandered off into a place she wanted to run off to at that exact moment.
With his back facing her, his silver hair danced smoothly. Both his hands were inside the pockets of his fine pants.
She spread her hands out before her, trying to touch those silken locks.
But it seems that as she inches closer to his form, the farther he seems to be. Such action only made her ten folds less happy.
She needed warmth that only he could give.
Her eyes opened in surprise, only to close it back tight to protect it from the piercing rays of the early sun. Instinctively, she turned her head to the other side, away from the full-scale windows on the wall where the sun's rays seeps through.
She expected to see the cute dog shaped alarm clock on the table on the left side of her bed. However, she saw something else bigger and a hundred times more unusual than the dog-shaped alarm clock.
Sesshomaru was actually sleeping beside her, and from the looks of position, she had been sleeping with her head resting on his chest. And its as though he didn't even mind.
"Sesshomaru, why are you here in my bedroom?" She let out a deep, frustrated sigh as she spoke those words to herself. Although she was still confused, she couldn't stop herself from staring at his beautiful face. He really is in deep sleep, with his slightly chapped lips slightly parted.
Then he stirred in his sleep, moving his head and slightly nudging her pillows with his nose in the process. He let out a barely audible throaty grunt. And it was when his eyelids slowly opened.
Kagome almost jumped in her place. What would she do? What if he's in a foul mood? What would he think of her staring at him like that?
"I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep." Despite her unstoppable rambling in her head, she was able to ask him, although she felt her palms sweat and shake in nervousness.
She watched him as his eyelids closed again. "What time is it?"
Glancing at the clock over his shoulder, Kagome tried to keep a straight, serious face. "Thirty minutes before seven." Then she turned her head to look back at his drowsy face. "You're late for work."
"I will not be going today."
Kagome raised an eyebrow at him. What? A workaholic decides to skip work for the day, hurrah! I wonder what the occasion is.
"You wont?"
"Why wouldn't you?"
Sesshomaru opened his eyes to shoot a painful, but usual, glare at her. "I will leave if you find me annoying."
Kagome sweat dropped. "No, it's not that." She shook head violently. "I just, I never thought you'd skip it. Well, all these time I get the impression that you're a workaholic."
The amber orbs in his eyes moved away from her. After a while, it closed again.
"Umm… Ano… Sesshomaru?"
He didn't move. He didn't even showed any action that he had heard her last statements.
He has been like this ever since, Kagome repeated nonchalantly in her mind. He wouldn't even turn her way whenever she calls his name.
He wouldn't look at her, or call her name.
She had let her mind wander off so far that she didn't even realize that her slender fingers were already dancing softly on the smooth skin of his face, while he watched her in amazement and surprise.
But he still didn't move, or call out to her to stop her.
But he really is surprised.
"Why don't you…" Her eyes were cast emotionlessly down to his smooth, pale skin. "I mean, Sessho..."
Time seemed to stop for Sesshomaru. However, his heart didn't stop as he watches her lean slightly towards him. In fact, the beating of his heart even sped up.
She continued leaning in his direction, the distance between her face and his decreasing as the sands of time proceeded to disappear.
And at the exact moment when they could feel each other's breath, when they could already feel the warmth of each other's lips…
That was when everything in their minds cleared out.
And felt a certain long-forgotten burden in the deepest crevices in their hearts just miraculously disappeared.
Sesshomaru had definitely forgotten how to breathe. He had been very busy watching the amusing movement of this attractive female. Never had he seen such bold action. Well, not entirely. There are the whores on the street that would definitely surpass this impudence, but still.
She's not a whore. She's not like any other woman.
She is - -
Then their lips touched. It is, in fact, the very first kiss that they've shared together.
Sesshomaru almost gasped with a new realization. Undeniably, she isn't a whore. If she were, then she'd be devouring him like she's some animal looking for someone to rut with. She doesn't even act like a prostitute. To him, her kiss was more like a touch.
A very gentle touch, so gentle that he could hardly feel it.
Everything seemed to feel so right when suddenly, the door opened wide.
"Get up, Kagome! It's almost seven and you might get late for school. By the way have you seen Sessho-"
If she was a character in an old kiddy cartoon, her jaws would have dropped on the fuchsia carpet on the floor and her eyes would have jumped out of its sockets.
Sango felt her cheeks flush, her knees tremble and her palms sweat. I shouldn't be here… I shouldn't disturb them… I have to leave, right away before one of them tries to break it off!
Unfortunately, Sesshomaru turned his head a little towards her direction to give her the usual 'look'. "Sango, wait for her outside."
Sango repeated her cousin's order in her mind continuously until her legs began to move away from the scene, completely leaving the two again in their fruitful discussion, without even a bow of apology.
She haven't moved not even an inch, but at that distance Sesshomaru could clearly see that her eyes were shut and her face was red in embarrassment. Unconsciously as he stayed there watching, he began to want her. He wanted to feel more from her touch, see more things from her, and know more about her.
But of course, he'll have to take things slowly. Or else, he might scare the young virgin away.
"I- I apologize…" She was able to croak out despite the feeling that she had lost her voice. "I was just…"
Before she could continue, he had silenced her with a sensual kiss and had pulled her closer to him. To support her weight, she placed her hands on his full-clothed chest while his own hand traveled all the way from his side to hold her body in place.
It's now Kagome's turn to be surprised. When she kissed him the first time, he didn't even move. But now his tongue is already making its way towards her mouth and is undeniably forceful that she couldn't even breathe.
Maybe he's going to punish me for being too aggressive?Kagome cursed herself for kissing him in the first place. Besides, why did she ever do that?
She effortlessly pushed herself up, breaking their kiss in the process. Then, still keeping her eyes closed tightly, she shook her head hard, trying to brush off the odd thoughts in her mind.
"I'm really sorry, Sesshomaru. I didn't know what I did, I'm really…"
She sounded like she's begging, but of course, she has to. Especially to an egocentric man like Sesshomaru, mistakes can't be paid in full by simple apologies. Still, she expected him to stop. After all, he would never want to do that to her, or to anyone. Maybe he thought that she wanted this, so he decided to give her what she wants, perhaps.
But when Sesshomaru lifted himself off the bed and grabbed her shoulders with both his hands, she suddenly got the idea that somehow, everything wasn't a simple misunderstanding.
Because after taking hold of her, he kissed her again. But softer than the previous one.
It really is difficult to know what a person thinks if you still haven't seen him act or hear him speak up-close-and-personal. It's difficult to try to guess what he will do next, especially a guy like Sesshomaru.
Kagome thought it was pointless, to continue doing this with her. And as his lips move from her lips to her cheeks, she forced herself to try and think of his purpose.
Of course she could ask.
But that's another stupid idea she doesn't want to commit.
Or she could push him away and angrily tell him in his face that his behavior scares her?
But what if he says that she also has the same behavior?
All her thoughts were blown away when his moist lips kissed the sensitive skin on her neck. She gasped when she felt the pressure of him sucking her skin sensuously. It was when her blood began to boil in fear.
"Sesshomaru, stop…!" She gasped.
His breathing went faster and faster every single minute, and hers speeds up twice as much after seconds. Still he continued to kiss her there and suckle her flesh. Her every movement and every sound she makes only encouraged him more. Then it dawned to him that this was his chance to see her the way he wished. And she wouldn't disagree. Not even one woman in the world would refuse this kind of action from him. And so this was his chance.
But something held him back.
His eyes were wide in shock when he recognized that thing that held him back. It gave him the strength, and enough reason, to move away from her and try to conceal his lust filled eyes from her gaze. And that's not the only reason why he has to hide his eyes from her. Another reason is, when he looks at her beautiful sapphire eyes and once he sees the same lustful glint in them, all his walls would collapse.
Moving away from her, he stood up from the bed and walked towards the door without even saying anything to her. While she just sat there, reminiscing the warmth of his body that is now suddenly disappearing.
She heard the door open, and strained her ears even more to listen to Sesshomaru's unused voice call out to Sango along the corridor.
"You may see her now."
"Uh, yes."
She was still in the state of shock that she didn't notice her friend walk to her in a surprisingly cheerful mood.
"Now what had just happened?" Sango grinned.
Slowly, Kagome lifted her face to meet up with hers as she called out to a barely audible whisper.
"I don't know, Sango."
Sango just slapped her forehead and heaved a sigh. "Good going, Kagome. You look like you're stuck on my 'egoistic' cousin."
Kagome was too busy thinking of a reply. She didn't even bother to button her pajama blouse and fix the collar to hide Sesshomaru's marks from her friend's intriguing eyes.
"I guess… I have to go to school…"
a/n: What do you think? I hope I satisfied you with a long chapter. (Now is it? ) Please review me so I will have the courage to write another long chapter.