The doctors decided to keep me in the hospital until after my baby was born. Something about risks and worry and all that stuff. It was probably one of the most boring months of my life. Alex was with me every day, talking to me, reading to me and being his usual sweet self. Mum and Dad visited in periodical spurts, sometimes bringing Mel and little Prue. Wyatt visited quite a lot which was a little odd but got used to it pretty quickly. Piper and Paige tended to come together and made me laugh. But other than visits I had nothing to do, wasn't allowed to move from the bed unless it was to go to the toilet and that was only with the assistance of a nurse. Kind a sucked ya know.

But I got to say it was all worth it when she was brought into my world. The first time I set eyes on her, I was in heaven and I knew that every minute, no every second I suffered was worth it, just to be alive to see this day.

She looks very much like her daddy, with a little bit of blonde and at the moment blue eyes which I expect to change to brown like everyone else's, although I hope they stay blue like her daddy's. Alex was so proud when he got to hold her for the first time. All I could do was smile tiredly at him; he was so cute to watch fussing over her toes and fingers. When our eyes connected he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss and said "I love you". I had to close my eyes to stop the tears before replying "Love you too."

It was nice you know, knowing that I had a family that loves me, for no reason except I am me.

Knowing that my parents, my aunts and cousins have all been waiting outside the delivery room for the 10 long hours of labour just to meet my daughter. I know she has been brought into a loving family and she will never be in the want for anything. So I guess it is time for me to end this journal of my life and start living my life. I get to finally present to the world Phoebe Faith Piper Halliwell or Faith to her friends and family.