Chapter 6 – Never know what hit 'em!
Things had finally clamed down a bit for Harry. The first twenty minutes of 'the rest of his life' had included nothing but people coming over, to congratulate him on being made a Gryffindor or just to say hallo to the famous 'Harry Potter'.
Finally everyone had gone back to their seats, and Harry finally had a chance to take in everything around him.
He sighed contently; Hogwarts was even more magical than he had thought. And he had only been here for an hour or so. His parents had been right – the next seven years would be… perfect!
He glanced down the table… observing his newfound housemates in silence. They were very different Harry noted, but then again something tied them together. Something other than they all (but of course the first years) wore Red and Gold robes… It was like it shone out of them that they were Gryffindor. And proud of it.
Harry himself was proud too. His mom had been a Gryffindor, his dad had been a Gryffindor and his uncles had been Gryffindors. Everyone Harry knew had been Gryffindors, and he had always been told what a great house it was.
He sighed again and took a look at the person next to him. It was that kid from before Evan. He was currently talking to the girl next to him, further away from Harry. Hernine or Jermione something!
He shrugged inwardly at his own lousy memory; he would learn all the names in time anyway.
Since there had been no seat free next to Harry, Orion had seated himself directly across from him. Harry turned to face him and found him smiling at him strangely.
Harry tilted his head, as in enquiring a great: "What?".
Orion laughed. "Ready for" he leaned in over the table. "the plan!" He wiggled his eyebrows in a funny way before leaning back smiling wickedly. Harry mirrored his grin.
"Of course I am… are you?"
"Always mate… always!" Orion replied, still smiling confidently. Suddenly he laughed, startling a blond boy next to him. He rubbed his hands together, his eyes sparkling. Harry laughed too. This was going to be grand.
"Too bad Andy isn't in Gryffindor too!" Harry said, breaking the odd stares from the people around them. Orion's smile sobered a bit but he was still grinning.
"Naah… She wanted it that way! Always having her nose in a book that one…" Harry smiled back weakly. It really was too bad, but she could visit them all the time anyway he supposed.
"Hope she still remembers the plan!" Harry said, voicing his thoughts.
"Of course she will… Me and Sis has been pulling complicated pranks on my mom and my uncle as long as I can remember! She'll remember her part!"
Harry nodded, convinced for now. Hell would break loose soon. Just after the deserts had been eaten. "Nooo… Not the desserts! Can't ruin those can we?" Orion had said with a fake scared look.
Dumbledore had just finished some speech about not wandering into the forest and other rules, none of which Harry intended to follow. By his impressions so far, both Orion and Andy was in on that ride too.
Endless amounts of delicious food suddenly appeared on the tables, and all plans about mischief were forgotten for a moment. Wauw…
Well, better make the most of the time until 'game-time' Harry thought, as he began piling food on his plate.
After greedily stuffing his face with roasted potatoes and delicious beef for a few minutes, Harry noticed out of the corner of his eye that Evan wasn't talking to that Herwion girl anymore, and decided to strike up a conversation with him.
"So… Evan… Where are you from?" he asked, mentally kicking himself for not coming up with a more exciting question. Ahh well, have to start somewhere.
Evan turned to face him, an uncertain smile on his face – as if he wasn't even sure than Harry was indeed talking to him.
"Ehm… I'm from Guildford! Just outside London!" he answered obviously having guesses that Harry was indeed talking to him. "What about you?"
"I'm from Godric's Hollow… well more like the outskirts of it in fact. Me and mom and dad live in one of our family's old houses!" Harry rambled. He still wasn't that good at interacting with others he mused. How much were you supposed to say?
Even didn't seem to notice or if he did he didn't care. He only nodded slightly, signalling that Harry had his attention.
"I've been there, once loads of years ago. To see…" he trailed of, and cast his eyes downwards quickly. "…to see, well you know!" He gave a shy smile and turned slightly in his seat.
Yes. Harry knew. All to well in fact. The memorial site. His mom and dad had taken him there every year. Not that he minded though. The always went on the morning after Halloween, and Padfoot and Moony would always be there. And even though it was a bit sad, it was always good when everybody was there.
"I'm half and half," the boy called Seamus said, bringing Harry and Evan's attention back towards the conversation going around the table. "Me dad's a Muggle. Mam didn't tell him she was a witch 'til after they were married. Bit of a nasty shock for him."
The others laughed at this, and Harry joined in. He could just picture the look on a Muggle's face if someone told them that they were a witch.
"What 'bout you?" Seamus continued, directing his question at Orion.
"I' ahm foodbod…" he said through a mouth filled up with mashed tomatoes. Some of it flew out of his mouth and hit the girl opposite directly, in the face. She looked about exploding, until Orion sunk his food and smiled broadly at her.
She just smiled back. How odd, Harry thought. He would have to ask Orion about that trick later, might get him of the hook back home sometime.
"I said. I'm a fullblood." He stated. Harry noticed that Orion used the word fullblood instead of pureblood. "Just like old Potter here…" he said at ruffled Harry's hair.
He then began laughing, not really caring he was the only one. Harry just smiled. Orion sure was a strange one.
* * *
Andromeda Winters were having a grand evening so far. She had been at here new home, Hogwarts, for only an hour or so – but everything was just so great. Just like her mother had said it would be.
And she had gotten her wish, being in Ravenclaw and all. Not that she wouldn't have wanted to a Gryffindor with Harry and Orio, but she just felt more at home being the brains of the group.
Books fascinated her, ancients scrolls were better than a game of Exploding snap and anything from the restricted section almost rivalled Quidditch in suspense.
She smiled guiltily. Well, almost. Quidditch ran in the blood of her family, as far as she knew, anyway.
Mom had been a chaser for the Gryffindor team back in the legendary five years of triumph. Alongside such legends as Ludo Bagman and James Potter. Harry's dad…
She leaned a bit to the left to get a better look, and saw Orion ruffling Harry's hair and begin laughing all on his own. Andy shook her head slowly. That boy sometimes.
Her brother caught her eye and waved at her, saying something to Harry. She smiled and waved back at the two. Orion gave her a special pointed look, like he always did when they couldn't communicate – and it always meant the same: "You ready?" and she would always answer with her unique "smile of mischief" as her mother had labelled it. Of course she was ready!
Andy decided to make some small talk until the deserts had been removed and the plan would kick into action. After all, she thought, I have to be here for seven years. It would get pretty lonely in the Ravenclaw tower without any friends.
A pretty, dark haired girl on her right, were looking at her, and smiling. Out of the corner of her eye, Andy had noticed her when she sat down, a first year too. She looked quite princess like for some reason, only missing the blonde hair and the pink dress.
Not much of a prankster look to her. Andy sighed inwardly. Well, she would always have Orion and Harry for that. But she would need study partners and gossip friends too. A giggle escaped her, before she could stop it – but she quickly managed to get a hold of herself. What was that…?
She masked her shocked appearance quickly and turned her head, facing the girl. She was positively beaming.
"Hi…" Andy started.
"Hello…. My name is Padma, Padma Patil! What is yours?" the dark haired girl responded, very quickly. Andy grinded her teeth. She had been dreading moments like this.
"My name is Andy Winters!" she replied politely. Andromeda was a secret name from now. I will have to 'remind' Orion and Harry of that soon.
"Andy? That's a pretty strange name for a girl?"
"No stranger than Padma I would say…"
The girl surprisingly giggled, instead of getting angry. Odd.
"I know…" she blurted out." My mother most have been having one too many butterbeers when she named us. Me and my sister that is!"
Padma turned slightly in her seat and pointed at a girl over at the Gryffindor table, two seats left of Harry that looked exactly like her.
"We are twins…" Padma continued, stating the obvious. "But if you think I got it bad with Padma, then my sister would be of even worse." She giggled and screwed up her face somewhat.
"Pavarti! Doesn't that sound like some sort of French cheese to you?"
* * *
Harry looked up from his delicious pineapple sorbet ice-cream dessert, to see who was laughing so crazily. Surprisingly his search ended when his eyes fell on Andy, laughing out loud – and the girl next to her blushing and giggling like it had been the best joke ever. Maybe it had been.
Harry could help but smile, but Orion just frowned and shrugged his shoulders. A girl to the left of Harry rolled her eyes, when she saw Andy looking at her – and, quite uncharacteristic Harry would think, she poked her tongue out at her.
That shut Andy up, but instead Orion started laughing again. Andy gave him a heavy glare from the Ravenclaw table and returned to her chat with a girl that looked very much, like the one that just poked her tongue out at her.
No wait, cancel that – they were exactly the same. Did she apparate over there?
Or maybe they are just twins, nitwit! A voice in the back of his head said!
Harry was saved from further self-insulting as the desserts disappeared and Orion stopped laughing abruptly. He gave Harry a look and brought out his wand, very fast but still discreetly.
For a second Harry wondered where he had learned that wrist trick too. It was something that his father and uncle Sirius had taught Harry a long time ago – said it was an Auror trick.
But all thoughts were pushed from his mind, when Evan suddenly broke the silence.
"What are you planning?"
Orion whipped around and looked at him, too fast for comfort looked at Evan as if he had seen him for the first time just now. He tilted his head and frowned at him, before he smiled and pressed a finger to his lips.
Evan just smiled, a smile so unlike his rather nervous appearance up until now, and nodded.
Harry grinned inwardly and closed his eyes, conjuring the image he wanted in his mind. He opened his eyes, turned in his seat, aimed up and fired a bolt a glorious red at the ceiling. A near-silent swish sound told him that Orion had thrown his jinx, and out of the corner of his eyes he could see Andy muttering her incantation.
He turned away and looked up. It was magnificent. It was sparkling, red, gold and blue. It was them.
A strange series of gasps escaped the teachers table, and even an angry cry could be heard.
Harry smiled as he turned and faced the high table. Dumbledore, to his surprise looked like he was smiling (difficult to see through the long beard), and Professor McGonagall looked strangely nostalgic.
Only one of the teachers looked absolutely vivid. The grease haired one with the menacing eyes, got up from his chair and brought out his wand. Another swish behind Harry told him that someone had cast another spell, but before he turned he saw 'Oily-hair' fire some sort of curse at the glittering banner. But for some reason it didn't break. How strange… He diffidently hadn't thrown the unbreakable charm.
He turned to face Orion, who strangely wasn't looking at him. Instead he was looking at Evan, who in turn was smiling oddly.
Suddenly Dumbledore stood up, his eyes twinkling merrily. "Thanks to some of our new students for this very nice welcome message… I will now trust the prefects to lead the first years to their dormitories, and everyone else who knows the way must go too - so that we all can be ready for a bright day of learning tomorrow."
* * *
The walk to the Gryffindor common room had been long, and Harry was sure he hadn't learned even a single clue to finding it on his own. He had been to preoccupied talking to Orion about their first prank, and with looking for anything peculiar, strange, secret or just exciting. Which, Harry realised, was just about everything in this castle. No wonder he hadn't paid any attention.
Just before they had left the Great hall Harry had come within hearing distance of Andy and she had yelled "Never know what hit 'em, eh Harry?" before smiling and giving him a thumps up. Too bad she was in Ravenclaw…
They finally reached their dormitories and Orion and Harry grabbed the beds the farthest from the entrance, with Evan taking the bed next to Orion. After some brief introductions with the other boys in their year – Neville, Dean, Ron and Seamus – they decided to turn in and get formerly acquainted tomorrow.
Harry had just tugged himself under the covers after a long day, getting ready to sleep when he heard someone trying to get his attention. He poked his head out and saw Orion halfway out of his bed, whispering at him.
"That Evan kid…" he whispered pointing to the bed behind him. "He… He was fast!" Orions face lighted up. "I mean real fast. He charmed the banner before even that grease professor could undo it. I was thinking… that maybe we should, you know, let him in on the whole 'Raiders' thing."
Harry nodded slowly. Evan did really seem like a worthy attribute to their cause, but still. An idea came to mind.
"A test!" Harry whispered back. "We will give him a test, worthy of the marauders…"
Orion smiled wickedly and nodded. "G'night Harry!"
"Good night Orio!"
* * * * * *
Sorry everyone that I took me this long to write, but school has been killing me – and on top of that I have been asked to co-write a Lily / James story that will appear under my name when it's done.
The plot wont be mine, but my co-writer felt that I had something with words! That's praise… :D
Sorry to keep y'all waiting – but I will Hurry more with the next one. I hope you liked this…
Oh and to everyone who feels that I introduce to many characters – don't worry. This is the end of them, at least for now. These characters would have been in the real Harry Potter story as well, but weren't because of the events that made Harry loose his parents.
Remember, ten years with Lily and James have altered a lot of things, and James as an Auror might have saved a lot of people. No telling what their kids have become like because of this!
Reviewer responses:
Deb – Here is the update, hope you like. Don't worry about the extra characters! :)
Chad – Sorry to keep you waiting, but High school is trouble. And I'm writing two stories now so…. But I will hurry as much as I can!
Mafioso – I try to make them longer, but it all depends on the plot. And of course the flashbacks will be explained – but that is a core part of the plot so it wont happen anytime soon! Maybe I will drop of hints now and then…
Adenara Yatman – Thanks!
holydak1 – I am terribly sorry, your wrath almost scared me from going on! It's all your fault… :D
Kickinwing – Thanks! I will… try at least!
Fenice – All in good time! :)
Kitsu Black – OF course there will be, and thanks!
Ganymade – thanks I'm glad you liked it! The prologue is meant to tell why Remus went through all that!
CyberdogZ – Thanks mate!
Logical Raven – Wow thanks! Your opinion will always weigh more than anyone else – I hope you haven't dropped interest yet! :/ Your story is role model in intriguing development of a fic that I hope to learn from! Thanks!