Author's Notes: Thank you for all your patience! This is the final section of RiaD. Enjoy! =)

Disclaimer: I am in now way affiliated with the cartoon series, "Mummies Alive!" or the DIC Corporation, and any of its affiliates. This fanfic is for entertainment purposes only. This fanfic and its author do not intend to infringe on any copyrights.

Romance is a Dance

Step Five: Dance.

The room was so packed with bodies and noise that the only individual that noticed the strange scene was Ja-Kal himself.

Quickly collecting himself, he chased after the nimble mummy, examining the room, making sure Enrique or Fabio or whatever his name was didn't witness the abrupt scene.

"Nefer-Tina?" he called out into the chilly evening air. Ja-Kal quickly scanned the area around him. Spotting what appeared to be the charioteer, he walks towards it, calling, "Nefer-Tina, is that you?"

Ja-Kal came up beside Nefer-Tina. She was leaning onto the balcony over looking the harbor.

She looked up at him. "I don't want to dance…"


"I shouldn't have forced you to come dance."

Ja-Kal stepped closer to Nefer-Tina, placing his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place. "Nefer-Tina, this has been one of the best experiences of my life. I know you love to dance. I'm honored that you valued me high enough to share it with me."

She broke away from Ja-Kal's hold, and turned away. "I'm glad you had fun."

Ja-Kal turned Nefer-Tina back around and held her chin. "Don't turn away from me."

Nefer-Tina's eyes were alive with liquid looking up at him.

"I don't ever want you to turn away from me. You don't have to be ashamed in front of me."

"I'm afraid to dance." She didn't say it, but, regardless, Ja-Kal knew the full intention of her words. She was afraid to dance with him.

"You don't have to be, Nef."

She smiled at the use of his nickname for her. "I don't want something so good to change," she confessed, playing with her hands.

Ja-Kal felt his heart retch itself free of his chest and towards the young woman in front of him. "I was afraid of that as well."

Her eyes widened, and Nefer-Tina found herself seeing the aspect of the hunter she had always loved. But, she couldn't help but ask, "Was?"

Ja-Kal smiled at her coyness. "This experience has been great because I've spent it with you. Your beautiful energy and being have supported me through everything. I can't see myself," he looked deep into her russet eyes, "dancing without you."

Nefer-Tina pulled Ja-Kal towards herself and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Blushing several shades of red, Nefer-Tina pulled back, biting her lip.

Ja-Kal held out his hand for Nefer-Tina, bestowing upon her a steady gaze of worship. "Don't waste your wonderful features on this dreary sky."

Nefer-Tina took his hand, half expecting something—anything—to betray her, half expecting Ja-Kal to pull into a fiery hold.

Ja-Kal tightened his grip on Nefer-Tina's hand and began to pull her closer to his body. But, a tart clap filled his ears.

Nefer-Tina looked up at Ja-Kal, "We should go back to class." A twinkle and a smirk dominated her features. "It's time to dance!"

Ja-Kal laughed to himself as Nefer-Tina pulled him with renewed strength towards the dance hall.

Halfway into the dance floor, Ja-Kal stood erect, and pulled Nefer-Tina towards his frame, meeting eye to eye with her as the music began. Nefer-Tina rewarded him with a wily, seductive smile, and threw her hair back with a firm stroke of her head.

The sumptuous lyrics and rhythm filled the air, entrancing the dancers. The high and low notes alternated, piercing the night.

Ja-Kal led Nefer-Tina with great care and pride. With fingers entwined, he shifted his weight to the left, beckoning his lady to follow. Each muscle moved in perfect unison, playing the counter of the other.

As the music reached a rich note, Nefer-Tina broke loose of her partner and sauntered around him, teasing him. She flicked her hair to the side, licking her lips, holding onto him and rubbing her body up against his strong frame.

Ja-Kal fought hard to maintain his cool as Nefer-Tina's tight, smooth leg ran up his side. He grabbed her waist, proving support as she extended her torso away from him.

Letting go, Nefer-Tina rolled a ways down his arm and into the tight embrace of the other, her thigh following suit.

The fabric of the couple rubbed against each other, swaying with the powerful, passionate moves.

The wicked dancer shook her waist in voluptuous moves. Ja-Kal came up behind her, holding her in place and took in her fragrance.

Nefer-Tina smiled, looking at him, and raised her hands in signal. Ja-Kal took firm hold of her torso and raised her body up.

Nefer-Tina threw her head back in ecstasy, stretching her legs and arms as Ja-Kal rotated her around. Suddenly, she felt her support disappear, but she did not fear. Within a few seconds, she was right back in Ja-Kal's embrace. The only thing she could feel was her partner's body in contact with hers, holding her tight.

Leading Nefer-Tina into the final position, Ja-Kal huskily whispered three words into her ear.

And, the intertwined figures ended their movement with a final, sweet kiss.