"Littlefoot!" Rex cries out as he spots Littlefoot at the bottom of the cliff.

Down below the cliff, the unsuspecting longneck hears the cry of his name, and after a look around his surroundings, he shifts his eyes toward the heavens to spot his sharptooth flying friend above the cliff.

"Rex!" Littlefoot cries out to his friend above the cliff.

The others look up in question, but soon enough all of them spread happiness and joy as they set their eyes on Rex, all of them except Cera, who is being attacked by a wave of guilt.

Rex grins widely as he jumps down the cliff, using his wings as parachutes to slowly descend to the bottom. And as soon as he sets foot at the bottom he is tackled to the ground by his friends, all happy to see him again. Licks from Littlefoot and Spike are given to Rex as hugs from Petrie and Ducky are easily welcomed. Yu and Chomper stand besides their blue sharptooth friend as he receives his friends' happiness…Though; Cera is the only one that has stayed behind.

"I thought I'd never see you again…" Littlefoot says as he gets off from Rex.

"Aw c'mon," Rex replies, "You'd never lose me that easily."

"Umm…Rex." Yu whispers as he motions his muzzle to Cera, who is glued two feet away from him.

Rex looks at Cera and stands up, "Cera…" He begins as he looks at her. The three-horn just stares at him, feeling guilty from all the times she has doubted trusting him, feeling guilty from when she tackled him into the river, all the time she has commented badly of him, and never giving him a chance to test his trust.

"Are…You still mad at me?" Rex asks as he stops approaching the tree-horn.

"Well of course I am!" Cera replies as she puts on an angry yet happy smile, "Mad at you for not coming back to us sooner!"

Rex flinches from Cera's reply; it's her pure attitude that made her give such an answer; though he expected no less. "Aw c'mon Cera," Rex pleads with a laugh, "I would've found you guys sooner if you would stay in one place!"

Cera chuckles, "Well, I'll forgive you THIS time. But you know, it would've helped if you would-"

"Hello!" A voice from above interrupted Cera down below, which made the little three-horn jump, "Have you forgotten about us already, Rex!"

The children look up and watch as Jaser and Pascal descend from the top of the cliff. Jaser makes it safely to the bottom by a simple rock-climb down the cliff, but Pascal makes it seem more painful as he lands on his butt 15 feet high from the ground.

"What the? Who are they!" Cera asked protectively as she pointed her small horns at Pascal and Jaser.

"Calm down, Cera." Rex commands, "They're the ones that helped me find you guys. Their names are Pascal and Jaser. And-"

"Cut this introduction short…" Kumo suddenly interrupts.

"Kumo." Littlefoot mouths as his eyes stare at Kumo.

"What's he doing here!" Cera defensively shouts. "Coming to try and kill us again!"

Kumo closes his eyes, "Hmph. Quiet, threehorn."

"What was that!" Cera comebacks, not wasting a second.

"Forget him, Cera." Littlefoot says, turning his head to Kumo. "What is it that you want with us now?

"Nothing…" Kumo simply replies, "Unless you want to be killed by Bull, I'd suggest we'd continue moving."

"But to where?" Petrie asks as he flies around and hovers in front of Kumo, "Everywhere we go, sharptooth are everywhere."

"You children are the ones in danger," With one small puff of air, Kumo sends Petrie flying backwards and unto Littlefoot's face, "You figure that out…"

Rex shakes his head at Kumo's attitude, though he doesn't have an idea on where to go, sharpteeth are everywhere in the Mysterious Beyond, and not much help are offered in it either. Littlefoot is also pretty much out of ideas on where to go, as of everywhere he goes he's either chased, attacked, or almost eaten by a sharptooth. As his previous adventures outside of the Great Valley has proven. Littlefoot sighs, "If only there was a secret way to get back into the Great Valley without being seen by sharptooth…"

"That's it!"

"What's it?" Littlefoot jumps as he looks at whoever said that. His sight ends up on Jaser and Pascal.

"The Great Valley!" Jaser continues, "Me and Pascal know a way to get inside without being seen by those annoying sharpteeth!"

"You do?" Rex asks as his gloomy face transforms into a happy one. Finally, a good going their way. The gloomy faces of the rest of the children also morphed into happy faces too, as their hopes on returning home rises up to the potential maximum. Kumo raises an eyebrow at Jaser and Pascal, unsure if this is true or bogus.

"Uh-huh!" Pascal hums with a nod, "It's pretty dangerous, but no sharpteeth would dare to get there, it's practically impossible to those big thugs."

"A vulnerable entrance with a protective shield…" Kumo thinks aloud.

"How can we trust you two!" Cera suddenly shouts. "You two are sharptooth! How do we know that you're just saying that to get us into a trap before eating us!"

"Cera!" Littlefoot whispers as he elbows Cera's side, "They're trying to help us." He then turns his attention to Jaser and Pascal, "So, where is it?"

Pascal gestures his head to a few mountains at a fair distance from them, "It's on that mountain. It'll be easy since we're small compared to sharpteeth."

"Well, let's go!" Rex expresses as he looks at the mountains, "The faster we get home, the better."

"No way am I trusting them!" Cera snorts as she turns around, "I'm going to find MY own way back home, I'm not trusting those two!"

"OK, do whatever you want." Rex tells as he looks back at Cera while following the rest of the group.

"We'll let you know if we find the entrance!" Ducky cries at Cera as she rides on Spike's back, already a bit far from the threehorn.

"Hmph." Cera snorts as she begins to pad away on the opposite direction the others are headed.

"Just a bit of advice…" Kumo begins, making Cera stop to at least hear what he has to say. "You came from that way, right? If so, you're just heading straight to Bull."

"Like I'm afraid of him!" Cera growls, and starts to move again.

"Do whatever you want," Kumo turns around, then continues, "But let me tell you, chances are that Bull is planning on jumping out of nowhere and go for your neck first."

This comment freezes Cera in her tracks; the thought of it froze her heart with fear.

But Kumo continued, "It's his special tactic. And never fails."

With that, Kumo leaves to catch up to the others, leaving Cera alone. Now Cera's heart is beating so fast she swear it'll rip right out of her chest. She looks around her surroundings, then quickly turns and runs to catch up to the others.

"Wait up! You'll need someone to scare away the sharptooth!"



"Seems like they're backing off…" Tamal reports to Yu's clan behind him, watching Bull's clan retreating to the south as he stands on a high area of the plateau.

"Yes…" Druce whispers to Tamal as he walks closer to him, "But…So many casualties…"

The plateau that was once a battlefield to velociraptors is slaughtered in blood; dead carcasses of velociraptors riddle the brown, dry ground. So many dead creatures, most of them from Bull's clan but…The dead count of Yu's clan is also devastating. All of them gave their lives for their clan. Druce sighs deeply and turns to the clan, the number of Yu's clan have been decreased greatly, a heavy price to pay…

"How's the leader?" Druce asks as he slowly walks toward the group.

Bruce scoffs as he sits on the ground, "Hmph, he doesn't let anyone help with his wounds."

True, Yu's father never was the one to accept any kind of helps that involved treating his own wounds or problems. Druce walks closer to the dinosaur, but all he gets are growls of threat from him. "Let me help you…" Druce offers.

Yu's father retaliates with a growl, followed by a chain of growls and roars.

"Why should you trust me?" Druce translates the sharptooth's message, "Because you are hurt, your clan has been greatly reduced by the fight. You need our help."

Yu's father gives another string of roars and growls.

"You believe you can handle it yourself?" Druce asks, slightly echoing the sharptooth's words. "What if another clan of sharpteeth come by and prey upon your clan, would you be able to handle it with a wounded clan?"

Yu's father however, doesn't give in and releases another of his sharptooth language roars.

What he said made Braun shrug, "He's not going to accept our help Druce, stop trying."

Druce shakes his head, not believing the father's rebellious' nature, such as his great-father before him. "We're not getting anywhere," Druce whispers, then turns, "What are your thoughts?"

Braun shrugs, "Mine? Well, more power to that sharptooth. Me? I hate to be a bodyguard to someone like him."

Tamal eyes Braun, "Hmph, selfish dimwitted fool."

"What was that!" Braun come backs, half a second apart from Tamal's mockery.

"No time to be fighting!" Druce roars, silencing both Tamal and Braun. He then turns to Yu's father once again, "I know you're too much in pride to accept our offer, but you need us to help you and your clan if you're willing to survive until your wounds are fully recovered."

The sharptooth stays quiet, Druce is right about this. The sharptooth has two choices. One, he can ignore Druce's offer and may it on his own, risking his remaining members in the clan. On the other claw, he has to swallow down his pride and ensure his clan's survival by accepting Druce's help and his clan, the Arich clan. The sharptooth took a deep breath, and growls his answer.

Druce nods at the father's answer and turns to Tamal and Braun, "Patrol the area and hunt down any prey! We're going to need their meat to try to stop their bleedings!"

Tamal nods, "Right!"

Braun shrugs and stands up, "Another hunt for others, eh Druce? Whatever, I'll hunt us something."

Druce nods, "Just be careful."

Braun chuckles, "Worrying a bit much, aren't you gramps?"

Tamal pushes Braun lightly to shut him up, "Just concentrate on the hunt."

Braun just growls at Tamal's remark as the sharptooh walks away, but Braun swallows his anger and leaves another direction, in search of any prey in their view. The sun is clearly on day's end, it is setting, it's reddish rays illuminating the brown soil, covering it in its orange glow. Druce stares at it as Braun and Tamal disappears from his sight, recalling the past of his clan and members. Druce's train of thought however was derailed by a snarl rising from the father's muzzle.

"No…" Druce replies as he turns to Yu's father, "We won't do it again…"


"Up this mountain?" Ducky asks as she looks up at the towering mountain, so high up that Ducky fell flat on her back on Spike from elevating her head so high up.

"Great…" Cera mutters, "There's nothing up there but rocks and smoke!" She turns her head to Pascal and Jaser, "You guys trying to trick us!"

"Who? Me?" Jaser asks, shaking his head defensively.

Cera growls, having that feeling of being duped and trapped. She takes a step forward to Pascal and Jaser, but Littlefoot places a foot in front of Cera, halting her from progressing toward the two sharpteeth. He shoots a glare at the threehorn, and turns to Jaser and Pascal.

"No offense guys," Littlefoot begins, "But we've been up that mountain before a few times now, and we've never seen any entrance to the Great Valley."

"That's because you haven't seen up there recently." Jaser defends, leaving the children confused.

"Uh-huh," Pascal nods, "After that big earth-shake a few bright circles ago, the rocks gave way for a cave that leads to a high cliff region in the Great Valley."

"Oh really?" Cera asks as she stands behind Littlefoot, though no far back to block her view of the two sharpteeth, "You'd think we wouldn't notice that hole by now!"

"Well, I DID say the hole leads to a high cliff in the Great Valley," Pascal replies, then looks at Cera, "And from the looks on you, you're not a flier to even get up there. Let alone try to climb up there."

Kumo growls, "Enough stalling!" He closes in on the mountain and places a foot on a rock to begin the ascend up, "If you kids keep this up, Bull would catch up to us and that would be the end for you all."

"He's right…" Rex comments as he looks up at the mountain, "We came this far, so we might as well go all the way."

"Rex's right," Yu adds as he walks closer to Rex, "We can't give up now."

"So what do you say?" Chomper asks as he turns to the children, "Should we go try and find the entrance Jaser and Pascal said?"

The children look at each other, wondering whether or not to explore a mountain they'd been on lots of times before just to find a cave that might or might've not appeared after the earth-shake a few bright circles ago. Littlefoot easily nodded and followed Kumo, Yu, Rex, Jaser and Pascal up the mountain.

"What do you think, Spike?" Ducky asks his big brother, who in return just gave a happy-go-lucky smile and followed Littlefoot's example.

Petrie didn't have any objections; he just flapped his wings and was on his way up the mountain with the others.

Cera however, stayed behind pondering whether or not to take the chance.

Chomper stares at her, wondering of what she's thinking that is holding her from trusting Jaser and Pascal.

"What!" Cera asks in an angry matter as she sees Chomper staring at her, "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"

"You're going to have to think quicker than this, threehorn…"

Cera freezes, by the looks on Chomper's face, she could tell that someone bad was behind her. She slowly turns around to see Bull standing a few feet behind her, glaring her with that look that can kill! Cera's eyes grows wide from that fear that's currently tugging her heart, then she quickly turns to Chomper, "OK! I decided! Let's go!" And like a champion runner, she was off and started climbing the mountain along with Chomper.

A shriek from Cera below catches the attention of the others above. Rex looks down and gasps in horror as he spots Bull trying to corner and attack Cera.

"Kumo!" Rex cries out to him, who's a far ways up, though not far enough to be out of audible range.

Kumo looks and spots Bull down below, the call also bought Littlefoot and the other's attention and they too saw the dilemma below.

"Oh no! Cera!" Petrie cries out as he hovers above Littlefoot's head.

"We gotta do something!" Littlefoot shouts out to Rex, looking down at his threehorn friend.

"Just keep climbing!" Kumo cries out to the kids as he begins climbing down rather quickly, "Bull is mine! Your friend will be alright!"

Down below, Cera was backing up from Bull, trying to climb up, terrorized as she stares at the sharptooth velociraptor who's planning on having her for dinner. Bull snarls and growls as he slowly stalks toward the terrified threehorn, he's been waiting a long time for this moment. Though his moment has been cancelled as Kumo climbs down and tackles Bull right off his feet and unto the ground, teeth bare and claws flexed. Cera stands there, shivering and afraid; Kumo doesn't have time to get this threehorn into therapy to make her get over the fear.

He throws his head toward Cera, "Go! I'm taking care of this sharptooth!"

Cera shakily nods and begins climbing up after her friends, leaving behind Kumo to deal with Bull.

"Such a waste…" Bull hisses as he strafes around Kumo, eyeing him. "Why take sides with these leaf eaters and turn your back on the clan that fed, housed, and took care of you?"

"Let's just say I'm paying back the favor…" Kumo replies, him too strafing against Bull.

"Our leader will be angered when he finds out about this!" Bull snarls, but soon sheds a grin, "But he'll be softened when I report your death to him, traitor!"

"Wow, I'm so afraid," Kumo mocks, "As if you can kill me, let alone brutally hurt me."

Bull snarls and lunges to Kumo, their claws and teeth meeting up each other's flesh and bodies. Kumo might have a slight advantage to the fight due to his anatomy structure, Bull's teeth and claws are unmatched, thus giving each one a slight advantage over the other. They slash, bite and tackle each other, drawing blood out of each other's wounds as the fight progress. Kumo tackles Bull down to the ground, allowing him to set his foot down on Bull, scraping with his foot's claws as Bull rolled off and countered with a bite to Kumo's arm, each one letting out a roar and a snarl of pain. Bull manages to slash Kumo's nose and muzzle, though this makes Kumo counter with a slash of his own unto Bull's exposed chest, forcing the velociraptor in releasing his bite on Kumo's arm. It's ironic, the fight started and already both sharpteeth are bleeding a bit more than normal. The sun is slowly setting and nightfall isn't far behind, those orange rays hit down on the two sharpteeth, the crimson stains on their skin giving shine from the setting sun's rays. The two sharpteeth stare at each other before they start again their charge and attacks.

Up at the mountain however, the children reach a good place on the mountain to look over the far away scenery of the Mysterious Beyond, which the majestic sunset currently happening gives it an enchanting and beautiful look, also, a wall of mountain which borders the Great Valley inside. Indeed, so close to home, and yet a wall that separates them from paradise. Jaser and Pascal look around, trying to find that so called tunnel they've been talking about that leads inside the Great Valley. Cera breathes heavily as she reflects on that scary encounter down below, face to face with Bull and his sharp teeth that could've ripped her apart at will. She growls at Jaser and Pascal, wondering why she ever trusted those two.

"See!" Cera cries as she watches those two black crimson sharpteeth looking for the tunnel, "I told you there wasn't any cave around here!"

Looking at the vast scenery of the Mysterious Beyond, Rex ponders about his rather difficult journey inside of it, reflecting on those days that he was down and out, when he caused a lot of trouble in the Great Valley.

"Are you alright?" A voice from behind asks, causing Rex to turn around.

"Oh, Littlefoot…" Rex replies softly, "Yeah, I'm alright. Couldn't be better."

Littlefoot eyes Rex, "Heheh, I don't quite believe you."

"Alright alright," Rex laughs, "I guess I have a lot on my mind about all of this."

Littlefoot arches an eyebrow, "Oh? Mind sharing what's on your mind?"

"Well…" Rex begins, "I just can't believe that all of this happened just because I got out of control inside the Great Valley. I mean, by the looks of things," He pauses as he looks at the others, the scar on Chomper's face, the scar on Cera's back, not to mention a slight invisible scar on Littlefoot's head, "It was a pretty close call to all of us…" He then shifted his eyes to the mountain wall, "And…We're almost back home…"

"We found it!" Pascal shouts out happily to the other.

Rex and Littlefoot immediately turn to where they heard Pascal, and they were right. Behind a strange rock formation, Pascal points to a small opening, inside pretty dark and gloomy.

"Horray! They found it! Yup yup yup!" Ducky happily cheers from Spike's back while everyone happily gather around.

Cera however, wasn't happy. "This is it! We can't fit in there!"

Unfortunately, she's right. The entrance is too narrow, only Ducky and Petrie can fit in. A huge boulder seems to be thrusted deep into the mountain's soil, looking quite impossible to shove it aside. Everyone's happiness soon falls down to disappointment. However, Jaser and Pascal weren't faced.

"You guys are very gullible!" Pascal laughs.

"C'mon guys," Jaser assures, "You'd think we'd leave this out in the open like this?"

With a nod from Jaser, they both place their hands on the boulder, and the once thought to be unmovable boulder starts to be shoved aside. Apparently this boulder was set here with careful thought by Jaser and Pascal's clan, the Arich. The gang was left impressed at the tactic these sharpteeth have used to cover up the cave as impassable.

"Well, in you go." Pascal commands as he sets his back against the boulder, "Once you're in there's no way of going out. The cave is kinda like a slide down, so there's no way of going back up."

"Alright!" Littlefoot cheers happily, knowing that finally he can get home, "Let's go, Rex!" He says as he runs toward the cave, but noticing that Rex isn't following, he stops and looks back at the winged sharptooth, "Rex?"

Suddenly, Kumo and Bull's loud roars echo up to the mountain where the children are standing.

"Kumo!" Rex cries as he looks down the mountain. Even as high as they are, Rex could clearly see Kumo and Bull fighting down there, their blood all over the boulders below as more wounds are inflicted on their bodies. Both of them have few wounds, it's a miracle they haven't torn each other to shreds by now. Kumo only suffers injuries from his muzzle, right arm and legs, also a slight wound on his neck. While Bull suffers injuries from his chest, back, and muzzle. Both of them seem to be suffering an equal amount of bleeding. Bull snarls and attacks again, which provokes Kumo to attack as well. Both sharpteeth meet teeth to teeth, claw to claw. Clawing and biting each other, blood spilling on the ground with every movement they make. Bull lands a vicious slash to Kumo's chest, which releases a loud cry of agony from Kumo's mouth. Up above, Rex can't take seeing Kumo getting further damage, he shakes his head as he raises his head and vision away from the sight below, gritting his teeth.

"Kumo needs help…" Rex tells the others, "I'm going down there to help him or else he's going to die!"

The children's eyes widen, unable to believe the fact that they're very close to going back home, Rex wants to postpone his homecoming. Not only are they scared of never making it back home in case something happens, but they're also scared that Rex might not make it back either.

Littlefoot shook his head at the thought, "Rex, no!" he pleaded, trying not to make his blue sharptooth friend go through with the risk, exclusively knowing how dangerous Bull is.

Chomper shook his head, and then stepped up to Rex, "I'm going with you too!"

Chomper's decision made the children gasps, adding up to their fears of losing not only one friend, but two friends.

"You can count me in, too!" Yu added, adding more to the tension of the children's.

"Are you three crazy!" Cera asks irritated, "You could get killed!"

"I don't think so," Rex assures, "With Chomper and Yu's help, along with Kumo's, we're be alright."

"But…" Cera begins to protest, but the words just don't seem to come out.

"Look Cera…" Yu begins, "I may be a sharptooth, an enemy of your kind, but Rex's my friend. And any friend of Rex's is a friend of mine, and I bowed to never hurt my own friends." He smiled at Rex as he said those words, he remembers when he first met Rex, how he lost his grip and attacked him, ending up hurting his muzzle himself. But with Rex's help, he overcame that little habit of attacking anything he sees.

"See guys?" Rex asks, "We'll be OK. But you guys need to go on back home."

"But what about you?" Littlefoot asks, his eyes begin to get moist from that sadness inside that grows with every thought of losing his best friend.

"I'll be fine Littlefoot, don't worry about me." Rex assures his longneck friend, "You see…Littlefoot. I can't go back to the Great Valley…"

Littlefoot's eyes widen as he listens to what Rex is saying, he can't go back to the Great Valley?

"Well…At least not now," Rex adds, "There's still some questions I want answers to, and I can't find them if I go back to the Great Valley."

"But…" Littlefoot begins, "Your home is in the Great Valley with me, you can't leave and never come back."

"I'll be back Littlefoot, I promise," Rex assures, "I'll be back as soon as I find my answers."

"Ahem," Jaser clears his throat, "If you guys are done talking, we need your friends to go into the cave, we don't know if Bull will decide to ignore you three and go after these leaf eaters."

Rex nods, "Yeah, you're right." He turns to the children, "I'm serious now, you all have families to go to back in the Great Valley, they all miss you very much and they want you back!"

The talk about their families have touched their hearts and soul, indeed they miss their families too. They couldn't wait to go back home, but leaving Rex behind in the Mysterious Beyond is like the ultimate sin for them. But Rex is far too determined to leave behind his plans and go back home, so convincing him is out of the question.

"…Just…Just be careful," Cera managed to say, a hint of sadness in her voice, "I don't want to have to come back home with your dead body." She managed to say in her trademark sarcastic yet meaning comments.

"Are…Are you sure about this?" Ducky asks, breaking tears.

"I'm sure," Rex softy replies as he rubs Ducky's head, though his kneeling down pose is perfect for Spike to land a good lick to his face. "Hahah, alright Spike, cut it out, I'll miss you too."

"Hurry up now!" Jaser reminds as he hears another roar from the fight below, this time belonging to Bull.

"Me gonna miss you!" Petrie announces as he flies circles around Rex's head and lands a hug to his neck.

"Hehehe, I'll miss you too, Petrie." Rex also announces as he pets Petrie.

As soon as Petrie released from the hug he flew to Cera, Spike and Ducky, who are already headed to the cave…All except Littlefoot, who keeps staring at Rex with his eyes even more moist than before. Rex gives a long sigh and kneels down in front of Littlefoot.

"Littlefoot…I know you're scared of never seeing me again, but…I promise, with all my heart, I will come back to you and our grandparents."

Littlefoot makes a choked sniff as he turns his head a bit away from Rex, the sound of him mentioning "our" grandparents instead of "your" grandparents have touched his soul. Rex no longer has a doubt to where he belongs, though both of them are from two different species and incompatible, these two have broken that way of life and formed a bond with each other, just like Chomper and his family did in the past. Littlefoot begins to shed tears, and submitting to the sadness, he turns to Rex and gives him a hug, resting his long neck on Rex's shoulder as he embraces his sharptooth friend.

"I'm going to miss you…" Littlefoot whispers.

"Well…Heheh, don't be…" Rex replies as he returns the hug, "I'll be back before you know it…"

"I'd hate to break up this moment," Pascal comments out, making Littlefoot and Rex to look at him, "But I believe that you have a friend down there that needs some help?" He continues with a question as another roar echoes up unto the mountain, this time from Kumo.

Rex nods and looks at Littlefoot, "Time to go home, eh Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot managed to shed a soft smile, but his eyes are still watering from this temporary departure from his friend. He starts for the cave, where the others are standing, waiting for Littlefoot to join them into the cave that will take them home. One by one, they enter the cave, each one looking back at Rex, who's waving goodbye to them with a carefree emotion and soft smile while Chomper by his side, waving goodbye with a smile, happy to see them again yet sad to see them go.

Littlefoot stops, and then turns his head back to Rex before disappearing into the cave. Rex watches as that silhouette that belongs to his longneck friend disappears into the shadows of the cave. Though another roar breaks through Rex's train of thought, he sprints to the edge of the cave and looks down, seeing that Bull has managed to get Kumo on the ground.

"Kumo!" Rex cries out, and then turns to Chomper and Yu. "We have to help him! C'mon guys!"

Chomper and Yu nod, ready to head down the mountain and help Kumo. Rex nods and flies down the mountain, using his wings to his advantage. Chomper and Yu begin to descend the mountain as well, as fast as they can. Pascal nods at Jaser and they both begin pushing the huge boulder to block the cave entrance of which Littlefoot and the others went through, back into their home…

"One more thing…" Pascal reminds as he walks over and places his hand on a huge boulder at the edge of the cliff where Rex and the other two descended, "They'll need our help…"

Back down the mountain, Kumo is lying on the ground, getting up while coughing. Bull has just recently tail slammed his stomach, sending him to the ground and coughing.

"So much talk and less walk…" Bull said as he approaches Kumo and places his foot on his back, ready to thrust the long, sharp claw that is positioned behind Bull's foot into Kumo's back, ready to destroy his spine and paralyze him.

"Time to finish you…"

But…Right before Bull could have a chance at it, a blue winged sharptooth from above slams down between Bull and Kumo, forcing the sharptooth velociraptor to fumble back and stare in anger at the sharptooth in front of him.

"You!" Bull growls.

Kumo shakes his head and looks up. "You're…Staying behind?"

Rex smirks, "Not leaving you behind to let yourself get killed. Besides, I'm not done yet here in the Mysterious Beyond."

Kumo manages to chuckle at this. "Stubborn, aren't we?"

Rex shrugs, still eyeing Bull. "You could say that."

As Kumo finally gets up on his feet, Chomper and Yu makes it to the bottom. Bull is now starting to get worried, first he only had to deal with one, but now he has to deal with a total of four sharpteeth, Rex, Chomper, Yu, and Kumo. The velociraptor backs away while snarling, getting backed up to the mountain's wall. The sun is now in its final stages before reaching the end of the day and the beginning of nightfall; surely Bull is going to meet his end at the same time as his brother, night.

Kumo growls, ready to pounce and shred Bull apart, but a rumble from above forces him to stop and reflect about the noise. He looks down at the rumbling pebbles, then looks up to see a chain of boulders crumbling down the mountain's trail as each one strikes other loose boulders to join the freefall.

"Ugh! Rockslide!" Kumo shouts in frustration.

Everyone looks up at horror at the tremendous power of the earth comes crashing down and crush them into the earth. The amount of boulders is too much to find safe ground quickly, practically hundreds of boulders, big and small, are heading down a freefall toward them. Bull barely avoids being crushed by a boulder, but as he took time to recover and look up, a boulder, a huge one, came straight down upon him. And without a chance to even cry out, the boulder slams unto Bull, crushing him underneath.

Rex, Yu and Chomper gasp as the boulder crushed Bull underneath, the agonizing pain of being buried under a one ton boulder being imagined in their minds. Though this slight distraction costs them dearly as another boulder falls to the ground, landing between Rex and Yu.

"Agh! Look out!" Rex cries out as the boulders begin to drop to the ground and completely endanger the lives of them all. The boulders begin to touch ground as the small group of sharptooth try to take cover. And after a while, the rockslide subsided, huge amount of boulders mounted up at the bottom, it doesn't seem anything have survived…



The camera zooms into the Great Valley on a cliff region a bit high up in the bordering mountains, where a cave is located. From inside comes out Littlefoot, and then followed by Cera, Petrie, and Ducky and Spike. They look around the night time scenery of the Great Valley, happiness in their faces. They then begin their descent down a steep hill toward the Great Valley, eager to see their families again.

"And whatever happened to our sharpteeth adventurers?"

"Well…Someday, I'll reveal that to you…When we meet again."

The light of dawn pours
Over the vast Earth.

Back at the Mysterious Beyond, Yu's clan is seen headed toward the north, leaded by Braun, Druce and Tamal.

And marks the beginning
Of our journey.

Yu's father walks behind the three sharpteeth of the Arich clan, eager to see his son again but still doubting his trust on these three. He looks behind to check the status of his clan, though wounded, they're still hanging in there.

With our eyes on the future.
I deeply breathe in the rushing wind.

Back at where the rockslide took place, Pascal and Jaser are sitting on top of a boulder, talking to each other about something, laughing and chuckling at the conversation. Pascal points at the distance as he spots something, and soon both of them are standing up on the boulder and waving their arms, signaling their location to the incoming group of sharpteeth, Yu's clan.

The eyes that could only
Speak in dreams.

Behind Pascal and Jaser, a small yet big enough opening is seen. Inside lies a pretty deep cave. Lying on the ground unconscious are Rex, Yu and Chomper, all three of them just bruised and dirty from the rockslide. Rex's eyes squint, showing returning of consciousness.

Presented us with the path
We're to take.

Soon after, Yu and Chomper's eyes begin to squint, also gaining back consciousness. All three of them are alive, lucky are they to have survived the rockslide.

Fly to the Neverland.

Also, sitting down with his back rested on the cave's wall resides Kumo, his wounds a bit better and the blood dried on his skin.

Awaken the unlimited courage
Inside of us.

The screen darkens as again the camera shows Yu's clan approaching them while Pascal and Jaser wave their arms, signaling their position…