Background music: Hikari –KINGDOM Orchestra- from the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack

Screen shows black as the following appear

Sometimes people are what they are…
And they have an excuse…

But me…
I'm different…

Raised and taught by leaf-eaters…
I can eat meat and green food…

But based on my race, I'm supposed to prefer meat…

I never ate meat and never will…
I prefer green food anyway…

I have received my first taste of blood and meat…
And now I prefer meat…

But eating meat might not be so bad…
Or maybe…It is…

The screen shines a white light and shows the Great Valley

The camera moves along the valley at a slow pace, showing dinosaur children playing around in the valley and laughing.

The camera shifts scenes to the top of a tree, showing a mysterious blue-green dinosaur with wings peaking through a hole between the abundant leaves, spying on a group of familiar dinosaur group of children.

The scene changes to the outside of the valley in raw twilight as the sun begins to set and the moon begins to rise. Two velociraptors approaching a bush.

One of the velociraptors push away at the bush, revealing a hole in the Great Valley's protective mountain walls.

The screen changes after that, showing that same blue-green dinosaur from before standing in a dark area, looking under him at the strangely white cloud at a shadow too great to be his. He looks up and jumps out of the shadow's path, an adult longneck falling right where he was standing.

The blue-green dinosaur shakes his head and slowly stands up, turning around to see at the dead longneck lying on the ground.

The scene changes once again into a close-up of Littlefoot. He turns around, shouts: "If they're going to banish him to the Mysterious Beyond then I'm going with him," he then turns and runs away somewhere.

The scene changes again, showing the blue-green dinosaur looking up at a giant boulder where two velociraptors are standing, looking angry.

The scene changes again, showing a corpse of a dinosaur, the dinosaur herd residing in the Great Valley huddled up at the corpse, staring and talking. Cera's father turns to Littlefoot's grandpa and shouts: "That little runt has gotten into meat-eating!"
The camera shifts to Littlefoot's grandpa, who states: "Just one minute. How can you tell that he was responsible for that slaughter?"
Cera's father turns to Littlefoot's grandpa and shouts: "This is your fault longneck! I say take him out to the Mysterious Beyond!"
Littlefoot's grandpa turns to Cera's father and says: "Are you mad? He's just a child…"

The scene changes, showing the blue-green dinosaur sit up from his slumber in pants and heavy breaths. He closes his eyes in anger buries his head in his hands.

The scene changes again to a forested area outside of the Great Valley, Cera shouting at Littlefoot as he is running off somewhere: "He's a sharptooth! He doesn't belong with us anymore!"

The scene changes, the blue-green dinosaur landing on the ground from the sky with the help of his wings, but as he looks around he gets slammed unto his sides by a tail, sending him down onto the ground. He gets on his hands and knees, gasping a bit for breath and raises his head, glaring at his attacker.

The scene changes, showing Littlefoot sitting besides the same blue-green dinosaur on top of a cliff, a pile of tree stars in front of them. Littlefoot talks to the dinosaur, but the dinosaur just sighs and hangs his head in sadness.

Another scene change, showing the blue-green dinosaur running away from something in a swamp, but he stops in his tracks as a blue-green velociraptor jumps in front of him, roaring in his face. But as the velociraptor lunges to attack, the blue-green dinosaur jumps out of the way, having the velociraptor smack unto a tree.

The scene changes again, showing the blue-green dinosaur running toward the edge of the cliff, stopping and gasping what lies in front of him. In a giant overview of a desert land, a battle between two clans of velociraptors fight it out, letting the blue-green dino in horror. The dinosaur blinks, but he turns his head to spot something in the rocks, something familiar. He blinks, and with his wings he jumps down off the cliff and to where he spotted the thing, and he runs to it as soon as he touches ground.

The scene changes to a river with the blue-green dinosaur being helped out of the river by Littlefoot. The blue-green dinosaur coughs up some water and gets up, he says something to Littlefoot and then suddenly something else grabs their attention. They turn to the river and see a sharptooth, eerie similar to the blue-green dinosaur, but without a pair of wings. Littlefoot and the blue-green dinosaur gasp at this, while the sharptooth just grins slightly.

The scene changes again to a rocky area, the blue-green dinosaur battered with wounds on his chest and forehead. He glares at his attacker, charges and slashes vertically at his attacker; the scene fades into white during this attack. The scene then fades in to black and the title is revealed.


The title logo fades out after 4 seconds…

Even if you are different…

Even if you are the enemy type…

A chance of trust is deserved…

And a strong heart to follow in…