A/N~ Sorry for the wait people but some serious things have happened and so I didn't much think of updating but since it's Christmas break I can update all I want.

Disclaimer~ Go back to any of the other chapters.


~A Park In The Middle States Of The U.S.A~

"So what do you think?" A man with moss green hair and black eyes asked, scanning over the park that held children, teens, and adults.

"I think it will work nicely." Another man said. He had light purple hair and magenta eyes. "Has the boss ever steered us wrong?"

"So, we begin." The first man said, unsheathing two katanas.


"This is their leader? This little pansy?" Yusuke asked, barely able to keep from laughing at the man in the picture. The man had long, light pink hair and bright pink eyes. He looked like a toothpick, hells he was a toothpick. Compared to him, Keiko looked like Hercules.

Kuwabara on the other hand was rolling on the ground laughing his head off. You could hear his painful gasps for air quite easily.

Hiei, Dan, and Cahadras were all gaping at the picture. How was this guy suppose to be one of the most powerful Youkai lords and have an army set on destroying the human world so he can rule?

Kurama stayed silent lost in his own thoughts but he couldn't help thinking. 'People think I look like a female, look at this guy. Or, at least I think it's a guy.'

Yusuke spoke up exactly what Kurama was thinking.

"This, uh, thing is just so. Kurama, whoever said you looked like a chick has obviously never seen this guy, and they disserve to be shot."

Kurama looked over at Yusuke.

"Then I suppose is our last time speaking. We'll really miss you Yusuke."

"I didn't mean me. I mean yeah, I thought you looked kinda girly the first time I saw you, but come on, that was before I saw this guy. You understand right?"

Kurama opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by someone poking his face.

"I see no resemblance to a chick." Sakura, who had just appeared on top of the couch behind Kurama, said. "Sure, he has long hair but still, you can tell by the face." She poked him again to prove her point.

"Welcome back." Dan said. "So how'd you get here?"

"Oh, I have my ways." She placed both of her hands on Kurama's head and pushed herself, doing a handspring over him and landed on the coffee table. She kneeled down and picked up the picture. "Wow, she's pretty." She said examining the picture.

"The she that you refer to." Dan said. "Is actually a guy."

"Kyaaa!" Sakura screamed and fell off the table as the picture flew from her grip. "That's disgusting. It's like a cross-dresser. No it's worse, cross-dressers get me into casinos and are hella cool but this guy, oh the horror."

Cahadras looked at the girl twitching on the ground. "It's like living back in Vegas isn't it."

"No, there were lights and shiny things there."

Kurama's eyes brightened a little at the mentioning of shiny things.

"Where's the other chick?" Yusuke asked.

"Who knows." Cahadras said. "She probably got lost again."

"Nope, nope, I'm here." Shinma said walking into the room.

"I won't even ask where you came from." Dan said.

"Nice to know you care." Shinma said and walked over to the table. She picked up the glass vase filled with callalilies and threw it at Sakura, which made a direct hit with her head.

"Owie." Sakura whined. "Why must you hurt me so."

Shinma didn't answer, instead she walked over to a closet and opened it to reveal similar glass vases stacked on the shelves. She grabbed on and walked into the kitchen. When she returned it was filled with water. She walked over to the floored Sakura and picked up the flowers then placed them into the new vase.

Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama just stared at this odd behavior. Who really kept a closet full of glass vases?

Shinma dusted herself off.

"There, good as new."

"Except for my head." Sakura yelled.

"No one cares."

Hie was ready to hightail it out of there. To many crazy people and all in the same room, especially the Cahadras girl. She kept giving him death glares, which he would return. He wasn't about to get shown up by this girl.

Cahadras' headband started to glow then died down. She then glared at Hiei.

"So you think we're crazy huh?"

"Damn strait."

"Oh, I'll show you crazy." She yelled and dived at him, which led to a battle rumble.

Sakura sat up.

"I love free entertainment."

"Don't you think you should do something about that glass." Kurama pointed out.

"Oh yeah." Sakura snapped her fingers and the glass disappeared. "All done."

"Hey, what's this?" Yusuke asked and picked up a large book that was 12x13 inches and at least 6 inches thick. The cover was made of oak and had strange, ancient carvings in it.

"What if I told you that was my life history?" Sakura asked him.

"Then you must be older then I thought, and by the looks of it you're not very old."

"Only a few hundred years, I lost count a while back. I'm just joking about the life story. It's my Book of Shadows."

Yusuke raised an eyebrow. "Your Book Of what?"

"Book Of Shadows. I'm Wiccan, you gotta problem with that?"

"And what does it do?"

Sakura walked over to him and grabbed the book. She placed it on the table and opened it.

"It holds spells, rituals, all that good stuff."

Yusuke looked at the words.

"All I understand is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What in hells is this writing?"

"It's the ancient Kitsune language." Kurama said looking it over. "Did you make this?"

"Yep." Sakura said proudly.

"Then you must be as old as you say you are. The ones who spoke this died centuries ago."

"Yeah, my family."

"You must be older then 900 years."

Sakura put her hands up in defense. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I ain't that old. More on the lines of four or five hundred."

"But these people died before you were even born then."

"Or so you think. My family has passed it down generation from generation so it never died."

"If only I understood what you were talking about then I could take part of this discussion." Dan said.

Shinma nodded.

"I know how you feel."

"Something's missing." Yusuke said.

"What would that be?" Kurama asked.

"It's to quiet. Where's Kuwabara?"

The group (besides Hiei and Cahadras) looked around and found there was no Kuwabara.

"Did he runaway?" Shinma asked.

"He went into Sakura's room." Dan said.

"My room? Why in hells is he in my room?" Sakura asked. Her eyes widened as it struck her. There was an actual guy in her room, without her supervision, doing things. She placed her hand in her pocket and brought out her bat. "Now, he dies." She said and toke off towards her room.

Shinma laughed nervously. "Heh heh, she doesn't like guys in her room, touching her things. She also doesn't like them in her space, her little bubble, which is very big. She has her reasons."

"Sucks to be Kuwabara." Yusuke whistled.

Sakura soon entered dragging Kuwabara by the collar of his shirt.

"He was playing my PS2. Not only that, but he was playing Final Fantasy X- 2." She screamed. "Although he did get me further and get three more spheres and saved every chance he got. Plus raise the levels on all of my girls and get more garmetgrids that's beside the point. He was still in my room and therefore, I get to kill him."

"Now is that really appropriate?" Kurama asked.

"But he was in my room, and he touched stuff."

"He played your game, and helped you out. Now is that really something to kill him over?"

"But he was in my room, an he touched stuff."

"Yes, we know. Just don't kill him."

Sakura looked from Kurama to Kuwabara before releasing him.


"Can I go play that again?" Kuwabara asked.

"No." Sakura snapped.

"Someone's cranky."

"Bite me kitty boy."

"What did you say?"

Sakura hit the bat against her hand.

"I'm still armed, are you sure you want to push me?"

Kuwabara toke a step back and shock his head.

"That's a good boy."

A sudden beeping brought everyone's attention towards Yusuke (including Hiei and Cahadras). He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his communicator then flipped it open.

"Yusuke!" Botan yelled.

"You don't have to yell Botan." Yusuke told her.

"Yes, I know but it's very urgent."

"What is it Botan?" Kurama asked.

"The demons that you're after. They just attacked a park in the U.S. They killed over 400 people who were there. One-third of them were only children under 10."

Shinma and Sakura gasped and looked at each other with wide-eyes.

"They said it was only the beginning. All of you had better get on it before they can kill anymore innocent people." Botan said before the screen went blank.

No one said anything, just stared and the empty screen.

Sakura growled and punched the wall next to her. Her fist went right through it before she pulled it out and walked off towards her room.

Cahadras answered what everyone had been thinking.

"Something that happened in the past. Something's bring back memories."

Dan placed his head in his hands and stared at the ground.

"Let's go." Yusuke said standing up. "The sooner we kill them the better. Unless you want them to kill more people."

Kurama stood up.

"Agreed. Shinma, if you could go get Sakura then we can be on out way."

Shinma nodded and headed towards Sakura's room.

Without anyone's noticing, Dan's eyes were slowly changing.


A/N~ Well there you go. They're finally off to their mission, some especially pissed. Oh joy.