A/N~ Yo, here I am again with a new fic. I swear, I'm going to kill myself with writing all of these but that's okay.

Disclaimer~ Like always I own nothing. I don't own Dan fore he owns himself. Cahadras owns herself and so does Shinma. I have yet to own Yu Yu Hakusho. So as you can clearly see, I come out empty handed, AGAIN!!! At least I own myself, but that's not much to be proud of. Now to get to my plans on owning all Anime that I like.

The sounds of shoes slapping against the wet pavement echoed through the narrow dark alleyway. It was midnight and the rain poured down hard. The outlines of two figures walking came into place. Soon the figure's details could be seen in the darkness. The first one, a girl who had dark brown hair with blue highlights that was held up with two chopsticks. Her eyes were hazel and slowly the emerald green shade toke over the brown color. She stood 5'7 and wore a black skintight tank top with large, baggy black jeans. Everything she wore was black, from her clothes to her make-up and ending with her nail polish. The second one, who was also a girl, had long platinum blonde hair with red highlights. Her eyes were an inhuman color of crimson. She stood 5'4. Her clothes and make-up were also nothing but black, her clothes were similar to the first girls except her top ended just above her bellybutton. The two walked strait through the rain, either not noticing or not caring they were soaking wet and the water had started to drip from their bodies.

"They're coming." The first girl said, not looking at the other girl or changing the pace of her stride. The other girl nodded.

"I don't feel like dealing with scum at the moment, how about you?" She asked bordly.

"I'll do it." The first girl said. "Even cheap thrills are still thrills."



As on cue a group of boys rounded the corner talking loudly but grew silent as they looked at the two rain-drenched girls that now stood in front of them. The smeared make-up and wet clothes gave them vulnerability and helplessness that the group thought they picked up on. They looked from one to another and one of them that the girls had guessed was the leader smirked and nodded. Four of the guys in the group walked up to the two.

"Now what are two beautiful women doing out this late in the rain." One of them asked in a silky voice. "There are bad people who would love to have their way with you two. Maybe you should come with us and we'll protect you."

"Or rape us." The second girl said without emotion.

"Now why would we do that?" Another one asked as they came closer.

"Because you're disgusting, honor-less men who get their kicks from fucking innocent girls." The first one snarled.

The four men lunged at the two and slammed them against the brick wall.

"Now, now, now." One of them said. "If you behave then we'll be real gentle."

"Not a chance in hell." The second girl screamed and jumped up, kicking the two in the gut and they fell to the ground, hitting their heads against the pavement. "And I really didn't want to get involved with these pity folks."

"Looks like you are now." The first girl said. She brought her hands to her hair and pulled the two chopsticks out, letting her hair fall down to her mid-back. The chopsticks caught the light and reflected them, showing that they were really metal instead of wood. She stabbed each guy with one in the stomach and then quickly pulled them out with blood smeared on them. She then kicked them to the ground.

A guy with a knife came after the blonde hair girl and swung it at her. She quickly ducked and upper-cutted him and he flew into some garbage cans.

"You wanna play?" The brunette asked running towards the group. "Then let's play my way." She jumped up, doing a full flip over them and smashing two of their heads together. When she landed she did a 180 spin and kicked one of them to the ground.

"Fuck this shit. These bitches are strong." One of them yelled and the group toke off, leaving the others there injured.

"Fools." The brunette said and walked over to the two she had stabbed. She kneeled down next to them and put one hand above each of their wounds. She closed her eyes and mumbled a chant. Light blue light emerged from her hands and sprinkled down into their wounds, making them close almost completely before she pulled her hands away. "I don't want them two die, I can't have Emma after us, now what kind of friend would that make me?" She wiped the blood on her chopsticks away on their shirts and placed them neatly back into her hair. She stood up and walked over to the other girl. "Shall we leave, dear Shinma?"

"But of course dear Sakura."

The two continued their previous pace down the alley.

"Don't worry boys." Sakura said without turning around. "We won't be here when you wake up from your nap, by then we'll be long gone, fore we have a date with Tokyo. Ja Ne." She looked over her shoulder, brought her hand next to her face, made a gun sign and flicked her wrist up. "Bang." As she turned around a glimpse of cheery red hair, two red fox ears, and a red fox tail could be seen, but only for a split second.


"No mom, I don't wanna go to school." A boy moaned in his sleep. He was resting peacefully in his first period class, although the dream wasn't one of the best, it still wasn't the worst. This boy was not like others, he was Urameshi Yusuke, spirit detective for Lord Koenma, prince of the spirit world. A girl by the name of Keiko nudged him awake.

The boy next to him was Kazuma Kuwabara, another member of the team. He sat doodling nothings in his notebook along with the occasional "I love Yukina."

The teacher, Kotomoto-sensai (I can't remember his name) was droning on and on about Gods know what. Someone knocked on the door, interrupting Kotomoto. He cursed under his breath and walked over to the door and opened it. "Well hello Kwazimoto. (Spelling?) What brings you here?"

"I have 4 new transfer students from America." Kwazimoto said. "I hope you make them feel right at home. It isn't easy to change homes as sudden as these 4 have."

Kotomoto nodded. "Of course Kwazimoto."

Kwazimoto turned to three girls and a boy and smiled brightly at them. "I hope your first day goes well."

The four students bowed slightly and walked passed him.

"Later Kwazimoto!" A brunette girl yelled. "Sama." She added quickly after getting a glare from him.

When the door closed shut, Kwazimoto chuckled to himself. "Kids." He said aloud and walked to his office.

"Class." Kotomoto said and lead the four in front of the room. "We have four new transfer students from America with us."

The class groaned. The shortest girl who had brown hair and red highlights and a silver headband around her forehead gave everyone a death glare with her hazel eyes. The boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes didn't seem to notice, or he just didn't care. The girl with brown hair and the other girl with blonde hair were whispering quietly to each other.

"Introduce yourselves, tell us about yourselves." Kotomoto instructed.

The blonde girl stepped up. "Well I'm Batosi Shinma, I like music, drawing, anime, fire and Ramen."

The girl with brown hair laughed a little and stepped up, wrapping her arm around Shinma's shoulders. "I'm Batosi Sakura, Shinma's sister. I like music, drawing, anime, headbanging, moshing, fire, pointy objects, shiny things, night, rain, and food. Oh yeah, and if any of you make any advances on my sisters." Her eyes narrowed. "Let's just say there will be 'accidents' in your future."

The other girl and boy stayed silent.

"Looks like we gotta introduce them." Shinma said and stepped next to the girl who had all black on just like the other two girls and was extremely short. This is Cahadras, our other sister, she likes fighting, trees, night, rain, and sweetsnow. She's kinda shy and quiet." Shinma said, getting a glare from Cahadras.

Sakura stepped next to the boy who was inches taller then her. "This is Christopher Daniel. He's really good with swords, tonfas, and bo-staffs. Somewhere under all these shirts and sweatshirts are muscles." She said poking his stomach. Daniel just rolled his eyes as if he dealt with this everyday.

"You four can sit wherever you want." Kotomoto said. "And some advice, that boy in the back in the green is Urameshi, if you don't want trouble stay away from him. I also expect you four to get the required uniform. "

Shinma and Sakura saluted him. "We don't need his help to get in trouble, when can do it all by ourselves." They said in unison and gagged at the uniform statement.. They locked arms and marched to the back of the room. Cahadras and Dan followed behind but kept a reasonable amount of distance from the two crazy girls.

"Keiko." Kotomoto said. "I would like you to escort them around the school and city. Understand."

"Hai, Kotomoto-sensai." Keiko nodded.

Yusuke gave a silent cheer. If Keiko had to escort the new kids then their date would be canceled. Keiko glared at Yusuke.

"Don't start celebrating just yet Yusuke." Keiko whispered. "You're just coming with me to escort them around."

Yusuke's face dropped and he blink a couple of times. "Come on Keiko, I'm gonna be bored if you make me go."

"Fine, you can bring Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei if you want but you will help me escort them, with your friends or not."

Yusuke sunk into his seat and pouted. He wasn't about to argue with her, he didn't much feel like having bumps on his head, and it was only first period. There was still plenty of time to get hit. Yusuke smirked pervertedly and hope lunch would hurry up so he could get a look or two at what was under Keiko's skirt.


"Remind me why were going along with this little game?" A short boy with black spiky hair with a white zigzag through it asked.

"Now Hiei, you really need to get out of Makai and explore Ningenkai more." A boy with long red hair said.

"I see no reason to communicate with these ningens. How you deal with it Kurama is beyond me."

Kurama sighed and looked at Yusuke. "Where were we suppose to meet Keiko and Botan?"

Yusuke shrugged. "She said to meet here but."

As on cue, Keiko ran up, dragging Botan by the arm behind her. "Hey." She yelled and waved. When they reached them Keiko let go of Botan's arm and smiled.

"So where are we suppose to meet them?" Yusuke asked.

"In the park. Come on." Keiko grabbed Yusuke's hand and led him and the group to the park. They entered the park but there was no sign of the four new students. "Great, they didn't even show up." Keiko mumbled to herself. She looked at the trees and saw a black body sitting lazily on a tall branch. "There they are." She said and led them once again.

After going down a few trails and through a few bushes they entered a quiet area where not much human contact had been made. Suddenly the sound of quick music filled the air and they went through the last area of bushes to find Cahadras laying on a high tree branch, Dan sitting against the same tree reading a book, Shinma and Sakura were dancing and sing along to the American dance music that they had on.

You and me we have an opportunity And we could make it something really cool But you, you think I'm not that kind of girl I'm here to tell ya baby I know how to rock your world Don't think that I'm not strong I'm the one to take you on Don't underestimate me boy I'll make you sorry you were born You don't know me the way you really should You're sure misunderstood Don't call me baby You gotta learn that baby that'll never do You know I don't belong to you It's time you knew I'm not your baby I belong to me So don't call me baby

Behind my smile is my IQ I must admit this does not sit with the likes of you You're really sweet Mmmm.. you're really nice But didn't mama ever tell ya not to play with fire Don't think that I'm not strong I'm the one to take you on Don't underestimate me boy I'll make you sorry you were born You don't know me the way you really should You're sure misunderstood Don't call me baby You gotta learn that baby that'll never do You know I don't belong to you It's time you knew I'm not your baby I belong to me So don't call me baby

You gotta learn that baby that'll never do You know I don't belong to you It's time you knew I'm not your baby I belong to me So don't call me baby

The two girl's movements were made at the exact same time and they had a strange grace to them, something unnatural about it. As soon as that song was done another one came up and the two started screaming and headbanging.

Dan pressed the 'Stop' button, ending their headbanging section. Without looking up from his book he muttered a simple "Visitors."

Cahadras shrugged, she could care less, and if she didn't bother with them when she first felt their presence then she wasn't going to bother then. She decided it was much better to have her eyes lazily closed then to greet them.

Sakura and Shinma stopped headbanging and looked up. Shinma threw her hair over her shoulders since it was in her face. Sakura grabbed hers and put it up in a high ponytail, leaving her bangs that covered her forehead.

Sakura nodded. "Yo."

Shinma smiled. "Hey, how you doin'?"

Botan smiled brightly. "That was great, where did you two learn to dance?"

Sakura and Shinma turned to each other and blinked a couple of times. They then turned back to Botan. "Jazz/Pop Ballet." They said at the same time. They looked at each other again and then back at Botan. "Pop Ballet/Jazz." Sakura gave an annoyed sigh.

"We started out doing Jazz when we were young and then started Pop Ballet as we got older." Sakura said and got a nod from Shinma.

"So you three are sisters?" Botan asked and pointed to the three girls. Shinma and Sakura nodded. "Is he your brother?" She asked pointing at Dan.

"Uh." Shinma said. "No, he's our cousin. Yeah, our cousin."

"You three don't look alike." Yusuke pointed out.

Sakura shrugged. "You don't have to look like your siblings, is there a law here that says that you have to look alike."

"No, not really."

"Then all's well in Hell." Sakura nodded. "So who are these people, I only know you three."

Botan smiled even more brightly. "I'm Botan. That's Shuuichi and that's Hiei." She said pointing to each boy.

"Hey, I'm Shinma, she's Sakura, she's Cahadras, and he's Dan." Shinma said, pointing to each person.

"How very touchy feely like." Sakura said. "Now that we all know each other let's not do that again."

Shinma punched her in the arm. "Shut up Sakura, be nice."

"Never!" Sakura yelled and fell to the ground in a cross leg position. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Dan said, still not looking up.

"We have to show you around so I guess we could all go get something to eat." Keiko said.

Dan sighed and closed his book. For the first time he looked up. "To bad, can't go, I have." Dan froze when he looked at Yusuke. A flood of memories came crashing down upon him and his eyes grew wide in confusion and fear. He quickly whipped his head to the side and closed his eyes quickly. He jumped up and walked away quickly before anyone could say anything.

"Is he alright?" Botan asked, watching his retreating figure.

"He's fine." Shinma said. "I think he's just late for work."

Sakura jumped up. "Work!" She yelled and grabbed Shinma's wrist looking at her watch. She gave a sigh of relief and fell back to the ground. "Never mind, I still have an hour before I have to under go torture."

"I think the poor children have to go through more torture then you." Cahadras said lazily.

"What do you do?" Keiko asked.

"Baby-sit." Sakura shrugged. "They're evil I tell you, evil."

"Then why do you do it?" Kuwabara asked.

"Cause they're cute."

"When they're not screaming or crying." Shinma pointed out.

Sakura nodded. "True."

"Well, let's go, now I'm hungry." Yusuke said.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too." Shinma looked up at Cahadras. "Come on Cahadras, food."

Cahadras opened her eyes and looked down at everyone. She shrugged and rolled off the branch, landing gracefully on her feet.

"Where we going?" Sakura asked.

"Sweet snow." Hiei and Cahadras said in unison. They looked at each other with confusion written all over their face. "Don't say what I'm saying. Shut up. No you. I'm going to kill you." They yelled at each other at exactly the same time.

Everyone who watch the event sweat dropped.


Dan walked down the sidewalk towards the store he worked at where he unloaded boxes and supplies.

"What's going on?" He whispered to himself. "What was that? I'm going crazy. I must be. Why did the visions feel so real though, like I was there? I think moving across the globe has made me lose my mind."

He stopped infront of the store's double doors and toke a deep breath. His thoughts would just have to wait until his job was finished.

A/N~ Well there you go. What is wrong with Dan? Will Hiei and Cahadras stop fighting? Will I ever shut up and get the next chapter up? Why are you people looking at me? Leave me alone!