Disclaimer: Not mine


*Happy Ending-These last two chapters have been redone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you read the previous chapter, you can go down to the fourth little '.~.' thing.

The bed on which Kitsune lay was comfortable. She was aware of that and couldn't help but feel happy about it. There was more to it however.

The guilt.

It was coursing through her veins with the vivacity of a flower in its youth. She was guilty, she was dying and it was all her fault.

A few uncalled for tears made their way down her cheeks. The grooves were being used again. She sniffed as those paramedics around her hurriedly tried to control her coughing fits, internal bleeding and tears. Whispers of encouragement were given to her but Kitsune didn't hear them.

She heard congratulations. "Congratulations, Kitsune! You've gone and done a Grade A job of trying to kill yourself! No wait! You have killed yourself!"

It wasn't that easy, accepting the fact that this predicament was all her fault. If she had said yes to Kentaro's offer to go somewhere else, she wouldn't be here in a hospital bed. She wouldn't be absolutely still because of the pain that concentrated around her throat and liver. She wouldn't have blood lining her lips, or splayed over her hands or clothes. In fact, she would have clean clothes.

And she wouldn't feel as guilty.

Off to the side, Kitsune heard a pop. She looked over and saw a nurse shuffling through her purse, looking for identification. The paramedic found her work card and looked over it, taking in Kitsune's home phone number.

She reached for the phone set up in the ambulance and dialed. Kitsune waited expectedly. The pressure on Kitsune became enormous. How would the family react to this?

Shinobu, to whom she promised she'd abstain from alcohol, had just sent her off.

She had just sent off her biological family, to whom she'd promised she'd be safe.

Not any more.

The paramedic said a few words that were garbled to Kitsune. She couldn't make anything out. Nothing. Kitsune turned her head away from the female paramedic who was informing everyone. She didn't want another stranger disappointed in her.

As she was heaved up by the waiter in front of the eyes of many, Kitsune felt one thing from them. Disappointment. They knew that she had brought this upon herself. They didn't know her but they knew. And that knowledge was already available to Kitsune. The knowledge that if she went overboard, something drastic would happen to her. She would die.

That feeling probably got her most. She might die.

The fact that Kitsune would never see the family she had made at Hinata grow up, get on with their lives, have children and experience whatever life throws at you; never see Naru and Keitaro join in holy matrimony, overcoming the obstacles in their relationship that face them now; never the bride, always the bridesmaid.

The fact that she had wasted the time of many important individuals so that they could come and look after her for nothing; they had wasted time that could have been more wisely spent with family and with those that probably meant more.

The fact that all this might be blamed on a friend who only needed company on a day to celebrate but now it was her fault that he would be questioned by the police and his valuable friendship lost; this was no time to celebrate anymore because of her foolish mistake.

The fact that she broke a promise to one of the purest people ever to touch their feet onto the sacred ground of Earth, now and forever, all because of the temptation to seek something she had lost and never retrieved in the months preceding this.

The fact that Konno Mitsune, a woman of her own repute and intelligence had fallen into the clenching fingers of a vile liquid which would claw at her conscience because it wasn't in her body; making her become a slave to its order and in the end, succumb, only to prepare for an early appointment with Death.

The fact that…she was going to die…


Soon, Kitsune was wheeled into the doors of the hospital. As she lay on the bed, Kitsune couldn't help but count the large rectangular fluorescent lights that were lit overhead. It was like counting down the minutes, hours left in her life, just in reverse. It felt good when she hit thirty. At least she'd live for about another half hour.

But when Kitsune saw that she was being wheeled into intensive care, she flinched and waded through depression once again. Once again, she thought how this was all her fault. How that all their frolicking and fun was done now so the whole Hinata crew had to shift their base over here to look after their new resident grave for a short while. It was all so depressing for Kitsune.

The doctors soon finished examining, poking and prodding Kitsune. None of the processes reached her brain. She was too deep in thought and wasn't responding to her situations. It was like a coma…but with your eyes open.

Kitsune was hooked up to a respirator and from there she was allowed to rest. The results of her examination had not been told to her. But Kitsune didn't care. What was it to her anyways? She was going to die so there was no need for her to know what was going on around her. No need at all.

With that thought and done, Kitsune lapsed into a light sleep. It would soon be interrupted but while it lasted, it did her befuddled mood good.

The Hinata crew arrived with the hustle and bustle of a regular large family. Upon entering Kitsune's room, there were bursts of emotion that had been censored. Naru rushed forward, as did Keitaro, but only to stop Naru.

Shinobu stood near Motoko, tears in her eyes. The dilapidated state that Kitsune was in wasn't normal. She was supposed to smile and laugh! Jump up out of the bed and say, "Ha, I fooled you!" She wasn't supposed to be grounded and weak…or hooked up to a machine…No…

Motoko looked away to shield the tears in her eyes. They wouldn't be allowed to fall. When had she started caring for this drunkard anyways? 'The girl brought this upon herself.' She thought. But it couldn't be kept that way. Motoko finally let the tears fall down her porcelain cheeks. The girl may have been stupid but she was a friend and a good one at that.

Haruka looked over at Motoko as she begun to cry, covering her mouth. Haruka had let her tears fall long ago. She made no show of them. There was to be not show of emotion except for tears. Kitsune was like a sister Strong, tough and determined! 'What happened to you Kitsune? What happened?'

Seta comforted those around him; doing the best he could to be strong. But it wasn't easy. He had known Kitsune for many years and felt for her. He loved her…like a younger sister. The emotion was too much. He let the stray tears fall down his tanned skin to meet the unforgiving ground below, where they shattered like glass. She couldn't go.

Both Su and Sarah stood there. They couldn't have a real reaction. They had never really interacted with the older female. However, the emotional wall that enclosed them brought out unknown emotions. Emotions of fear and regret. They were afraid of life without Kitsune. What would it be like? Who would encourage their pranks? Who would laugh at them when no on else did? And regret. Why didn't we entertain her more often? Why didn't we find out what she liked and go from there? Why does she have to die? Death was new to the girls…it was haunting and it couldn't happen to someone they knew.

Keitaro stood nearby Kitsune, holding a sobbing Naru. His eyes were trained on Kitsune who, to him, was a friend, a confidant…almost a mother. To him, he found that she had taught him almost everything he needed to know about the outside world. She showed him broken hearts, accepting Naru and being forward. She taught him persistence and courage to say what you feel you should say. She was a character…

Naru continued to sob on Keitaro's shoulder without halting. What was the use of halting? She would lose a best friend and sister if she did. That couldn't happen. Kitsune made her realize her love for Keitaro and the joys of life. Kitsune also helped her throughout high school…she protected Naru. For that, Naru would be eternally grateful. Eternally.

The swirling vortex of emotions was paused for a bit as a cell phone went off. Seta reached down into his pocket and retrieved it. He looked up and left the room to take the call.

All was silent, except for the continuous beep of the heart rate monitor and Naru's sobs. There was no effort made to go near Kitsune. They were all afraid. However, Kitsune wasn't. She needed to get a few things off her chest.

Slowly, she brought up her hand, one finger raised. Immediately, most of the group was at her side. She pointed to her respirator.

"Take it off?" Sarah questioned. Kitsune made a feeble thumbs-up sign.

"Let's as-ask the doctor fir-first oka-ay?" Naru managed. Kitsune gave yet another thumbs-up sign. Motoko and Shinobu were immediately dispatched to find the doctor. A few minutes after they left, Seta stepped back inside to have a word with Keitaro. He whispered a few words, and once Keitaro nodded, left. Su and Sarah followed him. This bombardment of emotion was too much for their young minds.

Dr. Kaji soon appeared and assessed the situation. She checked the heart rate monitor and other machines stationed in the room. With one final twist of a button she stood up and smiled.

"Kitsune, you can take off your mask, but not for long. If you do, you'll suffer a lack of oxygen in the brain." Dr. Kaji said softly. With that, she left the room. Kitsune slowly brought herself up, grinding her teeth together at the pain in such a simple task. Once she achieved her seated position, she removed the mask.

"I-I want to ap-apologiz-ze to you all. I'm-m so sorry for the troub-ble I caused."

"What trouble, Kits-" Kitsune brought up a hand, halting Naru in her tirade. Motoko came and placed a hand on Naru's shoulder.

"Just let her finish." Kitsune took a deep breath so she could speak.

"I-t's not Kent-ntaro's fault. All mine-" Kitsune couldn't continue. After relying on the respirator for keeping her coughing fits down, she needed the respirator to keep that up. Kitsune quickly scrambled for the mask and placed it over her mouth and nose. She took a deep breath and slowly lay down. She was exhausted.

Kitsune was soon asleep, the respirator mask being placed properly on her by Naru. Everyone gradually drifted away from the bad, finding their own resting places. However, a half hour after Kitsune fell asleep, Dr. Kaji came in. Everyone was immediately alert.

"Hello all. I have something to speak to you about."

"What is it? Does it have to do with Kitsune?" Naru asked urgently.

"Yes. It seems as though part of her liver has ruptured. She'll need a liver transplant. Does anybody here have the blood type AB?" Shinobu raised her hand slowly. Dr. Kaji looked her over. A sad smile formed.

"I'm sorry but you're too young. You're not Kitsune's immediate family, are you?" Shinobu shook her head.

"Well then, we can wait for her family to arrive but they'll have to come quickly. Her liver isn't working well at all. She'll be undergoing dialysis but she's losing a lot of blood from the rupture." Everyone nodded.

"You should all go home now." Another nod. Dr. Kaji left and soon, so did the Hinata crew.


The next day, Kitsune groggily awoke. 'I hate this.' She reflected. Once again she was depressed and her only friend right now was the beep of the heart monitor and her own pulse. Not very comforting.

Kitsune tried to lift herself up. It wasn't working. The pain shot through her and she jolted, causing even more pain. She was hurting. Kitsune laid herself back down and was about to close her eyes to sleep when in filtered friends and family. The real family.

Not everyone was there. Just her mother and brothers but that was enough for her. However, as she surveyed her brothers' faces as her mother fretted over her, she detected a small amount of disappointment. Her heart sunk.

She'd failed everyone and therefore hurt them. Why?! Why did she do this? Did she want to kill her mother from the stress and physical strain? Kitsune turned her head away from her mother and began to weep silently. Why couldn't she just die already? Why?

Kitsune's mother took her hand and smoothed it over Kitsune's forehead, crooning to her youngest child.

"You don't have to cry anymore. You poor thing. We found out that Seiji has your same blood type. He's going to give part of his liver to you." Kitsune turned her head to face her brothers all of whom were crying now. She managed a small smile, directed at Seiji. To all of them, she tried with her eyes, to apologize. It seemed to work.

A few hours passed like this. Everyone present was speaking to Kitsune. She was trying to stay awake but the strain on her fragile body was too much. Her eyes were about to shut when she heard a new voice enter the haze of voices around her. Lethargically, Kitsune opened her eyes to see the doctor speaking to Seiji. He was escorted out of the room.

With her remaining strength, Kitsune figured that he was going to go donate part of his liver to her now. She couldn't help a few tears before she fell into a light slumber.


Kitsune awoke in what seemed like minutes later. She opened her eyes to find herself once again looking at the flashing fluorescent lights above her head. She closed her eyes again. There was no need for the surgeon next to her to speak about the procedure she was about to undergo. She knew that it was to be painful. She didn't like pain.

Why couldn't it just end?

Kitsune felt the bed stop, and her senses were immediately invaded by the sterile smell of chemical cleaners. However, all that soon left her mind once she felt a gentle prick on her upper arm. Looking out of the side of her eye, Kitsune could make out an IV needle being inserted. 'No worries.' She figured. 'I'm going to die anyways.'

The anesthesia was soon administered to Kitsune. For her, the duration of the operation was black.


Kitsune awoke later, feeling lethargic and tired. Her body wasn't sore at all, just tired from being…well…tired. She had a respirator over her mouth and a heart monitor hooked up to her again. The constant pulsing of the heart monitor was her only 'friend', so to speak because it was always there.

'No one loves me. Why should they love me? This whole situation is my fault.' Kitsune would have continued but the gang soon arrived. Kitsune's mother rushed forward, followed by Naru and Haruka.

"My little girl." Kitsune's mother said fondly, "You're doing so well. The doctor says that you have no complications. You can be out of here within a few weeks. But just in case, you'll be taking blood tests everyday. Okay?"

"Oh Kitsune! You're looking so much better! The doctor said you're doing fine! So you'll be out of here in no time! You won't believe what Keitaro did the other day! He was going to class…"

"Hey Kitsune. Nice to see you're doing so well. You don't look dead anymore. Cheer up you'll be out of here soon."

This was all too much for Kitsune. Her eyes widened for a short while before she gradually became used to all the speaking and voices. She then relaxed. It was good to be around all these people again. However, when she saw the fleetingly pale look of pity on her mother's face, Kitsune felt her spirits fall. They still hated her. How horrible.

The group soon left to visit Kitsune's brother in the hospital ward. Kitsune sighed and forced a smile through the respirator as they left. Once they were gone, Kitsune let her smile fall, as well as tears. Why was she like this?


The days with which Kitsune spent in the hospital were soon over. Both her and her brother were functioning perfectly, with no mishaps or incidents that would give the staff more reason to make them stay.

During the duration of her days at the hospital, Kitsune spent most of her time wallowing in self-pity and thoughts of sadness. She seemed to magnify the depressing and negative thoughts of her life rather than focus on the good thoughts, which could stimulate her more.

As she was leaving the hospital, she could see the doctor speaking with her mother. It was probably negative. Kitsune sighed deeply and moved on, placing a fake smile on her lips as she thanked those she passed. Once in the car, Kitsune let that façade fall and slumped over.

Her mother entered the car, looking over in her direction with increasing worry. Finally, Kitsune couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom? Is something wrong?" Kitsune's mother fiddled with a piece of paper in her hands while Seiji and Keitaro, who were both in the front seats, decided to listen in.

"Your doctor said…well…that you're mildly…depressed…" There was a silence through which both Seiji and Keitaro would look at the rearview mirror, at her.

 "I guess I am." Kitsune once again slumped over.

"We have to send you for therapy." Kitsune's mother held up her hand as Kitsune began to protest. "No ifs, ands or buts about it. You need the therapy and you will go. I'm not having you be like a fly in my tea!"

"A fly in your tea, Mom?" Seiji questioned, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes. Those little pests are so annoying! Then I have to throw out the tea because the little flea made it disgusting and polluted it!" Kitsune looked at her tearfully. Is that what she was?

A fly?

"Mom! I thought you loved me!" Kitsune's mother looked at her, alarmed. "What are you talking about? Of course I love you!"

"You just said you wanted to throw me out! Like the flies in your tea!" Kitsune's mother sighed dramatically and put a hand over Kitsune's.

"I was just using a metaphor for you not going to therapy. If you don't go, then you'll mope around, making me unhappy. But if you do go, there won't be a fly in my tea. Understand?" Kitsune's mother spoke with a soft smile, understanding what Kitsune was feeling. Her husband had gone through the same thing.

Kitsune nodded, appreciatively. She sort of understood. No one could completely understand her mother's logic but it helped that her mother was trying.

The van soon stopped in front of the Hinata Inn. Everyone clambered out and made their way up the stairs. There were a lot of pauses because both Kitsune and Seiji were out of shape and still very weak.

Once the top of the stairs was reached, Kitsune found that the rest of her family had shipped down here. There was to be a big party for the return of the two Konno's. During the party, however, Kitsune saw her mother on the phone, holding a piece of paper. Obviously, she was speaking to a therapist for Kitsune. Kitsune was later informed that she had five sessions of therapy to attend.


"Okay.  It's good that you're so aware of your feelings. Do you know why you feel so depressed?"

"Yes. Everyone pities me. I don't want pity. I want to be happy. I want them to treat me normally, but they don't."

"This is all their fault?"


"Ms. Konno, I think you're hiding something from me."

"I-…I feel…as if…well…I feel as if it's all my fault."

"The surgery and everything else? Your fault?"

"No. The cirrhosis."

"Well. It is your fault. In a way. But you don't have to focus on the negative aspect of it. It did bring your family closer, didn't it?"

"Yes…it did."

"So there you have it. Anything else?"

"My brother…"

"What about him?"

"He gave me his liver…part of it…but he pretends like nothing happened."

"Don't you want it to be like that?"

"I guess…"


"Yes, I do."

"Okay then, there's no real problem. There is a small one but it can be fixed. Do you know what the problem is and how to fix it?"

Kitsune smiled. "Yes, I know the problem and how to fix it. I'm depressed because I feel this is my fault. But it isn't. However it is in that I made the choice to go against the doctor's orders. I can fix the problem by…by…um…"

"The steps, Ms. Konno."

"Oh, right! I can use the steps of positive thinking to help me…right?"

There was a laugh from the therapist as he stood up. Kitsune followed his lead and shook hands with him.

"Thank you sir."

"No problem Ms. Konno. You'll do fine in the outside world now. I take it that you're no longer depressed after our five sessions?"

Kitsune adapted a mischievous look. "No." The therapist let out another full laugh as he escorted her out of the building.

"I hope never to see you here again, Ms. Konno."

"Same here. Bye! And thank you!"


Kitsune laughed fully as she sipped her soda. She'd grown used to her new lifestyle, no longer depressed but happy. She took each day head on. For that, all her friends and family were happy. With her there, life was much more full of life and fond memories. It was those memories that everyone loved. The memories they shared with Kitsune.

Why? Because if Kitsune had died…

No one could forget the fox.


The end!! Yay!!

Reviews answered/replied to in previous chapter.