**~ Hi everyone! This is my first time writing an InuYasha fic-or any fic at all, so BE NICE when you review me and honest if you can..you better review me!!!!! K, I tried my best to make this interesting...hey, don't blame me if it doesn't catch your interest! It is my first time! ^^ ~**

NOTE: This is a note I've wrote after I kinda re-wrote this chapter cuz of some spellin mistakes. THE CHAPTERS GET WAY BETTER!!!! LATER ON!!!! So dun give in, keep on reading....

the ~ is used when the person is thinking " " when talking.duh

****WARNING**** Kikyo lovers, BEWARE....but since in the real InuYasha series, they seem to pity Kikyo, I'll do my best to.

==========Chapter one==========

"Wake up Kagome, I want something to eat" InuYasha said, crouching near her. He waited.....


"Wake the hell up!"

"Huh!.....Huh? I'm still sleepy." she whined and looked at her watch,

"IT'S ONLY 6 AM!!!!"

"Well.....I have to go out to see if there's any damn Youkais"

"FINE!" Kagome angrily replied, getting out of her sleeping bag, "you're so lazy!"

"LAZY?! How am I lazy? Every day I'm up killing demons......lazy? Anyway, hanyou's don't COOK , baka!!!!"

"Well they should! And don't get me mad! Or I'll say the word....which is spelled S-I-T"

"HOLY SHIT!! FINE" he muttered loudly in annoyance, and mumbled some curses.

Kagome sighed, "OH well, since I'm up, I'll make you some Ramon"

"Good....." he said and watched as she made his favorite food , "You're taking so friggin long, you wench!!" he said after a few minuets.

"Well, maybe it's because I'm tired, maybe because it's just 6 a.m. , and maybe I'd be faster if SOMEONE helped me?"

" Feh, I'll wait, just try to cook faster"

"Erg!!!! Sit sit sit sit!" she said in an annoyed voice. BAM!

"Oi! Baka! What the hell was that for?!" he barked out of the whole he was in, waiting for the spell to wear off.

"For being such an ass!" she said yelled.

InuYasha growled, "If you weren't such a girl and a jewel detector, I'd snap of your head."

"I am NOT a jewel detector! Well....I am.....but-I'm not labeled a jewel detector, but a kind, sweet, pretty and strong KAGOME. Not just- a jewel detector. Hai?!"

"Keh, whatever"

"Wha-what's going on?" mumbled Miroku the monk who was still half asleep, "I hear people shouting"

"Huh? Oh.it's InuYasha and Kagome as usual" Sango mumbled, also half asleep.

"K, good."he replied absently and put his arms around Sango.

Sango screamed and slapped Miroku on his face leaving a red fingerprint on his cheek,

" Ugh, get away from me you peverted ass!" she said standing up.

"huh?" Miroku was lost, "what did I do?"


"I'm gunu go back to my time to get some supplies" Kagome told her friends.

"Goody!" Shippo said jumping around the room,

"Bring some of that chewing gum thing!"

" Sure!......So, I'm gunu leave now! That's alright with you.......right InuYasha?" Kagome asked, seeing how he looked upset

"Keh, like I care" he muttered back sitting on he floor leaning against the wall. "Right then..... K, bye"

Kagome sadly glanced back at InuYasha and then jumped down the bone eater's well.

"Seriously InuYasha" said Sango after Kagome left, "you are always so mean to her, and she doesn't even deserve it!!!"

"Whatever" InuYasha replied.

"I hate it when you give me one word answers!!!!" she shouted, getting Miroku's staff and hitting him on the head.

"OUCH! That hurts- OW, Ow, STOP THAT!!!"

Sango chased him all over the room hitting him, screaming, "You're so mean!"

"Now, now" said Miroku, getting a hold of her, "we have a little kid-I mean fox, in front of us. We don't want to give him a bad influence"

"Who are you callin little, huh?!" cried Shippo, "I'm not little! Kagome says I'm all grown up!"

"That's because she doesn't want you to feel bad" InuYasha replied.

"No! That's not true!"

"Yup, it is"


"Shut up kitsune"

The fox ran towards InuYasha to show him what he's made of, but InuYasha merely flicked him away.

~~~Later on that day~~~

"I'm bored without Kagome" sighed Shippo.

"Same here" added Sango.

"Yup" said the monk

"......." -InuYasha

"Don't you miss her InuYasha?" asked Sango, everyone now looking at him, waiting for him to answer. Of course, they all knew what he was going to say.

" Keh"

They all groaned in annoyance. Shippo studied InuYasha for a moment. "What are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Nothing" InuYasha replied.

"Let me guess....Hmmmm....you're either thinking about.....your dead pot lady girlfriend or Kagome. Which one?"

"Nani?!! She's NOT a dead pot lady!" barked InuYasha, grabbing Shippo by the neck, "and neither am I thinking about Kagome, baka!"

"Sure, sure, sure" Shippo said.

"I'm gunu KILL YOU asshole!!!!" InuYasha shouted as he started to chase Shippo around a tree.

Both Sango and Miroku sweat dropped.


InuYasha was walking around the forest, VERY annoyed with himself. Of course, he missed Kagome.

The forest was foggy, and he smelled a familiar scent. He dropped to the ground and started to sniff. He stood back up and a figure robed in white was coming towards him. Hw followed his instinct and pulled out his sword.

"No need InuYasha. I cannot hurt you.though you deserve it......" said a familiarly calm and cold voice.

InuYasha turned deadly pale, his heart stopped beating...


**~ OOOOOOO, cliff hanger, eh? So, WRITE A REVIEW PLEASE!!! I have a question, do you want small, medium, or a lot of fluff (romance) between InuYasha n Kagome? Tell me how you liked this chapter! And I promise, it'll get better.....someone's gunu get hurt, either in the next or next chapter Thanks! ~**
