A Pirate's Love for Me
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, which belongs to Jerry Bruckhiemer and Disney. I'm not smart enough to come up with anything like that movie.
Notes: Hey! This is Lissie (obviously). One of my best friends in the entire world Beth is in this story too, and yes, she is obsessed over Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately, I am forced to go to school everyday… or suffer the consequences… so I'll try to fit my story writing time in between that and extra curricular activities. And about the change in our BF's names, I just realized there are people that go to our school with those names, and I don't want to put them in there or else they will be morally offended. Lol. Well, I'm not going to stop you from reading this story… so ON WITH IT!
Chapter One: Slap in the Face
"So Lissie, what's your quote of the day?"
"Hmmm," Lissie thought for a moment. "I think it should be… 'I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.' How's that?"
"What do you think? I'm getting sick of hearing Orlando quotes every day. What happened to Johnny?"
"He turned forty, that's what. Plus, only a blonde would think that he's hotter than Orli."
Beth and Lissie were best friends since the forth grade. Both had almost everything in common, except for two major differences. One being Beth was blonde and Lissie was brunette, but the biggest was one was in love with Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow, the other, Orlando Bloom/Legolas/Will Turner. They had both seen Pirates of the Caribbean six times while it was still in theaters, both were the first in line for Lord of the Rings tickets, and both loved anything to do with pirates. Now, they were late for work… again.
"Girls! You're late again!" yelled their boss, Samantha.
"Sorry, traffic was bad," said Lissie, praying that Sam wouldn't say what she thought she was going to say.
"Lissie, I know for a fact that your apartment is about a mile away from here! No excuses! GET TO WORK!"
"All right, all right!" said Beth.
"Yeah, keep your wig on," mumbled Lissie as they put on their aprons.
The little ice cream shop was usually swamped during the summer, and today was one of those days. Lissie and Beth worked hard, making sundaes, scooping ice cream, and even sneaking some of the day's special when Sam's back was turned. Lissie was just ringing up an order when the bell sounded. She looked up from the counter and saw her boyfriend, Ben come in. She smiled at him, but all she got back was a tiny grin.
"Hey!" she said to him.
"Uh, hi, listen, can we talk?"
She could tell by looking in his eyes that something was wrong. "Sure, just a sec."
Beth was in the back room making more ice cream. She saw Lissie come in and she looked up. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"I need to take a break really quick. Tell Sam I went to the bathroom if she comes in."
"Yeah, sure, no prob."
"Thanks, Depp," said Lissie as she walked out from behind the counter and followed Ben outside. He led her behind the shop.
"Lissie, I think we've reached the end."
"What? Are you breaking up with me?" she asked in disbelief.
"Well, yes, and no."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I just think we should be friends for now."
"There's another girl involved, isn't there?"
"No! It's just…" he was broke off by someone walking in his direction.
"Hey, baby!" said the blonde woman as she kissed him on the cheek.
Lissie couldn't take it anymore. She could feel the anger burning up inside her. She thought Ben loved her, and she loved him, too. But this? She just couldn't see it coming. She slapped him across the face. "Liar. This won't even get you a friendship. Stay out of my life for good." And with that, she stalked off and entered the back way into the shop, slamming the door behind her.
"What was that about?" asked Beth.
"He… he was cheating on me," said Lissie. She could feel the tears coming now.
"Hey, it's okay, Bloomy," said Beth as she walked over and gave Lissie a hug. "I felt the same way when Cal broke up with me."
"He broke up with you? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Slipped my mind. I have to move on, you know!"
Lissie laughed, despite the tears.
"We need something to clear our minds of these jerks in our lives…" said Beth.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Lissie, smiling.
"Pirates of the Caribbean!" they said together.