Title: Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

Author: Angelus

E-mail: [email protected] (Please put "Whatcha Gonna Do Drabble" on the subject line.)

Subject: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Kantayra's "Seventh Slayer" universe).

Category: BSR.

Rating: PG

Summary: He belongs to me.

Spoilers: None.

Archive: Anywhere, just ask me first.

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy or Angel. They belong to WGN and Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.

Author's notes: I started a series of drabbles, one for each season. This is my season 1 drabble.

Dedication: To Lindsay. Hi ho the dilly-oh, the cheese stands alone. "What do you fear, m'lady"? *over-the-top-Southern-accent* "I fear *you*."


Have you ever heard your mother, or some other adult, tell you to stay away from bad boys? About the time you start dating, they warn you not to get involved with tall, dark, handsome, black-leather-wrapped types.

What a load of crap.

If you've ever been exposed to a man of that kind, you'll know exactly where my Angel obsession is coming from. Who *wouldn't* want a piece of that? Sexy, lickable, muscular, *gorgeous* man desperate to protect you? Yummy.

And he's mine. It's just this innate feeling - that he belongs to me.

My own guardian Angel. With fangs.