It was a warm summer evening. Mitsuko sat on the porch with a warm cup of tea thinking about Jiro. "If only I had told him how I really feel about him he might have come back by now." she taught. It was just then that Masaru came outside. "Hey Mitsuko have you seen Raze?" Raze was the new puppy Masaru had just gotten. Mitsuko, Masaru and there father had just gotten back from the United States. There doctor said they could get better treatment for there father if they went to the United States so they went to some hospital in California. It was there one night that Masaru found Raze in a garbage can outside there hotel.
The puppy was so little and helpless that Mitsuko just couldn't say no to Masaru when he asked to keep it. "Have you checked upstairs Masaru?" "Yes and I can't find him." "Don't worry Masaru he is probably just hiding upstairs you know how he likes to do that sometimes." There was a long pause Masaru decided to break it by asking a question that had been bothering him for a while. "Mitsuko do you think Jiro is still alive? I mean he has been gone for 3 months now and I was just thinking if he was still alive don't you think he would have come back by now?" It took Mitsuko a few minutes to process that question.
Masaru is right if Jiro was still alive he would have come back to us by no. NO I don't believe it! "He's alive out there Masaru and he's coming back to us someday, he just got delayed or something you'll see!" It made Mitsuko feel better to think that Jiro would soon come back she only wished she knew where he was now. "Your right Mitusko Jiro will come back and when he does he can play with Raze and I can give him back his guitar!" With that Masaru went back in the house to search for Raze. Mitsuko watched as the sun began to set and she started to think about Jiro once again. "Jiro I told you I would wait for you and I will and when you come back I will tell you how I really feel, and I hope when I tell you that you'll stay with us forever." With that Mitsuko went into the house to check on her father and tuck Masaru in and feed Raze.