A/N: I'm really sorry it takes me so long to update. I have the whole story planned out, and I love working on it (don't worry, I'd never abandon a fic!), but it just takes me awhile to get my thoughts onto the computer. Now that school's started once again updates are going to be sporadic, but I'll definitely make an effort not to leave you hanging for too long.

I don't usually respond to reviews, but so many people had thoughtful comments to make I decided I would. One this about Lucius is that it's not so much that he likes Hermione, but the fact that she insulted him on the first day makes him want to possess her. It's an obsession for him to make her sorry that she, a muggle-born, dared to turn her down. And what better way than to use Hermione? He wants to claim her, not go out with her. I think the dynamics between the two of them will become a little clearer as the story progresses.

Several people had some interesting insights about things possibly to come, but I'm not going to say anymore except you may be right… Also, someone wanted to know why Sirius and Hermione like each other. That's always a complex subject, too much so for one author's note, so I hope you'll find your question answered in the following chapter.

Also, I'm looking for a beta-reader for this fic, so if anyone is interested, please e-mail me at 12: Asking

September 1976

The Marauders were up late that night as Remus coached Sirius on the best way to approach Hermione. It was a serious blow to Sirius' pride to take lessons on how to date girls, as he currently held the title of Hogwarts' Most-Shagged Guy. He was so used to having females coming up and fawning over him that he didn't really know how to do anything except charm the ladies into his bed. So it was completely unusual for him to back down and admit that he didn't know everything about the opposite sex, and to concede that Remus, of all people, just may have some idea how to win the heart of a girl like Hermione.

Remus explained to Sirius all the careful observations he had made about Hermione and the way she acted around him, and told Sirius exactly what he thought he should do. It was testimony to how much Sirius really wanted Hermione to go out with him that he listened patiently and promised to follow the exact guidelines Remus set out for him. James, for his part, was less than helpful, snickering and making snide remarks about the whole process. However, underneath the sarcasm was an underlying sense of support for his best mate's efforts.

Peter stayed pretty quiet, interjecting only a comment here or there. But after a few hours of listening to the discussion between Sirius and Remus on the best way to approach Hermione, he yawned and said he was turning in. That awoke the others to the reality of what time it was, and they decided that they'd accomplished all they would by talking, and that it was time to sleep.

As the four boys began drifting off, each in his own bed behind the curtain, Sirius spoke up. "Prongs?" he said.

"Yeah?" James responded sleepily.

"I've always wondered why you insisted on focusing on Lily, instead of having fun with other girls. I guess it just seemed like a waste of effort to me. But now I think I finally understand."

"I think it's called maturity, Padfoot. But you know, I think you guys are right. Hermione is a special girl."

Hermione was bent over a table in the Gryffindor common room, concentrating intently on a thick textbook open in front of her, stopping her rapid reading only briefly to scratch out notes at various intervals. She was so oblivious to the world around her that she didn't notice Sirius until he was standing right beside her, and even then he had to clear his throat to get her attention.

"Can I help you?" she asked without looking up from her studying.

"I wanted to talk to you," Sirius replied.

Hermione turned to look at him. "About what?" she said, visibly annoyed at having been interrupted.

Sirius glanced back at the other marauders, who immediately gave him encouraging signs and waved him on. "I never thought I'd see the day when Sirius 'I'm so sexy' Black was scared to ask a girl out," James muttered. Peter laughed nervously, and the other two hushed them so they could hear what Sirius was saying.

"So, uh, you know how there's a trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" he asked. "You want to go with me?"

Before Hermione could respond, Lily chose that moment to appear at the top of the stairs. Her hair was mussed, she was yawning, and she was still in her pajamas, but she brightened immediately when she saw the scene unfolding in the common room. She crept down the stairs so as not to catch the attention of either Hermione or Sirius, then hurried over to wait with the other marauders for Hermione's response.

Hermione longingly glanced at the stack of books she had resting on the table, then sighed and looked back at Sirius. He was impatiently shifting his balance from foot to foot, but stopped and assumed a cocky grin.

"Why do you want me to go with you?" she asked him.

"Well, uh," Sirius was momentarily taken aback as he racked his brain for an appropriate answer.

"I mean, why do you like me?" she pressed on. Hermione wasn't sure why the answer to this question was so important to her, but she realized that before she could commit to doing anything with Sirius she had to know what he saw in her, had to know if he had any reasons for going out with her besides getting her in bed.

"You're beautiful," he said simply.

Her eyes narrowed. "Is that all?" she inquired sharply.

"No!" said Sirius. "You're gorgeous, and pretty, and by far the hottest witch at Hogwarts."

Hermione stood up abruptly, the look on her face being the cue for their audience to scatter, Remus in particular groaning silently. "If that's the only reason you have for wanting to go out with me, then my answer is definitely no," Hermione said. "I've told you numerous times, but it's obviously not sinking into your skull. I don't want that sort of relationship, and especially not with you!"

Sirius tried to laugh. "I haven't given up yet. But as of now, breakfast is my highest priority." He strode out of the common room without a backwards glance. The remaining marauders exchanged a three-way look, then quickly followed him. Lily waited patiently for Hermione to sort out her thoughts; she cast a few quick charms on her hair to straighten and brush it before curling up in an armchair until Hermione was ready to go to breakfast.

Hermione slowly sat back down, replaying the conversation they just had in her mind. It should have felt good, putting Sirius in his place after he effectively insulted her intellect and all that she stood for. But if I should be feeling proud about continuing to stand up for what I believe in, then why do tears keep threatening to spring to my eyes? she reflected bitterly.

James, Remus, and Peter caught up to Sirius just as he was about to enter the Great Hall. "What was that all about, Padfoot?" asked James, directing his comment to Sirius stiffening back.

Sirius spun around, and his friends were surprised to see that he actually looked miserable. "Just forget about it, okay?" he said. "I don't care about her. I'm going to go to breakfast, and then I'm going to have fun with one of the hundred other girls that want me."

"No, Sirius," Remus said earnestly. "You do care. That's why you're so depressed right now. Otherwise, why would you have spent so much time talking with me about her last night?"

Sirius shot him a death glare that would have stopped anyone else in their tracks. "Maybe I do care, but maybe I don't want to. I tried to ask her out in a way that she would like, but I just… I don't know what came over me. Besides, she is the hottest witch here. What's wrong with telling her that's why I want to go out with her?"

Even Peter rolled his eyes at that one.

"Padfoot," James explained patiently. "Girls don't want to hear that we only want them because they're hot. Even if it may be true, at least make something else up when they ask."

"Thanks, Prongs, I'll take this," said Remus.

"By all means, Moony, go ahead," offered James.

"Of course. Sirius, why do you like Hermione? I mean, what is it about her that makes her different from all of the other girls you have throwing themselves at you?"

"Are you kidding?" Sirius shot Remus an incredulous look. "Look at her! How can anyone not like her? She's gorgeous, but she doesn't know it, which makes it even better; she's smart-- one of the brightest witches here; she's kind, and caring, and witty, and-- what are you nodding and smiling for?"

"That's it," Remus replied. "That's what you need to tell Hermione."


James clapped Sirius on the back. "See, mate, we knew you had it in you. That's so much nicer than just telling her you want to go out with her because she's hot."

"Yeah!" Peter piped up.

Sirius started to say something, then stopped. He tried again, opening his mouth without any success. On his third attempt, he was successful: "Let's eat."

Hermione stood up, pulling herself together and mentally berating herself for letting Sirius get to her. He's a player who's just trying to get you into bed, she scolded internally, trying to ward off any emotional weaknesses. What would Harry and Ron say if they saw how much her thoughts were beginning to revolve around a guy? Harry, she gasped silently, a new pang of agony shooting into her already-hurting chest. With all that had been going on in this time, she hadn't thought about either Harry or Ron for quite some time.

This new burst of emotional onslaught broke down all of her defense, and for the first time in almost two years she began to cry.

Lily had been staying out of Hermione's way, giving her time to pull herself together, but decided that now was a good time to go over to her friend.

Hermione found herself pulled into a hug with Lily, who stayed silent, but let Hermione know she was there for her. The whole ordeal of being thrown into another time and into an immediate confusion of romance and heartache had built up inside of her, her feelings stored on the inside with no outlet. Hermione had years of practice of keeping her emotion from showing too much, to prevent any hurt, but this final, confusing confrontation pushed her over the edge.

Lily understood this and did the best thing she could: she let Hermione cry for as long as she needed.

When Hermione's tears were beginning to dry up, Lily brought her over to the couch in front of the fire and sat down next to each other. "You really like him, don't you," Lily said. It was a statement, not a question.

Hermione simply nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Then just go for it. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. You said you'd wait until he became more mature, but this is tearing up both of you. You like him, Hermione. And he likes you."

"If he likes me so much, then why does he continue to act the way he does?" Hermione asked.

"Because he's Sirius," answered Lily. "He doesn't know any other way to act: you two can learn together. Honestly, I've never seen him ask a girl out again that turned him down once. Actually, I've never seen him get turned down. But he likes you, Hermione. Sirius really likes you."

"I know," Hermione whispered. "But I can't. Not until he tells me that."

I see her walking in, forever with that red-headed bitch of a Mudblood. She's smiling, but I can see her eyes. Good. She's in pain. That will make it that much easier for me to take her, once she is finally rid of Black's affections. And I will have her. Oh, yes, I will have her. She'll be sorry she ever dared to turn me, a Malfoy down. For she will be mine. I offered once, but she refused. And this time I will have no mercy.

"Here she comes, Padfoot," James nudged Sirius. All four heads immediately whipped towards the entrance to the Great Hall. Sirius caught eyes with Hermione, but she pretended not to see him, ignoring his glance and taking a seat down at the other end of the large table.

Sirius stood up, determined to finish what he had set out to do from the moment he laid eyes on Hermione. She saw him coming and averted her eyes, but made no move to get away.

He strode over to where she was sitting, and stood in front of her, taking a deep breath. "I like you, Hermione," he blurted out. "I really like you. I like your smile, I like your eyes, I like the way you talk, I like your intelligence, I like how you stand up for your friends, I like the way you can always make people laugh… I just generally like everything about you. I'm crazy for you, Hermione. Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?"

Tears filled Hermione's eyes for the second time that day. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me," she whispered. Then, louder, "Yes, Sirius, I'd love to go to Hogsmeade with you."

The beam on his face could be seen by his friends; they knew he was successful. Lily, for her part, was thrilled Hermione had finally said yes—it was obvious how much Sirius cared about her. Hermione and Sirius didn't care. They were each too happy that the other liked them to be aware of anything but their thoughts.