((Once and for all: I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ZELDA. There. ))

Chapter 1: The Storm.

Prince Komali bursts into my rooms. I am about to scold him for neglecting to knock, but I see he is wet to the skin and trembling. His eyes are dilated with fear and shock.

Outside the storm rages, the roaring of the Great Sea almost drowning the very air, which is heavy and crackles with lightning and thunder. In my rooms high up on Dragon Roost Island, the spray does not touch, but the beaches around the island are saturated in salt water from the pounding of the waves that are ten times more violent than I have ever seen them.

"Medli! It's Link! In the sea!"

"What?" I snap, crossing the room to him as my heart skips a beat in fear.

He pants as he replies, "Remember? He helped us save the Great Valoo all those years ago..."

"I remember him, feather-brain. What do you mean, 'in the sea'?"

"You remember he went away with those pirates? Well the storm must have capsized his boat or something. He's barely alive; we have to save him!"

I pull on a poncho and push rudely past him, my betrothed, and stride quickly down the stairs. Komali follows me anxiously, and I wonder if I betrayed my feelings towards the young boy who helped awaken me as a Sage, he who caught me in his arms as I fell in dreams all those years ago, he who has become one of the most handsome young men I have ever laid eyes on.

Outside, the rain strikes our faces. Komali's flame eyes narrow as he scans the heaving sea. He grabs my arm, "There! See? He keeps getting tossed up and down."

I squint in the direction he gestures, and make out the shape of a human body, rollicking and lurching like a child's rag doll. I meet Komali's gaze, "We'll go and get him. I know it's wet and cold, but if we leave him, he'll die." The thought is poison, and I take off, flapping like a mad thing to make headway against the howling wind.

Komali and I reach the limp form at the mercy of the waves after much toil. He clings to a small bundle of possessions, from which a sword handle shows. Komali and I use our feet to persuade the waves to take him to shore. Eventually, we make some distance, and a couple of mighty waves wash him up onto the beach.

Quickly, we land and take him under the arms and drag him further up the beach. The waves soak our clothes and wings, and we both begin to shiver. Link is much worse for wear: his clothing ripped and torn, long blonde hair dulled and clinging to his pallid face. As we move him, he groans in pain and coughs: blood dribbles from his lips and stains his tunic.

We take him into the tunnel that runs through the rocks: here the wind does not batter us and we are sheltered. I whisper to Komali, although I think Link is in no condition to hear, "Go and wake Quill. He'll help us bed him down and heal him." Komali, eager to help me, swoops off once more into the rain. I turn my attention back to Link.

He has begun to shiver, a wild trembling that bring pity swelling up from within me. I take off my poncho and spread it over him, and his shivering lessens. He breathes in my scent, and it seems to comfort him, although I can only guess why. I take his head into my lap and begin to untangle his hair. He moans softly, and, fearful of hurting him, I cease. My harp, as always, is strapped carefully to my back. I take it into my hands and play softly the song he taught me: the Earth God's Lyric, hoping it will bring him to the present with memories of the past...


All around me are rushing roaring waters, the storm's thundering echoes in this strange world of water and foam. These waves were too much for my boat and now they have taken it: mast snapped and the sail torn free. I clung to my belongings like a mother to her babe, fearful of loosing them. They are helping to keep me afloat.

Again and again I am thrust beneath the violent flow of the tides, the lightening flashing in the eerie world of towering waves. Holding my breath is harder now, the bubbles as I let it go make me dizzy. I lust for clear air, and before I am thrust upwards again I inhale salt water. My vision clouds in the harsh darkness of unconsciousness, and the last thing I know is that something is pulling and tugging at my clothing before I am pushed down again...

Suddenly I have the sensation of solid land, of not being battered by the sea. I come to slightly to agony, especially in my chest. I cough and groan and expel thick sticky blood. I'm being moved again, and the pain is exquisite. My head pounds as though being hammered with the thunder. Gentle hands take my head and comb out my hair; I make a soft moan to tell the person I like it. They stop however, and the pain intensifies again until I think to scream.

Lilting, living notes float into the void of my closed eyes. For a reason I cannot explain, the song comfort me, and I find the strength to tear myself away from the welcome dark of unconsciousness again. With a huge effort, I wriggle and sit, gasping as horrifying pain wracks my broken body...


My harp falls silent as he pulls himself up, and I am aware of my pulse rising and pounding. His eyes sluggishly cross the floor, travelling up my body clad in thin nightclothes to my face. We hold each other's gaze for eternity, and the rush of our bodies screaming for each other is almost audible. The waves still roar, and in a flash of steel lightening, our faces are lit. His mouth is parted slightly, and I want nothing more than to kiss those lips, to run my hands through his hair, to hold him tight.

Komali and Quill the postman appear at the entrance. I tear my eyes from his almost as quickly as he takes his gaze away. Quill shoots me a look which is at once surprise and disapproval. He and Komali go to Link and take him under the arms. The youth whimpers in agony and his arms loosen and release his possessions. As the two males help the drowned boy out and up to rocks, I gather his things and follow, the scent of him filling my nostrils and setting me alight with desire for him.

They take him up the rocks and along the boards that lead to the Rito dwelling. The rain pelts down and the wind tears at our garments. The waves pound against the rocks and the spray flies at us as we climb higher. Link's eyes open slightly and he moans softly, my name, "Medli..."

I trot a little to catch up, whispering, "Link... I'm here."

He wants to say more but the pain takes him again and he passes out with a quiet groan.


((OK, a) it's not going to be a happy ending, and b) yes, it is very angsty. Ho hum. Please review and tell me what you think! This is the first angsty/over-done romance fic I've done, so frankly it's bound to be crap.

Thanks for the pointers, Lunarian *Beats out the flames* ;)
