Disclaimer: violation of every canon so far, and I don't get anything except snickers out of any of 'em, so take your lawsuits elsewhere.


"Clark PROPOSED to you?" The disbelief in Chloe's voice made even fellow seasoned journalists turn their head in interest. "Even Fox won't buy that one."

"Twice. I turned him down the first time, of course, just to see the look on his face."

"Lois, you turned down Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne. And you pointed a GUN at Richard Mattheson."

"You would have too, if some neanderthal grabbed you and slobbered 'marry me, shweetheart' into your mouth."

"Cro-magnon, not neanderthal. And I don't do guns. Busting their face is so much more satisfying. Lois, what in the HELL has gotten into you, that you're even thinking of settling down, much less with someone like Clark?"

"I'm, we're, not exactly going to be settling down. I'm twice the journalist he is. He'll have to keep running just to stay in my shadow. And didn't you have quite a crush on him yourself once?"

"I got over it, unlike the stupidest person on the planet. Clark and I were too much buddies to ever get closer anyway. But, Lois...."

"You mean Lana, or my sister? Give 'em a break, Chloe, they can't help their arrested development. Maybe they'll even grow out of it someday. If they ever get over the whole-world-revolves-around-me thing and open their eyes. At least they don't vote republican. It's a start."

Chloe was sitting unnaturally still, only the motion of her eyes and a twitch in the fingers betraying something more than unease. "I'd believe a man could fly way before I'd believe you'd fall for your junior partner, much less Clark. Lois, marrying a cop or a firefighter is one thing. But Clark.... Did you guys even talk about the kind of danger he puts himself in?"

"Clark? He leads a charmed life. I've been shot more often than he has."

Chloe's head snapped up, disbelief going up exponentially. "He didn't TELL you? I can't believe that #$%^! PROPOSED to you and didn't TELL you! I ought to --" She swallowed her anger with a palpable effort. "Ought to, hell, I'm GOING to chew him a new one. But it's his to tell you. Though I'd trade my Pulitzer to be there for that conversation."

"Cousin, someone has been doping your caffeine. What the hell are you talking about?"

Chloe gulped the rest of her coffee and glanced at her Dick Tracy wrist adornment. "I gotta go. Plane leaves in three hours, and you know they always strip-search the good-looking women. But Lois, I'm happy for you, really. I hope it works out. The two of you, well, unstoppable force meets immovable object sort of covers it. Maybe you were meant for each other after all. Besides, it wouldn't have done you any good to point a gun at that particular cro-magnon."

Unless the bullets were made from meteor rocks, she added under breath as she rushed out, having never quite broken herself of the habit.

E-mail to Pete: send a meteor rock to the news room at the Daily Planet. That idiot proposed to Lois TWICE and didn't TELL her.