Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura.
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The city of Tomoeda was beautiful this morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing -
Certain 16-year-olds were screaming.
16-year-old Sakura scrambled out of bed after she heard her alarm clock ring. She couldn't afford to be late to school today, the first day of school. Unlike the years in the past, Sakura always made a bad impression on the teachers by being late on the first day of school. This year, she didn't want to do the same thing again.
Sakura rushed to the bathroom, freshened up and changed into her school uniform. It was the same as it was when she was in elementary school, except instead of navy blue it was white. She had auburn length hair that was cut just above her shoulders and the greenest eyes. Compared to when she was in grade 4, Sakura's body had filled up in all the right places.
She surveyed herself in the mirror and looked at her watch.
"Not bad, five minutes. Next time I'll go for three." She murmured.
With that, she grabbed her backpack, rushed out her bedroom door, down the stairs and into the kitchen where her brother, Touya, was sitting at the table eating his piece of toast and her father, Fujitaka, was cooking pancakes.
"Not bad Kaiiju. Next time, maybe you should get up a bit earlier." Touya said.
Sakura stomped on his foot and ran for the door. "I'm not a Kaiiju!" she said before running down the street.
Sakura, being one of the best runners on her track team, decided to take up running to school instead of roller blading.
That way, she decided, it would be good exercise and practice for the track team.
In the distance, Sakura heard the school bell ring, signaling that she had 5 minutes before she would be late for class.
She ran faster.
The second bell rang just as Sakura reached the classroom. Sighing to herself, Sakura went and took a seat beside her best friend, Tomoyo and Tomoyo's boyfriend, Eriol.
Tomoyo turned and looked at her. "Looks like you made it on time Sakura."
"Good job," said Eriol, "Now all you have to do if try to be on time everyday."
Sakura stuck her tongue out at him and Tomoyo giggled.
Eriol just smiled.
Then the teacher walked in.
Eh? What happened to the old teacher? Thought Sakura. Terada-sensei must be sick or something.
The new teacher had messy, chestnut brown hair. He had a strong build and had amber eyes. He was dressed in a black suit and pants with a blue tie and a white shirt underneath.
"Good morning class. I will be your new teacher for the rest of the year. My name is Mr. Li." He turned around and wrote his name on the board. "Your old teacher decided that he was going to take a break from you kids seeing as you all need to be put in juvenile hall."
He had a deep voice that made all the girls in the class sigh and all the boys glare. All of them were whispering,
"Don't you think he's hot?"
"He's soo fine!"
"He can be my teacher any day!"
All of the girls, that is, except for Sakura. She was too busy trying to figure out what she had forgotten. It was on the tip of her tongue.
"Anderson, Peter?"
"Banker, Lulu?"
Now what was it that she had forgotten? Was it her homework? No, she had that. Did she forget to put on a piece of clothing? No she had everything with her.
"Daidouji, Tomoyo?"
"Dunlop, Gary?"
Was it her hair? No, it was fine. Did she feed Kero, her cat? Yes, two whole cans.
"Hirrigizawa, Eriol?"
"Hudson, Valerie?"
Did she have her lunch? - Oh no! She forgot her lunch! She left it at home.
Sakura started to panic.
"Kinomoto, Sakura?"
How was she going to eat? If she didn't have lunch then she wouldn't be able to concentrate in class, which meant that she was going to fail school.
"Kinomoto, Sakura?"
Which meant that she wouldn't get a good job, which meant that she won't be able have a good life, which meant that she wouldn't be able to afford food, which meant that she would die of malnutrition.
"Now that I have your attention Miss Kinomoto."
"Gomen-nasai, Mr..?"
"Li. If you were listening, then you would know that." He glared at her and she lowered herself into the seat.
"Would you like to share with the whole class what you found so interesting?" Then he came over to her desk and towered over Sakura. She slid lower into her seat.
"No, sir." She mumbled.
"What was that?" He said.
"No, sir" She said, a bit louder this time.
"Alright then, I suppose that next time you will listen to what is being said in class rather than daydream about your mysterious boyfriend." Then Li walked back to the front of the classroom and started talking again while Sakura was as red as a tomato.
A few of the girls started to snicker at her while Eriol and Tomoyo gave her sympathetic looks before paying attention to the teacher.
"Okay class, now that the introductions are over, we shall begin the lesson. Would you all please take out your homework from yesterday and put it on my desk. By the way, Miss Kinomoto, I will have you stay in at lunch and write 'I will not daydream in class.' 20 times. Since it is the first day of school, I will go easy on you, but I will be harder on you next time." Said Li, and he glared at Sakura again. This time Sakura glared back.
Li went on talking about what his expectations were for this year.
So much for getting a good start on the first day of school. Thought Sakura as she got out her pen and paper and started to write notes.
Yay! My first chapter!! I hope you guys all liked it. So, should I continue it or not? Give me suggestions for future chapters too okay? Luv y'all! *hugs* Okay, until next time!
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The city of Tomoeda was beautiful this morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing -
Certain 16-year-olds were screaming.
16-year-old Sakura scrambled out of bed after she heard her alarm clock ring. She couldn't afford to be late to school today, the first day of school. Unlike the years in the past, Sakura always made a bad impression on the teachers by being late on the first day of school. This year, she didn't want to do the same thing again.
Sakura rushed to the bathroom, freshened up and changed into her school uniform. It was the same as it was when she was in elementary school, except instead of navy blue it was white. She had auburn length hair that was cut just above her shoulders and the greenest eyes. Compared to when she was in grade 4, Sakura's body had filled up in all the right places.
She surveyed herself in the mirror and looked at her watch.
"Not bad, five minutes. Next time I'll go for three." She murmured.
With that, she grabbed her backpack, rushed out her bedroom door, down the stairs and into the kitchen where her brother, Touya, was sitting at the table eating his piece of toast and her father, Fujitaka, was cooking pancakes.
"Not bad Kaiiju. Next time, maybe you should get up a bit earlier." Touya said.
Sakura stomped on his foot and ran for the door. "I'm not a Kaiiju!" she said before running down the street.
Sakura, being one of the best runners on her track team, decided to take up running to school instead of roller blading.
That way, she decided, it would be good exercise and practice for the track team.
In the distance, Sakura heard the school bell ring, signaling that she had 5 minutes before she would be late for class.
She ran faster.
The second bell rang just as Sakura reached the classroom. Sighing to herself, Sakura went and took a seat beside her best friend, Tomoyo and Tomoyo's boyfriend, Eriol.
Tomoyo turned and looked at her. "Looks like you made it on time Sakura."
"Good job," said Eriol, "Now all you have to do if try to be on time everyday."
Sakura stuck her tongue out at him and Tomoyo giggled.
Eriol just smiled.
Then the teacher walked in.
Eh? What happened to the old teacher? Thought Sakura. Terada-sensei must be sick or something.
The new teacher had messy, chestnut brown hair. He had a strong build and had amber eyes. He was dressed in a black suit and pants with a blue tie and a white shirt underneath.
"Good morning class. I will be your new teacher for the rest of the year. My name is Mr. Li." He turned around and wrote his name on the board. "Your old teacher decided that he was going to take a break from you kids seeing as you all need to be put in juvenile hall."
He had a deep voice that made all the girls in the class sigh and all the boys glare. All of them were whispering,
"Don't you think he's hot?"
"He's soo fine!"
"He can be my teacher any day!"
All of the girls, that is, except for Sakura. She was too busy trying to figure out what she had forgotten. It was on the tip of her tongue.
"Anderson, Peter?"
"Banker, Lulu?"
Now what was it that she had forgotten? Was it her homework? No, she had that. Did she forget to put on a piece of clothing? No she had everything with her.
"Daidouji, Tomoyo?"
"Dunlop, Gary?"
Was it her hair? No, it was fine. Did she feed Kero, her cat? Yes, two whole cans.
"Hirrigizawa, Eriol?"
"Hudson, Valerie?"
Did she have her lunch? - Oh no! She forgot her lunch! She left it at home.
Sakura started to panic.
"Kinomoto, Sakura?"
How was she going to eat? If she didn't have lunch then she wouldn't be able to concentrate in class, which meant that she was going to fail school.
"Kinomoto, Sakura?"
Which meant that she wouldn't get a good job, which meant that she won't be able have a good life, which meant that she wouldn't be able to afford food, which meant that she would die of malnutrition.
"Now that I have your attention Miss Kinomoto."
"Gomen-nasai, Mr..?"
"Li. If you were listening, then you would know that." He glared at her and she lowered herself into the seat.
"Would you like to share with the whole class what you found so interesting?" Then he came over to her desk and towered over Sakura. She slid lower into her seat.
"No, sir." She mumbled.
"What was that?" He said.
"No, sir" She said, a bit louder this time.
"Alright then, I suppose that next time you will listen to what is being said in class rather than daydream about your mysterious boyfriend." Then Li walked back to the front of the classroom and started talking again while Sakura was as red as a tomato.
A few of the girls started to snicker at her while Eriol and Tomoyo gave her sympathetic looks before paying attention to the teacher.
"Okay class, now that the introductions are over, we shall begin the lesson. Would you all please take out your homework from yesterday and put it on my desk. By the way, Miss Kinomoto, I will have you stay in at lunch and write 'I will not daydream in class.' 20 times. Since it is the first day of school, I will go easy on you, but I will be harder on you next time." Said Li, and he glared at Sakura again. This time Sakura glared back.
Li went on talking about what his expectations were for this year.
So much for getting a good start on the first day of school. Thought Sakura as she got out her pen and paper and started to write notes.
Yay! My first chapter!! I hope you guys all liked it. So, should I continue it or not? Give me suggestions for future chapters too okay? Luv y'all! *hugs* Okay, until next time!