Title: This Wasn't Supposed to Happen

Chapter: Home Sweet Home

Authoress: Dodge-This

Disclaimer: I own naught but Alexis.

Norrington woke with the sun, as he usually did, but not for the usual reason. He moaned as the sun reached his eyes igniting a flare of pain behind his lids.

He tried to roll over but felt his arm held down by something. He pulled on his arm some more. When it wouldn't budge he opened his eyes. In front of him lay the captain of the ship.

"Oh shit." Norrington groaned and snapped his eyes shut, counted to ten and opened them again. He looked over slowly. She was still there. Fighting against his throbbing headache he attempted to lift Alexis off of his arm.

Frustrating as ever, she rolled towards Edward, now laying half on top of him. He fell back to the bed and tried to see the upside to the situation.

It was this that Alexis woke up to. She looked over to the man she was currently atop and observed as he pondered something with a severe look on his face. Finally he came to a conclusion and announced it to the room in somewhat of a stage whisper, "At least the bed is comfortable."

Alexis nodded slightly and settled into his arm, "Quite, I picked it up on me first trip across th' Pacific, nice little store in Portugal, lovely linens as well." He yelped and jerked as she started speaking.

"Not so loud please," he said and raised his unoccupied arm to press firmly on his forehead. "How did I get in your bed, by the way?"

Alexis looked affronted and withdrew from him, huddling to one side of the bed, "You don't remember our wonderful night?" Norrington's mouth and eyes fell open, he remained that way for a few moments. Alexis broke eye contact as a smirk spread on her face, "Oh, you should see your face, love. Absolutely hilarious."

She fell to the bed and laughed until Edward came from his shock, scowling. "I shall never drink in your presence again. Scheming woman." He stood and pulled on him shirt which had been thrown over a chair last night.

Alexis stood from bed and stretched. "Ye say that now. Anyways nothing happened. Ye passed out last night so I dragged your sorry corpse up here for the night. Ye should be grateful."

He now stood properly clothed, "Of course, of course," He bowed mockingly, one hand still pressed to his head.

She stood and observed his condition before rifling through a trunk at the end of her bed. She emerged with a bottle. "Here, drink this." He looked at it suspiciously, "It's a remedy, I've built me tolerance, I don't need it anymore." He sighed and took it, draining the bottle and handing it back.

"You'll feel better in a quarter hour, come topside when you're ready." She left through the door as he lay down to sleep off the hangover.

Twenty minutes later Edward emerged from the Captain's Chambers feeling much better about life. The crew looked at him warily as he made his way across the ship, but moved on to the work at hand. He made his way to the helm and came up beside Alexis.

He waited for her to acknowledge his presence, but stopped to observe her when it was apparent she would not. After a few minutes waiting he cleared his throat. She snapped out of her daydream and turned to face him.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What shall I be doing today?"

She shrugged and turned her view back to the horizon, "Amuse yourself, ask one of the men fir work if you want it. We will be pulling into Tortuga late this afternoon. You are to yourself until then."

He nodded and made his way back to her quarters, he knew better from experience than to annoy a captain at work. He looked through her drawers for the sword she had given him for their first fight. Finding it, he pulled it out and made his way outside. He found a low traffic area on deck and set to practicing for a few hours as Alexis steered the ship.

After the ship had bumped the dock and the crew had tied it in they reported to the deck, assembling in front of Alexis. Once they all were present she bean speaking. She pointed to five men, "Ye will be selling off the loot from this trip, turn the profit back to th' ship." She turned, "Th' rest of ye will be replenishing the stores, you know what to do. When duties are done, the night is yours, be back by noon tomorrow."

The men dispersed to their duties and Alexis walked over where Norrington was waiting by the mast. "You're with me, you need a tour guide for your first trip through Tortuga. And I want to show you to daddy."

Norrington groaned as he was pulled off the ship with her arm linked through his. Alexis expertly wove her way through the town pointing to various taverns and notable pirates along the way. Eventually she paused in front of one pub, the Drunken Noble.

Alexis smirked over at Norrington and released his arm. She took off to the door and waved him after her. She paused inside the door and looked around, then moved to a gathering of people in one corner of the room.

Alexis shoved her way through the crowd of people to stand beside one man telling a story with sweeping hand gestures. Edward drew even with Alexis and waited for her to move.

One voice drifted over the din, "Then 'im and th' Royal Navy 'ad me cornered on the docks. I threw me irons 'round 'er neck." Norrington rolled his eyes, knowing how this would end.

Alexis laughed at the look on Norrington's face and moved to stand next to her father. "Telling our tales again are we?" She said loud enough to cut off his sentence.

Jack looked over in irritation at having been interrupted. He saw Alexis and he smiled widely. "Lexi! Where 'ave ye been?" He stood and shooed away his crowd, giving Alexis a bone crushing hug.

He waved her into a seat in the booth across from him, she moved towards the seat and then spoke, "Oh, I brought a friend by the way." She waved over Norrington. "Jack, this is Edward, Edward this is Jack."

Jack huffed at this, "Now what man be good enough fer me daughter?" He stared down Norrington as he took his seat next to Alexis. After he was seated Norrington raised an eyebrow waiting for Jack to make the connection.

Jack looked hard at Norrington and took a deep drink, then looked again, and then smirked at his daughter. "Now, luv, where on earth did ye find yerself a Commodore?"

Alexis laughed and motioned for a barmaid to get her and Norrington a drink, "About two day's sail out from Port Royal."

Jack trained his unsteady gaze on Norrington, "And ye let yer ship be taken by my little girl. My yer slipping in yer old age."

The drinks arrived, "I'll have you know I am thirty-one on the thirtieth of the month, thank you." He took a drink.

Alexis remembered something, "Speaking of which, where is your mother living?"

"Jewel Island, in one of the newer ports. She moved two years ago."

Jack looked on with a curious look, "What's happenin' with 'is mother?" His fingers spun to accentuate his words.

Alexis smiled at her father, "I promised ta have him home fer birthday dinner with his mum."

Jack drained his mug and motioned for another before looking at Alexis, "Already goin' ta meet th' parents? Well yer a grown woman, suppose tis yer right ta do what ye want."

Norrington sputtered, "I assure you Captain Sparrow, Alexis has no interest in me in that way."

Jack looked at Norrington, "Let's take a walk Edward, Lexi can amuse 'erself for a while can' she." He looked over for agreement, she nodded, "'right, let's walk boy." With that Jack stood from the table and drained his last mug for the night before swaggering out the door with a confused Commodore following him.

Norrington looked back to Alexis for some help. She just waved with a smile as he walked away.

Jack wordlessly made his way out to the beach swaggering haphazardly with the Commodore trailing behind him. As he reached the sand he flopped graceless on the ground and nodded for Norrington to do the same. He settled himself with a tad bit more dignity.

Jack spoke abruptly, "So, she fancies ye?"

Norrington looked on questioningly. "She hasn't given any indication that she does."

Jack fell to his back with hands gesturing in the air in front of him, "She didn't kill ye," Norrington nodded, "She didn't maroon ye," He nodded, "And she didn't drop ye off home with yer crew," Another nod, "She brought ye te meet me," Nod, "And she's taken ye te yer mother in th' next week?"

"Well, yes, but I don't see--" Norrington was cut off.

Jack cut him off with a meandering wave of his hand. "I'm sure there be a lot ye dun see." He paused, "Jest think of all th' time ye spend with yer eyes closed while you sleep." He paused again, "As well as blinkin'. A lot can happen in a blink's time."

Norrington tried to speak again, and Jack interrupted again as he stood, "My only point is, my daughter fancies ye. And I don't hate ye," He stared to the stars, "if ye stop with th' tryin' to hang me." Jack held out a hand to help Edward up. "Now let's get me some drinks. Savvy?"

Jack felt a little OOC in the bar, but felt better later.

Oh dear lord, I have not updated this in over a year and a half, I am so sorry you guys, stuff just kept getting in the way. I'm also sorry if this is a bad chapter or anything. I haven't written this story in a while, and I had a few projects in between.

ThereIsNoSp00n: Yeah, I read through my chapters again and I caught a bunch of mistakes, I'll fix them some time.

PookaSeraph: Hope you like it, I haven't written Jack in a while.

Anantsu: Haha, I know Norrington is so underrated, Marvel also has a few really good Norry fics.

Zenya Taki: Well I enjoyed incorporating it, so I hope the drunkenness fit well.

Commodores R Ppl 2: Yeah him and Alexis are totally gonna hook up.

Ultrahotpink: Sorry to keep you waiting!

carmen: Thanks for the compliments.

Hades'Queen: There, now I'm gonna try and keep this up and running.

teela1978: All shall be revealed.

FireFuryFlame: Sorry for the long wait, I've decided I don't wanna be one of those people who never finished their work.