"Welcome to Slytherin"

Author's Note: This chapter isn't as long as I'd hoped, but I'm sticking to my story plan for this fic. I don't want to turn it to break from that because I'll most certainly mess up the next few chapters trying to lengthen them as well. Anyway, we have our first introduction to Malfoy here.

Dinner following the sorting ceremony had been an awkward affair for Anita. Few of her fellow classmates spoke to her during the course of the meal. Instead most of them spoke in whispers to one another, presumably about her. The chuckles that came her way were very discomforting as well, along with the looks of pity she received from some members of the other houses.

"They'll eat her alive," she heard someone at another table comment."

"Poor girl," stated another.

She picked at her food, barely touching it. Even with this great feast before her, Anita was not in the least bit hungry. What was wrong with this bunch? She forced herself to finish a chicken leg and took a few bites of her potatoes. She'd need her energy later. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the professors announced that it was time for the prefects to lead all students back to their houses.

Anita shared a dormitory with three other girls. Helen Pratchett was the first she had encountered. Helen was a slim girl with an upturned nose. She had black hair which rested in perfect curls on her head, and perfect blue eyes to match. One might call them crystalline blue. As soon as they had arrived in the room this girl had made it clear exactly what she thought of sharing living space with a "mud blood." She immediately took the bed farthest from the door, whereas Anita had plopped onto the bed closest. A stouter looking girl followed her and claimed the next bed. Her trunk bore the name B. Looms and she gave her brown hair a toss as she gave Anita a cold look and turned away. Only the third girl offered her a smile.

"I'm Laurel King," the girl introduced herself. Her curly blonde hair was in a ponytail and she had dark green eyes.

"I'm Anita Kent," she replied as they both unpacked their trunks. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too. Say, do you fancy a game of chess?" inquired Laurel.

"I have to write a letter to my parents first," said Anita, "but I'd love to."

"Oh, so do I," said Laurel. "I'd nearly forgotten!"

Dear Mum and Dad,

            I'm doing fine here at school. I was sorted tonight and my house is called Slytherin. I'm the first person without wizard parents who's gotten into this house since anyone can remember. I hope that it's a good thing though. A few people have warmed up already, well one or two that is. It's only the first night though.

We get our class schedules tomorrow morning. I don't know how I'll ever find my way to them all. The castle is huge! There are all sorts of tricky things too. The staircases like to move around and some of the steps disappear even!

I met a girl on the train named Caera. We weren't put in the same houses, but maybe we will have classes together. I've made friends with Laurel too. She's in the same dormitory as me. We're going to have a game of chess in a minute after we've both written home. Tell Brian I said "Hi" and to keep his hands off my stuff. (I know he'll be leaving in a week for school too, but until then keep an eye on him!) I'll send this in the morning when I can find the Owlery. As far as I can tell owl post is pretty quick.

                                                                                                       Love you,


PS: Mum, can you send my copy of Catcher in the Rye? I was reading it the other night and forgot to pack it. It should be on my nightstand.

Anita sealed her letter just as Laurel had finished her own. They walked down to the common room together where Laurel proceeded to set up a wizard chess set.

"Do you play often?" asked Laurel.

"I used to play a lot with my brother," said Anita, "but the pieces didn't move or talk much."

"Oh, right," said Laurel, "Same rules though I should think."

"Yes," said Anita. "Black or White?"

"Black," said Laurel. "You go first."

            The game began and Anita found herself matched against a decent chess player. She tried to use the strategies  that she'd beaten her brother with at home. Rather than being distracted by the chess pieces that literally smashed each other, she was intrigued. It added a level of excitement to playing the game. Some of her pieces even gave her advice, though much of it was just useless pleading of "No, not me! Send him out!" or on the contrary "I'll take 'em out. Knight to E5, lass!"

            The game progressed as they matched their skills. They also carried on light conversation about which courses they hoped to have first. Laurel and Anita both agreed that Potions would be interesting, but for different reasons.

"I hear that Professor Snape favors his house," claimed Laurel.

"I used to be good at Chemistry in my old school," stated Anita.


Anita was just about to put Laurel's king in check, having already taken out her queen, when she sensed someone behind her. When she turned around a tall boy with white blonde hair stood there.

"Well, well, well," he said, "If it isn't our own little bit of diversity."

            Heads turned all around the common room and people stopped in the middle of what they were doing. Anita glared at the boy. She disliked him already.

            "And what do you want?" she demanded.

            "You should know," he replied, "that here you have to respect your betters."

            "If I saw any around here, I would," stated Anita calmly. "That all? I'm in the middle of a game."

            "No one disregards Draco Malfoy like that," he snarled, swiping the chessboard off the table. The pieces that lay on the floor began screaming protests. He took a step closer to her but she didn't back away.

Typical bully, she thought to herself.

            "It's a bad sign when you talk about yourself in third person," Anita said, "It shows you have an ego large enough to blind you from everything else. And by the way that was bloody rude."

            "Well aren't you a philosopher," Malfoy sneered. "We'll see how well you do here."

            "Thank you," she said without even looking at him. "I suppose we will."

            "Don't turn your back on me!"

            "I just did." She still didn't look up.

            "You're lucky it's only the first day," he stated.

            "Well thank you for your gracious behavior in that case, Draco," she said, "I'm sure I'll keep that in mind."

            Her brown eyes met his eyes of steel grey. They stared intensely for a second and Draco was first to break the gaze. He turned with a swish and skulked off.

            With that she stooped down to help Laurel collect the chess set off the floor. Laurel looked at her with wide eyes.

            "What?" inquired Anita.

            "Bloody hell," said Laurel. Her evident shock showed that she wasn't the type to normally curse.

            "I know," said Anita with a smirk. "And I was just about to win too."           

            "Anita," stated Laurel as they walked back into their dorm, "That was Draco Malfoy!"

            "Yeah, he told me," said Anita.

            "His father is Lucius Malfoy!"

            "What does that mean then?" asked Anita.

            "His whole family has a strong history in the dark arts. One of these days when you aren't expecting it you're going to wind up jinxed."

            Anita frowned trying to remember all she'd read on the dark arts. She knew it was nasty stuff. She'd also heard people say that the Slytherin house dwelled in it. Somehow Laurel didn't seem the type for that though. Anita knew that she herself had no knowledge or intention of it either.

            "What about your family?" asked Anita, "I mean they're pureblood right?"

            "Yes," said Laurel, "But certainly not involved in the dark arts! My Mum was a Slytherin and an Auror. Dad was a Ravenclaw."

            "That's not what I meant," said Anita. "I was just curious since everyone else seems to be waving their pedigree around. Hardly anyone can be Slytherin generations and generations back."

            "Except for Malfoy," said Laurel scornfully.

            "Yes," replied Anita, "Except for him."

            "You'll be careful around him won't you?" said Laurel, who sounded slightly worried.

            "I think I'll stay away from him," replied Anita as she grabbed some pajamas.

            "Good idea."

            "I know. That strong cologne he wears is probably toxic."

            The two girls giggled before climbing into their luxurious beds and drawing in the hangings. Anita fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow, despite the loud snores coming from Helen Pratchett- who in sleep was not so dainty.

*A.N.: Okay so tell me what you thought of that, guys. Reviews make me update much more quickly. I'm thinking of bringing back Andrew or Caera in the next chapter, possibly both? Hmm... We'll see how this goes. Input, input, input! That's what I want from the readers.