Miki-moon78: My first time writing a pokemon fanfic. The pokemon in my fanfic and talk okay? Not really any May/Brendan in this chapter but the next chap should have a lot. The pokemon can talk in this fic okay? And they are pokemon like Nidoqueen and Espeon and others. PLEASE REVIEW!

The plan for May and Brendan

Fiery- Blaziken (female) (fire)

Sparkle- Pikachu (female) (electric)

Twilight- Espeon (female) (physic)

Bubbles- Azumarill (female) (water)

Caramel- Beautifly (female) (bug/flying)

Bubblegum- Nidoqueen (female) (normal)

May was walking around Mauville Town with her pokemon and was talking to them.

She had just ran out of Wally's house after him and Brendan got into a fight. May knew the reason why.

She knew that both Wally and Brendan liked her. She liked Breandan. But she HATED Wally.

Well, not really hate but she could not stand him. Couldn't he see that she like Brendan? Actually, both boys did not know who she liked.

To her, she knew that her feelings grew after traveling with Brendan even though it was only after a short time. But now she already won all the gym badges and was still traveling with him.

And now, her feelings for Brendan grew. She now loved him. Not liked. LOVED.

Wally was the type that she would NEVER like. He was just not her type. To her, it's quite difficult to explain but all she knew, was that she did not like Wally.

But in the case of Brendan, every time she saw him, she would feel butterfly in her tummy. And sometimes she would stutter around him.

May knew she could just go and tell Wally to buzz off. But that would seem cruel now wouldn't it? She was in deep thought.

May's pokemon wanted May to go with Brendan. They tried to set them up couple of times but Wally would always barge in. All of May's pokemon hate Wally.

"Well May?" asked her pokemon Fiery. May snapped out of her thoughts "Have you decided who you like?"

"No Fiery, I already know who I like. it's just that I don't know if the person I like, likes me back." May answered.

Sure, May knows that Brendan loves her back. But she still was not too sure if he really did. to her, it was VERY difficult to explain.

"So why don't you just tell us who you like?" asked Bubblegum and Sparkle in unison.

"Besides May" said Caramel "If you tell us, we can tell if that person likes you"

"If that person who you likes does not like you back......." Bubbles trailed off.

"Then we or I will make sure that he will like you" Twilight finished off.

"Alright Alright." May finally said giving up "I'll tell you who I like."

All her pokemon cheered.

"BUT!!" May continued.

"But??!!" asked her pokemon in unison.

"But in return, you must tell me who YOU like. Deal?"

All her pokemon looked at each other. Thought for awhile. They looked up to the leader of the team who was fiery by the way. Fiery sighed and gave them a anything-for-our-trainer kind of look.

All of them sighed and finally they told May that they would.

"Okay!" May smiled. "But I can't tell you guys who I like here. Let's go to our secret base.

They all when to Fortree city. They went to route 119, surfed, when up the waterfall, used the Arch bike to jump and finally reached their secret base.

They all when in. "Okay May." Fiery said. "Tell us who you like."

May sighed. "No Fiery, it's love. Not like"

All her pokemon gasped. Her pokemon were shocked that she would fall of someone so deeply. They hoped that the person was Brendan.

"Well?" asked Her pokemon in unison. "Who do you love?"

May took a deep breath. "Brendan."

Her pokemon froze. They started to talk to each other.

"Why does that name sound so familiar" asked Bubbles to Bubblegum.

"Where had I heard that name before?" asked Sparkle to Caramel.

All of her pokemon again froze suddenly.

"Do you think that it's someone with the same name do you?" Twilight asked Fiery.

May sweatdropped. Her pokemon were so shocked that they forgot who Brendan was. She giggled and then said "YES YOU GUYS!! It is the same Brendan who we traveled with"

There was silence for a while...

All her pokemon started jumping around "Alright! We knew it!"

May sighed. "But I'm not sure if he really does like me.."

All of May's pokemon looked at each other, nodded, turned to her.

Firey smiled "Brendan likes. no loves you May. He always says that to his pokemon. And his pokemon always tells us"

May smiled. Then her smile turned into a smirk.

"Remember the deal?" she asked. "Tell me who you like now"

All her pokemon groaned.

"Fiery, you first." May smiled.

"What!?" Firey moaned "Why me?"

"Because I said so" May grinned.

"Okay. I like.." Fiery blushed "I like.. ugh. I CAN'T SAY IT!"

"Okay then. If you won't say it then I will" May said.

All of May's pokemon looked at her. May giggled "She likes Brendan's Swampert"

All of the pokemon gasped and looked at Fiery. Fiery was blushing and she was so glad that she had orange-red fur so they can't really see if she was blushing.

So in the end, they found out that May loved Brendan, Fiery likes Swampert, Twilight likes Brendan's Umbreon, Sparkle likes no one, Bubbles likes Brendan's lanturn, Caramel likes Brendan's Dustox and Bubblegum likes Brendan's Nidoking.

"You know you guys" May said "I would really like to go on a date with Brendan. But Wally will barge in."

Her pokemon gathered around May and told her what they planned.

Back to Wally house.

"Look at what you have done!" Brendan shouted to Wally. "You made May run away!"

"ME??!!" Wally shouted back "It was YOU!!"






They stopped as they saw May walking into the house with her pokemon close behind.

May saw Brendan and Wally looking at her. She just looked away and said before going into her room "My pokemon will explain" and the door slammed shut.

Wally and Brendan looked at each other then looked at May's pokemon.

All of Brendan's and Wally's pokemon looked at her pokemon too.

Fiery stepped out first "Ahem! You all heard what May said. So listen up. All pokemon, come here we need to discuss something. Brendan and Waillie-"

All of his pokemon glared at her.

"Fine. Brendan and Wally go outside" Fiery sighed.

"But!" Both Wally and Brendan said.

"OUTSIDE or do you want May to know that you are not listening to us when she told you all too?" Twilight said pointing over to Bubblegum who was going to knock on the door to May's room.

"OKAY OKAY!! Fine. We'll go" muttered Brendan. And they both left.


Miki-moon78: How was that? Don't worry. May will be together with Brendan. I really hate Wally so they will never be together. HEHEHE!! PLEASE REVIEW!!